Breaking Through the Clouds: 136.Chapter 136, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

KTV in the Palace of the Night

“You must love when you die–not to be incisive and unhappy–“

Yan Xiu walked into the box, waved his hand to let the waiter retreat, then closed the door with his backhand, and the sounds of various ghosts and wolves in the corridor outside suddenly became quieter.

Several empty wine bottles were scattered on the coffee table, and half of the table was scattered with cigarette butts and lemon peel. Yang Mei curled up bare feet on the sofa, with one hand on her forehead, her hair dangled, and the white mink slipped off her snow-white shoulders and spread it out on the sofa armrest.

“How?” As soon as the door here closed, she immediately raised her red and swollen eyes and asked in a hoarse voice.

Yan Xiu didn’t answer, picked up only half of the wine bottle, cut a small slice of lemon and stuffed it into the mouth of the bottle, drank two mouthfuls before wiping his mouth and shaking his head.

Yang Mei sat up straight: “What do you mean?”

“There was news from Myanmar that the local police in Shan State, who surrounded the temples in the Gade mountainous area, encountered a counterattack during the round up and suffered heavy casualties. Jin Jie and the others broke out.”

Yang Mei’s face turned pale.

“Wu Tun was taken away by the king of spades, and Jiang Ting is also there.”

There was a dead silence in the box, Yang Mei’s lipstick fading lips trembled slightly, and Yan Xi was standing in the middle of the room, drinking a full bottle of wine in one mouthful, and then gently placing the empty bottle on the coffee table.

“You drink less, don’t stay up late, eat more.” Yan Xiu calmly said, “Your body is your own, so it needs to be well maintained.”

“…Are you not in a hurry?” Yang Mei trembled in disbelief and asked, “Brother Jiang fell in the drug dealer’s den. Death is still miserable… You are not in a hurry? You can still eat and sleep?! Do you know how perverted and terrifying is the king of spades?! He is simply a natural antisocial——”

“I know. But there is nothing we can do. You have to recognize this fact.”

Yang Mei stared at him as if she had never known Yan Xiu.

“The most difficult thing for people is to accept their incompetence. No matter how anxious, no matter how anxious, no matter how much we can’t eat, we can’t sleep at night, we can’t make the slightest improvement to the status quo. There are always some people doing things that you can’t help. Taking care of yourself is the greatest comfort to them.”

Yang Mei’s red eyes reappeared with water: “But, but…”

Yan Xi sighed, reached over the coffee table, and rubbed the top of Yang Mei’s messy hair.

“Only by forcing yourself to be in the best condition at all times, can you seize it when the opportunity comes. Even if it is just the slightest, it may become the final turning point, you know?”

Yang Mei sat in a daze, but Yan Xiu smiled and stood up again.

Compared with the time when Yang Mei first saw him, he has changed a lot during this period. Yang Mei still remembers that he was handsome, walking with wind, bounced off the Swiss Army knife, slapped his shirt on the counter, and arrogantly said that I would order a **** Mary, and now you will throw a scoop of black dog blood on me. Awe-inspiring arrogance overflowed from every pore of his body, and he walked like an automatic luminous body in the nightclub of drunken gold fans.

But now that brilliance has settled down, becoming deeper and more introverted, turning into a calming aura hidden in the bones. Only the slight lines of time that ran down the corner of his eyes could vaguely show a hint of emotion.

“I’m going back,” Yan Xi nodded, and turned to walk to the door.


Yan Xi paused.

“Brother Jiang…Brother Jiang has been waiting for you.” Yang Mei looked at his slender and sturdy back, choked up and asked: “You will take him back, right?”

“Even if he doesn’t wait for me, I will bring him back.” Yan Xiu said lightly, opening the door and walking out of the box.


In the early morning in the mountains and forests, thousands of birds hummed together, and the morning mist gradually faded to the upper half of the mountainside, and water vapor drifted in the verdant jungle at the foot of the mountain. The jeep convoy at the entrance of the village was connected head to tail, and dozens of horses moved back and forth between the big house and the convoy, all of which were knives, guns, ammunition and boxes of “white goods”.

Jiang stopped in the shade of the trees, with a jacket over his shirt shoulders, and saw two bodyguards dragging an inhuman figure around—that was Wu Tun.

Wu Tun’s khaki-colored monk’s clothes were covered in blood, and one robe was empty and his entire face was black and gray, and he couldn’t tell whether he was alive or dead. Jiang Ting stared at him indifferently from far to near. When he got closer, he suddenly saw Wu Tun’s eyelids roll up, his eyes rolled out of his pupils, and he stared at Jiang Ting like a ghost.

In an instant, the two of them collided, and Jiang Ting lowered his gaze, his eyes were completely indifferent.

“#¥%#!” The Burmese bodyguard cursed a few words, and threw Wu Tun into the back seat.

Jiang Ting turned and walked towards the big house, and stopped before he could even take a step—I don’t know when someone stood behind him.

It’s Ajie.

Ajie’s camouflage pants in a black vest, arms folded, his arm muscles look exceptionally vigorous, and his light brown skin is full of pale white scars. He was scratched by shrapnel during the police round up last night. He was only wearing a fingerless glove and a bandage on the other hand, with dark, coagulated blood faintly showing through the edges.

The two looked at each other for a few seconds, Jiang Ting turned sideways to leave, but Ajie grabbed his elbow when he passed by.

“It was you last night?”

Jiang Ting tilted his head, a little farther away, his eyes were clear, and it was clearly silent: “Are you sick?”

“The police just caught up to that time, and they happened to be stuck on the hillside where I was ambushing. Coincidentally, they also prepared high-powered machine guns. We all know the procedures of the local military and police in Shan State. Without layered reports and approvals, it is impossible to obtain such heavy firepower weapons, which means that the police have obtained our action plan for a long time.”

Ajie leans slightly, almost sticking to Jiang Ting’s ear, and gently said: “Is that you?”

Although it is an interrogative sentence, it is completely declarative.

Not far away, many people in the convoy peeked at them, but didn’t dare to look more, and quickly looked away.

Jiang Ting said: “If you are sick, go and treat.” Then he pulled out his elbow forcefully and walked towards the village.

However, the next second he was strangled from behind, and Ajie just half helped and half dragged him towards the bushes. Jiang Ting staggered back with his footsteps and almost tripped over the bushes. It was not until he walked off the dirt road that he was pushed behind the tree, and then his neck was pinched by a strong hand.

The two are no more than half an inch apart, and Ajie’s warning is low and cold: “I was killed last night, but I can’t have another time.”


“I don’t know what the big brother thinks, but you don’t really do things, we can all see that. Honestly, it’s better to have a good life than to toss and lose your life, understand?”

Jiang Tinghui looked directly at him calmly: “Do you have evidence?”

Ajie doesn’t answer.

Of course there is no evidence. The fierce gunfight took place like lightning, and it ended hurriedly after a few minutes. There was no time or conditions to capture any Shan State police. All questions were based on suspicion.

The corners of Jiang Ting’s lips slowly stirred up a subtle and ridiculous arc: “Besides…”

Ajie was puzzled, but saw him raise his eyebrows, and asked with that smile softly: “…Even if you have evidence, what about it?”


At that moment, Ajie’s palm subconsciously forced, Jiang Ting got stuck in his neck, trachea spasm, and suddenly choked!

Not long after he had pneumonia, this cough was so earth-shaking that even the blood star choked out. Ajie was slightly startled, and hurriedly let go, only to see Jiang Ting kneeling on the ground, holding the ground with one hand, covering his lips with the other, his shoulders trembling violently.

“…” Ajie took a half step before he was steady: “What’s the matter with you?!”

“Cough! Cough, cough-cough!”

The cough suddenly stopped, Jiang Ting seemed to squirt from his throat, and he saw bloodshot from between his fingers!

“…come! Coming!” Ajie rushed towards the dirt road, shouting to a few Ma Tsai who came up: “Call the doctor in the stockade, hurry!”


In half an hour.

Jiang Tingheyi leaned on the back seat of the off-road vehicle and closed his eyes slightly. The only Burmese doctor in the nearby Shiliba Township was talking to a bodyguard. After a while, the bodyguard nodded to signal that he understood, and said briefly in Chinese: “He said there is no big problem, but you should smoke less.”

Jiang Ting opened his eyes and exhaled, mocking: “Nonsense.”

The Burmese doctor looked dazed.

Jiang Ting gave up and asked the bodyguard casually: “I’m thirsty, is there warm water?”

The bodyguard nodded and wanted to leave, but saw that the doctor was still slowly packing the box and Fang Pian J’s instructions sounded, so he hesitated. But for a while, Jiang Ting coughed again with his fist against his lips. The bodyguard turned to think about it anyway. One of these two couldn’t speak Burmese and the other couldn’t listen to Chinese, so he turned away safely.

He got out of the car with his front foot, and Jiang Ting suddenly raised his eyelid.

The doctor who was sitting on the side just now slowly packing up the medicine box was about to get up, but Jiang Ting said softly, “Don’t move, don’t look at me.”

It was obviously Chinese, but the doctor lowered his head like a mirror, and still packed his things.

“Eighty miles east of Mao Village, Yaoshan, S Province, China, there are’new goods’ underground. A week later, we will trade with the’Hawker’.” Jiang Ting remained sitting still, head tilted inward, looking out of the car window Without the slight closing of his lips, his voice was as soft as a whisper, but the weight of each word was astonishing:

“Very urgent.”

The doctor tapped his finger three times on the box, indicating that he knew it.

Jiang Ting said: “Be careful.”

The doctor picked up the packed medicine box and got off the car, and finally vomited three hoarse and awkward Chinese characters: “You too.”

The car door opened and closed, and the small space around was quiet again, as if nothing had happened. Jiang Ting was leaning against the window of the car. After a while, a bodyguard came to deliver water. He took the medicine with the water as usual, and suddenly remembered something:

“By the way, what time is this, when will we leave?”

“Some things haven’t been counted yet…” The bodyguard was unknown.

Jiang Ting seemed a little impatient: “Go ask Wen Shao.”

The bodyguard had to take his orders.

Jiang Ting continued to stay in the car with his eyes closed, his facial muscles relaxed, and his expression calm and calm. Even if a professional psychologist came with a magnifying glass, it was impossible to find the slightest tension or anxiety on his face.

However, time passed, and the bodyguard had walked for more than half an hour in a blink of an eye, but there was no sign of coming back to reply at all. Jiang Ting finally opened his eyes and looked out the window, only to see the crowd gathered in twos and threes in the open space near the village not far from the motorcade, and it seemed that something was wrong.

…Something happened?

Jiang Ting narrowed his eyes, and while he was still pondering, the car window behind him suddenly knocked twice. When he turned his head, he saw that the car door was opened from the outside, but it was not the bodyguard who appeared outside the door—it turned out to be Qin Chuan!

As if some kind of worst premonition came true, Jiang Ting’s heart sank suddenly, but there was nothing strange on his face: “What’s the matter?”

Qin Chuan has a faint look different from usual, and he did not pretend to greet him, and directly made a “please” gesture: “Come with me.”

Jiang stopped unmoved: “What’s the matter?”

The two stood and sat down, facing each other for a while, and finally Qin Chuan slowly smiled:

“The village doctor just used his mobile phone to send a message, and I was caught. The king of spades told you to ask a few words in the past.”

In an instant, Jiang Ting’s pupils were extremely dilated!

But then he calmed down, got off the station in front of Qin Chuan, and straightened his collar. Then he said in a deep voice, “Okay.” Then he walked to the big house first.



The loud whip pierced the air, making the eardrums tight. The paulownia wood floor of the big house was soaked in blood and shiny, the village doctor was beaten all over, and he didn’t even have the strength to get up. Then there was another whip—pop!

Blood spray splashed on the ground, and the thugs grabbed the collar of the village doctor: “What did you post? Who told you?!”

“…” The village doctor said vaguely a few Burmese words.

That should not be the answer that the thugs hoped to get, because he was smashed to the ground with his head pressed, and the torturer slapped it over, just listening! With a sound, the village doctor spewed out a few broken teeth!

“Don’t tell me? What did you send out?!”

“He took a cell phone and hid it on the mountainside. It was too late when Qin Chuan found out with a few people. He threw the cell phone into the mountain stream. Then they went up to search and found the Burmese police in the valley. The signal enhancer.” Spades K paused, and slowly said: “Ajie has arranged for the villagers to go down to fish for mobile phones.”

The network signal in the village is extremely poor, and in many cases the only way to communicate with the outside world is through on-board satellite communications, but the information can be intercepted by the fleet. If the Burmese police enter this area, they can only carry their own communication equipment.

Jiang Ting looked at the village doctor who was rolling on the ground like a blood gourd, “Can you find it?”

“The discovery is also fragmented, and the possibility of data recovery is unlikely.”


“Jiang Ting,” the king of spades looked at him gently and honestly, “they said that the last person the doctor had been alone before he passed the news was you.”

Jiang stopped silent.

“What do you want to say to me?”

Except for the louder and louder whipping and the more and more dumb screams, no one made a sound in the surroundings. But the eyes of the rest of the bodyguards who couldn’t help but glanced over here could not conceal them, and they flickered, full of treacherous murderous intentions.

After a long time, Jiang Ting smiled slightly, with self-deprecating eyes: “What do you want me to say?”

The king of spades said: “It doesn’t matter if you express your position, clarify, explain, beg for mercy, or quibble, you don’t care what you want to say. My brother, I can’t play too many tricks.”

“That’s because you have already convicted me in your heart, so you don’t need anything, right?”

Wen Shao looked at him with a smile.

Jiang Ting didn’t bother to talk with him any more, and went straight forward. At this time, the thugs were hitting the whip, and sturdily poured a scoop of blood and minced meat on the wall. The village doctor who had been unable to make a sound even twitched and screamed!

The layers of blood infiltrated every brick in the house, every inch of the wall joints, dyed the sand, soil and cement into a never-fading purple red.

Jiang Ting squatted down, the village doctor didn’t know how many bones he had broken, and his body was distorted so as not to be human, and the **** sound of “hoho” kept coming from his throat.

“Tell me,” Jiang Ting said flatly.

The village doctor lost his sight.

“They believe that the person connected with you is me. When people are willing to believe something, no amount of evidence is important. So if you confess me, you can not only live longer, but also protect the police. Undercover.”


“However,” Jiang Ting’s voice changed, and he continued with a very slight voice that everyone could hear: “You have been lurking in the village for so long, but today you were suddenly found out. Could it be you Isn’t there any doubt in my mind? Is it just a coincidence of running out of luck, or because of other private reasons that you can’t imagine? You have to think about it.”

The expression on the village doctor’s blood-stained face seemed to have changed in some way.

Jiang Ting said: “I don’t think you can survive today like this, but even if you are on the road, do you have to be a ghost——what do you think?”

Everyone in the room looked different, only heard the village doctor’s heavy gasps. After half a cigarette, I heard the village doctor intermittently and extremely laboriously squeeze out a sound: “…pen…pen…”

His tooth has been knocked out, and his speech is very strenuous.

As soon as the king of spades winked, his men immediately sent a pen and paper.

The village doctor grabbed the pencil with his blood-filled hand, and at that moment an extremely warm light burst from the depths of his pupils, and he glanced at Jiang Ting with all his might. Then he turned over and lay down in front of the white paper on the ground, slowly raising his head and scanning everyone’s face in this room.

As if feeling something, these bodyguards who were accustomed to seeing dead people turned out to be a little chilly. Several people even shivered under their clothes, and then the village doctor’s eyes stopped.

——It settled on Qin Chuan’s face in the crowd.

There was burglary and talk, and suddenly I saw the village doctor lifted up, and his heart-piercing roar exploded like thunder: “——Say a good thing and go back and ask for a reward. You think that if you kill me, no one will be able to stare at me. Live you? Traitor!!!”

Qin Chuan was stunned.

“You must not die! You must not die! You must not die–!!!”

Suddenly there was a town, and the air was silent. Immediately afterwards, no one thought that the village doctor moved so fast and so cruel, holding a pencil in both hands and piercing his throat heavily!

The blood was centered on the throat, criss-crossed down, and quickly accumulated red blood puddles on the ground. In the next second, the village doctor lost his life and smashed the corpse on the ground. After two convulsions, he stopped moving.

He didn’t feel any pain anymore, and his soul was freed from the torture of life worse than death, and floated into the void.

However, his eyes were wide open, as if he wanted to continue to look at something more important than life and death in this world.

“…” There was dead silence all around.

Jiang Ting lowered his head, as if shocked.

“That…” Qin Chuan’s voice finally rang for a long while, spreading his hands at the king of spades, with a face full of inexplicable expressions: “Although I want to express my innocence… But his logic simply doesn’t make sense. You don’t need me to explain, everyone understands, right?”

The king of spades didn’t speak.

Jiang Ting stood up slowly, almost using all his strength to let go of the fingers pinched into his palm under his sleeves, and did not say a word.

Everyone looked unpredictable, and there seemed to be some paradoxical force gradually evacuating the oxygen, and holding everyone’s lungs into an extremely distorted shape.

The stalemate lasted for several minutes, and finally Qin Chuan sighed and murmured: “Well, it seems that there is indeed one more suspect now…Who will tell me what to do next? I’ve never experienced anything like this. It’s so **** exciting.”

The king of spades beckoned, Jiang Ting stepped forward and stopped without saying a word.

“This kind of thing does happen occasionally, but fortunately we have a way to tell the truth.” The king of spades has an unusually calm tone, as if the dead body on the ground did not cause him any emotional impact at all. Then he added:

“In other words, the two of you have one last chance to vindicate yourself.”

Qin Chuan tilted his head to look at Jiang Ting, who only stared at his feet.

The King of Spades raised his chin to his confidant bodyguard: “What I prepared just now, get another copy and bring it up.”

The bodyguard went away and appeared again at the door of the big house after a while, but this time he held a tray in his hand.

“I know you are more resistant to this, but this is the last way I can choose. Don’t worry, just a little bit, it won’t kill the beginner immediately.”

The bodyguard strode over the threshold and approached. As the things in his hands became clearer and clearer, the expressions of Jiang Ting and Qin Chuan were uncontrollable.

The syringe contains a slightly turbid, light white liquid. Although it is only a few milliliters, anyone who has been exposed to drugs will never be unfamiliar with it——

That is hero|in.

The King of Spades stood in place with his arms folded and looked at the two of them in turn, seemingly regretful: “Should I have someone help, or do you do it yourself?”

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