Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred and ninety-nine pearl tears

Ishihara and Chen Qinqin followed behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and headed towards Taniguchi. The two mountains in Taniguchi were now redesigned by Zhang Xiaoqiang fortifications. A large amount of building materials were transported in from the outside at no cost, and the simple fortifications were built into permanent Fortifications, the generator and diesel were delivered at the same time.

All these things can only be transported by mountain roads. Mountain roads are difficult to travel. It is impossible to use motor vehicles. Except for people carrying them on their shoulders, the only things they can use are bicycles and wheelbarrows.

Looking at the fortifications under construction, Ishihara is a bit distressed. A lot of manpower and material resources are wasted here. You know, the original defense system here is good. He thinks that even if the Institute of Botany is here, there is no need to achieve it. such.

At the big lakeside, Zhang Xiaoqiang took two people to a lifting platform at the foot of the mountain. Three people followed the lifting platform to the mid-mountainside of ten a meter in height and walked up the rocky path of the mountainside to a natural cave. The cave was very It is large, with at least thousands of square meters inside. There are traces of finishing on the four walls and the ground. A simple wooden table occupies half of the space of the cave, and the remaining half is various experimental platforms and research equipment.

While walking through those simple original wooden tables, Ishihara saw three wooden pots on each wooden table. A strange plant grows in the clay pots. This plant is a single plant, which looks like a pearl necklace. Someone was torn off, and then glued into the soil.

At the very top of the plant, there is a very weird fruit, to be precise, much like the beak of a woodpecker is embedded in the largest pearl, with long black and green spines sticking out seven or eight centimeters, with the thorn head facing Outside the clay pot, on the tip of the thorn, there is a transparent silk thread hanging down all the way to the small bowl beside the clay pot.

There is already a small half bowl of transparent colloid object in the small bowl. Suddenly, Ishihara is also indistinguishable. In the end, the colloid object in the bowl is sucked up by the spikes like the beak. It should be the spikes to the bowl. Medium spinning.

Afterwards, he found that these plants were also arranged. The one by one was plain white. The woman with a mask walked quietly between these wooden tables. From time to time, she sprayed water mist on these plants with the sprayer in her hand. The beads of water slowly flowed down the small pearl in the middle of the plant and were completely absorbed before reaching the last pearl.

“Still use zombie rot water?”

Ishihara smelled the faint smell in the air, and asked Zhang Xiaoqiang doubtfully, but had some interest in these plants in his heart. Zhang Xiaoqiang is a person who pays attention to interests, let him give up packing 200 zombie, and obtain the whole Yinchuan plain. The benefits are farming here, will it be that the benefits here are much more than the outside?

“Yes, in the later stage of the Helan Mountains zombie, the garrison drove all the zombie to several Jedis, and then sealed the gap. Now 100,000 zombies in the entire Helan Mountains are trapped by us. I put every Jedi. There are ten Evolution and 20 veterans, there will be no accidents.

These zombies are the fertilizers of the Institute of Botany. Now that we have made any breakthrough, we all have a credit for zombie. Leave these things alone, I will show you our results… “

Zhang Xiaoqiang took Ishihara to the experimental bench, but saw several men and women in white coats testing there. These people are all Ishihara have not seen, everyone has different faces This kind of old wounds, the complexion also has a long history of starvation.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care about these people. He walked to a shelf and took an object and handed it to Ishihara. While the Ishihara took it, his right hand fluttered violently. It seemed that he couldn’t control his strength. Things are too light.

Zhang Xiaoqiang handed him a helmet with a camouflage cloth, the appearance is not different from the field helmet they use, but just get it in hand, simply can not feel the weight of the helmet, and also can not feel the thickness of the helmet The effect is that this thing is made of plastic pieces to bluff people.

Ishihara looked carefully with the helmet in his hand and couldn’t see a famous place. Some curiously stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled and didn’t answer. He grabbed the helmet and took Ishihara to a cave next to the experimental area. The space of this cave Narrow and long, one side of the cave wall was chiseled with dense small eyes. The sunlight outside shone like a sieve into the cave. Countless beams of gold shone brilliantly, but more dust was in the beam. Flying.

This cave has signs of being used as a shooting range. On the rock wall, one by one small eyes drilled the rock and dropped countless gravel on the ground. On the wall near the exit of the cave, a row of gun racks and various rifles were neatly arranged. In the big barrel under the gun frame, the dense bullet shells were filled with half a wooden barrel, and several ammunition box were built beside the barrel, and several half-full magazines were piled up on top of it.

The long and narrow cave is a hundred meters above, and there are several crosses in the middle according to the distance. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked to the first shelf, tied the helmet on it, and returned to Ishihara and asked:

“With the Bayi rifle, at this distance, shoot the helmet we equipped. Can the helmet block all bullets?”

Ishihara silently looked at the helmet 20 meters away and shook his head directly. Although the new generation of helmets is good, it is not a panacea. The 7.62 mm bullet has too much kinetic energy, let alone 20 meters, even if it is 50 meters away Can’t stop it.

Zhang Xiaoqiang grabbed an eighty-one rifle, stuck the clip, pulled the bolt, and the machine buckle sounded, the rifle was delivered to Ishihara, looking at the rifle in front of him, Ishihara hesitated to take it, lift the gun Just pull the trigger towards the Zhang Xiaoqiang fixed helmet.

After a single shot, Ishihara narrowed his eyes and looked at his achievements. Unsurprisingly, the helmet skin was torn open a big mouth, at the same time the helmet material under the mouth was also shot, through the incoming sunlight, You can see the wooden shelf under the helmet.

Ishihara raised his muzzle upward and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with doubt. He didn’t know what Zhang Xiaoqiang was doing. The helmet was garbage. There is no doubt that the only thing I could say was this cave. Small eyes can disperse gunshots and will not reverberate in this cave.

“Did you understand?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said he was surprised. He grabbed a fifty-six submachine gun and put a good magazine on it. He raised the gun and slowly fired a bullet from the magazine. The helmet trembles violently in the rain of bullets. The helmet flashed, and the bullets that flew at the same time were roaring, hitting the surrounding rock walls and chiseling countless small pieces of stone chips.

“This… what is this…”

Ishihara didn’t wait for the smoke in front of the two to dissipate, and rushed to the cross. He carefully looked at the fixed helmet. The skin had been torn into a cloth~IndoMTL.com~ The material inside let Ishihara see Clear and clear, under the transparent skin, is the lining fixed in the helmet. From the outside, the material in the middle of the helmet seems to be non-existent, only the skin and the lining are very strange.

After seeing Ishihara playing with the transparent helmet in his hands, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt comfortable for a while. I felt that it was worthwhile to be a monkey in the mountain every day.

“Glass bulletproof armor, this is the name I’m going to tell the user. I use glazed armor for the inside. The real material, which I call pearl tears, is the plants you just saw. This armor is a tree. I grew up on it.”

After hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang, Ishihara frowned and said:

“What is the output of those pearl tears outside? Also, the troops equipped with tens of thousands of people seem to be superfluous. The helmet we currently use is enough, I think…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled dumbly and raised his hand to stop the words behind Ishihara. He stared at Ishihara seriously and said:

“You are mistaken, I never thought of making this a helmet from beginning to end, and its scope of use is not so simple, let me put it this way, you can think of it as a super dream material of the future of super technology, Its melting point to high temperature is 4,200 Baidu, and it will not be brittle under the freezing temperature of 30 degrees, and can resist the scattered fire of 1.27 mm bullets…”

Every time Zhang Xiaoqiang said a word, the look of Ishihara changed to one point, and by the end he had changed from surprise to horror. When he heard that this thing was easy to process and had the ability to form, he suddenly changed color:

Elder Brother Cockroach, we can’t use this thing right now, and there are some forces in the outside world, we don’t know, this thing is not only useless to us, it may also attract prying eyes from all forces, it is best to study slowly and form a system , Let our technology reach a certain level, and then come out……”

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