Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred sixty-one hedges

Zhang Xiaoqiang was sitting in the leading warrior military vehicle, with Yuan Yi sitting beside him, and Xiao Dong with a depressed face in the passenger seat. Today, it happened that Huang Quan, Yang Ke’er, and Shangguan Qiaoyun all went out to search for supplies. Zhang Xiaoqiang has one, All the remaining personnel in the camp, including the militia, were mobilized.

The only thing that is comforting is that the place where the big fish landed is still some distance away from the camp. Given the camp’s preparation time, Zhang Xiaoqiang is constantly thinking about the worst result if the big fish cannot be stopped.

Calculate and count, the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang settled down, and it’s not as anxious as before. The remarkable thing is that half of the crops have been destroyed, and the lake heart island can’t be recovered. Finding a way in Hong Kong will cause some trouble for the future actions. It’s no big deal. Zhang Xiaoqiang said to himself and let himself feel at ease.

The fish camp Lee camp of lakeside is about ten miles away. The convoy is divided into two. The heavy firepower and most of the personnel ambushed them before they set traps. The military vehicle drove to the big fish school with Zhang Xiaoqiang. He wanted Lure the fish to their preset positions.

Not far from lakeside, big fishes are like loach from the water, twisting on the dry ground, they have no specific target, countless big fishes twisting in countless directions, and the ones who land are big Black fish, giant **** fish are still making waves in lakeside, a wave of waves washed up on the shore, pouring the muddy ground.

The roar of the military vehicle caught the attention of several big fish. They rushed to the military vehicle together. Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled the bolt of the 12.7 millivolt a meter in height machine gun. Holding the trigger with both hands, looking ahead, ready to fire at any time, sitting in the front row. Dong psychological quality is also like the driver beside him, seeing that they are crashing into the arms of the **** fish group, they can’t help getting nervous, they want to open the door and want to jump out.

Between opening and not opening, he hesitated. He has been betting with Zhang Xiaoqiang. He was beaten to the ground several times by Zhang Xiaoqiang, which made him uncomfortable. If he was allowed to jump off the car first, he would feel face Can’t put it down.

Through the windshield, his perspective is infinitely closer to the **** fish. The tip of the big fish is like a javelin’s dorsal fin thorn, and the layers of strange fish scales look cold. Break through the armor-like fish scales to kill the big fish. One big fish makes his heart palpitate. What would happen if ten big fish and one hundred big fish arrive at the same time?

In the tangle, he finally opened the clasp of the car door, ready to jump out in the next second. The gunshot shocked him, and he couldn’t breathe while leaning on the seat. It felt like a train was galloping on top of his head. His eardrums were trembling, and he could never hear anything else.

A ray of fluorescent light crossed the windshield, crossed his perspective, and drilled into the head of the **** fish closest to them. The **** fish wriggled and crawled on the ground was beaten up straight, and the body was still up. Standing upright, one after another large-caliber bullet exploded in its head, the big fish became a torch, the head of the fish was enveloped by flames, the tail of the fish was under severe pain, conditioned reflex, and beat the ground hard , Bounced with a twisted fish body.

The bouncing fish turned over in the air and hit the similar body behind it, just hit it. The slender fish twisted like a snake, entangled its companion, and when it was entangled, it was collected with the strength of the whole body. Tight, his companion could not bear the pain, biting on his body, a large piece of scale armor flew off, flesh and blood scattered, the fire was burning, the two big fish were entangled and burned by the flame.

Xiaodong forgot his plan. He didn’t think that the heavy machine gun on his head was so sharp. Two big fish were solved in one round. This is still the beginning. The thunder guns never stopped. One big fish fell on the charge. On the road, became a torch.

The driver yelled, all kinds of weird yelling, wolf howling sounded in Xiaodong’s ears, Xiaodong rarely agreed with the driver’s vent, he also wanted to yell, when is the **** fish like a nightmare Let people slaughter like chickens? Xiaodong’s confidence is high. He believes that they will eventually win. As long as the bullets are enough, he does not take the two-way division of mind in mind, thinking that Zhang Xiaoqiang is not bold enough.

If he did, he would definitely bring all the force together to crush the **** fish and kill them all. How much fish can he get? Of course, he only thought of the flesh of the **** fish, never thought of regaining the benefits of the entire Great Lake.

Zhang Xiaoqiang observed the direction of the entire school of fish during the shooting. When he found that the whole school of fish was attracted, he was about to instruct the driver to turn. lakeside set off a huge amount. Two were larger than the blue whale and longer than the Chinese pillar. The giant **** fish finally jumped on the lake shore, the ground shook tremblingly, and some **** fish on the edge were bounced off the ground by the shock and fell again.

Don’t ask Zhang Xiaoqiang, the driver slammed on the brakes, and Xiao Dong, who didn’t wear a seat belt, rushed out, hitting his face against the windshield, his cheeks pressed against the glass, and his head flat, his eyes widened suddenly The eyeball was about to burst, and he saw two giant **** fish appear.

Comparing giant blackfish to big blackfish~IndoMTL.com~ is like a car than a toy car. Xiaodong was so frightened at the time. He didn’t believe that with the machine gun on his head, he could kill big blackfish like prehistoric monsters.

“The seated · · · · ·” driver shouted quickly, swiftly steering the steering wheel, the body drifted, turned around a large bevel and turned around to rush back, Xiaodong hit the door suddenly, the door was previously buckled by him Under the lock, a scream, the door opened wide, and Xiaodong fell out and rolled on the ground.

“Come back · · come back · · · · ·

Xiaodong exploded all his strength, which was not always very fast. He got his head buried, his palms erected, and he swung desperately, and the two thighs turned into a circle like a circle Peng Nisha was thrown by the soles of his shoes, rubbing his heels and flying towards him.

The military vehicle in front didn’t mean to stop at all. The opened door wobbled. It seemed that the Qinglou woman was shaking her handkerchief in front of Xiaodong’s eyes. Xiaodong’s heart was scolded, and he ran forward in a panting, driving. Has been exploded countless times in his mind.

He ran forward at a sprint speed of 100 meters, just when he felt that his heart would pop out of his throat, and the hot air was scorching his lungs because of his severe breathing, the military vehicle in front began to slow down speed.

“Did that guy find out that he is not in the car until now?”

Xiaodong’s complaint flashed in his head, and he accelerated forward happily again. After running for more than ten meters, he found that the warrior military vehicle just slowed down and did not stop. Xiaodong was not surprised. He thought that the military vehicle still considered big. Fish, and then he found something was wrong. The muzzle in Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s hand was facing him, but Zhang Xiaoqiang did not cover the gun, but instead was thinking about what he shouted.

Some far away, he could not hear clearly. In desperation, he accelerated again. After rushing to a distance of tens of meters from the military vehicle, he almost fell with anger after hearing the Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s cry.

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