Apocalypse Cockroach: Three hundred and eighty-three presents


Zhang Xiaoqiang burst into laughter, and then turned into a big laugh, and the laughter spread far away through the walls of the war room, so that all twelve Evolutions changed color, and a burly man standing behind the silver-haired man slammed toward In the previous step, before the movement, the silver-haired man slammed it back.

“It’s funny, it’s so funny, I turned out to be a redneck hiding in the corner? It turns out that the world has changed like this? Overnight, it’s a new human being and Epoch, everything came out ? Is there a new world? New China? Or a new girlhood?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang burst into tears with a smile, but a heart became cold for him. He knew nothing about the new human being and Epoch, but everyone knew him, which gave him a feeling of being snooped, He doesn’t know how many organizations are staring at him, he only knows that these people will definitely not be good if they come to him.

“No, what you said is really not true, our new human being is a wandering organization composed of Chinese Evolution people, originally wanted to find a piece of pure land, based on the new human beings as the foundation, save the Chinese fire, wait for the opportunity to rise, no I think that there are Evolution people organized by Epoch who are among us and want to include us.

Epoch is not a local force in China. They have a Western background behind them. During the revolt, we suffered heavy losses. Since then, we and Epoch have become a hostile relationship. This time we don’t come to the door for others. One is to borrow. Baodi recuperates, and another is that Epoch is staring at your site and wants to come over to remind you… “


The wood table in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang was filled with wood chips, and then his right hand was lifted from the cracked wood table, his index finger lightly buckled his chin, and he looked at the group of Evolution with a trace of disdain, said coldly :

“Hum, not only Epoch but my site, you too? Four large cities, more than ten small cities, countless cultivated land, countless supplies, and countless population, as long as you receive, Is it a rare place of richness?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang spoke his thoughts face to face, making everyone on the opposite side Evolution change color, only the twelve-three-year-old girl with a pure face still looked at the table in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang with innocent eyes, it seemed I don’t understand what Zhang Xiaoqiang is talking about.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at everyone’s face, sneered, and kept a cold face with his cold meow face, staring at the silver-haired old man with his eyes, a pair of silver teeth biting creak, no matter how she and Zhang Xiaoqiang It is also a family trouble, but outsiders plug in and want to pick up the bargain. She Leng Miaomiao first refuses to agree, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s things are hers, she hates people to grab her things, including Zhang Xiaoqiang itself.

“Well, are we scarce of your territory? With our strength, where can’t you live? And what population and materials of yours, where can we not find? I tell you, the old lady is not rare… .”

A red-haired woman emerged from behind the old man, pointed at the tip of the nose of Zhang Xiaoqiang with her hips, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned by the woman.

The woman has been kept behind by a silver-haired old man. Zhang Xiaoqiang only saw a corner. The only impression is that the woman has red hair. Previously, the old man said that they are local Chinese forces. Zhang Xiaoqiang sneered because of it because The Chinese cannot have red hair, this woman must be a foreigner.

However, when the imaginary foreign girl scolded with a pair of graceful and beautiful Mandarin, Zhang Xiaoqiang was shocked by her exquisite and elegant oriental classical beauty. The woman has no place like a foreigner except hair Yes, goose egg face, willow leaf eyebrow, natural pink eye shadow, and bright cherry mouth, two rows of jade-like small white teeth.

Looking at the delicate skin on a woman’s delicate face, Zhang Xiaoqiang felt a bit of pain in her cheeks. She clearly had a gentle and pure face, but she spoke of a violent virtue, which made people have a strong conflict of contradictions. Can’t accept it for a while.

“Well, even a pretty uncultivated woman is just a straw bag. Even if you look at it, the eyeballs will fall…”

On the one hand, Miao Miao couldn’t bear the dull Zhang Xiaoqiang piggy face. The delicate voice overwhelmed the woman’s scolding and awakened the Zhang Xiaoqiang. The woman turned her head and stared at Meow Meow, but Meow Me was disdain His head was sullen, and he disdainfully looked at the woman. A pair of **** and white eyes involuntarily aimed at the big baby with a bulging breast, and then more disdainfully said to himself: “The chest is big and brainless…”

Meow is only twelve or three years old. She looks about the same size as the angel-cute girl. She speaks like a little adult again, which makes the woman take it by heart, refute her heart, and meow. The small appearance made her feel like bullying the child, so she could only muffled her mouth and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang with more angry eyes.

Zhang Xiaoqiang wiped the saliva from his mouth, coughed inadvertently, and lay on the back of the chair, raising his hand to let the silver-haired old man sit down and talk.

Zhang Xiaoqiang action is a kind invitation, the old man let the red-haired beauty back to the back, with a friendly smile to the side of No. 13, so that No. 13’s body suddenly tightened, and a heart pounded, Just now he heard clearly that people are new human beings, and the forces behind him are dead, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is not his ally, which makes him a bit of a sandwich.

“I don’t care what you come from, or what kind of grievance you have with that Epoch, I just want to ask, what is your real purpose? How did you find me? And, you are How did you get here?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang asked questions, each of which is not easy to answer. The things involved may be related to the secret of the new human organization. After the man sat down, the eleven Evolution people behind him looked a lot better, the woman’s face ‘S resentment also converged a lot, and turned his anger on the 13th like a needle felt.

The man didn’t look at their enemy No. 13, and took out a list of his own. A thin list floated out of thin air on his palm, slowly floating towards Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the list with great interest, and did not reach out to pick it up, letting the list linger on the broken desktop in front of him.

Then he was attracted by the materials on the list: “Nine thousand rifles of the August 1st, three hundred machine guns of the eighty-one class, and 15 million rounds of 7.62mm rifles of the fifty-six and eighty-five. One hundred and twenty heavy-duty machine guns, one million rounds of the May 4th 12.7 millisecond a meter in height machine guns, and 360 barrels of spare heavy machine gun barrels.

6500 pieces of Type 95 rifles, 4500 pieces of 03 type rifles, 100 pieces of sniper rifles of various models, 21 million rounds of 5.8mm bullets~IndoMTL.com~10 pieces of various calibers Twenty thousand rounds.

There are 148 Type 100 100mm mortars, 88 Type 65 82mm recoilless guns, 90,000 rounds of various artillery shells, 1,500 bazookas, and 37,000 40mm rockets. There are 110 doors of 30mm automatic grenade launchers and 32,000 pieces of 30mm grenade.

Thirty-six 63-type 12-barrel rocket launchers, 43,200 107-mm rockets, 105-mm lightweight towed howitzers

Twelve doors, 105 mm armor-piercing projectiles… “

There are a few equipments behind Zhang Xiaoqiang that haven’t been looked closely. He took a breath of breath. This is a big deal. These equipments can add up to two divisions and a light artillery brigade. The Zhang Xiaoqiang’s cannon weapons are not bad. The only difference is the ammunition. The ammunition on the list is more than the existing ammunition of the Prairie Army, especially the bullets. The total inventory of the Prairie Army is less than 5 million rounds. If the battle continues, there is no ammunition The 100,000 rounds of replenishment per day by the installation factory may completely fall into the awkward situation of having guns and bullets after a month.

“This is our intention, please let Elder Brother Cockroach smile and accept it as our rent and maintenance costs, and hope that Elder Brother Cockroach can protect our safety. Of course, if it is a critical moment, don’t use Elder Brother Cockroach to say more, we It will also go up…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang lowered his head, his eyes glanced over the list, his head posture remained unchanged, he rolled his eyes and swept the old man again, then he stared at the list for a while, and then glanced at the eleven Evolution again, Later, it was really sore neck, Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his head and shook his neck.

Twisting his neck, Zhang Xiaoqiang pressed the list under his palm, as if thinking about something. After a while, he shook his head and said:

“Don’t say these things first, did you have any answers to the questions I asked just now?”

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