Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred fifty-six nobles Shen Xue

“Why… why do you listen to the cold-blooded devil, don’t you know that countless lives outside are at stake, how can you be so indifferent, are you not a soldier? You don’t deserve to wear this military uniform…”

Shen Xue walked to the camp’s confinement room with Huang Quan’s one-handed back and his wrists. Shen Xue struggled continuously, his scattered hair flicked on his face, and his mouth was still scolding Huang Quan. Huang Quan was unmoved and cold. With his face pressed against Shen Xue, the crowd on the side of the road looked sideways, but he dared not get close, and looked down at Huang Quan, pressing Shen Xue forward.

“Why don’t you speak? Is it guilty or timid? You are a coward, you are not worthy to be called a soldier…”

Shen Xue was not discouraged, and continued to count Huang Quan, but did not know that her words were taboo in Huang Quan’s heart. He was once said and humiliated by others. This is an eternal thorn in his heart, which he used The stains were washed away by the blood of hundreds of people.

“Shut up…what do you know? You don’t know what happened to the food run-up. Once gathering place is provoked by intentional people, we may not be able to do anything. You used to only struggle with dozens of people. Elder Brother Cockroach has to carry tens of thousands of people to survive. If you are worried about yourself, you just take it for granted, but you don’t know that it’s better to live one than one.”

Huang Quan himself agrees with Shen Xue, but once he receives the order, he will resolutely execute it. There is no reason. Shen Xue makes sense, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is responsible for tens of thousands of people. same.

“Hum! There are so many excuses, you let me go, I will go alone. You say a thousand, say ten thousand, just two words, selfish, you only have yourself, you only think about yourself, I’m afraid your base is in the same danger, you will also throw away your followers and run away…”

Huang Quan heard, and there was a flash of fire in her heart. The woman really didn’t know what was going on. The one hand holding Shen Xue was raised slightly. In the cry of Shen Xue, the upper body was pressed down and she could only stare at her toes. Walking, she still refused to admit defeat, still chattering.

“I’ve been told? Men are not good things. You are selfish and cold-blooded. You did this as an accomplice. What would you think of Chen Ye? Will you make those children who are undergoing your training think so?”

Huang Quan was not listening to Shen Xue, but pressed her forward with a sullen face and went to the confinement room of the camp. The confinement room of the camp was in the coldest part of the camp as a place for punishment for mistakes and militia.

The camp will not take out a lot of building materials to build a luxurious single room. Just dig a hole in the ground and widen it at the bottom of the hole. The inside can only accommodate people to sit down, cannot lie down, cannot lean on the head Blocked by a wooden board covered with soundproof material, there is only darkness and silence inside, plus an unpleasant smell, no one will stay in it for a second.

Huang Quan didn’t plan to use the confinement room on Shen Xue, but just closed it in a small single room, but Shen Xue didn’t know what was going on, so he scolded him Huang Quan, lifted him against the scales, and scolded Zhang Xiaoqiang for a dog. Blood came to the head. For this woman, Huang Quan only wanted to entertain her in a confinement room, and couldn’t think of anything else.

Shen Xue was pushed down the pit, and I still didn’t feel the narrowness and darkness below. I first asked about the smell of dampness and smell. Many people have been shut down here, but no one has cleaned it. The people in front are in Shit and pee inside, the taste is absolutely unmatched in the world, Shen Xue screamed, rushed from below, his arms clasped the ground, struggling to climb up.

One sole stepped on the cheek of Shen Xue, Shen Xue rolled his eyes, and saw Huang Quan, who looked down on her face with frost:

Elder Brother Cockroach takes you in, gives you food, and uses it for you. You don’t appreciate it. The people in the background curse him because of a group of unrelated people. The people outside accept the benefits of the camp. No one starved to death. Even so, they almost caused the camp to be destroyed because of the running storm. It is precisely because of you, Elder Brother Cockroach will make a decision. You don’t reflect on yourself, but always put resentment on others. .

Do you think you are noble? What noble things have you done? Apart from opening your mouth and spraying, what else can you do? Elder Brother Cockroach is so inferior and so cold in your mouth, but he took in thousands of women and children, tightened his belts for them to eat and drink, Huang Tingwei was so cold-blooded in your eyes, you don’t even want to look at him even more, but he entered from gathering place On the first day, he secretly helped those children who were only a short line away from starvation.

When they saved tens of thousands of lives, what are you doing? When thousands of dirty children flooded into the camp and others were thinking about arranging them, where were you? Even Ding Luo is teaching those children, where are you busy when they are busy arranging food and accommodation for him all day long? “

When I heard Huang Quan’s words, there was a trace of panic in Shen Xue’s eyes. She didn’t expect Huang Quan to remember these things so clearly. She had a cleansing habit, whether it was physical or psychological, and saw those dirty children and those skinny women. She felt sick and hid all day in the comfort zone of Xu Mengzhu, making pictures that she liked. She didn’t care about the outside at all. She thought it was a problem of Zhang Xiaoqiang and the camp.

“You are just a noble hypocrisy who is selfish than anyone else. The irony is that you still think you are noble and arbitrarily insult those who are a thousand times more noble than you? You are not qualified to say this… “

Finally, Huang Quan kicked the Shen Xue down to the crypt, and then he easily covered the thick wooden board on one side with plugs. Looking at the slightly vibrating thick wooden board, listening to the weakly deformed shouting under the wooden board, Huang Quan turned and left…

Soon after Huang Quan left, Huang Tingwei ran sneakily to the front of the board and reached out to pull the wooden bolt away. At this time, Shen Xue cursed him under the board, cursing that he would not die well, cut off his son, obviously, Shen Xue There is no awakening due to Huang Quan’s words~IndoMTL.com~ or she needs to vent to get rid of the dark fear and unpleasant smell.

Hearing the curse of Shen Xue, Huang Tingwei withdrew his hand and slowly made it to the ground. The ground was very dirty and there were all kinds of stains. Huang Tingwei, who always loved cleanliness, didn’t care, sitting on the ground and thinking about his relationship with Shen Xue.

To say that there are many women in the camp, not less beautiful and gentle than Shen Xue, because of the ridicule of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he began to pay attention to Shen Xue, Shen Xue sometimes shrewd, sometimes confused, but emotionally an idiot, treat Huang Tingwei’s diligence, sometimes enthusiastic, It seems like a good brother, sometimes indifferent, like a passerby.

Huang Tingwei is not a person who gives up lightly, since he decides, he will fight for it, and will not make a blind compromise, as if playing a game with Shen Xue. Unconsciously, he walked with Shen Xue, and he was usually like a true lover. Although he didn’t officially speak, both of them knew what was going on, and would have been going smoothly and back to the base. Find a time to invite everyone to a meal, they formally become a husband and wife, did not expect Shen Xue to be awkward with him because of the retreat.

The man should be generous. After Huang Quan left, he wanted to release Shen Xue, but he did not expect that the intellectual and elegant Shen Xue, which has always been shown, had such a vicious side. Although his voice was weak and deformed, he could clearly hear Shen Xue. A vicious curse, and his name appears the most.

He was dazed. Suddenly, Shen Xue became strange in his eyes. He didn’t know how to face Shen Xue in the future. Maybe he never understood her. The warmth she produced with him was just wishful thinking. ……

An hour later, Huang Tingwei opened the board. Shen Xue had no strength to beat the board or curse. She shrunk into a crowded corner and the light suddenly hurt her eyes. Seeing a calm face Huang Tingwei stood outside and looked at her.

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