Apocalypse Cockroach: Seven hundred and fifty-four The noisy night three/three

Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t treat his people as livestock. Food is just a small matter for him. In Doomsday, he didn’t know how to use the power of zombie corpse. The food was plain, so he couldn’t find the country to store in the mountains. No one can be self-sufficient in its strategic grain depot. No matter how prosperous Shanghai was before and how abundant the reserves are, as long as it has experienced ubiquitous corrosion, the flourishing flowers and plants will wither into hay. The status quo in Shanghai is a group of People enjoy the material piles before Doomsday, but they do not know how to develop their future. Once the materials are used up, they will have nothing left.

The explanation of Zhang Xiaoqiang was naturally beyond the expectations of Mo Shaoyun, but he didn’t say much. He sorted out his guilty conscience and began to report another thing. This matter is related to their current safety. Mo Shaoyun is a solemn matter. Carefully mention it with an unprecedented dignified tone. Zhang Xiaoqiang is absent-minded:

“The morning firefight caught the attention of the surrounding forces. The guards found that many people were spying around us, and some people crossed the boundary line and entered our control area to try. These people were all cannon fodder from other Evolution people, even if they were killed. It will not form a deterrent to them, so I haven’t moved them for the time being. Do you want to meet other leaders tomorrow?”

Mo Shaoyun was very nervous when talking about this suggestion. I was afraid that Zhang Xiaoqiang would resent his proposal, blaming him for making the decision for Zhang Xiaoqiang without permission. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t find Mo Shaoyun’s trembling legs because of tension, looking at the crystal chandelier on the ceiling and thinking, Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting On the sofa, Mo Shaoyun stood next to Zhang Xiaoqiang slightly bowed, and the three girls who ate dinner also came out. They saw Zhang Xiaoqiang talking and did not dare to step forward, but stood at the door and waited.

“You don’t have to worry about these things, I will do the rest, tell the guards, take a good rest at night, they will be busy tomorrow…”

Mo Shaoyun listened to Zhang Xiaoqiang in the fog, Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting alone in the living room smoking a cigarette, he was not mindful of spying on the surrounding forces, through the investigation of Mo Shaoyun, in addition to the forces of the iron head, The other forces are inextricably linked to Shanghai’s major forces. The original iron head can hold down the surroundings, and it is relatively safe. Now that he has changed his Zhang Xiaoqiang, the other people are starting to move stupidly. At present they don’t know The specific situation, once you figure it out, you may not start with him. For this small town outside Shanghai, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no thoughts about entanglement. Mo Shaoyun’s worry is just a joke to him. His goal is more than the small iron head. The forces, at least he has to take in the arms of thousands of people and give the survivors a hopeful goal.

“Master, do you need to go to bed?”

Maner walked to Zhang Xiaoqiang and squatted down, staring at Zhang Xiaoqiang’s eyes. The water in her eyes was shining. Maybe she had already been appointed. She just wanted to make this man treat her a little bit better, but the tenderness she showed did not impress her. Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t have Maner in his eyes. He stared blankly at the rug. Even if he could see the warm and warm fragrance on Maner’s chest, there was no sign of distracting his eyes. It was in Maner’s heart. When sinking slowly, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly stood up and said to her:

“Don’t come out in your room at night, don’t run even if there is any big movement outside…”

After hearing the explanation from Zhang Xiaoqiang, several women were a little surprised, but they didn’t dare to ask, and could only watch Zhang Xiaoqiang walk out of the gate. After going out, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked directly to the small lakeside. The small lake also seemed misty, the lake was quiet, and there were giant rock-like arches in the lake. As Zhang Xiaoqiang approached, the lake water began to fluctuate, the arches began to tremble, and the water splashed, and the entire rockery was alive and turned into mighty Jiaolong stared at the Zhang Xiaoqiang with lantern-like eyes, and the huge tail was still begging on the water to make the quiet little lake sway.

It was then that Zhang Xiaoqiang discovered that the snake slough last night was still tied to the head of the water snake. This 30-meter-long snake slough is a rare third-level mutant animal skin. The original defense of the snake is very outstanding. Evolution has reached the third level. Each scale is a treasure, but just here, Zhang Xiaoqiang cannot convert it into a usable combat gear, and has no intention of returning to Hubei and handing it to Wang Le to make armor. Slightly hesitated for a moment, jump on the snake head to remove it. Threw into a small lake to hide.

The water snake carried Zhang Xiaoqiang to the darkness outside the community. The armed guards along the way looked at this one-horned dragon in awe. In the evening, all the worries about the surrounding forces had disappeared. This dragon was sheltering. What should they worry about? Just when they secretly reassured this dragon, Zhang Xiaoqiang and the water snake were completely submerged in darkness, and no one knew where they were going.

The first night when Zhang Xiaoqiang went ashore was a lively night. The whole town seemed to be noisy as the pot was boiled. The night sky was shone by the stray bullets. The explosion fire can be seen even in the city center. No one knows this Shanghai What kind of fighting happened in the small towns around the city. From time to time, the sound of collapsed buildings was heard. From time to time, huge bonfires were shining across the fields, and the screams faintly sent most of the forces. Frightened, although I don’t know what happened, I can’t run away with the relationship with Zhang Xiaoqiang, but no one thought that Zhang Xiaoqiang would challenge all the forces around him, and it was still a night battle. At night, the defenders who are familiar with the terrain will definitely occupy Obvious advantages, one will be counted if one is not careful.

Mo Shaoyun is the most nervous person. originally is a pariah. According to Shanghai’s rules, he will never be his turn to become a manager. Evolution will not promote them. Right and left, now under the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he has the opportunity to turn over. This opportunity is the biggest turning point in his life and the hope that he can survive. Only he is begging for God to make Zhang Xiaoqiang safe.

Followed by three maids, they voluntarily stayed to serve Zhang Xiaoqiang. Although the contact time is not long, Zhang Xiaoqiang is really not a grumpy person. In some respects, they are still respected. This respect is especially valuable in Shanghai in Doomsday. Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang does not show caring or soothing, just a pair of indifference not far away is enough to admire these girls. If Zhang Xiaoqiang has something wrong, wouldn’t they go back to their previous days? Or even worse, at least Xu Manna was in the front, and they didn’t have to be humiliated by Evolution people.

As for the other survivors and armed personnel, they have no reaction, just numb waiting, no matter whether Zhang Xiaoqiang is dead or alive, they have nothing to do with them, at least for now, when continuous gunshots are heard In the middle of the night, some people rushed into the range of forces intermittently. Most people thought that when the Zhang Xiaoqiang failed and was counterattacked by others, the armed men were ready to surrender. Unexpectedly, they just gave a routine warning before surrender Those intruders with guns voluntarily put down their weapons and surrendered. In their accounts, the people present understood what Zhang Xiaoqiang did.

Zhang Xiaoqiang did not want to sit down and talk with other Evolution people. He didn’t have the energy and time to waste these people. During the day of the raid, he found that the mutant water snake had adapted to the sound of gunshots and explosions. It was amazing. Maybe the water snake and humans have lived for too long and have been immune to these things. Since that is the case, the water snake can be used in more places. First of all, the water snake is huge, and it can be as high as six meters or 100 even on the ground. Mi’s body will cause shocking intimidation to everyone, and ignore most small caliber guns. Once the resistance finds that their weapons cannot produce even a little damage to the mutant snake, morale will collapse in the shortest time.

The bullets will not cause any damage to the serpent, nor can he, and even if standing on the serpent’s head, most bullets will not hit him. Armed personnel will always choose more threatening targets to shoot. There is no more threatening target than the 100-meter long monster. Even if Zhang Xiaoqiang is a Evolution, it will not be more threatening than the big water snake in the eyes of the armed people.

Even if there are a few bullets shot at him, he can’t hurt him under Zhang Rat King’s blade. In the end~IndoMTL.com~Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t even need to shoot, just drives the snake to hit the building with his head, then he can hide Armed personnel in the building collided with the building into debris, and besides the sharpness of the snake’s horn, it can also form a barrier space, which can not only eliminate the resistance of strong winds, but also exclude dust and debris from the barrier To keep Zhang Xiaoqiang free of dust.

All this has made the big water snake start to emerge. With the big water snake, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not need to fight alone. The remaining forces in this town have become the stumbling block for Zhang Xiaoqiang to remove it for the first time. Some people have come to Mo Shaoyun one after another. They surrendered, and Mo Shaoyun was also unambiguous. They took armed men to the edge of the dividing line. Whether they approached them actively or dodge in the distance, they were handed over with firearms, and they were put together. This was busy until the morning. While waiting hard for the return of Zhang Xiaoqiang, the maid serving Zhang Xiaoqiang notified Mo Shaoyun that Zhang Xiaoqiang had returned to the residence with Water Snake to rest.

No one knows when Zhang Xiaoqiang went back. Suddenly, everything in the whole town and its surroundings fell under the control of Zhang Xiaoqiang. A total of seven Evolutions were sacked by Zhang Xiaoqiang overnight, and the blazing firelight during the day As the coming time gradually extinguished, Mo Shaoyun took dozens of armed personnel to collect personnel and forces of other forces, and at the same time cleaned up the corpses left by Zhang Xiaoqiang last night.

There were not many armed men in the town. In the early morning, whether they were hiding or breaking up, they came out of their respective hiding places to inquire about the news. All the Evolution people were cut off by Zhang Xiaoqiang in their own nest. Armed personnel and survivors who lost the leader automatically became the property of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The inventory of personnel, material statistics, and the reception of the entire town put Mo Shaoyun in a state of high excitement until Zhang Xiaoqiang woke up and let him pass During the handover, Mo Shaoyun did not close his eyes.

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