Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred and ninety-one three giants

“What is their plan? How can thousands of ghouls under the mountain stop it, and the placement of hundreds of thousands of people, how did they arrange it?”

Yuan Heping will try to be as easy as possible, so that Cao Lidong will not see anything wrong with him. Cao Lidong is his old man, an iron-blooded comrade who can live and die together, but when Cao Lidong finds him, he convinces From the moment he joined the Prairie Army, Cao Lidong was no longer his own person, but an outsider’s lobbyist.

Cao Lidong is not as complicated as Yuan Heping thought. According to the plan provided to him by Ishihara, all the arrangements were spoken out.

“There are two plans over there. One is to accept the survivors, subsidize a part of the materials and food, and let the army find a way to live, love the land, and there is no embarrassment for our army, but the amount cannot be too large. Because they also provide food and materials to the survivors, this solution is good for both parties, not only to solve the worries of the army, but also save hundreds of thousands of survivors…”

Hearing Yuan Heping sighing and shaking his head, the army that has left the survivor will only become a rootless root, the army will become weaker and weaker, and their control will be worse than the other day, they will not know why they fight, one day Will fall apart.

“The second plan is Yuan Division Commander. You take the lead, counter the Division Commander of the other two divisions, cooperate with the Grassland Corps to dismiss all high-level positions, disband the army, and place 800,000 survivors in the Hetao area to wait for distribution. I still have to ask you to surrender military power and go to the military academy as the principal. Of course, our first division will not be dismissed. After the reorganization, we will continue to fight on the front line…”

“Military school?”

Yuan Heping didn’t ask about the disarmament, but asked about the military school. When he saw Cao Lidong nodded, he could not help leaning on the back of the chair, the pressed wooden chair creaked, his hands crossed on his heart, and laughed at Cao Lidong Smiled, then asked back:

“What does the military school do?”

Yuan Heping‘s performance is more relaxed, Cao Lidong is more disappointed. Anyone who hears his arrangement will first feel a sense of tension, unless, he has no interest in his arrangement, that is, Yuan Heping has no intention to go The second way.

“The military academy is the place where all officers of the Prairie Corps are trained. The number of former professional officers of the Prairie Corps is not large, and the professional quality is lacking. The command of the officers has not been good. I can directly serve as the battalion commander when I get there……… …”

Cao Lidong honestly stated the original intention of the Zhang Xiaoqiang to create a military academy. He was also telling the truth. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s troops expanded too fast. Many things were learned while fighting. There are not many former professional soldiers in the grassland army. Except for a small number of border guards and the armed police, the remaining soldiers were all excavated from the Yinchuan army. The Yinchuan army has its own system. Except for the officers who were cleared due to the Ishihara incident, Zhang Xiaoqiang cannot get too many officers.

What’s more, when the Yinchuan army withdrew from Yinchuan, it suffered a huge blow. Many professional soldiers either fell in a plane during the breakout. Either it was eaten by zombie during the breakout. In general, the number of professional officers of the Yinchuan army was not large. Later, after the rebellion of Xiang Fei, the number of lost officers was also not small.

Yuan Heping was thinking about the military school. Cao Lidong thought that Yuan Heping was just talking and wanted to persuade him to accept the first proposal. There was a loud noise outside the gate, and then the gate was pushed open. The general came in, the new military uniform was neat and straight, and the major general Jinxing on the epaulettes shone.

Behind the major general, there is a university. The university’s age is the largest one here. In his forties, his temples outside the military cap are mostly white, and the wrinkles on his face are faint, and his eyes are small. Treacherous implied, did not speak when coming in, stood next to the major general and stood shoulder to shoulder with him.

Cao Lidong saw the coming person and the heavily armed Tiger soldiers behind them, and they suddenly changed color. The two were the third division Division Commander He Zilong and the second division Division Commander Zhao Zhigang. Zhao Zhigang was wearing a major general officer uniform, not he was a major general before Doomsday, but When he joined the coalition army, he wore it deliberately. He did not expect that the other two military regions would not eat this set at all, and he was too lazy to restore his previous military rank.

“Yuan Division Commander and Cao Lidong are back. We should also inform us that the decision to send the Cao Lidong company was jointly made by us. What information should we share? Isn’t we a family in the eyes of Yuan Division Commander?”

Zhao Zhigang spoke first. The words directly pointed to Yuan Heping‘s selfishness and wanted a high split. Looking at that look, it seems that he has already confirmed the evidence of Yuan Heping.

“The two of them were wrong, when did I make it with you? Who was carrying me and used the joint command to give the reconnaissance company an order? The Cao Lidong company went out when it was 170 Eighteen people, only one person came back, and all of them went to me. Naturally, I must first report to me. What are your dissatisfaction?”

Yuan Heping lost his ease, and his eyes narrowed slightly with some chill. To say that he was the most aggrieved was him, only because he went to the front to inspect the progress of the defense, the joint headquarters was behind, and he was a distinguished scout. Even if he was sent out, he still used the orders issued by his tone, and now only one person came back. How could he be reconciled?

“Uh…, this is a misunderstanding, weren’t you busy at the beginning? The past is over, we are here today to ask Cao Lidong, the second investigation team news…”

He Zilong stood up. The vulture’s eyes were fixed on Cao Lidong‘s face, not letting go of any change in Cao Lidong‘s face. The second investigation team was their essence. No one more than 120 Evolution could lose. Up.

“Huh… It’s a joke, what’s the second investigation team to do with Cao Lidong? Cao Lidong came over from there in a lifetime, and what will happen to the contingent that is a hundred times stronger than the reconnaissance company?”

Speaking of the contingent, Yuan Heping‘s complexion is much better. The military secretly sent him a reconnaissance company to attract the attention of the zombie along the way and reduce the pressure on the troops behind him. He knows clearly that some things are not good to put On the countertop, it does not mean that he will be so stubborn that when he is formed, he directly refuses to send his own Evolution, but he does not want to join in.

What happened to the second reconnaissance team consisting of all Evolutions, Cao Lidong has reported it for a long time, in addition to being happy, Yuan Heping is also afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang, but it’s not as good as seeing the other two parties deflated What’s wrong, after all, he is not Lei Feng who deny himself.

“Yuan Division Commander is wrong. We are all a family, and we should be blessed and shared, and we should have the same difficulties. Cao Lidong is the first person to return from there. We always know some clues. , We…”


Yuan Heping shot his right hand heavily on the table, his eyes staring fiercely at the surging Zhao Zhigang~IndoMTL.com~Zhao Zhigang, but the Zhao Zhigang said nothing but closed his mouth quietly Waiting quietly for Yuan Heping to speak, the time between the three of them is not short, and the temperament of Yuan Heping is almost the same,

Yuan Heping glanced at Zhao Zhigang and He Zilong, his face immediately smiled, and the smile turned into a ridicule in the next second, shaking his head and saying:

“This sentence you Zhao Zhigang is the most unqualified to say. The previous battle has not stopped for a day. The most difficult places and the places with the most casualties are my first division. Your troops are in the most. Safe, the least stressful place, wait until when you and my troops exchange positions, you say this sentence again.”

Zhao Zhigang was speechless by this satire with gun grips. He Zilong behind him stood up at this time, staring at the mocking eyes of Yuan Heping and bluntly said:

“Fifty tons of food, intelligence sharing, one hundred tons of food, Cao Lidong follow us back to assist in investigation…”

He Zilong this is the clear price, Cao Lidong has no action at this time, standing quietly not far from Yuan Heping, waiting for the Yuan Heping arrangement, Yuan Heping seems not to hear the He Zilong price, creaking, and opened the drawer underneath, I groped a piece of soft Chinese, ripped it horizontally, threw two packets of Cao Lidong in front of a few people present, and then took one of my own. When I looked at He Zilong and Zhao Zhigang, I said with a hint of sarcasm:

“This is a gift brought to me by Cao Lidong. He is not my person now. He is the commander of the armored reconnaissance battalion of the First Division of the Prairie Army. I came here to say goodbye to my old Chief. Do you understand?

The word “Prairie Legion” came out. Several people on the scene were at a loss. Yuan Heping was quiet, but he was smoking a cigarette. His two proposals for Zhang Xiaoqiang were alluring, but unfortunately none of them can be actually operated. Here Only he knows the true situation of the Yinshan mountain range best.

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