Apocalypse Cockroach: Two hundred fifty-five big counterattack three/five more

D2 almost fell in response to the sound. At the moment of falling, the tip of the eye can still see that black blood is ejected from the ear hole of zombie, and the kinetic energy of the bullet is completely consumed by the head of zombie, stirring all the tissues inside into a paste .

The bullet was shot from the mouth of zombie, and only 12.7mm bullets could kill D2 in one blow. Raised the sniper rifle and leaned it diagonally on the shoulder. Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little emotional. D2zombie was inadvertently found. Cover the door, he can also kill with a large caliber rifle, just do not know where the D3 cover door is?

After that, the soldiers on the position cheered. Hearing the rolling cheers, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a slight pain in his heart. If at the last step, these soldiers would be completely destroyed, because the people he wanted to rescue did not include These soldiers, although helpless, have to do so.

At the same time when Zhang Xiaoqiang killed zombie, the surrounding troops went crazy. They attacked the edge of the sea of ​​corpses in turns, and there were zombie everywhere on the grass for more than ten kilometers. There are tens of thousands of troops outside zombie and a large number of them. logistics.

The battle was fierce from the beginning. No matter it was the main force or the second-line force, all the troops used their full strength and inclined the ammunition to the sea of ​​corpses at no cost. More than 500 men who were identified as thugs were sent to the rear. They were uniformly organized into the death squad, equipped with sword shields, and driven by the old dead prisoners, went to the battlefield.

Yueya’er, Joe and others have been wandering around the sea of ​​corpses, looking for enough gaps for the Zhang Xiaoqiang breakout, but unfortunately, the sea accumulated by zombie will not leave flaws, even some of the more complicated terrain, the anxious Yueya’er will All the anger was vented to the head of zombie. After a day of wandering, she emptied 30 magazines, killing more than 700 Evolution zombie.

The search brigade and Dog Claw Battalion, as well as the Red British troops, cooperated with the death squad to clear out the surrounding zombie. There were constantly death row dragged by zombie, and zombie was chopped down with a knife.

More than 2,000 people in the death squad slowly accumulated enough experience in the continuous fight, and at the same time, the Bao Lingmin’s heart beat frequency began to slow down.

At the beginning of the battle, the casualties reached more than 200 in half an hour. Although the new death row accounted for 90%, it was enough to startle him. Will be wiped out by the whole army.

Seeing that the situation was wrong, he asked for support from Dog Claw Battalion and took the troops to rest. At the same time, he also found the reason. The old dead prisoners bullied the new dead prisoners and let them push them to the front. If they didn’t do it, they threatened with a knife.

Under the threat of the old dead prisoners, the new dead prisoners put huge pressure on them. When they confronted zombie, they did not think of fighting, but dodge or escape, and indirectly shattered into a formation, resulting in heavy casualties. At the same time, it also allowed some experienced death row prisoners to be caught in the middle of zombie.

The Bao Lingmin who learned the truth was hateful and angry, and immediately shot two of the most unpopular guys, and then went into battle personally, taking the **** death row to exterminate zombie for nearly a thousand, so that others slowly restore their confidence, Forming a small battle array, under the maintenance of the large formation, killing more zombie step by step, at the same time, in the fight, the dead group slowly reborn, becoming a vanguard of fighting zombie.

The battle in front is in full swing, and the logistics and transportation personnel in the back uses the fastest speed to supplement ammunition and drinking water and other materials. The battle is not the same as that of zombie and humans. There is no fixed position and no completely safe rear, zombie If you move around casually, the offensive troops will have to retreat, so Yinchuan zombie requires absolute maneuvering to minimize various burdens.

For this war, all the oil that can be found in the entire western region is used here. The engine of the vehicle is not stopped. It is ready to retreat at any time. Even the logistics are too long. Because of the bad eyes, maybe Will surround them in the sea of ​​corpses.

The most busy is the front line command center. The original plan was that all the troops should be dispersed and attacked from different directions, so that Z2 in Yinchuan zombie would be lost, so as to ensure the safety of the troops and have enough room for maneuver. However, it is not possible now. zombie surrounded Zhang Xiaoqiang, and learned that the supplies of the second regiment were inadequate. After a minute of delay, there might be a danger there.

Ishihara continuously sends out various commands to let the dispersed battalions either attack or retreat, and the newly formed communication company will rush to send a command to each master.

Electronic Reconnaissance Office, the zombie sea is constantly changing on the electronic map, as if the tide is surging, seemingly slow and disorderly, everyone on the side of the electronic map knows that the change of zombie is very dangerous. Involving a certain front-line unit, they are fighting with zombie, which is equivalent to dancing on the sword.

“Quick…, quickly inform the Chief of Staff that the armored battalion of the second regiment at the main station is very dangerous. zombie has formed iron tongs and will wrap them up within ten minutes. Please ask the second regiment to retreat for five kilometers…”

“Hurry to notify the main team of one battalion and three battalions. On their left, zombie is copying the back road of the independent regiment and let them assist the independent regiment to rush out…”

“The Cavalry Regiment, where is the Cavalry Regiment? In the A12 area, there is a zombie disconnected from the large troops. This is the best opportunity. Let them clean up this group of zombie…”

“A group of armored battalions moved, sir, they cut through, let the surrounding troops go up, and quickly help them to surround the group of separated corpses…”

Various kinds of new information are displayed by electronic aerial photography and computer calculation, and the latest situation is displayed on the click map. Although the specific number of each group of zombie is not known, it can be guessed first by various changes. The attempt of the corpse.

one by one shows bright spots of various colors walking on the edge of the red ocean, either forward or backward, or a few points together, tearing a small piece of red, and then using the fastest Consume speed.

One main regiment, three infantry battalions, one armored battalion with a total of 2200 troops, two main regiments, three infantry battalions, one armored battalion with a total of 2100 men, one battalion, two battalions, three regiments and two battalions with a total of 2300 People~IndoMTL.com~Independent regiment, three battalions, cavalry regiments, two battalions totaling 2,000 people, and death squads, the new corps totaling 3,800 people, a total of 17 combat units, with a total of 12,000 people People are on the front line, which is not yet a backup of the blood wolves that Ishihara buckles in the hands of the two battalions.

So many troops attacked the tail of the corpse sea and set off a wave of turbulent waves. For half a day, it was only the death squad of the completely cold weapons, which killed three times more zombie than them.

The Search Brigade, Dog Claw Battalion, and the Red British Forces needless to say, they are all mixed forces, not to mention that the equipment is even better than the main force, even if the most ordinary soldiers are professional sergeants with first-class physical quality, During the offensive, the turbulent clouds swept through the clouds and melted the groups of zombie in an instant. If it could not be too deep, I am afraid that this sharp knife force could reach the core of the dead body.

The other troops in the periphery also played vividly. The cavalry regiment relied on the mutation horse’s sensitivity to zombie. They didn’t need more control from the cavalry. Naturally, they could avoid the zombie counterattack. Surrounding the corpse sea, a circle of zombie, like a peeled onion, was shot in a ring shape at the edge.

Countless hissing sounds from the sky, more than a hundred rockets blazing with bright flames traversed at low altitude, leaving a trace of flames, flying to the depths of the corpse sea thousands of kilometers away, and then a hundred regiments Pillar-like sand dust is wrapped in yellow-white smoke, like a volcanic eruption that generally fluctuates in the zombie sea.

Except for rockets, all the artillery is roaring. Although the number is not as spectacular as the rockets, the sustained intensity is quite impressive. A lot of black smoke and fire light undulate in the depths of the dead sea. No one zombie is absolutely safe because the artillery There is no specific scale for the landing point simply. The task of the artillery company is to shoot out all the shells with the fastest speed and try to kill zombie.

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