Big Bodhi Chapter 2: Heartfire

  Mountain ghosts, spooky people in Yuanjian, mostly female figures, like to eat people, beasts, demons, and spirits. They are born from grievances where the Yin Qi grows in the mountains, rivers, lakes, and seas.

  If no accident happens, it will never be able to leave the place of metamorphosis.

   Ji Yuenian’s long eyelashes trembled slightly, looking up at the girl’s horrible, hideous face, and the pale white light around her was faintly reflected in her eyes, but her scalp began to numb. After a while, I felt a very weak feeling of weakness. For a while, I couldn’t even move my fingers for a while, and stayed on the spot.

   “It has been a long time since no strangers have been here,” the white-lighted green jade fingers lifted slightly, and gently stroked the top of Ji Yuenian’s head. The mouthparts on the mountain ghost’s face squirmed, hoarse. The unpleasant voice echoed in the deep and narrow mountain stream again, “This alluring taste is really much stronger than those newborn spirits and the like.”

   Ji Yuenian was stroked by her hand on the top of her head, as if she was in the icy **** for an instant, the bone-to-the-bone cold breath penetrated her whole body in a few breaths, and the white and handsome eyebrows also appeared involuntarily. A trace of white gas was slowly sucked into the mouthparts by the mountain ghost.

  ”This virility, although it is of little use to me, but the taste is really memorable…”

  Mountain ghost stands with bare feet in the air, and if no one else is talking to himself, there is a hint of intoxication in his tone. The bare hand placed on top of Ji Yuenian’s head gently caress, his movements are extremely gentle.

   Although Ji Yuenian can’t move the slightest, he can feel very clearly that he is becoming weak a little bit. If the Rao Shizi Shangui continues to absorb it like this, he will definitely die!

   A dark flame gradually emerged within his soul.

  This fire is called Xinhuo, and even if it only appears a little bit, it can start a prairie fire.


   Like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, the fog in my memory suddenly dissipated like a cloud seeing the sun. Although Ji Yuenian closed his eyes tightly at this time, he saw a scene in the depths of his memory that made him tremble slightly.

   too late to recall the picture in the memory, a heart-piercing pain suddenly came from the left arm.

   Ji Yuenian opened her eyes suddenly, her handsome face was slightly distorted because of extreme pain, her mouth widened but she could not make any sound, blood spurted from her broken wrist, and even filled the mountain stream. His pale white halo was infiltrated with a dazzling blush.

   “It’s really good.”

   Shan Gui Shengsheng tore off Ji Yuenian’s left hand, and threw it into his mouth very casually, the sound of creepy chewing echoed in the small space.

   After a few breaths, she swallowed this hand completely, and Qingmei’s small face was full of aftertaste.

   Obviously, she, who has not eaten a stranger for a long time, is now reluctant to kill Ji Yuenian directly, but wants to raise it as a housewife and eat it slowly.

   A light white halo flowed from his fingers, covering Ji Yuenian’s left wrist. The blood splattered in it gradually stopped strangely, and there was even a trace of healing in such a short time. Such a method is really jaw-dropping.

   Ji Yuenian lowered his head, and there was not even a trace of blood on his pale face. The jet-black eyelashes trembled slightly, and a trace of fire came out again from the unknown place, and the eyes were full of endless darkness.

   I have been on the side of the stream in this mountain pass since I woke up from the previous episode. I not only lost all my memories, but my body was extremely weak.

   fell into the depths of this narrow mountain stream by avoiding the sound of the bell, but fell into the hands of this mountain ghost at this time, and was actually treated as a food for livestock.

  These dangerous and desperate things happened one after another in a very short period of time, making Ji Yuenian under the invasion of some kind of magical power, and a dark and terrifying heart gradually ignited in the depths of his soul.

   “Huh?” The mountain ghost seemed to have noticed something abnormal. Looking at the year of Jiyue with its head down, a slight sneer appeared in his mouth, “A mortal, something like a livestock, although it is extremely rare to ignite I am angry, but in front of me…you dare to resist!?”

   After she said this, she waved her palm again, and a white light came like a rainbow, directly cutting off the entire left arm of Ji Yuenian!

   There was a little white light remaining on the white rainbow, so that no blood oozes from the left arm of Ji Yuenian, and then he took that left arm and was directly rolled into the mouthparts of the mountain ghost.

   creak, creak.

   The pain came too strong, Ji Yuenian fainted directly under such fierce stimulation, and there was no more half-ignition in the depths of the soul, and the dark heart fire slowly disappeared and gradually fell silent. Down.


  The mountain ghost swallowed the last bite of flesh and blood with satisfaction, and the twisted mouthparts slowly contracted. Under the shroud of white light, within a few breaths of time, it changed back to the clear and beautiful before. Maiden.

   The waves in her beautiful eyes flowed like water, and finally stopped on the face of Ji Yuenian.

  ”Although it’s something like a livestock, it’s really good. If I haven’t eaten a stranger for many years, I might have to play with it and eat it again. .”

   Strangely, her voice is no longer the hoarse and unpleasant voice at this time, but as clear and melodious as a yellow oriole, it sounds extremely good.

  The syncope of Jiyuenian only lasted for a very short time. Although the left arm no longer bleeds, the bursts of heart-cracking pain from it still wake him up from sleep. .

   When I woke up, I saw that the beautiful barefooted girl was standing volley in the narrow mountain stream, looking down at her playfully with her eyes down.

   suddenly, a blazing white thunder light with the thickness of a finger suddenly appeared in the void, and penetrated directly into the girl’s forehead!

   The girl’s complexion changed slightly, and her figure was completely transformed into a phantom in a moment, and she dodged most of the power of this thunder light dangerously. After the white light passed through her body, she hit hard. To the bottom of the mountain stream!


   The broken stones flew and cracked, and the narrow mountain stream was completely destroyed. The bright white light was dazzling in the night sky, and even the small half of Qingluan Mountain was reflected like evil servant , Why don’t you kneel down? “

   The clear voice swept from the sky, with a trace of suppression, turned into ripples and carried the blazing white thunder light that had not completely dissipated, and was photographed toward the mountain ghost who appeared again.

   There was a cold snort in the girl’s nose, and between bare hands and lightly dancing, white light diffused out of her body, turning into a blazing white light curtain to protect her.

   The light curtain and the sound wave slammed together violently, and dense transparent ripples appeared in the void, setting off a gravel storm that destroyed everything.

  ”Which Shangzhen patrolled here, I turned out to be just a child who has never been weaned, so he dare to rant about me and want to accept me? Save your life first!”

When    spoke, the girl’s face was restored to the horrible appearance of the mountain ghost, with a big mouth, and the black evil wind gathered out of thin air, turning into a giant python more than ten feet long, roaring Towards the slender figure above the sky, he rushed towards him.

   The figure paused. It seemed that he had never expected this mountain ghost’s yin power to be so powerful, but in the next moment, he pinched the seal technique again, and again pulled out a blazing white thunder light, and went straight into the black giant python. Within the body.


   Thunder light entered the body, the giant python roared in pain, and the body broke into black winds again in the violent tremor, and diffused into the night sky without a trace.

   The figure rainbows down among the lingering silver and white light, and slowly emerges from the top of the crumbled mountain stream. It is only a few feet away from the mountain ghost, which is actually a direct exhibition. Yan smiled and said: “Falker, I took the liberty of it.”

   The silver light gradually dissipated, and his face appeared extremely clearly.

   was actually a young Taoist with red lips and white teeth.


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