Apocalypse Cockroach: One thousand three hundred and twenty-three meets

Epoch once had a powerful twelve God Throne, twelve God Throne was a powerful mortal warrior. After time evolved, twelve God Throne fell apart, and two God Throne were lost due to accidents. Up to now, Epoch can still control God Throne There are only four, and it can be said that the losses are heavy. Among them, the night **** dreaming of the stars and the iron curtain God Throne Isaac are trapped in Australia. In the report of Leger, Meng Xingchen and Isaac were captured and defeated by Tyr in a clearing operation. In the extreme disadvantage, Leger countered Tyr with the cost of immortal medicine, and finally killed Australia’s nominal leader Assad, and behind-the-scenes subversive Gram Siller.

This report full of legendary twists and turns, no one in the Epoch headquarters will believe it, and Leger does not expect them to believe that he only needs to give the elixir of immortality, and Kluger only needs an excuse and two heads. Even if he suspects Leger to be a ghost, he doesn’t care about all conspiracies and tricks. As long as he can save his life and get rid of the threat of death, he doesn’t care.

The Harrier Hawk calmly leapt many countries to enter Russia. If Doomsday is in front of Russia, it is an absolute restricted area. The rich Russia has inherited most of the legacy of the former Soviet Union and can lock any flying objects that enter their airspace, according to Lao Maozi’s The violent habit may not even have a warning, and the missile flew up, but now, the entire Russia is in a boundless silence, and only the remaining Russians have been killed and wounded by the Wan Qiang mad dog.

Slaughter God Throne is a young man with cold temperament, with rare albinism, white face and white hair, a few wrinkles floating on his forehead before he aging, a black leather robe worn on the body does not show frame, thin and shrivelled It looks like a weak white wind ape, wearing a robe, still the kind of hair loss.

Hadman sat across Asia Lito, flipping through a dude who was a few years ago. His fingers were flipping through the pages of the book, but his eyes were unfocused on the number of pages that were beating. With Klug’s substitute, no one ignored it. The moment they came out of the European headquarters, the two knew the fate of the substitute, but the substitute himself did not know.

Sitting between two God Thrones, the avatars are uncomfortable. Hardman and Asia Lito haven’t dealt with it. Accurately speaking, Asia Lito and all God Thrones haven’t dealt with it. It is inconspicuous among white people, but even if he turns white, the skinny curls unique to black people do not have long hair growth, as well as his habit of speaking and unintentional movements, all of which are obvious to him, if he is just a black man White people don’t have any ideas, but if they want to pretend to be white people, no one wants to, and no one wants to stand down with him and be downgraded.

The avatar is just a Ordinary people. Although he has extraordinary knowledge, he has not divorced from the scope of Ordinary people. He always feels that YaLito looks wrong in his eyes, and there is a very dangerous omen, while Hardman becomes a god. I don’t know what will happen to Australia. The previous two God Throne who followed Regal to Australia had no news. The surrogate didn’t know if he would be as lucky this time as he was last time.

It’s still a long time to arrive in Australia. The avatar somehow stayed in this dull space, simply didn’t look at the two God Thrones, turned his head and looked out of the boat, at this moment the alarm sounded through the Harrier Eagle airship, let Had Man jumped up, pulled himself up and pulled the parachute bag on top of his back, while the substitute saw a large six-winged white bird drilled out of the clouds, parallel to the Harrier Eagle airboat more than 100 meters away.

What is surprising is not this mutant bird, but two women, one big and one small, on the mutant bird, all wrapped in thick fur, sitting on the bird’s back and looking at them, the Harrier Eagle The speed is not slow, the speed of the mutant bird cannot catch up, but the bird has a weird ability to break the sky, and can move 100 meters away in an instant. In the constant teleportation, the bird still maintains a parallel distance with the Harrier Eagle airboat. .

Hundreds of flying beetles the size of a car then rushed from below and circled around the Harrier Eagle, forcing the Harrier Eagle to open all the weapons. The laser defense system waited for it as long as the unknown creature attacked. Harrier Hawk will shoot down any enemies who come to commit crimes. Just when the two sides are deadlocked, Hardman has been nagging: “What to do, what to do, I don’t want to die, I don’t want to die, or… we surrender Right…”

The cold, venomous sub-Lito rolled his eyes at Hardman. The white man looked down on him, and he looked down on Hardman. Hardman returned to Europe from Australia. He got phobia after being beaten by Eos for half a year. Frightened, all day nervous, the God Throne warrior didn’t have any consciousness, and the avatar began to tremble. He was worse than Hardman. Anyway, Hardman was also a fierce person who had fought a war and had seen blood. He didn’t even kill the chicken.

As soon as the war broke out, the mutant bird flew for two rounds and even flew towards the Harrier Eagle airship. More than a hundred flying beetles all flew down. It was posted on the ground to chase the mutant bird and let the Harrier Eagle airboat The people inside were relieved when they realized that they had reached Moscow.

Wan Qiang stood in the middle of countless zombie corpses, grabbed the head of Z3zombie hiding in the deepest part, sucked up the bean curd and sucked zombie‘s bright white and tender brains cleanly, and gave a free roar. , Scarlet eyes are full of satisfaction, throwing away Z3zombie like an octopus head, turning his head to look in a certain direction, he can feel something attracting him, this kind of thing is called powerful, after coming out of the subway he I feel this change. As long as he hunts the high-end zombie continuously, his brains will become stronger after eating them. Now D4zombie can’t take a round in his hands, he can easily remove his head as a coconut and eat it. Even the high frequency sound waves of Z3zombie are not as useful to him as before.

Think about it and do it, lift your feet and walk in the direction that attracts him. Wan Qiang doesn’t know, that direction is St. Petersburg, northwest of Russia, the second largest city in Russia, with a population of 5 million, four years after Doomsday Today, where there are three zombie and Z3 zombie that have reached the peak of the fourth level, he does not know how terrible the road he is taking. One day, after he eats all the high-end zombie, it will grow to be difficult. Imagination will become the most terrible enemy of mankind, the king of zombie.

Harrier Eagle Airship at Wan Qiang Flew overhead, Wan Qiang If you noticed your head and stared at the sky, the clouds blocked Wan Qiang It took a while to take back his eyes and continue to advance towards St. Petersburg, he didn’t care Zhang Xiaoqiang He was asked to leave Russia. From now on, he has only one goal, and he will continue to become stronger until he is strong enough to kill everything that might threaten him, whether it is a person or something. What is killed Zhang Xiaoqiang .

Klug’s life countdown is ready to throw a lone shot, give up all benefits outside the headquarters to get eternal life potion, Zhang Xiaoqiang still don’t know what kind of gift Klug is going to give him, but also face the life countdown Flander has fallen into despair. He is just a small person in charge of the US government. It is still the type of surveillance. The research materials cannot be in place. The researchers are evacuated. Even the security personnel are continuously reduced because of the Sea Race battle. Let him have a kind of fragile fragility

At this moment, Flander shrunk into a daze and looked at the TV screen in a blanket. The United States has strong infrastructure and was the first to restore the power of civilian facilities. In the United States, there is not much difference after Doomsday and before Doomsday. As long as it is not close to the zombie dense regional machine, humans are not as afraid of zombie as before. Without Genesis and Sea Race, Americans must be the first country to stand up from the world.

The battle between the frontline and Sea Race is broadcast on the TV screen. To be precise, it is a propaganda video of the new government instigating the survivors. It does not say that Sea Race broke through a line of defense, nor does it say that humans continue to retreat under the impact of Sea Race Not to mention that thousands of soldiers died in battle, but only mobilized survivors to take the initiative to fight on the battlefield and fight for America’s tomorrow.

The focus of Flander’s sight is not on it. He knows more than ordinary survivors. The army can’t carry the attack of Sea Race. The US military is defending everywhere. The red algae are close to the east and west coasts. Now the United States is hit by two sides. Fortunately, the east coast has Genesis to help resist, otherwise the form of the United States is likely to be worse.

The authority to start the nuclear bomb has been opened. The military and politicians are making the final confrontation and arguing for the final launch of the nuclear bomb. Everyone knows that the nuclear bomb is not an egg. Once the explosion, it will leave decades or even hundreds of years of nuclear Radiation, and the location of the explosion is on the coast of the United States, which is not as insignificant as it was thrown in other countries. This is a scar that will cause serious natural disasters in the United States.

On the TV screen, countless soldiers cheered and raised their guns. Behind them was a giant sea beast that was only killed, and a confident general’s inspiring speech. These caused Flander to lose his appetite and raise the remote control. Turned off, when he stood naked on the floor, he only heard a slight crunch, the left arm joint was like a blast, a blood arrow was blown out, the wound was not big, only the size of green beans, but the bright red color made Flander His pupils have been dilated a lot, and his body collapsed again.

Flander’s undead secret is split thinking. He can split his own thinking into interrelated and relatively independent parts. This ability is not his real ability. His real ability is stealing. Very partial ability, strong and wasteful ability ~ IndoMTL.com ~ he can steal any Evolution‘s ability to act on himself, but this ability has a time limit, up to three hours each time, after he Just go back to the original form, not much stronger than ordinary humans.

If Flander is a warrior, this ability is not too bad, but he is a scientist, so he uses this ability on Elson, because the ability of Elson is just a split mind, and can operate any mechanical equipment, although Elson Concealed his ability, but Flander has long spied on it, because he knows that the secret of eternal life may be above the division of thinking, or the division of the soul. When stealing this ability, for permanent The solidification ability, he consumed the vitality of Elson, which is also the old crude oil of Elson, but what he did not expect is that this ability has too high a need for the body, even the best cloned human body can not carry the split mind, once in conflict Will cause the body to collapse.

Without treating the wounds on the body, blood drips down the arm to the floor and splashes bleeding flowers. A drop of blood water runs along the floor to the end of the corridor and opens the door. Flander walks into his laboratory, where the blood is very **** The internal organs of the limbs of various creatures are displayed in one by one glass jars filled with formalin. The most conspicuous jars are filled with palpitating heads. There are humans, zombie, Sea Race, and Kraia. Yes, all the skull expressions are grim and straight, teaching people to feel chilly.

While not staying in the showroom, I walked into a room with a thick metal door tightly closed. This metal door was as thick as 30 centimeters, just like a bank’s safe door. Sound, no glassware can be found in this fully enclosed soundproof room, even the lights are hose fluorescent lighting, Flander glances in the room, staying on a set of two huge speakers and a set of audio equipment ….

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