Automotive Black Technology Chapter 2:

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Li Fanyu returned to the dormitory in a daze. The first thing he did after entering the room was to connect his phone to wifi and search for car brands on the web.

Li Fanyu just turned 20 this year and was admitted to Tiancheng University of Technology with barely a grade. He thinks that his IQ is not high, his understanding is not high, his qualifications are mediocre, and he is not handsome.

In fact, this is exactly the case. Therefore, it was God’s blessing for him to be admitted to the Department of Mechanical Engineering of the University of Technology. Therefore, he has been adhering to the principle of “the stupid bird flies first” since he entered school. No matter it is a required elective, he will take it as long as it is helpful to his major.

Today’s class has nothing to do with major. The reason why I go is just because Li Fanyu likes cars. Since childhood, he has been particularly interested in mechanical and electronic things.

Since he was sensible, Li Fanyu has started to study various electrical appliances at home with great curiosity and hands-on ability.

Of course, the so-called research is actually dismantling.

The time that impressed Li Fanyu the most was that his father had just bought a VCD player that was very popular at the time. The ignorant young Li Fanyu was fascinated by this magical machine and was curious about why a movie could be played by putting a disc in it.

Then while his parents were at work, the 8-year-old Li Fanyu, who was cute and ignorant, violently dismantled the VCD with a screwdriver and pliers. The entire machine was divided into hundreds of parts, and in the end it couldn’t be put back together.

Why do you say it has the deepest impression? Because Li’s father beat Li Fanyu for two weeks.

Since this incident, Li Fanyu no longer dares to study household appliances. But he immediately shifted his curiosity to a new location – his uncle’s repair shop.

It was a shop that could repair everything from household appliances to motorcycles and cars. There was only one person in the shop, from boss to employee.

But Li Fanyu discovered a new world here. All kinds of greasy and cold machinery made his little eyes pop with stars.

It was here that he became obsessed with cars. Every weekend, winter and summer vacation, Li Fanyu hangs out in the repair department and becomes an unnamed and unpaid employee in the store.

Uncle Jianguo is a very interesting person, and he also likes Li Fanyu’s cleverness. He is also a car lover, so cars have become a common topic between the two of them.

He told Li Fanyu the stories and technical features behind the famous cars in the magazine. When repairing the car, he also taught him the working principles of some parts.

From the old 212 Jeep, to the later Poussin, and then to the Toyota Camry and Audi 100, Li Fanyu was completely addicted to the ocean of cars there.

It’s just a pity that most of the cars he saw were broken down, and most of them were made in China. Li Fanyu has deep resentment towards national car brands, so he went to listen to this class today.

Regarding the situation in today’s class, Li Fanyu had an evil fire that could not be released. How could this be? When it comes to cars, few of my peers are more familiar with them than myself. For these brands, one can tell their development history and past car products without even thinking about it.

But why did the classmates and professors in the class react like that?

After Li Fanyu connected to WIFI, he quickly checked it. Sure enough, none of the familiar brands could be found. Japanese and Korean cars are okay, most of them are still there. But all the German, American and even supercar brands are gone.

As the old professor said, BMW has become Germany’s largest aircraft engine manufacturer, and Audi has become a lamp factory (a real lamp factory). As for Lamborghini and Aston Martin, the search result was fruitless. Land Rover was even more irritating. The search result showed a news headline – “Tiger (Red) Injures People in Ring Road (Red) Park”.

Time travel, this was Li Fanyu’s first reaction.

He couldn’t wait to open the Autohome APP, ready to confirm the accuracy of his memory.

But he was surprised to find that the familiar APP had changed.

The blue and white APP has turned black, with only an X logo on it. The name under the APP has also disappeared and turned into an unreasonable blank.

“Holy shit, what the **** is this.”

Everyone in the dormitory had gone out to hang out. In the deserted and messy dormitory, Li Fanyu looked at the dark APP, and suddenly a bad premonition arose in his heart.

“Can’t you really travel through time?”

Thinking of this, Li Fanyu shuddered in his heart. Don’t do it. Although in YY novels, after time travel, you can apply various beauty skills to yourself for free, but if you travel to another world, who will provide for your parents? In response to the original policy, Lao Li’s family was the only one.

He quickly opened the address book and dialed the top number.

After several busy signals, the call was connected. A familiar voice came over fiercely: “Hello? Didn’t I just give you a living allowance two days ago? Are you out of money again?”

Li Fanyu, who was nervous, was frightened and quickly said: “No, no, no, Mom, I still have money.”

“Then what are you calling me? Hey, hey, hey, don’t move, let’s get together!”

There was a sound of complaining on the other side of the phone, it was obviously the queen mother who was rubbing numb. I could vaguely hear the sound of a pot exploding. It must be my father cooking.

Li Fanyu was a little relieved. It seems that my mother is still my mother and my father is still my father. He breathed a sigh of relief and said: “Hey, don’t I miss you? I’ll give you a call to say hello. Where is my dad cooking?”

“Well, you have nothing to do to fool around with me, right? I’m going to come back for the holidays when I miss home. I don’t have time to talk to you. Don’t move! I’m confused!”

As he spoke, the phone was hung up.

The corners of Li Fanyu’s eyes twitched twice and he hung up the phone. The world is peaceful and nothing has changed. It seems that I am too worried. How could something so outrageous and beautiful happen to me, like traveling through time?

Looking at the black APP on the screen, he smiled self-deprecatingly and clicked on it.

The moment the program was started, Li Fanyu’s head exploded with a roar, and the roar of a car engine exploded in his head.

A series of cold mechanical sounds came from the mobile phone.

“X program starts…”

“Program initialization successful, identity recognition in progress…”

“The system identification is completed and the identity verification is completed. Congratulations on becoming the only test user of the Lift, open the program and point your eyes at the phone, you will enter the virtual space of the program. ”

Li Fanyu resisted the urge to vomit, calmed down and took a look at his phone. When he saw that it didn’t matter, Li Fanyu was almost scared to death.

As soon as his eyes met the dark screen of his mobile phone, he felt as if he had entered a dark room where nothing could be seen except the screen that appeared out of thin air.

The screen is very sci-fi, and it feels like the one in Tony’s workshop in “Iron Man”. There is only one option on it – enter the program.

Li Fanyu tremblingly clicked, and a row of grid-like virtual icons appeared in front of him.

[Technical Category][Tool Category][Production Category][Special Category][User Options]

Clicking through them one by one, Li Fanyu found that there was a lot of content in each category. Unfortunately, except for the first option in the category, the rest were gray. It must be like the skill tree in the game and needs to be upgraded. to unlock.

However, the X program obviously does not want to provide users with a better user experience. Only blurry icons can be seen in the gray options without any additional introduction or explanation. A string of numbers 0 is displayed below the icon, followed by [dot].

“What is this? Is it currency?”

Li Fanyu clicked curiously, and the screen immediately changed, and a series of introductions scrolled out.

Li Fanyu looked at it carefully; the user enters the space for the first time and starts the help instructions. This instruction is only displayed once, please read it carefully.

The functions of this system are divided into five categories. The options within the categories are unlocked according to the user level or usage points. After unlocking, you can view the specific usage methods.

Points are earned based on the mileage of the driving tools repaired, modified, and manufactured by the user using the technology within this system. The specific algorithm is: the mileage of the vehicle after applying X technology/10. That is: travel 100 kilometers and get 10 points.

After obtaining a certain number of points, the user level can be improved. Each time you advance to a level, you can choose to draw random rewards among the special category options.

For more functions, please experience it when using the X program. Close your eyes tightly for three seconds and push out of the space, wishing you good luck.

Li Fanyu looked at the scrolling instructions and took a long time to calm down the shock in his heart. This is so sci-fi, so sci-fi that one would think it was in a dream.

After pinching himself over and over again, Li Fanyu was convinced that this was really not a dream. Then he remembered the words in the description: developing mechanical driving tools and improving personal abilities?

So that means I can use this program to build a car?

Thinking of this, he was faintly excited, but looking at the pitiful string of 0s on the points, he shook his head helplessly. I didn’t even think about giving a novice gift pack or anything, but first gave me 18 million points to try out.

Just when I was about to click on the technology category to see what was inside, I heard a noise outside and someone came back from the dormitory.


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