Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred and sixty-nine quality fertilizers

Big dog is a good match for S2zombie, because big dog is faster than S2, but it is a bit stalemate with S3zombie, S3 is faster than big dog, if it is not fur thick body , Maybe Big Dog is not an opponent of S3.

S3zombie has been circling around the big dog all the time, rushing up and scratching a paw from time to time, the big dog keeps jumping in place, a dog’s mouth is exposed and the SEN white teeth keeps biting and flickering zombie, zombie No eyes but very cunning, always avoiding before the big dog bites. In short, the big dog is very bad for the S3, the dog hair is like a cherry blossom, and the blood marks are crisscrossed on the fur.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang saw it, he did not retract the wire mesh on the ground. He pulled out the rat king blade and rushed towards the back of S3. Zhang Xiaoqiang just rushed over. S3 jumped like a long back eye and exposed his mouth full of fangs towards Zhang Xiaoqiang. With a hoarse growl, it seemed to be intimidating, and then an afterimage flashed past the big dog’s bite behind him, and appeared behind the big dog.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Big Dog meet to face S3zombie and are about to reorganize the attack. A new situation appears in the rear of S3. Two D3 keep roaring with a louder howl and rush towards here, further away At one point, the first D3 I encountered was immediately followed by a huge stone in his paws.

After hearing the roar of D3 behind him, S3 gave up the confrontation with Zhang Xiaoqiang and turned to converge with D3. Zhang Xiaoqiang turned his dog back and was about to continue to rush away from D3zombie. Suddenly remembered that he was shooting on aerial reconnaissance aircraft The number of Type 3 zombie around Z2 in the picture is not a lot.

Zhang Xiaoqiang cooperated with Big Dog to kill a total of two S3s. In the previous air strikes, there were also S3zombie shots, adding up to a total of three. That is to say, there are two S3s around Z2zombie, and the number of D3s is large. One point, seven were reached, three behind them, meaning that there were four in front of them. In other words, he was surrounded by seven D3zombie and two S2zombie, and there was a Z2zombie who did not know the depth. .

Thinking of this, Zhang Xiaoqiang decided not to rush forward. He came here to contain Z2zombie to escape. As long as he could be dragged to the Rocket Car Camp, he completed the task, no longer risking his life and a whole team of 3 Type zombie hard resistance.

Under the more and more skilled command of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the big dog jumped up on the side of the mountain, and ran and jumped among the rocks with vegetation. The big dog likes to jump like a rabbit, and the claws between the four feet can be easily taken. Buckled the smooth rock, and soon, one person and one dog would reach the place where the plane circled.

The valley is a valley, and there is no way out. The innermost terrain is completely covered by dense vegetation, and you can’t see the specific situation when standing on the mountain. At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is no longer anxious. Just watch.

Zhang Xiaoqiang found the approximate hiding place of Z2zombie in the mountain forest. In the process of searching, Zhang Xiaoqiang accidentally killed two S3zombie. Type 3 zombie is very important for Z2, because it was previously affected by Hundred Thousand Type 2 zombie Due to the impact of the instantaneous destruction, Z2 has lost confidence in the zombie below the type 3 zombie, so it has little control over the strength, one dead and one less, and no more two remaining S3zombies have been sent to catch up with the mountain. Maybe know, send It is also a food delivery when it comes out.

Due to the killing of two S3zombies, the always timid Z2zombie did not make a move across the valley to continue to escape, patiently waiting for the dark, Z2zombie is quite smart, it was dark last night, and no unmanned reconnaissance aircraft was dispatched. , So that it found an opportunity to get rid of the buzzing overhead, and once the buzzing overhead disappeared, the opportunity for it to escape also came.

Z2 will never think that human beings are not only the meat in their mouths, but also the gods of using tools. The high-powered artillery is not something that can resist anything. Its hesitation and lurking complete the Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stared Z2zombie and its men firmly in the valley woodland, and the outbreak of the Qing Dynasty officially entered a climax. The main force responsible for Ishihara had a total of seven regiments, with a total strength of more than 10,000 people, excluding the boss. Fan-shaped, with the assistance of the transport force, searched the original position for advice.

There were a lot of zombie buried in the dust before, all of which were type 2 zombie washed out by the shock wave of explosion. Among them, the relatively thin S2 type zombie accounted for most, and the heavy D2zombie accounted for a small part.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang passed by, I only took a rough look. I guess there are one or two thousand zombie. The real value is far more than one or two thousand. zombie was mostly seriously injured in the shock wave, whether it is S2zombie or D2zombie Broken, like the maggot creeping on the ground, it is impossible to stand up.

If you are a human, you must have died after such a serious injury. zombie is different. As long as your head is okay, you will not die. They will live forever, as long as the virus in the body can be supplemented. zombie loses its ability to move and cheaper the prairie army. Thousands of type 2 zombie are like a pile of gold mountains in front of Ishihara. Ishihara as a high-level Zhang Xiaoqiang appreciation, knows far more than others. zombie has the same use value. Know the truth.

zombie has a great impact on plants, especially on mutated plants. The more high-grade zombie is, the more effective one Evolution zombie is compared to five ordinary zombie and one S2 type zombie. Ten Evolution zombie and one D2zombie are comparable to three S2 zombie. In this way, one D2zombie is worth 150 zombie. There are more than a thousand D2zombie in the dust outside, and thousands are not dead The S2 type zombie dropped out, these zombie can reach the ordinary zombie 300,000.

Ten thousand people are boundless, zombie is also boundless to ten thousand, 300,000 zombie delivery, God knows how much oil will be consumed, only one-sixtieth of the quantity can meet the supply of 300,000 zombie Nourishment, is there a higher cost-effective than this?

From the survival to the birth of agrimonia, the arachnid tree treated as a baby by Zhang Xiaoqiang only needs less than three thousand common zombie, 300,000 zombie can make a hundred arachnid trees grow, and the grassland legion is heavily guarded In the laboratory, there are various strategic plants such as sun bamboo, pearl tears, anti-rust paint, etc. The nutrients required are innumerable~IndoMTL.com~zombie is not lacking, but the oil supply for zombie is scarce, which causes insufficient supply and demand. , And produced a huge waste of capacity, now with these zombie can solve. As a high-level Ishihara, he knows a lot of things. He knows the use value of zombie. He ordered that the injured zombie could not be killed. One was counted as one, and all of them were thrown on the transport truck to the rear for hoarding.

Under the orders of Ishihara, only a part of the ex-troop troops performed combat missions to clear scattered zombie, and the other part was doing battlefield cleaning work. After they arrived at the fortified earthwork group, they discovered a larger treasure.

The number of Type 2 zombie once reached 100,000. Although the explosives are amazing, it will not crush the more than 90,000 zombie powders and bones. A large part of them are buried. Some zombies have some strength and they drilled themselves. Out, like the one eaten by the black dog, there are many others buried in the floating soil and slowly waiting to suffocate.

Just like digging treasures, a zombie with broken bones is paralyzed, waiting for someone to dig them out, and the soldiers who dig them feel that they have reached the potato field, zombie dug one after another, Endlessly, there are some people who feel dull when they dig into the wild.

For the rare strategic resource of type 2 zombie, Ishihara doesn’t even care about commanding the Qing fight in the front, just waiting for the people below to dig out the one by one humanoid potatoes, and wait for them to fill up all the vehicles and the potatoes are still there Digging out endlessly, zombie is stacked one layer at a time in the car filled with zombie, and it has been squeezed into the carport. A car must always bring dozens of hundreds of zombie, and hundreds of vehicles bring more than ten thousand at a time. Type 2 zombie.

Ishihara is staring at the zombie that is crawling around the ground. He found out that Z2zombie did his best to play the strategy of reducing troops and increasing quality instead of destroying them, but sending them high-quality fertilizers?

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