Apocalypse Cockroach: Six hundred and sixty run away three/three

At this moment, the pain has already turned into numbness. Up to now, he does not know how many places he was hit by shrapnel. One thing is for sure, if he takes off his clothes, he will not find a good piece of meat at all. Large areas of congestion and bruises.

The explosion just swallowed Zhang Xiaoqiang. If so, even if the military uniform on his body can resist the ordinary shrapnel, it is impossible to survive, but the blast of other rocket explosions pushed him away, no matter what. How to say, this time he did not lose his life on the spot is really ancestral blessing.

Flying over a short distance of more than ten meters, Zhang Xiaoqiang was hit at least a hundred times on the back. Every crack in the body was covered with sand and stone. When he fell heavily on the pothole, the fire behind him followed Swept over, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped again, flipped a few heels in the air, and fell hard into a huge crater a few meters away in front.

The craters at this distance are unknown. Helicopter groups have used blood to remove Zhang Xiaoqiang, machine guns, rockets, cloud bombs, and even incendiary bombs. Zhang Xiaoqiang is a tenacious Cockroach. Under various attacks, three crew members and one Evolution could be killed in front of so many planes.

The only Hudson who survived was heartbroken. He and his brother lived together in this Doomsday. After all the hardships, they became the middle-level personnel of Epoch. This time they came out to enable them to continuously improve their position. To show his importance for the future mission away from all kinds of dangers, unexpectedly, at the last moment, his brother turned into fly ash under his eyelids.

At the moment, his heart is like frying in a frying pan, resenting all the things he can think of. The veteran council who sent them to perform the mission, the pilot who fled himself, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang he hated most, sat in a helicopter. Within him, his eyes were red and howling at the communicator. The angry words contained both a scolding of the timid pilot and a request for other helicopters to kill the Zhang Xiaoqiang.

At this moment, Hudson has decided in his heart that no one related to his brother’s death can escape. He will avenge his brother in his own way and swear by his family’s surname.

Without mentioning the request of Hudson, the remaining pilots could not hold their faces. Zhang Xiaoqiang killed more than Hudson’s brother. Before that, they had lost four mourner helicopters, and there were only four funerals in the entire Asian military region. Squadron, and a squadron directly under the military area, now they have lost three and a half squadrons, even if they return to the station, none of the pilots here can get good fruit.

There is only one enemy. One enemy shot down four of their planes and killed the rescue target. If they cannot be killed, how can they be called the trump card of the Epoch Asian Military Region? Especially after the air frigate series appeared?

Angry stunned their minds. They forgot the taboo of cross-border warfare. They didn’t expect to save ammunition to deal with the emergency when they returned. Perhaps in their view, with a sufficiently powerful jamming device, they can be like Generally come back easily when you come.

The pilots forgot to save ammunition because of their anger. Zhang Xiaoqiang was devastated. He was locked in the crater and could not move. Over his head, a flame swept across the crater, and countless shrapnel shrieked overhead. The continually splashing dust mixed with hot stones fell into the crater.

Almost all the remaining ammunition of the eight helicopters was used for full coverage bombing. Looking down from the sky, it seemed like the main battlefield during World War II. Numerous flames were connected to the smoke, and the dust that was thrown up , White smoke has long been replaced by black and red. It can destroy a whole group of helicopters and cover all the ammunition on a small area of ​​hundreds of meters square. In such repeated bombings, let alone a big living person, even There are not many ants left.

In the frantic clamor of Hudson, the first helicopter ceased fire. It had fired all the ammunition. At this time, the pilot who had sobered from the peak of the full fire fired a warning. In the event that the enemy lays an ambush on their way back, they will only have bait and jamming bombs.

Unfortunately, the pilot’s reminder was too late. One after another, some planes were quite hot. Nearly half of the plane’s ammunition was sold out. The best of the remaining planes were only five rockets and 40 rounds of machine shells. The total of the fleet is only 17 rockets and less than 200 machine-gun shells. Two of the helicopters also retain a cloud explosion bomb. Of course, all helicopters have a 500-kilogram smart bomb.

“He is not dead yet, he is not dead yet, I feel, I feel, he is just below, continue to attack, continue to attack…”

Hudson saw all the helicopters getting hot and became crazier, but the other planes ignored them, they didn’t want to control this lunatic, and there was still a long way to go back, as Adenauer suggested to return immediately, the first helicopter Taking the lead and changing direction, Hudson, whose chest is about to explode, hated Adenauer this time. He has already designated Adenauer as an enemy that must be killed in his heart.

Adenauer didn’t know that a word he had inadvertently made Hudson kill himself, but even if he knew it, he wouldn’t care. As a senior member of the military, as long as he puts his briefcase inlaid with yellow diamonds When the stick is handed over to the headquarters, you will be able to stay out of the situation. This mission is too thrilling. The thrilling has never recovered from the thrill in his heart. The shell burst from the supernova, and the launch of the supernova caused the frigate to fall. Most lifeboats were killed. Destroyed, until they were stared at by the funerary helicopter, and later trapped in the fire, only one step away at last, he will be left forever, one after another accident, so that he does not know when he will be real Safe, even if he is sitting in a helicopter.

The fleet finally ignored Hudson’s request and turned to fly away, leaving Hudson desperate. He didn’t know who the unbeatable guy was, but he knew that if he left, he might not be able to find the guy to kill in his life. Off.

The gloomy eyes of Hudson flashed a gloomy cold light. Suddenly, the blue eyes instantly turned dark red, and the pilot operating the aircraft in front of him froze sharply, just like the crew who had just prevented them from Zhang Xiaoqiang on the ground.

Eight helicopters formed a circular flight formation and flew away. Suddenly a helicopter moved sideways~IndoMTL.com~ A short arc crossed the formation and flew away from the formation, flying toward the dusty explosion point go with.

The change of the aircraft naturally attracted the attention of the flight captain. He kept calling the pilot’s number and asked him to return to the formation. He ignored the aircraft until it was suspended, suspended above the dust, and expanded the belly. The Qianye cascade is like a peacock opening. At this time, all the calls stopped. The communication between the aircraft and the aircraft was silent. Everyone hovered in the distance and stared at the huge bomb that slowly fell from the abdomen of the aircraft.

At the moment when the plane stopped shooting, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled himself out of the buried crater and sprinted forward with a lingering fear. The bombing just a few minutes for him seemed like a centuries long, and he took the initiative to attack him. The Hudson brothers are different. His morale in the offensive position is full. Only the Hudson brothers who are about to be killed are in his eyes. He has no time to take care of others. Even if countless shells and rockets explode beside him, it is the same because of his concentration. There is no time to think about others, or even what to do if you are hit.

After he finishes the goal in his heart, he can’t concentrate so much on escape. The purpose of escape is to live, every explosion point, every flame must be calculated. The more like this, the more time he feels It’s hard to run. It’s okay to run. When he is helplessly lying in the crater to endure this hell-like torment, he is tormenting only for the whole torment.

The roar of the explosion is endless, the ground is like a magnitude 7 earthquake, the bones of his body are all shattered, and there is that huge roar, each roar stimulates his eardrum, many of which are above his head The blasting rocket bomb buzzed his eardrums. When he drilled out of the loose dust that buried him, he found that there was only buzz left in his ears, and he could not hear anything, making him suspect that he had been deaf. .

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