Apocalypse Cockroach: Uncle Thirty-eight, you are responsible

Zhang Xiaoqiang was sleepy, and suddenly felt something was flicking his nose. When I wanted to sneeze and couldn’t make it, I opened my eyes and saw a pair of big eyes like Yueya’er. The big eyes flickered, a healthy and fresh breath from the big eyes master’s mouth to the cheeks, bringing a hint of warmth in this early spring season.

“Uncle, you’re so funny! Do you have a bed to sleep on the ground?” Yang Ke’er said with a smile, Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was sitting on the ground and confused.

“You, you, when did you wake up?” Zhang Xiaoqiang came awake and stuttered and asked Yang Ke’er.

“Just woke up! I slept well yesterday! By the way, uncle, why are you sitting on the ground and sleeping? The ground is very cold!” Yang Ke’er persevered.

“Oh, this, that, cough! It’s the same thing. Yesterday I was sleeping in bed and rolled to the ground halfway through sleep, um! That’s how it looks!” Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t want to tell Yang Ke’er that she almost changed to zombie yesterday. Just sloppy.

Yang Ke’er looked at the neat bedding stacked five meters away from Zhang Xiaoqiang and looked at the Zhang Xiaoqiang still sitting on the ground.

“Cut! Uncle, you are my little white Kya? Do you think I will believe that you have been rolling from that far away, get here and sit up and sleep again?” Yang Ke’er said disdainfully to Zhang Xiaoqiang, a face on me Very smart.

“Forget it! Don’t say these are useless, tell me do you think there is any difference in peace?” Zhang Xiaoqiang said, looking at Yang Ke’er‘s small face with a little nervousness!

“Different?” Yang Ke’er scratched his head, tilting his head and thinking. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at her carefully on the side, not letting go of every detail.

“Do you feel hungry or hungry, can you eat a cow?” Zhang Xiaoqiang reminded on the side!

“There is wood!” Yang Ke’er said, looking at Zhang Xiaoqiang wood.

“Then do you feel pain all over your body? And it still hurts in your bones?” Zhang Xiaoqiang still doesn’t give up.

“It’s still there!” Yang Ke’er doesn’t know what nerve Zhang Xiaoqiang is making, just subconsciously cooperates.

“Then do you feel that there is a force that keeps walking around, and you can release a small fireball in your hand, ice arrows or something?” Zhang Xiaoqiang feels cold for a while and feels relieved overnight.

“Uncle, did you dream of going through sleep yesterday? Do you want me to use a super forbidden spell to destroy monster all over the world into gray?” Yang Ke’er felt that Zhang Xiaoqiang had not yet woken up.

Fuck, is there anything wrong with you? If you don’t, just find something yourself!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very angry, but I don’t know if I’m angry with Yang Ke’er or my own anger. It’s okay to receive rainwater, and tortured myself to death.

“Nothing is nothing! You sent that door of fire Kya, um, that, that, do I count it now?” Yang Ke’er said weakly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is completely depressed.

Yang Ke’er solves personal problems at the bottom of the cave. Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the straight cup in his hand. The quilt is filled with half a glass of clear and transparent rainwater. The rainwater is very clean and there is no suspended matter. It looks no different from a glass of pure water.

“Is it only a hypnotic effect?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little unbelieving and poured the rainwater from the straight cup into the mouth.

“It’s a little light, um! There are still a bit of mouth.” Zhang Xiaoqiang sucked his mouth to comment on its taste.

“Why can’t you sleep?” Zhang Xiaoqiang lay on the bed and looked at the top of the cave. little girl wanted to sleep after drinking. Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t sleep alive after drinking it. Is it really the same life?

Aiyaya! What a pain! Uncle, what laxative did you get yesterday?” Yang Ke’er rubbed his stomach and came out bitter. This time Kung Fu little girl went to the bottom of the hole three times.

“Guru Guru…” Yang Ke’er‘s stomach heard a noise again.

“Ah! Come again! Woo….then the intestines will be pulled out and drip, woo…”Yang Ke’er ran to the bottom of the cave with a cry!

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked inexplicably while lying in bed, “Guru Guru” came out with a rumbling voice. “I also won the bid?” Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped out of bed too late to try to pick up a roll of toilet paper and chased Yang Ke’er.

Kya! How can you look like this! Didn’t you see me here?” Yang Ke’er screamed loudly in the corner with the stone wall facing the hole.

“Jianghu rescue, I also have diarrhea, it will be just a moment!” Zhang Xiaoqiang squatted face-to-face with Yang Ke’er with a shameless face.

“Cocoa, but I am also a girl, you can’t solve it outside?” Yang Ke’er said with a shameful face.

“Do you want me to pull you on your bed or do you want me to pull on the rice?” Zhang Xiaoqiang said eloquently, and then muttered forcefully, and the chrysanthemum was as loose as the floodgate. A strong stench filled this little space.

Is it easy? Are you comfortable? Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to have lifted off the heavy burden, and he was all uncomfortable with his body, and he didn’t smell the stench around him.

“Hum!” Yang Ke’er ran out carrying his pants.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care about Yang Ke’er‘s cold hum, just thinking: “She didn’t seem to wipe butt when she went out?”

After three or five minutes, Zhang Xiaoqiang was about to get up, and Yang Ke’er rushed back again. He squatted across from him.

“Don’t you know there are men here?” Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted to Yang Ke’er, completely forgetting his shamelessness.

“Do you want me to pull you on your bed or do you want me to pull on rice?” Yang Ke’er learns quickly.

Zhang Xiaoqiang ran to the platform with his pants, “Uncle, you forgot to wipe butt myself!” came a cry from behind Yang Ke’er.

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard Yang Ke’er‘s cry and lifted his pants to the ground.

That’s how you sang me and they appeared in London at the bottom of the cave, and it didn’t stop until the chrysanthemums were stinging and numb until they were pulled out.

The two of them sat on their respective beds, and Yang Ke’er hesitantly seemed to have something to say~IndoMTL.com~Zhang Xiaoqiang Endure the hot sensation from the chrysanthemum from time to time: “Is there croton in the rain Ingredients?”

The sound of Yang Ke’er suddenly came to interrupt Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s thoughts.

“Uncle! That, um, you see the other one, so you are responsible!” Yang Ke’er said to Zhang Xiaoqiang with a sad face sitting on the crib.

“Did you see that I was busy at that time, who has time to look at you.” Zhang Xiaoqiang dismissed it and thought, “Huh, let me be responsible for you? Who is responsible for me!”

“No, no! I didn’t even let my husband watch it!” Yang Ke’er clarified to Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Don’t read it yet? Haven’t read it yet?” Zhang Xiaoqiang obviously didn’t believe it.

“Really, really, my husband and I used to help him out in the car with their hands. They said that it hurts the women to get them!” Yang Ke’er was grievously crouching on the floor and drawing circles.

“They? Who are they?” Zhang Xiaoqiang was very interested in asking Yang Ke’er.

“They are sisters who live with me, live upstairs!”

“Don’t you say you are pregnant?” Zhang Xiaoqiang said strangely.

“Well, they said that women would let a man shoot “that thing” and they would become pregnant. They said they would put it in a condom if they didn’t want to get pregnant. I was stuck with “that thing” and would definitely get pregnant. !” Yang Ke’er seemed to be fidgeting about something.

“Little sister? Have you never looked at the biological hygiene in your biological textbooks?” Zhang Xiaoqiang asked Yang Ke’er seriously.

“Her sisters don’t make it clear. I thought that pregnancy and little girl “that’s coming” had no direct effect!” Zhang Xiaoqiang thought depressively.

“Others say that there is no point in the biology of the senior high school entrance examination, it is not the point to ignore!” Yang Ke’er still does not understand how pregnancy is related to the biology class.

“…” Zhang Xiaoqiang is speechless.

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