Beauty and the Bodyguard Chapter 11701:

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Lin Yi did not respond.

The Evil Saint is not surprised at all by this.

No response is the most normal response.

After all, the entire soul is about to be invaded by him at this moment. If Lin Yi still has the energy to respond like this, it will really be a ghost.

At this time, most of Lin Yi‘s consciousness sea has been dyed black, and the black tide representing the original power of the evil sub-saint is growing. When Lin Yi‘s entire consciousness sea is dyed black, it will be considered complete.

According to the current trend, this is a sure thing.

However, after a few breaths of time passed, Lin Yi‘s consciousness sea was not completely dyed black, but the proportion of it was dyed black dropped a lot!

“How is that possible?”

The evil demon Yasheng couldn’t help but be a little confused.

But there was no turning back when he fired his bow. Even if he found that something was wrong, there was no way he could stop midway.

Otherwise, not only will his painstaking plan to destroy the tyrants come to naught, but even himself will suffer as well.

The consequences are disastrous.

The evil sub-sage immediately forcibly mobilized more original power, and the black tide raged in the Lin Yi sea of ​​​​consciousness one after another. No matter from which angle you look at it, the scope of the sea of ​​consciousness eroded by it cannot become smaller and smaller.

But the final result made Demon Ya Sheng stunned.

The proportion of the consciousness sea that was eroded by him just now was still 50%. After his efforts, the erosion proportion was successfully reduced to 30%.


Evil Ya Sheng couldn’t help but start to doubt life.

The harder you work, the more desperate you become. What the **** is this?

First times, the evil Yasheng had the urge to deceive himself and others. He wanted to deceive himself that everything in front of him was an illusion.

Unfortunately, he couldn’t lie to himself after all.

After repeated confirmations, the Evil Saint was sure that there was something wrong with his original power, so there was only one possibility left.

“This kid’s sea of ​​consciousness is growing rapidly? How is that possible?”

At this time, Lin Yi‘s voice suddenly sounded, and she faintly answered: “Yes, how is it possible?”

Evil Ya Sheng was immediately startled.

He had a soul body and was so frightened that he had goosebumps.

Strictly speaking, no matter whether humans or demons, the sea of ​​consciousness is not static.

As the level of the soul increases, the scope of the sea of ​​consciousness will also increase.

But the process of the sea of ​​​​consciousness becoming larger must be very slow, and now the sea of ​​​​consciousness Lin Yi’s has more than doubled in scope in just a few moments.

This is simply a fantasy!

“Who are you?”

The tone of the Evil Demon Saint suddenly became much more reserved.

Combining this weird scene with Lin Yi’s previous heaven defying performances, if he still can’t see the problem, then he’s really out of his mind.

“Yo? Did you see it?”

Jiang Xiaoshang walked out in front of presently with a look of disdain and announced his family name: “I am the ancestor of Lin Yi’s, you can call me ancestor Lin.”

Lin Yi: “…”

If it wasn’t for acting, he would have definitely pushed his grandson to the ground and beat him up.

The evil demon Yasheng was shocked when he saw this: “There is really expert?”

If this was Lin Yi’s own method, he wouldn’t believe it to death, but if it was said to be the Lin Yi’s Old Ancestor sect, it would suddenly make sense.

Looking Jiang Xiaoshang up and down, Evil Demon Yasheng became more and more frightened.

At his level, what kind of person has he not seen before?

But only in Jiang Xiaoshang, he couldn’t see the slightest clue, but a strong instinct told him that the person in front of him had a huge background, so big that even he could not imagine it!

The magnitude of the cause and effect on the other party has far exceeded the level that he has been able to interact with before.

This feeling cannot be faked.

Evil Ya Sheng immediately came to a conclusion.

The opponent is at least on the same level as the Seven Evil Saints, and may even be more terrifying!

Evil Demon Ya Sheng said cautiously: “It turns out that everything was set up by the seniors. Is the purpose of letting this kid go through so much trouble just to lure me in?”

Jiang Xiaoshang took out a cigar and lit it in front of his face carelessly: “It’s not too stupid.”

This is indeed the Lin Yi’s plan.

The other party was planning to control him, but he simply took advantage of the scheme and invited him into the urn.

The position of the other party at this moment is not his sea of ​​consciousness at all, but the new World.

Of course, in the eyes of the Evil Saint, all of this was Jiang Xiaoshang’s handiwork.

As for Lin Yi, there is no such qualification at all.

Looking at the unfathomable Jiang Xiaoshang, Evil Demon Ya Sheng’s thoughts flashed in his mind. He filled his mind with many things in an instant, and then became more and more confused.

The evil demon Yasheng asked carefully: “Senior brought me here, what are your instructions?”

It’s not that he doesn’t want to escape, but his rich experience tells him that since he has come here, he can’t escape if he wants to.

So, he wisely didn’t try anything.

Even if you do it, it won’t make any sense.

Jiang Xiaoshang held a cigar in his mouth and pointed to the other side: “It’s nothing, I’ll introduce you to a friend.”

Evil Demon Ya Sheng followed the sound and couldn’t help but be stunned for the next second.

After being stunned for a long time, the evil demon Yasheng finally exclaimed: “Demon Lord?”

What appeared in front of presently at this moment was the new generation of demon lord who was rumored to have died in the demon sacrifice ceremony!

“Why is he here?”

The status of the Evil Sub-Saint is not lower than that of the Demon Lord, especially the Demon Lord who has not yet grown up. But even so, despite being shocked, his tone could not help but be a little more dignified.

For the entire evil camp, the existence of the Demon Lord is of great significance.

To some extent, its symbolic significance is even greater than that of the Seven Evil Saints!

After carefully confirming the authenticity of the other party, Evil Demon Yasheng’s heart sank to the bottom.

The demon lord can be reincarnated and resurrected indefinitely, so the death of the demon lord did not cause much trouble in the evil camp. After all, the biggest impact was to disrupt the layout rhythm of the Seven Saints.

But presently, the demon lord himself not only did not die, but also appeared in a submissive manner presently.

This is a really big deal.

Jiang Xiaoshang said in a casual tone: “It’s very simple. He has a conscience and wants to change his ways. I am also a helpful person, so I will help him. By the way, I can also help you.”


The evil demon Yasheng is creepy.

These words were in his mind, and the amount of information they revealed was so large that he couldn’t help but feel frightened.

After holding on for a moment, the Evil Saint finally couldn’t help but test it out: “Senior, do you want to target our sanctuary?”

Jiang Xiaoshang said nonchalantly: “Don’t be so nervous. I can’t say it’s personal. I’m just bored and looking for a game to play. Do you want to come with me?”

The evil demon Yasheng wanted to refuse ten thousand times, but he did not dare.

“Whenever you come, take care of yourself. We will get along very happily.”

Jiang Xiaoshang’s last words set the tone for his future fate, and at the same time he gave Lin Yi a look: “Leave this thing to me, I guarantee that he will be obedient.”


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