Breaking Through the Clouds: 145.Chapter 145, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

Jiang Ting made a violent win, but he was heard that Shao pushed against the tree faster and harder. At the same time, he reached out and touched the inside of his right ear. He couldn’t help but whispered “Huh?”

——There is nothing inside the ear pinna.

He squeezed his left ear again with his backhand, tore off Yan Xiu’s dark gray cashmere scarf, and threw his hand down the hillside mercilessly. The cold wind made Jiang Ting shiver in an instant, and Wen Shao, despite the resistance, slammed into the inside of his shirt and touched his neck, but he was empty and touched nothing.

How is it possible?

In the command vehicle, Yan Xiu met the piercing gaze of the leaders at all levels of the vehicle, and calmly uttered two words: “No.”

“…What’s it?” Deputy Bureau Wei couldn’t help it: “Aren’t you always connected to the Jiang team channel? What do you mean?!”

“We have cut contact.”

In an instant, not only Wei Deputy Bureau, but also Yu Team, Chen Chu, Lu Bureau and others almost stood up: “What?!”

Three hours ago, the peak of the chess game—-

Wang Pengfei’s motorcade gradually appeared at the end of Panshan Road in the distance, while Jiang Ting stood alone on a high rocky cliff, holding a communication headset with one hand, and amidst the murmur of squalls and electric currents, only Yan Xiu carefully urged: “Arrived in the cloud After Zhongzhai, if the situation is not right or you feel dangerous, try to destroy or bury the contactor. The command center will send a group of people to sneak into Yunzhongzhai to search and rescue you. No matter what happens, I will come to you, understand. Already?”

The engine roars from far to near, Jiang Ting said: “Understood, I am waiting for you.”

Then he moved the tip of his hair to a position that just blocked the tip of his ear, and greeted the direction of the convoy.

Two hours ago, Yunzhongzhai——

Qin Chuan was distracted by Lao Cai. As soon as he turned his head, he saw Jiang Ting leaning close, almost touching his ear, and at the same time raising his hand to cover half of his face: “Wen Shao lets the old man Cai paid some money, so he would persuade him to have a peace of mind with the surname Wang…”

From any angle, Jiang Ting raised his left hand to just cover his mouth to prevent it from being overheard.

But what no one can find is that at the same time, his ring finger gently wiped the inside of his ear, and he took off the button connector without knowing it:

“Don’t be alone with the surname Wang along the way, lest he get into trouble—”

Qin Chuan’s upper body leaned back exaggeratedly. At the moment he was wrong, he didn’t see Jiang Ting’s ring finger passing by the corner of his mouth, as if he was holding something with his teeth.

“I said Team Jiang, you have a large number of adults, and you want to live a few more years if you are younger, so you can let me make a living…”

Jiang stopped at the same place with a face full of inexplicability, as if he didn’t understand what Qin Chuan’s sincere ridicule meant. Two steps away, a bodyguard was staring at Jiang Ting vigilantly, but he didn’t notice a slight movement of his throat, swallowing the button into his throat.


“Do you suspect that I am communicating with the police?” Jiang Ting turned his head, his eyes seemed to burn with anger: “What about the evidence? What news did I communicate? Or are you just trying to find fault with me?!”

This repressive posture made Wen Shao even more condescending. When looking at it from top to bottom, it was even a bit cold and inquiring.

But then the fierceness turned into a frightening tenderness.

“I don’t need to find any evidence, Jiang Ting.” He regretfully said, “Just as you know me, I know you too.”

Jiang Ting’s eyebrows twitched violently, but it was already too late—Wen Shao raised his palm and landed it on the back of his neck with precision. Jiang Ting only felt black in front of him!

“Back then, you said that it was your happiest and most anticipated day.” Wen Shao whispered, clinging to his cold ears, “I’m sorry, let you wait for so many years, you will soon be better .”

The **** setting sun melted the sky, and two children by the stream were walking barefoot on the water, and the evening breeze went straight to the sky with clear laughter, reflecting the shining Venus star.

“Why are you always so happy?”


“But you seem to be very happy.”

“That’s because I can see you!” The little boy splashed out a handful of water, and giggled as his friend dodged: “Every day is the happiest day for me after knowing you!”

It’s not like that, it’s not at all–

Jiang Ting’s consciousness quickly disappeared. He tried his best to reach out to the happy and playful little boy in the void, but he missed it in a minute.

The next moment he closed his eyes and fell into the dark abyss.


Jiang Ting collapsed silently and was caught immediately. Wen Shao leaned towards his breath and pulse, and after a few seconds he relaxed a little.

He slid Jiang to stop, but he didn’t feel any weight. He saw that the blood in the throat that was covered by the scarf had turned purple and black, and he couldn’t help but sighed lovingly, muttering: “It’s so pitiful. “

Jiang Ting was unaware, and his eyebrows were still frowning in his sleep.

Wen Shao didn’t mind, so she carried him down the steep slope, and saw Qin Chuan lead someone from the factory warehouse far away, and quickly stepped forward and said briefly: “It’s done over there.”

“What reason did you come out with?” Wen Shao asked as he walked.

“I said that the inspector weighed one less weight, and asked Jin Jie to ask for two. Otherwise, the wrong weight might kill people.”

Wen Shao nodded.



Qin Chuan seemed a bit hesitant to speak, but still said: “There are two of us brothers in the warehouse…”

Wen Shao laughed and asked: “If all of our people come out, will Wang Pengfei still stay inside?”

Qin Chuan was speechless for a while.

There is a jeep parked on the open ground in the distance, and the driver has already been waiting for him. Qin Chuan took two steps and opened the rear door.

Wen Shao leaned over and parked Jiang, who was unconscious, into the back seat, then pulled out a pair of handcuffs from his debris pocket, and snapped his wrists.

“If I didn’t bring them out, they would have died in Wa State a few years ago.” Wen Shao clapped his hands and said, “The longer you do this, you will find out. Sometimes you won’t die. People can’t do it.”

Wen Shao may be relatively young. As a boss, most of the time, it seems that she doesn’t have much air.

But it just seems, he will always reflect the real and cruel side in some careless details.

Qin Chuan nodded and said yes, and said no more, turning sideways to make way for Wen Shao.

But at the moment he turned sideways, the handle of the gun holster in the back waist was exposed from under the jacket, and Wen Shao’s eyes fell on it, as if he had found something, his eyelids suddenly twitched.

In an instant, Qin Chuan turned around, lowered his head and asked: “What should I do next, is it still going according to plan?”

Wen Shao was standing next to the jeep, and across the car window was Jiang Ting, who was unconscious in the back seat. He did not immediately answer the subordinate’s request, but he indulged for a moment before instructing the driver: “Don’t panic and run. When he wakes up, he will drive out. The route has been given to you.”

The driver speaks in Burmese: “It’s the boss, I know how to do it!”

Qin Chuan, who was standing on the side, knew very well that this meant to let Jiang park in the car to watch the whole process.

Wen Shao then walked towards the factory area, took out the cigarette case as he walked, smoked a cigarette, and handed it to Qin Chuan.

“I quit,” Qin Chuan declined without hesitation.

Wen Shao seemed a bit funny, but didn’t insist, so he lit a cigarette: “You are not as calm as Jiang Ting.”


“Jiang stopped happily when I gave him a cigarette for the first time. He never asked for it, but he never refused. Look at them.”

Qin Chuan laughed: “Boss, it’s not about being calm, it’s about being unwilling. But I just want to earn money and protect my life. From the very beginning, the demands are different. How can I put aside a comparison?”

Wen Shao glanced at him with his head tilted, a smile appeared on his face.

“—Hey,” he asked suddenly, “Do you remember your mother?”

Qin Chuan did not keep up with the speed of his topic change, “Of course I remember. Why?”

“It’s just a question, I don’t remember.” Wen Shao pointed to the jeep behind him, which meant Jiang Ting: “He should remember all of them, but he never said it, hiding it. It’s.”

Qin Chuan thought for a while before he said: “Maybe it’s not important anymore. And it’s already a thing of the past. It’s useless to mention it.”

Wen Shao said nothing.

The drug lord in front of him put his hands in his pockets, stepped over the rugged stone block, and did not hesitate to walk steadily. From his back, there is absolutely no clues of emotions, no emotions, no signs of continuing to act according to the original plan.

Qin Chuan’s palm was slightly damp, he pinched it hard, and coughed with just the right amount of doubt and hesitation:

“By the way, I didn’t say that I was asked to call that–“

At this time, they have already walked to the front of the factory. Dark green aluminum alloy tents stood under the sky, lit with dots of light, and the mountains and trees surrounding them were lush and deep, and the cold wind passed by. Swaying, like countless withered arms waving in the dark.

Wen Shao suddenly stopped.

Qin Chuan’s voice stopped abruptly, and he also stopped.

“You used to be a policeman,” I heard Shao smiled. “You said that if the police are staring at us, where should they set the ambush?”


A hundred meters away, in the telescope, two figures are standing in front of the warehouse. They can vaguely tell that they are talking from their movements.

But the distance is too far to monitor the content of the conversation.

“A91 observation point calls the command vehicle, call the command vehicle.” “The main target and the same person reappear in the observation range, please indicate!”

Several provincial and departmental experts and directors looked at each other, and Lu Ju grabbed the microphone: “Is the accomplice a ‘nail’?”

“No.” The special police observer in the canopy immediately denied, “I will post the scene map!”

With a click, the scene image was buffered inch by inch on the satellite screen of the command vehicle, and everyone looked forward to it. Huang Xing immediately began to sharpen the image without the order of Lu Ju, but the operation was not completed here. Lu Ju, Wei Deputy Ju and others also recognized who the same person next to Wen Shao was:

“Qin Chuan?!”

“…Where is the nail?” Chen Chu lost his voice, “Where is the nail person?!”

Lu Ju turned his head suddenly, without any surprise, Yan Xiu’s solemn expression was exactly the same as his own. As soon as the eyes of the two policemen, young and old, collided, Lu Ju made a gesture.

Yan Xi nodded, turning around and rushing off the command car without saying a word.

“Team Strict!”

“Brother Yan!”

Gao Panqing, Ma Xiang and others rushed in from outside the security ring, and saw Yan Xiu with the wind, holding the gun in one hand and opening the police car door with the other hand. Ma Xiang had only time to grab the co-driving glass: “How strict? Brother? Lu… how is Brother Jiang?”

“It is almost confirmed that the exposure, we need to rush to the scene immediately.” Yan Xiu said solemnly, without looking back into the car door: “Go!”

In just a few seconds, the prepared police cars turned on their headlights, the engines let out a dull roar, and they rushed out of the cordon!

“What if it were me?” Qin Chuan calmed down from a brief period of incomprehension, squinted his eyes, and passed for several minutes before saying: “At twelve o’clock in front of us, at two o’clock in the northeast, the rock in the mountain stream Under the formed gap, as well as the bottom of all tree pits where the line of sight is blocked… these are points where you can ambush.”

“Then if you were me, what are you going to do?” Wen Shao asked.

Qin Chuan did not hesitate: “Set fire to the mountain.”

The two looked at each other, Qin Chuan’s eyes gleaming coldly and firmly behind the lens.

Every second seems to be stretched too long, Qin Chuan wears very little, but the back of his neck oozes fine sweat, and the wind blows cold to his bones. But he still looked straight back at the moody drug lord in front of him. After smoking a cigarette, Wen Shao finally threw the cigarette **** and smiled: “You are too ruthless with this method!”

The breath finally came out of Qin Chuan’s throat, he also laughed, and pushed his knuckles on the frame, “Then I will do it now?”

The angle of his tail is very cleverly grasped. It doesn’t seem too urgent, but also very honest and frank. If Wen Shao really nodded and said a good word, he would definitely turn around and move the gasoline can immediately.

“No,” Wen Shao said lightly, “I have sent someone to clean the neighborhood. Even if the police are staring here, the nearest observation point can only be set at…”

He raised his chin forward.

——This action was faithfully reflected in the focus of the telescope. An observer moved and almost silently asked the comrades ambushing beside him: “Is this person looking at us?”

“Fuck,” the special policeman whispered, “what is he doing?”

“All other places are clean except there. That is to say, the police’s observation angle and scope are very limited, and even if the operation team risked exposure to ambush at the forefront, from the beginning of the operation to the rush to the scene , It also takes at least six minutes.”

Qin Chuan’s face was strange when he heard these short words.

“What’s wrong with you?”

“…nothing,” Qin Chuan said slowly, “just thinking…fortunately, I have never fought you against you all these years as a policeman.”

Wen Shao seemed very happy: “Of course you don’t. Only Jiang Ting is committed to arresting me.”

He kept his hands in his trouser pockets since he threw away his cigarette butt, and he didn’t know what he was holding. It is this dangerous unknown that has kept Qin Chuan in an extremely tight state from just now to now, but at this moment he finally saw him move, holding a piece of paper in his left hand, sticking out of his trouser pocket, and shaking in front of Qin Chuan: ” Take it.”

——On the note was a string of mobile phone numbers.

Thump! With a loud sound, the heart held in the throat finally fell back into the chest cavity.

“…Okay,” Qin Chuan took the note and put it in his chest pocket: “When I receive the signal, I will call this number immediately.”

Wen Shao nodded and patted Qin Chuan on the shoulder:

“We have known each other for more than ten years, and we have always trusted each other very much. I hope your ability can match this trust at a critical time.”

Qin Chuan nodded, Wen Shao smiled: “Go.”

Qin Chuan answered succinctly and walked towards the production plant in the distance. Wen Shao squinted his eyes and stared at him as he drifted away. He slowly took out the phone from his right trouser pocket and dialed a number after a few tens of meters away:


The call is Ajie: “Big Brother?”

Wen Shao turned and walked to the warehouse where Wang Pengfei and his party had entered just now. He didn’t care that he was showing his back to the observer in the ambush. He only heard him ask, “You gave him the gun Qin Chuan today?”

I don’t know what Ajie explained on the other end of the phone, Wen Shao narrowed his eyes, and bleeding faintly appeared in his pupils that were dark as the abyss.

“I see. You will follow my schedule later…”


In the telescope, Wen Shao led people into the warehouse of the black hole, and then several horsemen armed with guns closed the aluminum alloy door together.

“Report the command vehicle! Report the action team!” The observer hurriedly said: “The main target enters the scene, and the transaction begins!”

Chen Chu clenched his fists and nodded his head, Lu Ju’s calm voice sounded simultaneously in every speeding police car, every ambush waiting for the special police, and every communication channel within a radius:


The sky faded and night fell. Looking down from a high place, dozens of criminal police and special police teams emerged from the mountains and forests, rushing from all directions to the mountainside under the cover of darkness——

At the same moment, in a warehouse locked by all police forces.

Slap! Wang Pengfei finally couldn’t help but fell the tea cup, and Huo Ran got up and said angrily: “Where is that surname Qin? Will the king of spades come? No, I said that even if you have blue gold, you can’t do this, let the buyer hang out here. What do you want to do?!”

The two bodyguards Qin Chuan brought in also looked at each other and knew nothing. The older one took out his cell phone and wanted to make a call to ask, but then: “Huh?”

“What’s wrong?”

“No signal.”

Lao Cai stood behind Wang Pengfei. For some reason, his heart beat so fast, his face almost changed color, and he immediately pinched his thigh in secret, stabilizing the unreasonable tremor.

“We honestly brought the money and brought people over to trade! Just say if you don’t want to do business, and play with me, Wang?!” Wang Pengfei ignored the bodyguard and walked towards the door: “I’m going out to find your boss. Moving a large product is so slow? Are you trying to move a container?!”

Lao Cai hurried to catch up: “Hey boss, boss, wait a moment…”

Wang Pengfei slapped him: “Don’t stop me! It’s a big deal, don’t do business, Wang can’t bear this waiting—”

His voice stopped abruptly, his yellow eyes blinked twice, and he asked suspiciously: “What sound?”

The warehouse was suddenly quiet, and the dim lights were extinguished, only to hear the screaming and screaming wind of the mountains outside.

“…uh-uh uh…”

The sharp sound of crying and laughter permeated a little bit from the silence. Not only Wang Pengfei, but even his Ma Zi suddenly got goose bumps: “This, what is this movement?”


“Who is pretending to be a ghost there?” Wang Pengfei got angry, and suddenly caught a glimpse of a dark corner in the depths of the warehouse. His anger rose from his heart to the courage, and he rushed over without thinking: “Who, for me Come out!”

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