Apocalypse Cockroach: Six hundred and seventy-eight Beidou system two/three

Elder Brother Cockroach, in fact, you can get to this point is already very good, Epoch lost its soldiers in Hubei, and lost two new legions in the north, if I am not wrong, the Epoch regular legion in China only In Hunan, the rest of the world is only transparent, and has not formed a climate. Besides, their goal is too large. Compared to we only stared at the Chinese chess board from beginning to end, maybe their potential is great, but regarding development, we don’t Will definitely lose them.

Since the dust in Sichuan has settled, even if it cannot be collected by us, it is also our most loyal ally. Epoch is a foreign enemy, and they do not deal with them. We have a common enemy, and it is impossible for us to fall to other forces at that time. Hubei’s foundation industry is also stable every day, and survivors are found every day. According to estimates, there are 500,000 to 1.5 million survivors in Hubei. As long as these survivors are gathered together, plus Sichuan and grassland Yinchuan, We will not be much worse than Epoch… “

Hearing Huang Tingwei say this, the depression in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart has been relieved a lot, and I immediately thought of Huang Tingwei’s previous question, and my heart blurted out when I saw the son’s oath before:

“I didn’t think too much, I just wanted to kill the zombie and clear all the enemies that were in front of me. It’s enough for us to fight. Our descendants only need to admire our deeds in the history books. I don’t I hope my son will follow my old path…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said in general terms, Huang Tingwei was deeply shocked. He understood what Zhang Xiaoqiang would have to pay to complete this vow and how difficult it was to really want to complete this vow. Suddenly, he saw a shocking scene. In the battle, blood flowed into rivers again and again, and countless corpses were intertwined. Finally, all the blood battle scenes turned into a beautiful sunflower, poured into the same sunflower with blood, catering to the sun, exuding golden light.

Elder Brother Cockroach, what kind of government do you plan to build in the future? Is it democratic or centralized?”

Huang Tingwei threw away the cigarette butts in his hand and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang seriously, looking forward to his answer.

“After Doomsday, there is no one in ten people, maybe only one percent is left. The place that one percent of the population can occupy is too small. Before the establishment of a new order, centralized power is inevitable. After the establishment of order, democracy is inevitable……”

Zhang Xiaoqiang reached out and picked a branch of the former mutant tree below, gently sniffed the blue flower and said indifferently, Huang Tingwei understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang, centralized power in Zhang Xiaoqiang, after him democracy, the world he created could never be a person The property, even his descendants, is the same. Perhaps he will leave a huge legacy to his descendants, but he will not let his descendants control the future of all survivors.

“I understand that in the future, our strategy will be to unite with annexation, not allies or enemies. As long as we can combine the resources and population of the entire China, we can establish new rules in the shortest time. , The fastest recovery of vitality, even when we are gone, future generations can maintain our foundation, as long as the fire of the Chinese civilization can be preserved, even if you kill a **** corpse mountain…”

Huang Tingwei’s powerful response made Zhang Xiaoqiang smile heartily. He remembered that after the big lakeside was injured, Huang Tingwei also questioned about the child. Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s answer resonated with everyone, so as to unite with Zhang Xiaoqiang as an ideal. Inseparable, he eventually swallowed the entire gathering place, built the Cockroach base with a population of gathering place, and finally wiped out the entire zombie sea in Wuhan City, and eventually became the owner of Hubei. Now he has used his vows to let Huang Tingwei determine their goals. And will always work hard for this goal to complete his promise to his son.

“I have thought about some goals in the future…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Tingwei walked again, and the officers who had been alerting them in the distance hurried to keep up. The back of the two people were shadowed under the dim street lights, but the officers could see that the two were very different from the previous ones, and their backs were quite straight. The sound is straighter, the walking is more powerful, and the sound of stepping footsteps comes like a twilight morning bell, awakening the silent night.

In Nuwa’s computer room, there was boundless darkness on the electronic display, but there was a little faint bright spot in the deepest of the darkness, and then the bright spot quickly zoomed in, and finally the general shadow of the complete base appeared, and the hot spring base was not lit. Bright, but it is especially valuable in the darkness of large movies all over the world. The last green dot appears at a place on the base. As the picture expands and magnifies again and again, Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Tingwei under the street lamp are displayed.

In front of the display screen, Nu Wa, dressed in a small floral dress on a white background, is still young and immortal. She gazes at the two of them in the picture, and through a lip contrast, displays what the two say, if Huang Tingwei is in Here, it was found that the words they said were displayed in all directions, and no one thought that Nu Wa actually showed Zhang Xiaoqiang and the people around him in front of Nu Wa through the Beidou satellite system. This is also the two of them. Walking outdoors, Nu Wa has no way to do it indoors.

Nuwa is becoming more and more humanized. It is not necessary to project or display the picture. These things can be directly displayed on the core of Nüwa’s computer. I know why, Nu Wa enjoys this posture from a human perspective. Zhang Xiaoqiang’s words make Nu Wa frown. If it is before Doomsday, these words spoken by Zhang Xiaoqiang are simply irresponsible. The state and the party are there, so he does not need to worry about them , Nuwa created by the country naturally resented these words of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Nuwa then displayed all the data of the Hubei base such as the hot spring base, Cockroach base, etc., and quickly calculated. After these data have not been fully counted, various data of the grassland legion and Sichuan data also appeared on it. Even Nuwa loaded her data onto it, and finally came up with an astronomical number. Only Nuwa understood the meaning of this channel number. If you add a prefix to this number, it must be Zhang Xiaoqiang. The following is the comprehensive force of other forces in the country. One of the pretend names for the data that looks very important is the Epoch Tenth Army of Hunan.

Neither Zhang Xiaoqiang nor Song Kunhai knows that Nu Wa has left a hand in front of their eyes. China’s top equipment is actually not a nuclear bomb, but the Beidou satellite system. It is this satellite system that has increased the fighting power of the Chinese army by hundreds of times. When this satellite system capable of monitoring the world was designed, a high-level door was opened by a high level to connect to Nuwa’s system. When it was originally reserved as the most critical juncture, it could accept all satellites through Nuwa, but no one could. Unexpectedly, the high-level control of the satellite all mutated overnight, and Nu Wa, who did not have an active takeover system, had a procedure to call the satellite when receiving the highest Chief input defense plan instruction.

With a breakthrough point, Nuwa spent a full two years cracking Beidou, holding it in her own hands, and initially had all-round monitoring capabilities. Through continuous information, Nuwa can summarize all forces Zhang Xiaoqiang is one of the most powerful forces in the entire land of China. If you can connect the roads together, you have to turn up a few heels.

Nu Wa combined with the potential of Zhang Xiaoqiang and the declaration he made earlier, seemed to feel hesitant, this kind of hesitation never happened, she faced a difficult choice, there was a savior plan in her core program There are two kinds of savior plans, one is Nuwa to control the underground city and lead the revival of mankind, and the other is to choose a pre-selector to cooperate with him to complete the rise of China. Zhang Xiaoqiang is currently the most suitable pre-selector, but once it is really decided , Nu Wa will no longer belong to herself, but belong to Zhang Xiaoqiang. You can fully master the power of Beidou without Zhang Xiaoqiang being appointed by identity, and the essence of Chinese power is Beidou.

After hesitating for a long time, Nu Wa finally decided to abandon contact with Zhang Xiaoqiang. She knew that if she contacted Zhang Xiaoqiang now, Zhang Xiaoqiang would be able to control the airspace of China, and she would never worry about the raid of Epoch again, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is still unknown until now. To restart the bottom line of China’s renaissance, when will he wait for him to complete the resource integration, and then talk about it after opening the routes of several forces. In addition, she privately set a test for Zhang Xiaoqiang to let Zhang Xiaoqiang find the underground base in Beijing and complete the identity confirmation. In this way, she can hand over the Beidou system that is not within the scope of her power to Zhang Xiaoqiang without any force.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang who walked into the interrogation room didn’t know~IndoMTL.com~ Just now, he was almost recognized by Nu Wa. If he mastered the Beidou satellite system, he would have mastered China, and Nu Wa would have some knowledge of him. Recognition, only because of his dictatorship declaration, finally gave up contacting him immediately, if he really understands everything before and after things, maybe he will regret dying.

There is only one prisoner in the interrogation room, Malina. Zhang Xiaoqiang now needs to understand all kinds of intelligence of Epoch. Marlena is the only person he captured and is closer to the core layer. For this, Zhang Xiaoqiang wants to know more things, various aspects, when he walks in After the interrogation, it was unexpectedly discovered that there were two more Silver Flower and a guy who didn’t know.

“His name is Luo Junshan, who was captured after attacking the Cockroach base. Huang Quan Chief let them manage the logistics…”

The origin of these three people has never been known Zhang Xiaoqiang. It was not clear until Huang Tingwei explained to him. After seeing Zhang Xiaoqiang, the three people only nodded slightly and did not show how close they were. These three people were controlled by chronic poisoning. Maybe Worried about the recent poisonous hair day, their faces are filled with a dead gray, which looks very ugly. These three people were asked by Huang Tingwei to cooperate with the interrogation of Marlena. In case Marlena is not honest, you can Disassemble in person.

Zhang Xiaoqiang heard some performances after Luo Junshan’s surrender, and he felt that this guy was a bit interesting, but he didn’t tell him about his antidote in the first time. He wanted to see what this guy could do, Luo. Junshan is more enthusiastic about Zhang Xiaoqiang than the two Silver Flowers. He also heard about the Zhang Xiaoqiang hitting the Cockroach base with bare hands. Compared with his relying on the company’s materials to pull the team, the poor Zhang Xiaoqiang is more worthy of his admiration.

“This is Elder Brother Cockroach, Luo Junshan, the former deputy army commander of Ninth Regiment. What do you want to ask about Elder Brother Cockroach? I know everything…”

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