Automotive Black Technology Chapter 1: : A big dream (new books for newcomers, please collect and recommend)

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It has passed the beginning of autumn, but Tiancheng City in northern China is still not cool at all. The feeble warm wind lifts the glowing curtains and blows lazily into the classroom.

This is a small classroom at Tiancheng University of Technology, with more than a dozen students sitting here and there. Or perhaps to cope with the sultry weather, the students were listless.

But this did not hinder the old man on the podium. He was still writing on the blackboard meticulously.

The old man is in his sixties, slightly balding, and wears a pair of gold-rimmed glasses that have been out of fashion for a long time. He is thin, but his eyes behind his glasses are full of energy.

The chalk jingled across the blackboard, and the vigorous handwriting outlined a tree-like writing on the blackboard. The old man stopped writing and looked at it again, for fear of missing something.

After a while, he turned around and was about to start his lecture when he found that a student sitting in the second row had fallen asleep.

The old man frowned and raised his hand, “This classmate, please wake up.”

The students who were originally drowsy were startled by this low shout. They cheered up and followed the old man’s fingers to look at the unlucky guy.

Most of the people who come to the class are worried about their credits. This class is about the overview of the Chinese automobile industry and is an elective. So most of the students here are here to get credits. I was ordered to sleep in class, so I sat for more than an hour in vain.

The students were all secretly happy, looking at the man with gloating eyes.

That guy slept so soundly that he didn’t realize that he had been visited by the whole class. Xu, a girl next to him, couldn’t bear the embarrassment of blocking his view, so she turned around and stabbed him with her arm.

Only then did he raise his head with tears streaming down his face, and let out a sleepy sigh. Seeing the professor pointing at him, he quickly wiped his saliva and stood up.

Seeing him stand up, the old professor put down his hand and joked: “Classmate, how did you sleep? I don’t object to someone sleeping in my class. This is an elective course after all. But what puzzles me is, If you want to sleep, why are you sitting in the front row?”

There was a burst of laughter in the classroom.

The professor put on a serious face, glanced at the roll call book, and said, “Your name is Li Fanyu?”

The guy nodded, but stopped talking.

Seeing his embarrassment, the professor sighed softly, “Stupid, stupid, and mediocre.” Emperor Taizong of the Tang Dynasty used these eight words to describe himself and the world in “The Preface to the Holy Teachings of the Tripitaka of the Tang Dynasty” to set off the teachings of Buddhism and Taoism. The same applies to our modern national automobile industry.”

Seeing Li Fanyu hanging his head with an annoyed look, the professor couldn’t bear it and motioned for him to sit down.

“You fell asleep just now and may not have heard it, so I will tell you again. As I just mentioned, our country is the second largest economy in the world, and in recent years it has surpassed the United States to become the world’s largest industrial country. . It can be said that our industrial people have climbed continuously and gone through twists and turns to lay such a deep foundation and leave a suitable hotbed for modern industry.

In the modern industrial system, it can be divided into 39 major industrial categories, 191 medium categories, and 525 small categories. Our country is the only country in the world that has all industrial categories.

Maybe you don’t think this is a big deal, but even the European countries have come together to form the European Union and they have barely managed to collect these categories.

But what is regrettable is that our country’s industrial system pursues large-scale and comprehensive rather than high-tech. So until now, against the background of rapid economic development, the national automobile industry has still not achieved corresponding development. Until now, we have not been able to develop an independent automobile engine. ”

Li Fan raised his head stupidly, thinking that was wrong, professor, you are kidding me. Didn’t FAW conduct reverse research on Mazda’s I4 and develop the ET3 series of engines as early as ten years ago?

This style of painting is a bit weird. Could it be that the professor is seriously teasing me? Or did I not come out in the dream?

He raised his hand hesitantly: “Um…Professor, Pentium developed my country’s first automobile engine in 2009, although it was a high imitation.”

The old professor was stunned and angry. He can tolerate students not coming to class, and he can tolerate students sleeping in class, but there is no room for bias in academic matters.

“Classmate Li Fanyu, let me ask you. Pentium is a brand from which country and owned by which company? Forgive me for being ignorant, I have never heard of it.”

Li Fanyu scratched the back of his head, looked at the disdainful looks cast by his classmates, and replied: “Of course it’s a domestic brand, from the FAW Group!”

There was a burst of ridicule in the classroom, and a boy pinched his throat and laughed: “You are not awake yet, are you? How can there be a FAW Group in China?”

The professor’s face was twitching, he raised his hand and made a quiet gesture: “Classmate Li Fanyu, maybe I should call you Teacher Li. I really admire you for being taught. You obviously have your eyes open. My eyes, standing still, are still in a dream. If I had your skills, I wouldn’t have faded away. Only the green hills are still there, and my head is red after several sunsets.”

The whole class burst into laughter again. A few of them laughed exaggeratedly and slapped their thighs. They looked at Li Fanyu with eyes filled with amusement.

Li Fanyu was a little angry. Could it be that the professor and his classmates had agreed to play tricks on me while I was asleep? He had seen a video before, where an employee in a company fell asleep while working. So the manager led a group of colleagues to hide, and called him to tell him that today was Sunday, so he played tricks on the man.

Li Fanyu shook his head. He had never slept in class before, and somehow he fell asleep today. He felt disrespectful to the professor and was very apologetic. But listening to the laughter around him, he felt that this matter was not that simple.

His face turned red and he asked loudly to his classmates: “Have you never heard of FAW Besturn? Great Wall Haval, Geely, Changan, Dongfeng, GAC Trumpchi?”

“Forgive us for being frogs in a well, we have never heard of it. Hahaha…”

Li Fanyu has determined that he has been tricked. He said loudly to the laughing classmates: “You have never heard of domestic ones, but you have always heard of foreign Honda, Toyota, Nissan, Mazda, Hyundai, Kia, Ssangyong, Mercedes-Benz, BMW, Audi, Land Rover, Ferrari, Aston Martin and Lamborghini, right? You guys have always heard of it, right? It’s time travel, right?”

He talked about a series of car brands in one breath, as smoothly as if he was speaking in a stand-up comedy. This hand actually calmed the students.

But a moment later, there was a new round of laughter.

Seeing that Li Fanyu was a little excited, the professor raised his hand to stop the students from shouting, and said: “You remember all the Japanese and Korean cars, but I really don’t know about the rest except Mercedes-Benz. Yes. As far as I know, BMW is the largest manufacturer of aircraft engines in Germany. As for Audi, when I visited Germany last year, there was a company called this that makes light-emitting diodes.”

Li Fanyu stared at the dog belt; holy shit, could I have traveled through time just after sleeping? No, the classroom is still the same classroom, the professor is still the same professor, and the **** are still a bunch of bastards. Could it be that they have collectively poured essential oil into their brains?

Seeing that he was silent, the professor continued: “As for the fake car brands you mentioned, the names are quite nice. If you don’t dream and concentrate on your studies, it won’t matter if you use these names to make cars in the future. Lost the sound.”

Li Fanyu sat down slumped.

Looking at the whole class who were interested in visiting me, I cursed in my heart: What on earth is going on with your sister? I just took a nap!


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