Apocalypse Cockroach: One thousand and sixteen dawns

“But they still leave me with a little thin face, they didn’t let me leave my pants, and the zombie squadron didn’t take the fire to robbery, or else…” Thinking of Huang Tingwei’s feeling that the wind around him would make him shake Many goose bumps have fallen, this time Inner Mongolia has lost a lot of money, lost hundreds of tons of military supplies and ammunition, and only harvested thousands of eclipse grenade and eclipse mortar shells that are said to be very useful. There are also three modified Gatling cannons. This 25mm cannon is not China’s mainstream equipment. It is due to the use of the pearl tear extension developed by Inner Mongolia. A new coat of paint is evenly coated on the inner wall of the barrel. Layered material, this material can jump to improve the life of the barrel. At the same time, the characteristics of the tears of the pearl make the barrel extremely resistant to high temperature. It is a small meaning to shoot tens of thousands of bullets at a time. Even 100,000 bullets are also a joke. It is said that this kind of firearm is permanently isolated from rust after it is produced. Every part and even the cracks are wrapped with a coating of pearl tears, not to mention the last, but it is absolutely unprecedented.

Such a good weapon is a perfect match for loading on an **** boat. You should know that the tonnage of the **** boat is not small, and its carrying capacity is even more outstanding. It is absolutely nothing to load dozens of tons of ammunition. Any commander will be surprised to do it yourself He made a good business and exchanged three heavy firearms and high-endurance heavy machine guns with infantry weapons and equipment that were not needed by the air frigate, but Huang Quan didn’t think so, because if these weapons were really so good, they would not fall on him. On the same day, when the Zhang Xiaoqiang captured the Inner Mongolia Border Guard Regiment, many heavy machine guns were found, some of which were ready to be exported to other countries. These weapons were manufactured according to European standard calibers, and the original ammunition was not much. When the frontline heavy weapons were tight It was sent to the rear for development. The first batch of experimental prototype guns were these NATO caliber machine guns, with only a total of 3,000 rounds of grenades. In other words, according to the rate of fire of this machine gun of 3,000 rounds per minute, three guns The machine gun will be turned off within 20 seconds of firing, and it has become three **** wastes.

“I wipe, isn’t this adding to my block? I said they have such good intentions to equip me. This is a disgusting person, no, I must find Elder Brother Cockroach. “Connecting the joints, Huang Tingwei suddenly vomited blood. The guy in the Inner Mongolia field was too treacherous. He used three ribless weapons without ammunition in exchange for his good equipment. Isn’t this bullying?

When he was more annoyed by scolding, Xi’er looked at the white cloud outside the window with his cheek in the middle rest room of the frigate. Beside her, the huge bone arch leaned against the seat. Thirty four levels of mutation The high bone arrow made of animal teeth is installed in a half-height high animal skin quiver. It looks like a unique piece of art. The pretty and quiet Xi’er is contradictory and harmonious with the weapons around it. It matches a vivid Doomsday picture. It is unforgettable for a long time. Xi’er sits next to Zhao Mingyue, and the Zhao Mingyue, which looks like a queen in front of outsiders, has a slightly more beautiful facial features, and a pair of unfinished embroidery is placed on the knee. A steel needle wearing red silk thread was clamped at her fingertips, but her eyes were not on the embroidery. She stared blankly at the colorful sewing box placed on the coffee table in front of her, as if she was missing something. Xiang Haier stood seriously behind Zhao Mingyue. , Looking at the blue water beyond the window in a dull manner.

“I’m really not an Ansheng guy. I’m not here or there all day. I don’t know what he will look like when I’m idle? Worried about him all day, he went to Japan to be happy, alas…” Zhao Mingyue Flashing at the last time I saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, I could not help but sighed, looking up to see Xi’er still looking out the window, frowning involuntarily, and chanting again in my heart: “This guy can find a beautiful woman no matter where he is, Xi’er is young It’s not bad to grow up, and Meow Meow of Vladivostok is also unclear with him. I heard that he has also raised an outside room in Inner Mongolia and hooked up a female student. It’s really not a worry. This time I went to Japan Be sure to watch him closely, or else… Or will I look at the faces of a few more women in the future?”

Thinking of this, there was a sour taste in Zhao Mingyue‘s heart, and the look in Xi’er was a little bit more bad. The steel needle in his hand became more than when it began to deform, twisting like a twist, Xi’er seems to be Seeing something, looking back at Zhao Mingyue, his eyes were all confused, so that the vinegar in Zhao Mingyue‘s heart could not help but relieved a bit, and he thought bitterly: “In the end, it is the scourge that will hook people up, really want to cast him off. Go right or wrong…”

Zhao Mingyue secretly cursed in his heart, but heard the voice of Huang Tingwei from the broadcast of the **** boat: “Madame Zhao, please come to the cockpit. We found an aircraft of unknown force. May I ask if you are in contact…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s proposal to blow up the hills and bury the mother worms is undeniable. The plan looks perfect, and the mother worms will definitely be killed by one blow, but Zhang Xiaoqiang believes that the variables are too large, and it is the unicorn that causes the air blockade Beetles, this kind of beetles are numerous. Okinawa is a small island surrounded by the sea. Even if there is no control of the mother beetles, these beetles will not leave unless the beetles are gathered together to kill, otherwise, if the mother beetles are killed Still in vain.

In his mind, the most important thing is that Epoch is coming soon. The underground hangar is temporarily safe, but the helicopters parked on the ground are not so safe. Only a hundred rockets can destroy most helicopters on the ground. At that time, I really could only stay on the island as a savages. At the outpost, Lee John took Americans to look around. From time to time, he whispered with the soldiers of the Marine Corps. Although Zhang Xiaoqiang could not understand their language, he knew Li. John is very interested in more than two hundred elite sergeants and is confusing them to join the American Evolution in the hangar.

For Lee John’s small moves, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not pay attention. He knew that Lee John is now pleased with the American Evolution. It seems that he wants to win the position of the leader. Before killing Chris Brown, he was destined to have no chance with the American leader. Saying that the new government of the United States still exists, it is said that the nature of Americans’ longing for democracy cannot be as good as China, and there are British people. Although the British people obey him on the surface, under the leadership of Byron, the British people are not Cooperation, just like before, he led the Eighteen Warriors to complete the feat of exploring the airport, but the second exploration mission is still only followed by five English people of Jimma. After all, he still disagrees with him.

Looking at the picture of the mother worm on the screen, Zhang Xiaoqiang is inexplicable and I don’t know where to start. The Simon plan is never feasible, but the new method is temporarily unexpected, and I am struggling, seeing Simon blushing. Come in and say aloud: “A grain depot, a supermarket storage warehouse, and a Marine Corps logistics material warehouse have been recovered, at least 18,000 variants have been eliminated…”

The excitement of Simon has already been taken for granted by Zhang Xiaoqiang, frowning at Simon and saying, “You still have no backup plan, know that even if the mother worm is dead, the unicorn beetle will not disperse, and the mother The ice beetles and blade arm beetles around the insects can be seen that these insects are not easy to kill. If they run out, even if they are only a fraction, I am afraid that they will cause a lot of losses. Now that I have completed the promise, it is your time to complete .”

Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s words made Simon silent. He knew he could not hide Zhang Xiaoqiang, but he said it and he was unwilling. At this time, Li John stepped forward to Simon and said: “I believe you do not want to stay in Okinawa forever. Up there, the United States has not been destroyed. I talked to your soldiers. Under the circumstances of ensuring safety, they are willing to return to the United States. Therefore, Colonel Simon, in order to expect the soldiers, please cooperate with us……”

Li John’s words made Simon frightened. Only then did the loyal soldiers look at themselves with the look they expected. At one point, Simon was in a mess, pulling the neckline out of sight, staring at the crowd with a staring stare. Take a deep breath in the gap between them, seeing the appearance of Simon, Zhang Xiaoqiang sneer involuntarily, Simon already has a heart of independence, the hardship in Okinawa has wiped out his ambitions, the collapse of Hawaii has made him lose his goal of returning home, I am afraid His real thought is to stay in Okinawa for the rest of his life?

“Colonel Simon, please look at these things, maybe after reading these, you may have an intuitive understanding of the current situation…” Simon is hesitating, Li John signaled the surrounding American Evolution to come up with a DV, This is something Americans photographed before they left Japan. Mt. Fuji broke out, mountains collapsed, forests were destroyed, cracks traversed the entire island and the coastline collapsed.

Seeing these things, Simon and his soldiers were shocked again, looking at Li John with a terrified face, Li John gave DV to Simon Shen Sheng said: “Maybe Okinawa will be the next Japan… “It seems that in order to corroborate his words, the ground began to tremble slightly, not much, just like standing on a fully automatic washing machine that was being dried. For Zhang Xiaoqiang, they were like a joke compared to everything experienced in Japan. For Simon It was earth-shattering.

“We have been planning to deal with the unicorn beetle. In fact, you have not found that the unicorn beetle has fatal weaknesses. They are very fast, but their wings are too thin~IndoMTL.com~ can’t afford the flame to burn, just a little ignition star They can burn their wings. Once they have no wings, these beetles are the best meat food. The manufacture of flamethrowers is not difficult. The materials we have collected have produced no less than one hundred individual flamethrowers. There is very little oil we can get. There is an oil warehouse in the central area of ​​Okinawa. The oil there is well preserved, but the warehouse is behind the city. Unless we go around by boat, we will have to attack…”

Simon is not like a foreigner like Zhang Xiaoqiang. They are familiar with the grass and trees of Okinawa. The research on beetles is far above Zhang Xiaoqiang. The unicorn beetles are not a threat in their eyes. Just be careful, these beetles are reversed. It’s their food, beetles are rich in protein and muscle fiber, and they are an important grain depot in the future, so they will hide from Zhang Xiaoqiang. Hearing Simon’s plan, Zhang Xiaoqiang’s long-depressed heart suddenly opens up. In this way, the threat of beetles Not as serious as he imagined, aside from the selfishness of Simon, he is indeed a good leader. If Zhang Xiaoqiang does not appear, they may not be able to remove the beetles of the entire island, and they will develop and multiply step by step, and eventually grow to a certain extent.

“You must not worry about the oil depot, as long as you guarantee, how long it will take to eliminate all beetles, and if I provide you with enough materials and personnel, can you make me a huge flame spray Device?”

A stalemate opened. Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t wait any longer. The Epoch aircraft will come back at any time. They must eliminate the flying insects before Epoch arrives. As long as they can leave, Zhang Xiaoqiang will take people directly to China. Inner Mongolia set foot, and then rely on the foundation of Vladivostok to get the red algae in the Sea of ​​Japan. At the beginning, he fell into a blind spot, thinking that to get the red algae must first go to Japan, but did not expect that in fact Vladivostok can also be used as a foothold.

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