Apocalypse Cockroach: Two for cabbage

The Zhang Xiaoqiang has recovered, and the half-pack of instant noodles that I have just eaten seems to have been digested, and the hunger feeling is more intense. I forced myself not to look at the remaining packs of instant noodles on the writing desk, just poured a glass of water and poured it into it. In my belly, I hope I can get enough water and water. Since I woke up every day for half a month after the crisis, I don’t think about it. Is my life a dream now? I’ve finished eating noodles and eggs, and I have three bags of instant noodles. For two days, one and a half packs, and one and a half packs a day. In the previous meal, I ate two packs and two fried eggs, but the rice did not dare to go out to find food to eat dry rice, otherwise I had no energy to run.

Looking at the slowly deflated belly, I used to lose weight but I couldn’t reduce it anymore. Now I’m at least 5 pounds. I think it’s funny and I want to cry, although he usually has no heart or heart. But there is a younger sister who doesn’t know life or death, and can’t let go of her heart. For half a month, I thought about the past and the scene where my parents were reunited with my family. Linger, who moved her heart for the second time, remembered the naughty little girl who painted the turtle behind him, his colleagues and friends who used to work, and even missed the early Patong girl who bought it earlier. My sister’s phone has never been able to get through the landline, no one answered, want to come more and more, but he never hopes that a miracle will appear.

zombie downstairs outside the window is still walking around, occasionally seeing acquaintances living nearby are also among them, the streets are covered with broken glass, torn clothes and scattered bones, various garbage, and There is a bus burning into the distance in the distance. A sad feeling has always been tangled in my heart, thinking that I have become zombie wandering around, thinking that the food will starve me to death, and thinking that my relatives and friends will become zombie to eat myself alive, and the sadness is desperate. . Going numb to the kitchen, he picked up the kitchen knife, slowly pressed the blade against his neck, closed his eyes, and squeezed the handle tightly, until he hurt his wrist too much, he still scratched down. He put down the kitchen knife and hugged his head against his back Sitting on the wall and sliding to the ground, tears burst out, he was afraid of death, he did not dare to commit suicide.

He hates that he is useless, that study is useless, that work doesn’t work and he doesn’t even dare to commit suicide, he calms down slowly, and thinks that 90% of the people become mourning, he is still alive, and 6.3 billion people are Infected, is he all right? Is it arranged by God? I feel better after thinking about it for a while. I looked at the watch of the King of Heaven and it is more than 10 am. If I want to be starved, I must go out to find food. zombie fight for your life, he came to the front hall to open the curtains, carefully tore a small piece of newspaper posted on the glass window half a month ago to look outside, the small vegetable garden in the middle of the platform was lined with green cabbage His saliva dribbled down, looked away from the cabbage and carefully observed the surroundings. There were not many zombie on the platform. The two families opposite his house talked to the wall of the platform and opened the door on the balcony. Now the door is open, two zombies are in and out, and there is a zombie down and up the stairs at the top and bottom of the platform. There are a total of seven stairs and six opposite ones. It takes three minutes to walk from the opposite side. His goal is the platform Chinese cabbage in the middle.

With bare hands, zombie will definitely not work. We need to prepare weapons. There is nothing out of the house. Find the various tools left by his dad. The first thing I saw was an eight-pound hammer. I lifted it and shook my head. It was too heavy. , His strength is not enough, he can’t stand it if he plays too much in three or five times, he continues to look for it, pulls out a hammer, and tries to weigh the right and wrong, go to the kitchen to get a tin cover as a shield, and practice a few in the living room. I searched for the feeling, and when I was almost ready, I was ready to leave. When I arrived at the door, I was hesitant. I put my hand on the doorknob and took it down several times. Finally, I thought that starving to death is not as good as fighting to death. “Wan Wannian” opened the door and went out.

Zhang Xiaoqiang plans to get rid of the staircase zombie first. It is too close to the vegetable garden. Before the zombie on the opposite side approaches, take a minute to get the cabbage. He wears high-top military shoes and his dad’s woolen coat. Wearing thick leather gloves, while zombie hadn’t even raised his head and ran to the stairs quickly, a zombie was walking up, smelling his odor, flicking at him with his teeth and paws, this was the first time he saw zombie up close, zombie‘s dark-skinned, gray-eyed, white-mouthed, open-mouthed fist can be put into a fist, and his dark teeth are all grown into miniature triangular scrapers, which makes people feel cold. A strong smell of corpses came over him, and he wanted to spit it out while he felt sick. zombie had already rushed to his shield of the pot lid. He shook back. The feeling of fighting was back. As soon as he left his right foot, he lifted it out of the middle of the chest, and zombie rolled down the stairs. It was too late to think he ran down to the vegetable garden and put down his weapon. He took out the snakeskin pockets and grabbed the cabbages with dirt in the pocket. Pointing his eyes at the opposite zombie, he walked towards him step by step. Quickly, quickly, he stuffed the cabbage into his pocket without panting. His hands were forked into the black soil. He touched the vegetable stalk and pulled the cabbage out. ~IndoMTL.com~ Mud and vegetable juices can’t be felt in the eyes. I just want to pick a few more. This is food, hope! zombie is not far away from him and can’t be greedy anymore. It’s time to go. He grabbed his pocket in one hand and picked up the weapon with his other hand and ran desperately towards the house. When he saw the entrance of the corridor, he stepped up again. go with.

Suddenly the steel door opposite the door opened, and he turned to the door neighbor zombie with a thick body odor, and the sharp claws were less than 10 cm away from his eyes, and a chill came from the tail vertebrae. All the way through his forehead, he wanted to open his throat but couldn’t make a sound, and he thought of two words in his mind:


Since the legs were soft, the shield in his hand flew out, zombie emptied, his mind was blank, his feet kicked on the calf of zombie, and the unstable center of gravity of zombie fell towards him. He rolled to the side, the hammer in his hand desperately smashed on zombie body again and again, and when he recovered, the upper body of zombie had been smashed by him, the black and sticky blood was flying everywhere, strong corpses His smelly head will burst apart.

The zombie on the opposite side of the platform is only about ten meters away from him. Three strong walking in front, the three old ladies mutating slowly followed behind, and they are very excited when they smell his smell. They are bound to be their prey. He jumped from the ground, and even the shield was too late to withdraw to carry his pocket and entered the house.

Locked security door. He leaned on steel door and exhaled deeply. The blood of zombie splashed on his body so he couldn’t stand it. He quickly ran into the toilet and changed his clothes.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned the cabbage out of his pocket and put it neatly on the floor tiles, a total of 11 pieces of more than twenty kilograms.

The zombie outside is scratching steel door, and for the first time, Zhang Xiaoqiang has confidence in living.

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