Apocalypse Cockroach: Six real gathering place

“The rules here are actually similar to ours. As long as they eat people, they will be **** and thrown to the shore to feed the fish. I guess they are afraid of causing panic to others.”

“Well, · · · is almost the same, those guys are still a bit human, Zhang Huai’an, don’t embarrass them in the future, we always have to go, we can set up an office here, forget it, don’t think so far, Huang Captain, you continue · · · · ·

Seeing that Zhang Xiaoqiang no longer interrupted himself, Huang Tingwei continued to speak, but the speed of his speech began to speed up, allowing Zhang Xiaoqiang to come up from time to time, as if to say it was dark.

The abandoned people are miserable. Every day, some people starve to death, and some young children are thrown away. Let them starve to death, not cruel, but their parents are also waiting for starvation, some women with some looks Then they started to buy and sell skin and meat, and those who patronized them were those armed forces that were temporarily hungry.

Speaking of which, Huang Tingwei’s expression is a little weird.

It seems that those women who sell meat are not living very well, because the asylum women are also beginning to sell meat, and food relief has been cut again.

In the past, the food relief of gathering place was 150 grams per person per day, and the abandoned person was 50 grams per day. Now it is 100 grams per person per day. The abandoned person may have three days or two days to have 50 grams.

gathering place will build some protective fortifications from time to time, some men will get the opportunity to work, their daily food harvest is at least 250 grams, up to 400 grams, so in gathering place men live better than women, of course, the only job opportunities Only men can get them, men sheltered by forces.

This caused some women to go to lakeside with those who were abandoned to find food. lakeside is very dangerous. gathering place has little power to clean up the big fish, causing a high mortality rate for gathering place women.

There is food in the Great Lakes. The leaders of gathering place are very clear. They also tried to clear them. Unfortunately, the method they used was the most brutal method. The rockets bombarded more than a dozen others, and they were helpless. Finally, they themselves suffered heavy casualties. He didn’t **** a corpse, and the big fish didn’t have the habit of wasting food.

gathering place used to be a peninsula, but now it is a small island. The land connecting the land was artificially dug out a ten-meter-wide river, which was connected with other waterways to isolate gathering place. People who are afraid of gathering place go out to find food. Retrieving the powerful zombie, they simply blew up two bridges leading to the WH urban area.

After the bridge was blown up, they built a six-meter-wide wall of six meters of a meter in height and surrounded the entire gathering place. The appearance of the big fish also sealed the side near the big lake. More than 100,000 people like ostriches. Buried their heads in the sand they thought was safe until the advent of the convoy.

Huang Tingwei finished, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a mixture of sorrow and joy. WHgathering place was a holy place in his heart, an ideal sanctuary, and was his ultimate goal. Now the sanctuary has become a dangerous building in a storm. Does he feel sad urge?

Hey, he became the leader of the party due to an accident. With good luck, he found two arsenals and a hidden missile base. With the capital of Ansheng, there is no need to suffer at least.

Zhang Huai’an, you go to the logistics team that finds you, and their food supply is halved, tell them not to call other people to come, we don’t have much food, they have one more person, they Eat less.”

Hearing Zhang Xiaoqiang’s decision, Zhang Huai’an was very surprised. He knows the material situation of the team best. They found it before and after. The collected materials are enough for two hundred people to use for two years, not to mention the four hundred people. They can also supply 400 people. Why did Zhang Xiaoqiang cut the supply of goods by half, and why refused to join others?

Elder Brother Cockroach, our supplies are still sufficient? There are tens of thousands of various rifles in our base that nobody uses. Look, are we · · · · ·

“No · · ·Zhang Xiaoqiang waved this right hand to interrupt Zhang Huai’an‘s inquiry. His eyes were very complicated, leaning softly on the back of the wheelchair and looking at the top of the tent without a sound, Zhang Xiaoqiang said depressedly:

“Our food is adequate for ourselves, but do you know how many of those survivors are waiting to starve to death?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang clasped the armrests of the wheelchair with both hands, sat up straight, stared at the uneasy old face of Zhang Huai’an, and said in a word:

“At least 10,000, at least 10,000, maybe 20,000, or 30,000, you think, they know that there is hope, they will give up so easily? When they find that the last hope is gone, they don’t Will it be angry? We can bear the anger of tens of thousands of people? Those powerful leaders will be kind enough to help us deal with the trouble caused by our own stupidity? No!!! They will not, they will only be cruel to our hearts. Stomp on the ground!”

Zhang Huai’an leaned pale on the back of the chair, his clothes were sweaty and sweaty, and he almost made the team exhausted by the thoughts of his old good guys, if the team leader is really him.

Huang Tingwei didn’t say anything on the side. He didn’t say anything. He knew that gathering place was the hardest and the worst. The children died every day because of hunger or some other reason. There are thousands of children, and they are described as minors by Huang Tingwei.

Huang Tingwei’s suffering is N times that of Zhang Huai’an~IndoMTL.com~ His vowed loyalty to Zhang Xiaoqiang is that every child that Zhang Xiaoqiang will treat well, he is a teacher, he loves those children, Was he throwing himself out for the rest of his life for the poor children?

Thousands of children are struggling with life and death today. Their youngest are four or five years old, and the largest are twelve or three years old. Their eyes are numb, and they are as skinny as they are. They make Huang Tingwei seeing them worried. Pain, he has countless times to call them back to the camp, give them clean water, give them clean clothes, give them the food they need most.

But he can’t. The team arrived first, everything is strange, he believes that once these thousands of children are contained, countless survivors will find the team to be contained. People will be angry because of despair, and it is only other forces that provoke their anger. They can use these hungry people to uproot the convoy.

Zhang Huai’an said those words. He didn’t stop. He wanted to see if Zhang Xiaoqiang accepted the courage and confidence of tens of thousands of people. Although Zhang Xiaoqiang refused, he did not feel disappointed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not see the disappointment in Huang Tingwei’s eyes, he looked at Zhang Huai’an and said seriously:

“I escaped from the house with only a gun made of a water pipe, a hammer, and a sniper crossbow. I didn’t have enough food to eat for a week. A D2 made me climb up the eighth floor from the outer wall. Let me jump from the fifth floor to the first floor. What do you think of me now?

Is my weapon still a hammer? Am I still afraid of D2? Why are people alive? Isn’t there hope? Today we can’t help. We can’t help after the table. Let’s go step by step · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang is half a sigh, half inspirational words that make Zhang Huai’an and Huang Tingwei ignite expectations, their fighting spirit is re-energized, and they will work hard for the goals in their hearts.

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