Apocalypse Cockroach: Six hundred and nineteen flame three/four

This shadow is continuous. Numerous black dots blow up in the air in the cannon grenade, forming a dark cloud. More dark clouds continue to form with the frying point below. After the grenade shells shatter zombie, they will Forming dense shrapnel, such as a circular fan generally sweeps the surrounding zombie. The dense shrapnel is comparable to a metal storm, shooting these black zombie all over the ground, even if there are three or five groups of zombie that escaped the explosion point. The rifle bullet that was immediately followed was shot.

At this time, the vast majority of light weapons have become attached. Even the Type 89 heavy machine gun is not as powerful as before, and all the limelight is snatched by the government.

The machine guns at the base are all new equipment that is intended to be used for fixed fire removal. This weapon has an excellent retreat system. At the same time of launch, all the recoil is consumed, and the gun is restored in the hydraulic refrigeration device. When you are in control, you will reach the previous shooting point without any deviation.

With this system, the machine gun does not need to worry about accuracy, the long chain is also an effective provider of continuous profit, the bullets are automatically squeezed into the magazine in the chain, and as the machine gun is fired, Thick shells were thrown, and the yellow orange shells also rolled on the ground with a layer of oily light. At this time, some people picked up these shells with asbestos gloves, and outside the base, they were able to rejuvenate bullets. It can also rejuvenate small caliber shells.

The new 23mm machine gun is the killer of the ordinary zombie. If it is not the weight and volume of this machine gun, it may become the most effective method for the offensive troops. At least one machine gun can be weighed as much as 12.7 mm machine gun.

Although there are only six machine guns on both sides, only these six machine guns have already outperformed the firepower of the two infantry companies. Under the firepower of the machine guns and heavy machine guns, the front end of the zombie tide is like burnt soot, It keeps flying away, and eventually becomes a piece of meat sauce broken bones mixed in the body.

At this time, zombie was still pouring down the mountain, and more zombie rolled down the mountain. The corpse mountain was still piled up. The corpse mountain seemed to be a pile of creeping bugs. There are countless zombie in When wriggling, I want to work hard to get out and join the corpse tide on the road. The road can no longer see the original shadow. It is all black and pressed. I don’t know the previous width and width. I don’t know the one under the zombie tide. local.

Just when the machine gun was overheated due to continuous firing and the shoulders of the soldiers became bruised due to continuous shooting, finally, the first zombie rushed into the valley when the zombie was shot down , More and more zombie rushed into the valley. The valley is the psychological defense line of the defensive positions on the mountains on both sides. Because of the shooting angle, they cannot shoot all the zombie that entered the valley. In this way, when more zombie enters the valley, Not only did the firepower in the mountains not intensify, but it continued to weaken. It seemed that Confidence was lost due to the intrusion of zombie.

At this time, the support forces came up. The support companies of the two companies doubled the firepower of the mountain. The number of zombie influx into the valley was once reduced to zero, but there were too many zombies under the mountain, and countless zombie densely packed Hugging together, the black head is shaking, and it merges with the surrounding zombie head to a dizzying ocean of heads. Every time you aim, it is easy to be misled by other heads in the scope.

The entire hillside is zombie. Previously, tens of thousands of zombie have been completely covered from the foot of the mountain to the top of the mountain, but some zombie is rolling, some zombie is walking, and some S-Type Zombie is jumping. The scene in front makes all resistance A white hair sweat came out of the soldier’s back, and cold sweat rushed from the spine to the top of the head, and then fell into the heart, making them cold all the time, even the rifle was as heavy as the weight, always wanting to throw the rifle away and run away, more Many people feel that they can’t concentrate on fighting because of a pee.

“Persevere, persevere, can’t run, run is dead, and mutant people can’t get up, we are safe…”

In the tweeter, a slight trembling roar rang through the two hills. The battalion leader in charge of the hilltop position dared to cheer the soldiers below. For the first time, the soldiers faced such a magnificent corpse tide. The soldiers were scared, he was even more scared, but he knew that if he escaped, there would be something waiting for him later. The order he got made him impossible to have other ideas. The upper order gave a dead order, even if the body of zombie was piled up. They are not allowed to go to the height of the position, even if they die, they die on the position.

The shouting of the tweeter didn’t work very well. The soldiers were still afraid. Especially zombie rushed under their feet and led all the way behind them. This gave them the illusion that the back road was cut off. The back road was cut off and calmed down. Although they did not go through such a big zombie battle, they all knew zombie. The more they knew, naturally they knew how terrible these black guys were. The military heart shook at this moment.

There were gunshots coming from behind the wall behind them. When the huge gunshots comforted him, they reminded them that they were not divided by zombie, it was just an illusion.

At this time, mortar teams came up on both sides of the mountain. These teams were soldiers of Epoch. These soldiers were exhausted but their eyes were hot. After they rushed to the position with the mortar, they ignored the other. The guards only used binoculars to observe the scale of the zombie sea under the mountain. The focus was on the corpse mountain that formed the gentle **** of the meat pad.

The soldiers did not understand why these Epoch soldiers came up. They saw that they were carrying rare support weapons and did not show hostility. In front of the common enemy, they achieved initial trust with the common blood.

The officers were anxiously surrounded by the elite soldiers of Epoch. All the supporting firepower was behind them, ready to be used in the battle of the General Assembly. They were only the response troops that delayed the time. Whether they could delay the time was not their final say. Yes, it depends on whether zombie agrees or not. From the moment, it seems that it is very difficult to achieve an eight-hour delay. The one and a half hour guard makes them stunned, and the formal blockade only started for an hour. How did they survive the six hours.

The soldiers of Epoch quickly set up the mortar and opened the strip ammunition box, which revealed three rows of mortar shells. The style of this mortar shell is very peculiar, with red and yellow colors, and one The row is not a foreign language in English. Each of the three mortars is equipped with three ammunition boxs. If there are three mortars on both sides, Epoch only brings a total of 54 mortars. In this way, it seems to have a little effect. Can’t get up.

When the mortar shells were sent into the barrel, a soft sound made everyone except the heavy firearms look up at the point where the shells landed on their necks. I saw three black dots flying on the hills on both sides. Rushing high into the sky, it fell to the corpse mountain 500 meters away, and then at the moment of landing, it split into more than ten small black spots and evenly spread on the corpse mountain, suddenly disappointing the surrounding soldiers for a while~ IndoMTL .com~ No fire, no smoke, no explosion, as if it was just a joke that was not funny. The soldiers of Epoch fired the remaining shells one by one regardless of each one, and each one fell to a different point on the corpse mountain. Each one splits into small dots, scattered among the creeping zombie.

After the 54 mortar shells were fired, the soldiers on the position fired while looking at the mortar team around them, as if to see what they wanted to do.

Epoch soldiers did not disappoint them. The captain of the mortar unit held binoculars, holding a controller full of buttons in his hand. When his thumb was pressed on the controller in turn, the corpse suddenly A flash of light came out, and then black smoke spread on the corpse mountain. Numerous zombies were wrapped in flames in the next moment. The flames spread around the two or three kilometers of corpse mountain, and finally connected together one after another, forming a huge fire wall. After a falling zombie crosses the fire wall, it will be lit as one by one torch.

The soldiers on the position immediately cheered. The flame was burning on the corpse mountain. The huge flame head rose more than ten meters. The thick black smoke almost enveloped the entire hillside. As the flame burned, the dense hillside Vegetation and the spreading sea of ​​fire gradually spread above the hillside.

At this time, the corpse tide gathered by zombie at the same time was hit by two aspects at the same time. One side was a continuously spreading fire wall. The fire wall approached the other zombie along the zombie corpse on the road, and the firepower on the hilltop renewed its new intensity , So that the zombie pushed back by the flames keep falling down and become the fuel of the flames.

The sea of ​​fire divided the zombie tide, more and more zombie fell under the muzzle, more and more zombie ran in the sea of ​​fire, forming a one by one torch to ignite other zombie. At the entire moment, even soldiers believed that As long as these flames are present, they can wipe out all zombie here.

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