Apocalypse Cockroach: Sixty

Out of the dirty and noisy repair shop, Xu Jing found that everything is so strange. Her daily activities are two points and one line. The cafeteria and repair shop, each time they come out to eat, look down at their feet as much as possible. Most of the time They are all repairing the shop. To the outside, it is better to say it is fear than to understand it.

She carefully bypassed the one by one neat tent, opened a piece of clothes hanging between the tents, and from time to time evaded the children running towards her, slowly touched the center of the tent, where there was a live ammunition Where is the armed member alerting? She stood and looked at the alerting member in front. She was hesitant and didn’t know how to tell the members.

“Who are you? Why did you come here? Don’t you know that this is a restricted area?”

The young and hoarse male voice sounded behind her, and the sudden interrogation scared her. He quickly turned around and saw two men with rifles standing behind her, and the black muzzle was aimed at her eyebrows.

These two men are Uncle Yun and Taro. After they were recruited into the combat team, they were allowed to warn some interested people by the Zhang Xiaoqiang tent by the tent.

“I · · I · · · is to find · · · to find the master drop.”

Xu Jing was a little hesitant when he talked at first, and he spoke more smoothly afterwards, and when the words of the master spoke out, until he appeared fearless, he stood indifferently and stared in front of the old man and two men,

Uncle Yun and Taro thought they had stayed for a few days, and finally they were caught by a live, but they didn’t expect that the pretty girl who initially looked timid at Nono, calmed down in three or two sentences, but had an anti-guest posture. Hearing what she said about the master, the two of them tried to break their heads and did not figure out who the owner of this beautiful girl was, so that she could ignore her muzzle aimed at her?

“Your ·, your master is that · · · ·

Taro saw this pretty sister staring at him coolly and calmly, the tender skin on her face was already red and hot, and the rifle in his hand was also heavy, and the straight barrel was always unconsciously down Sliding down, Uncle Yun is older than Taro, and sees Taro’s bear-like appearance. The curse was silent, and he asked Xu Jing. His old eyes and those timid beautiful eyes met each other, and his mouth wasn’t very easy.

“The master is the master, he took it home, and a soldier wearing glasses took me and asked him about my arrangement. The master said, let me go to the factory director, I will go, I have something to do, find my host · · · · · · ·

The sound of Xu Jing’s softly narrating sounds beautiful. Hearing Uncle Yun’s and Taro’s ears, the two of them were confused. It looks like the girl has been talking for a long time, but he hasn’t said his master ?

“Uncle Yun with his eyes, Uncle Yun, would you say that what she said was Huang Tingwei, Captain Huang?”

In the end, Taro is a young man, his brain is alive, and a little turn, he thought of Huang Tingwei, Uncle Yun thought immediately, also, in the camp there is still wearing military uniforms with glasses?

“You said, who wouldn’t be her master? That one?” Uncle Yun said, pointing to the top of his head with his finger. The identity of Zhang Xiaoqiang still needs to be kept secret in the camp, and ordinary people can’t say his first name.

Taro nodded again and again, and said with a serious face: “No one except him, according to the rules, beautiful women belong to him, he can only look down on the talents of others, Yang Yang million in the village is not like this ?”

pa · · · · · ·” a large black-wrinkled hand clapped on the taro’s head fiercely, Uncle Yun withdrew his big hand, looking at the taro and said:

“How do you talk about it? You dare to chew your tongue? I’m so impatient, don’t talk · · · in the future”

After finishing, Uncle Yun turned and bowed to Xu Jing. When Xu Jing was very surprised, Uncle Yun spoke.

“Auntie, the person you are looking for is in front, you go alone, we have to guard · · · · · ·

Xu Jing keeps talking about the word “Auntie”, and he doesn’t understand it. From the attitude of those two men, they look like their masters. but?

Xu Jing is standing and not moving forward, she thought hard, it seems that the light was not very good that night, she forgot what her master looked like?

Zhang Xiaoqiang is now in a state of boredom, bored eggs, bad temper, and bad temper. After leaving Huai’an, I feel agitated for a while, thinking that once I have overcome all the hardships and made the final gain, my heart is happy again. , It’s okay to find the little troubles of Meow and tease her.

Miao Miao is a child with a temper tantrum, she is not afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang by the means of Yang Ke’er, she is not afraid of Zhang Xiaoqiang, see Zhang Xiaoqiang to find her little trouble, but she is not afraid, her big eyes turn, thinking that Zhang Xiaoqiang is sitting In a wheelchair, he picked up the pusher behind the wheelchair and pulled Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting in the wheelchair to circle in the same place.

Zhang Xiaoqiang in a wheelchair yelled and laughed constantly from his throat. The scenery around him circled in a circle with the rapid movement of the wheelchair. He felt a little happy in a slight dizziness. As if I had returned to my childhood, I stood on the open ground and turned around in circles until I turned around, and then I enjoyed that erratic feeling.

“Stop, stop · · · · · ·Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting in a wheelchair screamed, pushing the wheelchair’s meow has long exhausted, heard the word, took the opportunity to step down, stood on the spot shaking his little head, looking for his center of gravity .

Zhang Xiaoqiang slowly twisted his neck in a wheelchair and looked at the movements not far away. Who or what did he just see in his self-care on the wheelchair?

“Who is there, come out · · · · · · · · ·

Zhan Xiaoqiang suddenly shouted in one direction, and when Meow heard Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s shouting, her small hand pulled out a 92-type pistol and pointed over there. She remembered her other identity, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s personal bodyguard.

A beautiful shadow came out slowly from behind the tent. It was a quiet and elegant Xu Jing like a snow lotus. Xu Jing stood there carefully and dared not take another step. She did not recognize the appearance of Zhang Xiaoqiang but listened With the accent of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the tone of Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s speech that day, the indifference when determining her fate, and the indifference to all the cold.

“It’s you? Who brought you here?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang recognized her, the woman standing on the podium, the poor female doctor who was identified as a virgin under the eyes of the servants, and the pure and pleasant woman, who was identified as a virgin, finally forced Zhang Xiaoqiang to use means A member of the Weapons Academy that was looted.

In front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Xu Jing disappeared just before Yun Yun and Taro. She was very cautious and very careful. She heard the question from Zhang Xiaoqiang and raised her hands behind her to the front to let Zhang Xiaoqiang watch Cleared what she was holding.

Xu Jing holds two things in his hand, a crystal rib, a crumpled thick mouse skin, and the thick skin is covered with greasy dirt. Zhang Xiaoqiang saw a beautiful woman holding a dirty skin of bones, and I was happy. , What is this called? Human and Nature?

“Master? I see · · ·. I saw that these two materials are very good. I haven’t seen them before. I want to take them to the outside workshop to test~IndoMTL.com~ I hope · · · hopes to get your permission.”

Xu Jing still said her thoughts. Her curiosity about the new materials made her forget the fear. She didn’t know what kind of person Zhang Xiaoqiang was. She just said what she thought in her heart, regardless of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s consent Still disagree, at least she worked hard.

“What do you want to test? If you want to make it as a weapon, as an equipment, or as something else, you just need to do it. Is it necessary to make it so troublesome?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang disagrees with the detail of Xu Jing. He doesn’t think it’s necessary to make it so troublesome. There are good things to use, just like his rat king blade and creature armor, isn’t it good?

“No, we have to test every excellent new material, master their physical and chemical properties, find their maximum bearing value, and test their maximum service life through acid and alkali and physical damage, so as to be targeted R&D, improvement, and · · · · · · · · ·

Xu Jing talked eloquently. Zhang Xiaoqiang and Miao Miao were listening to the clouds and fog. It seems that Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s ability to accept this thing is almost the same as Miao Miao?

“Okay, I don’t understand so much. If you want to go, just go and find two players to send you!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is very frank, if he doesn’t understand, he doesn’t understand, he will not pretend to understand, he just looks at this beautiful woman with great interest, he did not expect this woman to be a workaholic, for a lazy He said that this kind of person has never been with him. I didn’t expect that one day, such a workaholic would call his master and ask him for instructions. Although he didn’t catch the word master, he didn’t. Does not prevent him from appearing in the boring vanity.

Xu Jing got what she wanted. She walked on the way to find a team member. She said that to find a team member, the image of Uncle Yun and Taro, one old and one young, jumped into her mind.

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