Apocalypse Cockroach: Sixty-seven fighting alone

Since you are unhappy, you have to vent. Mu Peipei wants to show her fangs to the world. The female barracks do not need strong force and combat qualities, as long as they have her.

Thoughts turned around, Mu Peipei approached Yang Ke’er who was rushing towards her, Yang Ke’er flickered at the moment of contact with her, and chopped her head towards her. In her eyes, the sharp sword was like a light feather in the hands of Yang Ke’er, The alarm signal in my heart did not stop for a moment.

“Zi · ·” toe focused on the ground to take her back, Mu Peipei tilted back slightly, holding her hands into eagle claws to recover, just avoiding the first blow of Yang Ke’er, “Peng· · · · ·” was severely cleaved On the concrete floor, the gravel spattered, and long cracks extended under her feet on the ground.

Mu Peipei glanced at the opportunity, when Yang Ke’er had not received the knife, rushed towards the girl like an arrow from Hyun, the right paw was like a hook, aimed at the throat of Yang Ke’er, and the shiny nails would be put on Yang Ke’er Above the pink neck.

“Hah!” Yang Ke’er did not abandon the blade body, twisted the handle of the wrist, the blade body embedded in the ground changed from vertical to horizontal, and was strongly pressed, a gust of wind, several pieces of cement “Pu” flew to the ground, black mud Behind the debris rushed out like a fountain, forming a black and white barrier separating the two.

Mu Peipei was caught by surprise by Yang Ke’er’s small means, and the dusty sky was covered with dust. If it was overwhelmed by her, it would be covered by the soil no matter whether it was retreating backward or evading from side to side. She was not afraid of it. The soil stained the clothes, but it was afraid that the sand would confuse the eyes.

Blinking two first-step cement stones, her light body jumped up, and she flew over a piece of cement residue, like a bowl of cement residue. She jumped into the sky again, flying for several meters, exactly After avoiding the dust of a meter in height, she looked down and saw that Yang Ke’er protected her head and face with a bone shield, rushed into the spattered layers of soil, and swept her swords in succession.

Don’t mention the two, the leisurely Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting on the military vehicle was so hot to see the two women in the first round. I was very surprised. Especially Mu Peipei jumped in the air like a bird. If it is not known that Mu Peipei is Evolution , He would also think which ancient heroine traversed, in front of his eyes to make a peerless lightweight art.

After seeing Yang Ke’er stealing oil, rushing into the mud layer and waving his sword in a mess, a smile hung on his mouth, he did not remind Yang Ke’er, after all, only by learning in combat can you really grow.

In the end, Mu Peipei jumping in the air is not a bird. She turned lightly in the air and landed firmly behind Yang Ke’er. At the same time, she rushed towards Yang Ke’er again. At this time, the flying layer in the air had not yet fallen.

Yang Ke’er chopped a few times with a large knife, but did not achieve any benefit. She was particularly dexterous on the battlefield. She had a bad secret in her heart, twisted her waist, and the forward knife fell forward with the wrist. Cut back obliquely.

Seeing that it was close to Yang Ke’er, the ** in the heart of Mu Peipei reached the extreme, too late to think, Microsoft kneeled down, “kneeled” down, the corner of the eye had flashed the shadow of the sword, Mu Peipei lay back, with a slightly earthy sword in her The tip of her nose swayed, chopping her broken hair in front of her slightly raised forehead.

“Woo · · · · · · ·” swaggered, “Uh” Mu Peipei kneeling backwards, glancing up at the sky quickly, behind her, a few chopped hair is falling down.

The momentum of Mu Peipei‘s forward sliding is not exhausted, but Yang Ke’er has already seen her figure, and she is chased after lifting her feet. Mu Peipei kneeling on the ground did not get up and fled the first time. The friction between her knees and the ground made her hurt. The big knife in Yang Ke’er‘s hands came back again, and he reached his throat carefully.

Kya!!!” For the first time, Mu Peipei issued a sip in front of Yang Ke’er, his legs were pulled out, his feet fell together on the ground, and his feet just stepped on the ground. It was like being shot by a spring-loaded marble, saying it was too late, then it was fast, the eyelid blinked in time, and jumped in the middle of the air Mu Peipei to the side of Yang Ke’er, and the nails with metal texture were taken to the Yang Ke’er heart. .

“哧啦啦 · · · · · ·” burst of piercing sound, sharp nails did not leave even shallow scars on the bone shield, Mu Peipei flew over, it is Yang Ke’er‘s inability to move the bone shield to the heart.

Mu Peipei stood Yang Ke’er more than ten meters away and stared at Yang Ke’er in a daze. She looked very carefully and did not miss any details on Yang Ke’er. Eventually she was frustrated.

She sees that the girl in front of her is still a minor little girl. She admits that this time she was dominated by this minor little girl, she was dodged from beginning to end, several times were thrilling, Yang Ke’er‘s only one by one times of avoidance is nothing but moving the bone shield in his hand.

When Yang Ke’er blinked her tongue and plucked her tongue, she really couldn’t figure out why this flower-like, young girl with a youthful breath would be so fierce when she started, and it made her feel a little palpitated, she turned her head to look Looking at the gate of his camp, there was no longer a female soldier at the gate, and three light machine guns were thrown into the machine gun nest.

There are only two people on her side who are present. One hides behind the gate and looks at her head, looking at her Wang Xing with concern, and the other is the Zhao Xiaobo staring at her between the gate and the team.

When she looked at the convoy, a sadness hit her heart, and the quadruple and 37 guns went on, the three heavy machine guns on the three warrior military vehicles went on, and more than 30 heavily armed players were carrying The rifle is pointing at her and arguing about it. Those men didn’t even do the posture of war, apparently already treating her as a dish.

Mu Peipei feels slightly moist in her eyes~IndoMTL.com~ put away her nails, she gently touched her eyes with a finger, a drop of crystal tears was on her fingertips, she was surprised to see this drop of tears, how many years? How many years have no tears fallen? The last time weeping was on the day the mother died?

“Hey! Beautiful sister, if you don’t fight, surrender if you don’t, don’t bother, my husband is still watching!”

Yang Ke’er’s clear voice drifted into her ears, and she looked up to see Yang Ke’er’s impatient face, a anger filled her heart, she took Yang Ke’er’s impatience as a mockery, as a mockery to her, to the whole The female barracks mocked.

She decided to continue the fight, not for the women who were about to die in battle, not for the women’s barracks that she had painstakingly maintained, but for herself, in order to fight with the Zhao Xiaobo and Wang Xing beside her at the last minute, even To death, she has to fight to death, not only Huang Quan and Chen Ye can face death calmly, she can also Mu Peipei.

The battle started again, still the main attack of Mu Peipei. She brought the speed to the extreme, with a long afterimage, and rushed towards Yang Ke’er. Yang Ke’er is a typical backhand counterattack. For her, she doesn’t need too many tricks. A sharp cut is enough.

Sword, slash, knife drop, Mu Peipei with a mad-hearted warning letter, avoiding the flashing big knife occasionally, the wind of the big knife stabbing her cheek, at this moment, she is the first Formally close to Yang Ke’er.

Two claws pop out, connect to Yang Ke’er between cheeks and throat, Yang Ke’er has been prepared for a long time, sideways, thick bone shield divides the distance between the two into the sky, cut across, the big knife crossed in front of the shield, Mu Peipei again Being forced to retreat, although being forced to retreat, the toe suddenly accelerated with force, flashed to Yang Ke’er and jumped up again.

Mu Peipei jumping in the air, the trouser legs are sizzled with the sword wind brought back by the Yang Ke’er big knife · · · · · · · · · · ·

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