Apocalypse Cockroach: The reason for the 808 military expansion I/III

“Zhou Ruo, do you mean to say something, is it easy for me to brother? Elder Brother Cockroach throws us here regardless of asking, I ran back and stayed in Hubei, which is zombie on all sides, is this a bit upside down? I want to say that the land of the heart and the heart is just that. Let’s build the land of the corner first, and all the Go books say about Phnom Penh and Silver Horn Belly. As long as we really develop our Inner Mongolia area, what role will it play in the future? Isn’t it smaller than Hubei? Even if Elder Brother Cockroach can’t worry about his wife and children, if they take it together, they don’t have a plane…”

Zhao jun did not let Zhou Jie go, and continued to have a nagging sentence, ignoring the mountain of copywriting in front of Zhou Jie, and ignoring Zhou Jie for the management of millions of people and the development of several big cities. The sideburns said that in the end, Zhou Jie couldn’t hear it anymore, slowly closed the file in his hand, reached out and pinched his eyebrow massage, and said in a moaning tone:

Minister Zhao, did you come here today to disgust me? You are relaxed, everything is given to the Ishihara staff, but I do it all by myself, not to mention the meal time is squeezed out, even The toilets have to be running, so please let the brothers go. If you have anything to say, don’t get it…”

When I heard Zhou Jie’s betrayal, Zhao jun was not proud, but rather depressed. I slapped on Zhou Jie’s shoulder and slapped:

“Lao Zhou, things can’t be done, everything is not for the superiors, you should try to exercise the following people, otherwise they will only be lazy and push all their work and responsibilities to If you were in the army, I would be the same as you. I’m afraid I would have long… You can’t do this, if you don’t listen to it, you will be exhausted sooner or later. It doesn’t matter if you are exhausted, but to When it caused confusion, didn’t we want our army to come forward and suppress it?”

“Bah! You crow mouth, I understand it. You just laid down Baotou and it’s okay. I ran over and plugged me, right? I tell you, even if you wear your mouth here, I will I won’t promise you to expand the army. How long did the last major disarmament? I promised you, didn’t you give Elder Brother Cockroach eye drops? In a word, except Elder Brother Cockroach, you don’t want to get a conscription order from me. …”

Zhou Jie clapped the table and stood up and died of what he hadn’t said on the mouth of Zhao jun. As soon as he entered the door at Zhao jun, he knew what the minister who had never done in the political court came to do it, Baotou first More than three hundred well-preserved 69-type tanks were sealed in the secret warehouse of a machinery factory. These three hundred tanks Zhao jun could not be eaten and could only be handed over to the Lu Xiaobu of the Hubei military, lest Zhang Xiaoqiang suspect that he was selfish. Of course, this It was settled under the persistence of Ishihara, otherwise Zhao jun will not give Lu Xiaobu any chance, and the formation of an armored army requires a regular army with strong professional skills. In this way, at least half of the soldiers of the armored regiment are transferred. He and officers must also provide a considerable number of outstanding soldiers and maintenance talents. They had to open up to Hubei as a last resort, and they needed to raise a group of skilled personnel. Otherwise, they would not want the Hubei people to intervene with them.

If · counts like this, Inner Mongolia has to adjust at least tens of thousands of people to form this armored army. The materials and fuel needed are countless. If the second army is to pay for Zhao jun, it will be uncomfortable, even if the armored army I will definitely stay on the grassland and feel at a loss. After all, it is not their direct army. There will be more problems and coordination at that time. This is a headache. It is a last resort. Zhao jun will overthrow Zhou Jie. At least, it is necessary to make up for the possible blood loss of the Second Army.

Zhou Jie did not give Zhao jun any chance to block his speech directly, and immediately made Zhao jun feel extremely depressed, and no longer gave Zhou Jie a good face, said aloud:

“There are nearly 10 million zombie in the Yinshan mountain range. In addition, Hohhot City also needs us to recover. Besides, the casualties we have fought in the front have not been small. This time thanks to the mysterious weapon brought back by Miao Miao, otherwise you It is also impossible to get two complete medium-sized cities. These are the merits of our Second Army. Isn’t that just expanding some soldiers? As for making it so rigid…”

Speaking of this, Zhao jun is getting more and more irritable. Despite Zhou Jie’s hesitant thinking, he stood up and walked around the house, but his right hand pulled out a folded piece of white paper from his jacket pocket, waving it to Zhou Jie. Shout again:

“This is our casualty report. Even with the mysterious weapon that can kill zombie on a large scale, there are still more than 390 people killed, more than 600 people injured, and more than 600 people with 200 Many people could not be cured. Calculated by Blood Regiment, as we entered and exited, we almost permanently reduced thousands of trained veterans. These veterans are not comparable to those in the training camp. Each of them has three recruits. The combat effectiveness of the army, counting the soldiers supporting Lu Xiaobu, the combat effectiveness of the troops will continue to decline. It will take at least six months for the armored army to form combat effectiveness. Do you want us to defeat the battle…”

Zhao jun can do nothing, regardless of the casualties of the troops, regardless of the combat effectiveness of the troops, but there is one thing he cannot ignore, that is, defeating the battle, it is a shame to lose as a soldier, so he is only recovering Baotou, has not recovered the same When Baiyun Mine came over to persuade Zhou Jie, at this moment, the battle of Baiyun Mine was still under the command of Ishihara, making him wish he could divide himself into two halves.

Zhao jun, I know you’re in a hurry, but I can’t help…, let me tell you this, we are all at risk to establish an armored army, if not to let these three hundred tanks play combat power as soon as possible, I will not agree to become an army before Elder Brother Cockroach agrees, and I specially invite Lu Xiaobu to host. The more we are when Elder Brother Cockroach is away, the more we must be cautious, otherwise we will cause trouble to the upper body…”

Zhou Jie turned over to Zhou Jie at this time, not because he had no soldiers, nor because of difficulties in weapons and materials, but he did not dare. Zhang Xiaoqiang let the military and political divisions separate, and let the Executive Yuan be responsible for recruit recruitment training. In order to prevent the army from being too long, it is also to prevent the New Deal Court from interfering in the military. Therefore, on the principle of expanding the army, Zhou Jie does not want to intervene. This is the way to die.

“But…but Elder Brother Cockroach is still not coming. God knows where Elder Brother Cockroach has gone again, or else you will urge the research progress of the Institute on new weapons, otherwise we really don’t want to complete the Elder Brother Cockroach delivery My secret mission…”

Zhao jun had no idea and unconsciously said what he shouldn’t say, so that Jay Chou suddenly rejuvenated, he didn’t dare to open his mouth just because he didn’t want Zhang Xiaoqiang to misunderstand him for power. A taboo in my mind, but with Zhang Xiaoqiang the task is different, as long as there is no conflict with the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s order, they can still be urgent in some ways.

“The tasks given to you by Zhao jun and Elder Brother Cockroach can let me know, if it is very important, maybe…”

Zhao jun didn’t have much precautions for Zhou Jie’s curiosity. When Zhang Xiaoqiang issued the task, it was just casually said. Maybe Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t believe that they could really accomplish this seemingly remote task, so just casually mention it. To mention, let Zhao jun and Ishihara work in this direction. Now Zhou Jie wants to know that ~IndoMTL.com~Zhao jun did not hide it, and said the last time Zhang Xiaoqiang contacted them.

After listening to the details of Zhao jun, Zhou Jie’s face did not have any abnormalities, and it was still the same as before, but there was a storm in his heart. If Zhang Xiaoqiang really wants to charge there, I am afraid that Inner Mongolia The combat objectives will be expanded tenfold, and the battles or difficulties they will face are also ten times that of the zombie that they will now deal with.

“Don’t just talk nonsense about this matter, just a few of us know it. Although I don’t know why Elder Brother Cockroach wants to recover it, as long as he has this intention, we will try our best to complete it. I can only give you war damage for the recruits… …”

After hearing the previous words, Zhao jun was very happy. I thought I pried a gap in front of the stubborn Zhou Jie. I did not expect that Zhou Jie still had no plans to expand his army. His eyelids drooped in an instant, but Zhou Jie did not watch Zhao jun. The changeable look, continued his words, like a roller coaster, and hooked up the thoughts of Zhao jun:

“There will be no problem for the armored army to hand over to Lu Xiaobu. Elder Brother Cockroach knows no blame, but it does not require you to immediately transfer professional soldiers. The armored regiment of Fan Zhongfeng is now on the scale, and there are not a few professional talents. These People can set up armored military schools and look for shorter, younger survivors to enter the military school to study. In this way, there are a large number of reserve soldiers, and Elder Brother Cockroach will not blame. We don’t need to be in place, but we can go step by step…. “

Zhou Jie’s method can only be considered as an expedient measure. After all, he doesn’t even have the right to form a military academy. However, this program will make Zhang Xiaoqiang who knows afterwards have nothing to say, even if the time is slower, but it can be accepted. The capable teenagers have enough mental energy and time to learn to operate the tank, while also solving the biggest problem of Zhao jun, which can be regarded as two birds with one stone.

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