Apocalypse Cockroach: Seventy-four contradictions

Taro finished, bent over and picked up a rifle and rushed out of the door in response to the bullet rain. Uncle Yun looked at the back of Taro lying sideways. Suddenly, he found that the taro had grown up, his shoulders wide and his back thick, and he was carrying a rifle. The arm muscles were raised, and there was already a young man’s shadow, like a young eagle, and Yunshu old tears could not help but a pride in his heart, and he would die with taro.

Uncle Yun dragged his injured leg to the cold ground and crawled out. His eyes flicked unsteadily at the taro squatting behind the sandbag. Shadow, how desolate.

Uncle Yun didn’t disturb the taro, he touched the machine gun that Taro dropped earlier, opened the magazine, and the magazine was empty. He looked around and finally found the ammunition box near the fire. With the patent leather, there may be a crisis of martyrdom at any time. Uncle Yun has long forgotten his life and death, climbed over and pulled the bullet box in front of him.

The hands of the flesh and skin are scorching on the hot iron skin, and the four bullets are quickly inserted into the 75-round quick-load drums. In the scorching smell of the flesh, the three drums are filled, Yun Shula Fired the bolt and looked back at the taro. The eye spot was the blood stains on the taro’s shoulders.

Taro can’t feel the gunshot wounds on his body. He pulls out the empty magazine, gropes for a while, pulls the bayonet up to the muzzle, the ammunition is exhausted, he is ready to fight with a white blade.

“Taro · · · · · · · · ·

Uncle Yun shouted, threw the machine gun full of bullets in his hand, taro threw away the rifle, picked up the machine gun as if fired from outside, still roaring loudly in his mouth:

“Don’t you stay there?”

“Am I staying there waiting to be dragged out to slaughter? Fight to death, let me be brave before I die.”

The two don’t speak anymore, one shoots the bullet, and the other puts a bullet on the empty drum. Time seems to stop at this moment, an old and a small two men, at the door of someone else, they block a game that doesn’t belong to them. In the battle, just for one person’s promise, in the open space in front of them, corpses were scarred, moaning painfully, shouting loudly, the panicked attackers panicked on the battlefield until the abandoned shield car restarted, two People know that they have not much time left.

Suddenly, the screamer was connected behind the shield car. The one by one figure rushed out from behind the shield car regardless of being exposed to the line of fire. The taro ceased fire. He didn’t know what had happened, wondering if someone came Rescue, looking at the big man one by one running and running, he fell on the ground with his neck twitching, taro thought he saw a ghost.

In the end, he discovered a shallow shadow that constantly ran across the sides of those men. Every time the shadow flashed, someone must fall to the ground.

The blazing flames still burned at the gate, and the photos of the gate were still there. The Mu Peipei in the whole body walked with a dripping blood head. The taro had not looked at it. He and Uncle Yun were exhausted. Sitting close together, Taro holding the machine gun upright, staring at the blazing flames, Uncle Yun’s head resting on his shoulder, still holding a drum full of bullets in his hand, there are countless at their feet The brass shell shone in the firelight.

The head of “Pu· · · · ·” ​​was thrown at the feet of the two. The long shadow drawn by the slender body of Mu Peipei buried the two, and the head rotated between the brass shells. Take a look at Mu Peipei.

Mu Peipei leaned over and looked at the two, wanting to say something, but did not know how to speak. She had been hiding behind them for a long time, watching the two fighting in despair, the life and death of the two gave her heart Sullen, she wanted to see what the two could do, and finally she saw it.

Uncle Yun’s image also changed greatly in her eyes. A man who was only promised and greedy for life and death was shocked by courage during the battle. The dialogue between the two of them at the gate was also heard by her. She knew, She knows everything, she just can’t understand why there is such a character under Zhang Xiaoqiang, why can’t she find one of the three hundred female barracks in her hand, and really be able to fight without fear?

“Sorry for · · · ·, · · · · · ·

Sorry, Mu Peipei never said these three words. No one ignored her. The two were still sitting together without changing their posture. Inside the gate, Zhao Xiaobo shouted loudly, a group of women Carrying a stretcher and rushing out from inside · · · · · · ·

Last night’s gunfire spread throughout the entire gathering place, which was naturally heard by the gathering place far away from the outer camp. After the duty team reported to Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang knew where the gun was going. He sent two players to appear redundant.

Those forces determined to do it, they would not be too scrupulous. Zhang Xiaoqiang faced two choices, one was dispatched overnight, which showed that the status was standing on the side of the women’s barracks, and the other was to observe the development of the situation.

The two choices made him entangled. Sending Uncle Yun and Taro was also a whim, and he didn’t want to change the situation of gathering place. After all, he couldn’t let his face down to bully a group of sheep-like women. When someone else ate the piece of fat, he sent two old and weak who had not gone through the big scene.

Zhang Xiaoqiang originally thought that sending two old and weak, in the name of the team, was enough to deter some snoopers who wanted to hand their paws. Unexpectedly, those guys turned their eyes for weapons and ammunition and risked revenge by the team. If someone is sent out at this time, it may make him entangled with the power of gathering place.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is afraid of trouble in his heart. He did not collect the pride of more than one hundred thousand survivors. He did not think about it so far. He could bring more than one hundred thousand people to reproduce civilization. He just wanted to Hiding in a place where no one can find it, and waiting for the crossfire to start there, his little character has the upper hand.

The above reason is just the last quarter. The real reason is that Zhang Xiaoqiang experienced an overnight battle. The horizon is unknown. He took a team with cannons and heavy machine guns~IndoMTL.com~ was beaten and beaten by a group of armed men with insufficient guns and ammunition. There was too much wear and tear before taking the boat.

In the end, he decided not to move, and he would go to clean up the mess during the day, and he didn’t need to do it. Just press the three forces and let them solve the internal problems of gathering place. As for Uncle Yun and Taro, Zhang Xiaoqiang had already ordered, Let Wang Le make the coffin well. Tens of thousands of people let him worry. The two little people like him can’t take it into account.

The Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t sleep well overnight. Although he made a decision, it doesn’t mean that he can really be worthy of conscience. An option to let two people be abandoned by him. This kind of taste is very uncomfortable. In anxiety, he secretly prayed in his heart. I hope that the two can escape on their own. After all, their task is not to guard, but to pretend to show to others.

The night subsided and the morning light reappeared. Zhang Xiaoqiang walked towards the camp door in a wheelchair, but saw Zhang Huai’an and Huang Quan and others waiting there early. Their minds are different from Zhang Xiaoqiang. They don’t have much care and hesitation. They only know The people of their own lives have not survived, and the anxiety in their hearts may not have lost to Zhang Xiaoqiang, but in the end only Zhang Xiaoqiang can make a decision.

The wheelchair turned by Zhang Xiaoqiang walked towards the camp door, and secretly brewing rhetoric in his heart, but tiredness appeared in his heart. As an upper person thinking about problems made him very uncomfortable. Perhaps in his heart, he was still willing to take a few Women do not have to pay for their conscience.

The crowd gathered around the camp gate also saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, no one spoke, the scene was a bit depressed, especially those players, they can’t do the kind of calmness that Zhang Xiaoqiang showed, they all made an oath together, they will Uncle Yun and Taro are brothers of flesh and blood, and they don’t have any grudges. The soldiers always have such a day, but they have a very small word in their hearts. They are not satisfied that Zhang Xiaoqiang has not rescued. How do they understand the difficulty in Zhang Xiaoqiang?

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