Apocalypse Cockroach: Seventy-eight Yuan Yi = killing

Five minutes · · · · ten minutes · · · · ·, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that the body of Yuan Yi was motionless. If it was not the temperature of the hand, she would think she was scared to death. Take a closer look at Zhang Xiaoqiang and don’t understand.

Yuan Yi was no longer afraid and no longer trembling. She slowly looked at zombie with her eyes open. The thing would be reversed. If you look at it too much, she would become accustomed to it. zombie couldn’t catch her. Looking at the monster in the nightmare right in front of him, Yuan Yi breathed a little hard, and his face began to flush. Eyes can drip water, legs rubbing against each other.

Zhang Xiaoqiang was excited when she saw Yuan Yi. She was very surprised. She hadn’t seen zombie and would think of it. It’s really hard to guess a woman’s mind.

Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of her hands, Yuan Yi stood there without moving her head, she didn’t even have her head tilted, and she didn’t care about her paws that were only a few centimeters away from her cheek. She opened her big eyes and looked carefully at zombie I didn’t miss it, and I was very enchanted. The zombie in front of her seemed like a precious antique to her.

Zhang Xiaoqiang patted her shoulder, Yuan Yi woke up, when she saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, the flushing on her face subsided quickly, until she turned white again, her hand sank, and a weird spear was handed over. The head of the gun is a golden spiral beak horn. The texture of the beak is not gold or jade. A faint streamer slides along the lines and looks like a mysterious charm.

Yuan Yi looked at the Zhang Xiaoqiang with a horned gun, wondering what he meant by giving himself a spear?

“You are standing here, when will the zombie inside die, when will you leave, if you haven’t done it before we left, you will stay here!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang wants her to adapt to the killing. Only when she is strong in her heart will she have the courage to face the difficulties in the future. Killing is the fastest way. Now, let her cross the frog here. If not even this? Then he will give up her without hesitation.

“This is your last chance, if · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang I’ll see you just halfway through Yuan Yi Stabbed before lifting the gun, the gun head stabbed one along the gap zombie In the mouth, the horned lance speared into the tofu, and pierced the back of the head easily. Yuan Yi The unreliable rotating gun body will zombie Her head shattered into pieces, and when she pulled out the horned gun, she did not pause and then stabbed.

This time the sting is a little bit biased. The horned lance pierced from the front chest of an zombie and rotated the gun body again. A large hole at the mouth of the bowl appeared on zombie. Outsiders could see the situation behind zombie from the hole.

zombie was disturbed by a hole in his chest but had no effect, but instead violently hit steel door fiercely. The flush on Yuan Yi‘s face stretched down to the neck, his eyes were shiny, a small tongue stretched out across the slightly dry lips, and the horned gun in his hand pierced again.

This time, the fiercely-prone zombie was completely tragic. A horn of the animal was pierced into its throat. As the gun head turned, the blood on the neck flew up and the head of “pazombie fell to the ground Then, headless zombie fell backwards, and was squeezed by zombie behind him, stuck in the corpse.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Yuan Yi and showed great emotions. She didn’t like her and hated her, but she gave her opportunities again and again. Why?

Did you think of yourself in Yuan Yi? Yuan Yi dared not commit suicide but wanted to commit suicide.

Isn’t that true before? I was trapped at home and lost all hope. After waking up every day, I was left with despair and suffering. I also used a kitchen knife to cut my veins, but eventually I couldn’t start, just because I was also cowardly and a coward.

When I took the risk for a few cabbages, I was considered to have completed the transition from a coward to a real man. When I killed the first zombie, I had the courage to face Doomsday until I faced three on the top of my house. Only when zombie launched the charge, he had the potential to become a strong man.

When I see the current Yuan Yi, I think of my previous self. By comparing my current self with my previous self, I give Yuan Yi a chance again and again.

It’s not that she’s kind-hearted, or because she is a beautiful woman, she doesn’t post special treatment, but she follows her and is responsible for her. To make her have the capital to struggle for survival in Doomsday, Doomsday does not need the weak. Even if you are a beauty, even if you were once noble, you are nothing in Doomsday.

At the moment, Yuan Yi behaved awkwardly. Except for the panic and fear at the beginning, she has been very excited since then. Her breathing began to be rapid, her face was as red as drinking a high degree of liquor, and her eyes were round. , Big eyes are full of excitement.

She killed too much, and unknowingly stepped forward, her eyes only saw the zombie on the opposite side, and she ignored the zombie next to it. A zombie leaning against the corner grabbed her arm as soon as she grabbed it, and she was about to get scratched. The excitement of her killing, she didn’t realize her crisis at all.

“Peng” · · · · Zhang Xiaoqiang had a fast-moving eye and kicked on the thigh of Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi was kicked to the ground unpreparedly, rolled to the side and hit the corner of the wall, she sat on the ground rubbing her big bag and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“I have long eyes on my head? Why is a big zombie invisible? I’ll be the same as them later!” Zhang Xiaoqiang pointed at the zombie on the corner of the wall and scolded Yuan Yi.

Yuan Yi saw that the paw of zombie was fishing around where he had stood before. His heart tightened violently, and he could not breathe for a long time. After a while, he exhaled a long breath, and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang with grateful eyes.

“Continue” Zhang Xiaoqiang ignored the gratitude of Yuan Yi, but just raised his hand to look at his watch. He had to go back before dark, and it is almost half past two. It is time to speed up.

Yuan Yi stood on the ground with her right hand holding the beast horn gun. She looked at the zombie, who almost hurt herself, her face was gritty, her eyes were no longer excited, and there was no fear. Instead, she was scarlet, like A little flame burned in the pupil.

“Hah!” This was the first time she called out during the assassination, and the speed of the gun was increased by a few points. The horned gun burrowed into the gap of steel door and stabbed on the right shoulder of zombie. The gun body turned and the beast The horn spiral pattern twisted and ripped the zombie‘s arm off. When the lost right arm fell to the ground, the horned gun pierced the left shoulder of zombie again, and then the left arm of zombie also left the body.

The horned gun stabs in and out of the zombie again and again, leaving the one by one hole on it. The scarlet eyes in Yuan Yi are getting heavier and heavier. Now, Yuan Yi is no longer a weak sheep, but a strong big sister?

Looking at zombie being slowly torn into a skeleton by Yuan Yi, Zhang Xiaoqiang also has some hair in his heart. He doesn’t know if he is forcing Yuan Yi.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has no passion and fear to kill zombie. He just kills for survival. Except for D2, he has never felt satisfied in any zombie, nor does he think that killing zombie is a physical and mental pleasure.

Yang Ke’er kills zombie is the kind of attitude of playing games and fighting monsters. zombie is a gopher for her. She doesn’t need to think about it as long as she swings the stick and hits it. What she enjoyed was a temporary stimulus, and she turned around and forgot everything.

Yuan Yi is different, she is pure enjoyment, yes, she enjoys the joy of this killing, for her zombie is no longer the cannibal monster~IndoMTL.com~ that appears in the dream but the immediate Delicate toys, watching zombie keep falling, the flesh and bones on her body constantly fly up and down, her mood is extremely happy, her body trembling constantly, not fear, but a throbbing from the soul, this This kind of feeling is indescribably beautiful. She now has a strong sense of satisfaction. She even hopes that zombie will never be killed, so that she can continue to kill.

Zhang Xiaoqiang found that she could not understand Yuan Yi at all. She was proud in her heart, but she behaved more submissively than Su Qian. She was obviously weak and cowardly, but she was so bloodthirsty after intense fear?

The zombie that only caused Yuan Yi could no longer withstand her torture. The bones on his body were scattered, and he couldn’t bear his body anymore. It was carried to the ground all at once, and Yuan Yi licked his lips with unwillingness. Look at the remaining zombie like selecting a product, and consider the goal of starting again!

“Hurry up! Don’t waste time.” A warning from Zhang Xiaoqiang came behind. Yuan Yi didn’t hesitate when he heard it. The beast horn was stabbed immediately. After killing a dozen zombie in Yuan Yi, there was a big chance Improving, you can pierce through the eyes of a zombie with just one shot. zombie is like a robot that has been turned off and fell straight to the ground.

Yang Ke’er is very boring on the side. For her, this kind of fighting is like a kindergarten child doing manual work. She has no passion at all. She longs to kill her with a big stick. Shoot the stinky monster like a fly.

Su Qian looked pale on the side, she didn’t understand, obviously Yuan Yi was smaller than her courage, and the face was even worse than herself when she was lost, how it has become so powerful now, she saw Yuan Yi like The God of War possesses the same as zombie, killing zombie and Yuan Yi is also flying, and can no longer see the timidity of the past, throwing himself away.

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