Breaking Through the Clouds: 110.Chapter 110, the fastest update to the latest chapter of Poyun!

Ten minutes later, Yan Xiu trot back from the stone road under the moonlight with two steaming plastic bags.

“What are you doing!” As soon as Yan Xiu opened the passenger door, he raised his chin at Yang Mei arrogantly: “Go, sit in the back, the front seat is mine!”

“…” Yang Mei looked at Yan Xi’s nearly 1.9-meter tall, and swallowed up to the back seat.

Yan Xiu got into the car immediately, put the scented plastic bag on Jiang Pao’s knees, triumphantly cocked his tail and said: “Look at my husband specially…no, just drop in while holding the lighter. What did you bring?”

Jiang Ting opened the plastic bag with an unstoppable smile.

The dim car lights reflected two boxes of oily red pepper-fried bacon and several homemade homemade steamed buns.

Originally, I went to eat in the county town, but now it’s no longer necessary. A few people are sitting in the car while driving on the heating to eat steamed buns and bacon, and the car windows are covered with white fog.

“Take two more bites. You are not in good health. Don’t be afraid of oil.” Yan Xi took a wet tissue and carefully wiped the corners of Jiang Ting’s oily mouth. The corner of Jiang Ting’s eyes glanced at the back seat, and Yang Mei lowered her head to eat. Calling the ground, he suddenly tilted his head and quickly pressed a kiss on the inside of Yan Xi’s tough wrist.

It was just a brief contact between lips and skin, but Yan Xiu’s heart suddenly became numb, as if countless small electric currents were wrapped in fireworks blooming, and she couldn’t help but stretch her hand to Jiang Ting’s skirt.

“What are you doing?” Yang Mei raised her head in the back seat and immediately raised her feathers vigilantly.

Yan Xi took a pause and explained calmly: “I will teach you on-site. Look, to find a boyfriend, you have to find someone who is as sensible, generous, distressed, mature and stable like me, understand? Learn Point.”

“…” Yang Mei gritted her teeth, but the mouth was soft and the hand was short, and she said that I would bear it, and continued to lower her head to eat.

Yan Xiu especially felt that she was inadequate, and continued to provoke her, sweetly persuading Jiang Ting: “Eat two more pieces of meat, don’t be too fat, you should eat more animal protein if you are too thin. Anyway, let’s There is a lot of meat in this box. Come on, open your mouth, ah—”

Yang Mei keenly heard the word “rouduo”, and suddenly raised her head again, and immediately gave her an enlightenment.

“Wait, why do you have so many boxes of meat?” Yang Mei’s chopsticks were shaking, and she questioned her heart directly: “Is there supposed to be so much meat? Why is my box basically made of peppers? ?!”

Jiang Ting: “…”

Yang Mei: “…”

Yan Xi hurriedly pushed her back into the back seat: “Mei Mei, you are a big girl, and you are not married. It is very important to keep in shape. My father is actually thinking about your weight…”

Mei Mei rejected her father’s kindness and said that she was not caring about her weight. Under the cover of Jiang Ting’s eyes closed, she pulled a few chopsticks and brought bacon to her bowl, and greedily retracted into the back of the car. seat. Yan Xiu was heartbroken about this, and she sighed again and again that this eldest girl could not get married, and she might be smashed in her hands. What can we do in the future?

Yang Mei was snarling his chopsticks to make him not worry, anyway, after so many years, it would have been sticky Jiang Jiang for a lifetime if he could not get married.

“…” Yan Xi glared at her for a long while, and said angrily: “When I get back to Jianning, I will ask someone to hire a son-in-law for you!”

Yang Mei was stuffed with buns in a vigorous manner, half of her face was bulging, and she swallowed **** her neck like a hamster. Then she pulled a paper towel and said she wanted to relieve her hand, she took a flashlight and went down from the rear door—Boss Yang Everywhere, wearing high heels like a heavily armed female soldier, she staggered as soon as she got out of the car, and almost planted her face down into a personal pit.

“Be careful!” Yan Xiu shouted outside: “The big girl is so unreserved, she said that she would go to the toilet when she went to the toilet?!”

Yang Mei whispered loudly without looking back: “Brother Jiang, come and help me look at the wind?!”

Jiang coughed while Yan Xiu’s sharp gaze, pretending to hear nothing, and sat down in the driver’s seat honestly.

Yang Mei swiftly walked into the woods by the dirt road, and saw the flashlight stop somewhere. Yan Xiu was planning to attack his former rival’s wild painting style. Suddenly the flashlight swayed from the corner of his eyes, and then Yang Mei seemed to suddenly lift his pants and jumped into the distance. There was a clatter of footsteps in the woods.

“What’s wrong with her?”

Yan Xiu’s question just came up, only to hear Yang Mei’s hysterical scream: “Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh someone is peeping!”

“…” The two looked at each other, and Yan Xi suspiciously said: “She was… deliberate.”

The next moment Yang Mei roared straight to the sky and answered his question: “You are a pervert! Don’t run!!”

Yan Xi and Jiang Ting looked at each other, and at the same time pushed the door to get out of the car and ran wildly.

The dark woods are very rugged. I saw the flashlight flashing in front of me before I ran very far. Yan Xi ran three steps and two steps, and she saw Yang Mei angrily carrying her high heels: “Here! Right there! That! I ran in that direction!”

Yan Xi grabbed the flashlight, Chong Jiangting winked and asked him to stay where he was with Yang Mei, and then Sa Yazi ran after him.

Jiang Ting quickly glanced up and down at Yang Mei: “Are you okay?”

“No, it’s okay,” Yang Mei flushed and panted: “As soon as I squatted down, I heard someone over there, as if stepping on a tree branch and walking far away, so I chased it immediately. It must be a voyeur. Phew, I dared to run when I saw my old lady. I scared my old lady to death…”

Jiang Ting discovered that after voyeurism, the first reaction was not to call for help but to catch up and hit someone. You are the only one. It’s really hard to say whether you are still a voyeur…

“Don’t run!” Yan Xiu roared: “Stop!”

The flashlight was shining brightly, and the prey in front hurriedly fled, only reflecting his black hoodie and trousers. For some reason, Yan Xiu felt that the figure was a bit familiar, especially the posture when running. It reminded him somehow of a similar scene not long ago. It was downstairs in the community from Jianning to Gongzhou the night before—

The stalker!

He followed all the way here? !

“Don’t run!” Yan Xiu yelled, “I recognize you! It’s you!”

Sure enough, the stalker apparently reacted as soon as the voice fell, and he was confused and almost tripped over the bushes.

Yan Xiufei rushed forward and hugged the stalker. In the darkness, only the world revolved. The two of them rolled down the hillside in a group. Numerous gravel branches made Yan Xiu stare out of gold stars.

Bang—a few seconds later they crashed to the ground. Before Yan Xiu had time to recover from the dizziness, he only felt a severe blow to his abdomen. The stalker kicked him away and tried to run when he got up!

“I’m **** your mother!” Yan Xiu had a fierce hair, stretched out his legs and directly tripped the man up and chewed on the mud. He rushed up and sat down on the ground with his opponent. He opened his bow and fist left and right, just like Rutiju punched the town. Kansai yelled while beating: “Dare to attack your dad! Dare to attack your dad!!”

“…” The man struggling desperately, covering his face, making a sound.

“Yan Xi!” Jiang Ting arrived, staggering down the hillside: “Are you okay?”

Yan Xi didn’t look back: “It’s okay. Grab this grandson. Be careful not to fall!” Then he hit the stalker’s temple with a heavy punch, and even made a slight sound of squeezing skin and flesh, and then he was cruel. Severely picked up the clothes of the other party: “I **** your ancestor for the eighteenth generation. You were the one who followed the car that day, right? You were the one downstairs in my community, right?!”

Jiang Ting was afraid that he would kill him, and stepped forward to stop him: “It’s almost done, what about the flashlight?”

Yan Xi stretched out his hand to fumble around, grabbed the flashlight, and slammed it brightly.

At this time, the stalker had been beaten so hard that he could only grunt on the ground with his face covered, and immediately groaned|moaned and turned his face unclearly in the face of the flashlight that hit his face suddenly. Uncertainly cursed a few words.

“I’m **** you–” Yan Xiu grabbed the man’s hand covering his face, and when he saw the blue and purple face, he was suddenly stunned in disbelief:

“…Fang Zhenghong?!”

Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, Yan Xiu was smashed to the outside and the inside was tender. Even Jiang Ting stayed in a daze.

Under the rural hillside hundreds of kilometers away from Jianning, the deputy criminal investigation detachment leader pressed the anti-drug detachment leader to swear and beat, and there was a former detachment leader from Gongzhou next to him who was stunned and onlookers. This scene suddenly became particularly ridiculous.

“¥%¥@#…” Fang Zhenghong didn’t know whether it was raging, embarrassed, or simply being beaten so that he could not speak. He muttered and cursed words that only he could understand, gritted his eyes and gritted his eyes. A stare: “It’s me, what’s the matter?! The bad things you did yourself–“

Suddenly he felt like he was suddenly pressed the mute button, and the whole person was muted.

Yan Xi wanted to stop, but couldn’t stop it.

Fang Zhenghong stared straight at Jiang Ting, his mouth opened wide, and the expression on his frightened and flushed face suddenly became very funny. His mouth opened and closed, closed and opened, finally spit out a few words:

“You…you are Jiang Ting?!”

Jiang Ting raised his eyebrows and glanced at Yan Xiu.

“You, you,” Fang Zhenghong gasped quickly, speaking incoherently, his chest was like a whirring bellows: “Are you still alive?!”


In the early morning, the county guest house.

It was just getting bright, and the birds chirping on the treetops outside the window, the hotel stalls downstairs selling early calls mixed with the jingle bells of electric bicycles and bicycles, shuttled through the streets and lanes in the cold early winter morning breeze, lively and energetic .

After finishing freshening up, Yang Mei sat on the edge of the bed and drew her eyeliner in front of the mirror, staring her eyes and opening her mouth twisted, while starting the eighteenth time from last night to this morning:

“You said that you are a detachment leader, why did you develop the habit of peeping women to the toilet?!”

Fang Zhenghong: “…”

Fang Zhenghong was tied to the other side of the bed in the double room, with Yang Mei’s leather gloves in his mouth. Judging from the creepy movements on his face, I guess he really wanted to spit out the gloves and roar that I’m not. I do not have!

“He didn’t.” The door of the room was pushed open, Yan Xiu carrying a few bags of steaming breakfast, and Jiang Ting walked into the room before and after, “His goal is me.”

Youtiao, meat buns, egg sausage filling cakes, soy milk… Yang Mei happily picked a bag of extremely rich, solid, heavy and fragrant filling cakes. Just about to reach for it, Yan Xiu suddenly lifted the plastic bag over her head. , Jokingly said: “Want to eat? Call Dad!”

Yang Mei stood on tiptoe and stared with anger, then rolled her eyes, and forced a sweet and chilling smile: “Daddy is too old, how can you call the graceful deputy Yan detachment? It should be brother.”

Brother called Yan Xiu with satisfaction. He was about to say something, only to hear Yang Mei shouting back and forth: “Is it, love-brother-brother?”

“…” Yan Xiu was full of expressions about to spit out the next moment, he hurriedly stuffed Yang Mei with egg and sausage fillings, turning around and immediately rolled his eyes.

Yang Mei twisted with joy.

Since Jiang Ting entered the house, Fang Zhenghong could not help but look at him. Jiang Ting glanced back lightly, sat down and picked up a meat bun to eat slowly.

“How about it, can you eat it?” Yan Xiu shook a bag of breakfast, squinting at Fang Zhenghong: “If you want to eat, nod your head.”

Fang Zhenghong hummed immediately and turned his head severely.

Yang Mei said with a sincere heart: “Oh, you’re still stunned. You said that you are a good detachment leader, lurking in the woods in the middle of the night, even if it is not to spy on me in the toilet, but for Yan Xiu, you can peep at other Yan deputy. It’s also wrong to go to the toilet—everyone said, isn’t it?”

Judging from the expression in Fang Zhenghong’s eyes, he may be about to vomit blood soon.

“Come on, don’t tease him, what if you have a heart attack later.” Yan Xiu sat down opposite Fang Zhenghong, staring at his blood-red eye sockets, with a thoughtful expression.

Suddenly he said: “Your suspicion has not been cleared. Now it should be a restraint action according to the regulations. You can’t leave Jianning, right.”

Fang Zhenghong has no expression on his face.

“Lu Ju didn’t control you, why?”

Fang Zhenghong still said nothing.

Yan Xiu slowed down his tone: “Because he is convinced that you are innocent, or are you two accomplices?”


Sure enough, Fang Zhenghong blushed and roared roughly, and Yan Xi pulled off his gloves. The next moment his angry roar sounded, but the content of the roar made everyone unexpected:

“Don’t pretend to me, you two are on one side!”

Yan Xi was taken aback.

Jiang Ting’s movements also stopped.

After a brief silence, Yan Xiu immediately asked: “What did you say?”

Fang Zhenghong’s sallow face was glowing with a sickly blush. It is hard to imagine how such a well-known tuberculosis in the city bureau followed Yan Xi for so long, and how to cross provinces and cities without hesitation, hundreds of kilometers along the way To Yuejia Village.

What kind of lucrative benefits should it be to tempt him to do this?

Yan Xi narrowed his sharp-shaped eyes, and his gaze was almost scraped into his bones through Fang Zheng Hongqi’s humming face. The suffocating stalemate lasted for several minutes before he slowly said: “What did the drug dealer promise you to let you kill me?”

Fang Zhenghong let out a loud sneer.

Yan Xiu didn’t care, and said: “Fang Team, the sentence for theft of police guns starts at ten years, you should understand.”

Fang Zhenghong coldly: “I don’t know what you are talking about.”

“Don’t know? Then I’ll tell you. Three years ago, after the bombing of the 1009 plastic factory, Gongzhou established a special investigation team. On January 10th, the operation team led by Yue Guangping came to the scene to rescue the Jiang Detachment leader. With the undercover’rivet’, after the operation, Yue Guangping found that his gun was missing, but the police gun was not found in the entire area of ​​Gongzhou.” Yan Xiu leaned forward and stared at Fang Zhenghong at close range. One word at a time: “The Lu Bureau told me that the rescue was a joint operation between Gongzhou and Jianning, and you were the leader of Jianning.”

Fang Zhenghong opened his mouth.

“As the deputy mayor, Yue Guangping can’t be close to anyone, and as the team leader, you not only have the opportunity to get close to him, but also after the throwing of the gun, because of your Jianning’s leadership, You are unlikely to be suspicious of Yue Guangping. The time and place are good and the people are ready, and even the motive for committing the crime is there. Should you explain it to us?”

Fang Zhenghong said angrily: “Nonsense! Why should I—”

“Because this gun appeared at the scene of the attack on the police in Jiangyang County three years later,” Yan Xiu interrupted him briskly and sharply, saying, “The gunman followed the police car and shot through with the bullet from the gun. Up me.”

Fang Zhenghong is like a rooster with his neck strangled.

After a long while, he squeezed out a sentence: “I was at the city bureau the day you were shot…”

“No one said that the gunman was you, but the night the gunman was killed, you who were supposed to be on duty were missing.” Yan Xiu stretched a little away, and a cold, fierce, aggressive smile appeared at the corners of his mouth, like The falcon in the sky stared at the meat on the ground:

“Now can you explain your long-term follow-up, Fang Detachment?”

Fang Zhenghong’s chest quickly agitated, fell, agitated, and fell. After repeating about ten times, his chaotic and mud-like thoughts finally found a thread, and he suddenly turned to Jiang Ting: “Then you should also Explain?”

Jiang Ting raised his eyes.

“You appear here with Yan Xiu, does it mean that you are also a drug dealer?!”

Anyone who has some logical thinking of criminal investigation will immediately feel that this is extremely weird. Except for Yang Mei, who knew nothing in the room, the eyes of Jiang Ting and Yan Xi had both undergone subtle changes.

——It sounds like he knew Jiang Ting was not a “drug dealer”.

Jiang Ting pondered for a moment, then slowly answered: “…No, I’m just accompanying family members.”

Fang Zhenghong: “?”

Just as Jiang Ting was about to say something, suddenly his cell phone rang.

“Qi.” He looked at the call and said briefly to Yan Xiu, then stood up and picked up the phone: “What’s wrong?”

The panic of Qi Sihao and the peculiar ticking sound of lights when the car was driving came across from the phone. He seemed very excited and was a little speechless, but he still retained the instinct to contact the former leader immediately at the critical moment. , It is conceivable how big the psychological shadow Jiang’s stay was.

The hotel room was silent. After waiting for a few seconds, a few people suddenly heard his sharp and pitch-changing voice: “Someone—someone—”

Jiang Ting frowned.

“—Someone wants to kill me!”

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