Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and seventy-one challenges

Xiaodong stood upright with the walkie-talkie and stood on the pyramid to look into the distance. Dust accumulated a layer on his face, wet by sweat, condensed and dried into a mud shell, and countless tiny cracks on the mud shell Spreading until his eyes, two dark brown pupils were out of the turmoil of the otaku, a little deep, he was looking into the distance.

He saw a man jumping under the car with an anti-aircraft gun and a long chain hanging on his body, a little far apart. He didn’t see clearly, but he knew that the man was Zhang Xiaoqiang, the team’s deputy captain. , The guy fighting with him.

When Zhang Xiaoqiang started to trot towards the maze, he didn’t watch anymore, throwing away the intercom in his hand, taking off his beach pants, taking off some of the Nike shoes that were full of sand, and full of light. Yo-yo, rubbing his body hard with the mud under his feet until the whole body is of a uniform color.

When Xiaodong ran down the pyramid, a variety of dense gunshots were heard from afar. That was heavy firepower to open the way for Zhang Xiaoqiang. Xiaodong never thought to merge with Zhang Xiaoqiang. He and Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t urinate in a pot. He believes that only by himself can he earn that first-line life for himself.

The place where Xiaodong ran, the big fish has retreated one after another, and Xiaodong has no obstacles. His goal is the **** fish that almost ordered his little life, and the **** fish will be a pyramid in the distance. The mounds were razed to the ground, the giant **** fish suffered a loss on the pyramid, and also vented their anger on the pyramid, as long as it could see the pyramid, it would be removed.

Originally, this is also true. The giant **** fish has been demolished, and the efficiency is still good. When it touches the trap area and removes the pyramids made of cement, it is tragic. The pyramids here are made of cement. Yes I am afraid that some **** fish will smash the pyramid and cause the trap to be scrapped.

The **** fish is just a fish. It is not an ancient dragon. The first impact caused him to suffer. The thorny thorns on his head were nearly half inserted into the concrete wall, and he was cut off by it.

The corner thorn itself is hard, and it doesn’t take much effort to insert it into the concrete wall. Unfortunately, the cement wall is a whole, and the entire wall will not be crushed by one end. Large pieces of cement scum fall down, and the corners are punctured inside. The big fish does not hurt. It is another impact.

Finally, the big fish hit the pyramid mounds with its head alone. Behind it, the originally smooth wall became a horse’s honeycomb, and the ground leaves were scattered with horns of varying lengths, but the pyramid stood upright.

The gold pagoda made of loess is all on the edge. The big fish gradually left the group. When it received the retreat signal, it was dropped to the rear. Xiaodong’s goal was this giant **** fish.

Xiaodong doesn’t know how to anger this giant **** fish. If he understands according to the convention, he has to cause damage to the big fish and how to damage it, it is a difficult problem for Xiaodong with bare hands.

Xiaodong Fei ran quickly and ran to the gray sand curled up in the distance. There was no dirt in his heart, he was not scared, and his brain was looped. one by one thought he was denied by him. When he ran through a trap, He stopped and glanced at the wall of the pyramid with the shape of a horse’s honeycomb, and the thorns scattered on the ground.

Xiaodong picked up a six-meter-long thorn with a small arm thickness at the tail, and was a little surprised when he started. I thought this thing was very heavy. How could I know that it is similar to a bamboo pole? Look carefully at this colorful, **** bump The horn spines are found to be hollow. From the tip to the tail, the color starts to change. The deepest part is the tip, and the lightest part is the tail.

Xiaodong probably understands the reason why the horn spines are broken. The horn spines of this big fish are not yet fully developed. The first one that grows out is the pointed tip in front. The longer the time, the stronger, and the tail has not grown well. It is easy to be brittle and easy to break. If you give the big fish time, maybe even steel can pierce · · · · ·

Xiaodong lay on a pyramid that was only half left, staring at the thick dust that was rolled close to him. At his feet, it was a must for the big fish. He had to make a crazy decision. Only one by one crazy decision.

The giant big fish came here, and soon approached his feet, Xiaodong stood up, raised the chest with his horns in his hands, raised his chest, inhaled quickly, and his strong chest expanded quickly, “Ah !!!”

A cry from ancient times burst from his chest. At this moment, Xiaodong had a new understanding of the meaning of human beings. With his naked body, he gave out insignificant weapons to the monster that was countless times larger than him. The challenge, like his distant ancestors countless years ago, challenged the fierce beasts with sharp minions in the wild to survive and multiply. Suddenly, he was fearless.


Xiaodong shouted and jumped to the top of the pyramid. He fell to the head of the big fish who was stunned by him. The big fish did not pay attention to the top of his head. His eyes swept around the ground, preparing Moving on, suddenly felt something hit his head.

Xiaodong jumped onto the fish’s head, and the bottom of the foot was immediately pierced by countless thorns. The pain passed from under his feet, but it made Xiaodong’s spirit a hundred times. For the first time, he enjoyed the pain under his feet with passion~IndoMTL.com ~The bottom of the foot walked towards the fisheye position on the big fish head step by step. The bottom of the foot was already scratched. The blood left an irregular blood mark of one by one on the big fish head. Xiaodong approached slowly, and the big fish suddenly Moved, it did not find anything suspicious, and continued to rush down the road.

Xiaodong was prepared for a long time, bowed and knelt on the head of the fish, crawled with his knees, this time not only the bottom of the foot, but also his knee head was bloody, Xiaodong slowly approached his goal, and finally he arrived The big fish’s forehead.

The scales on the head of the big fish form the thickest cuticle on the whole body. Relatively speaking, the head of the big fish is perfectly protected, and at the same time, the touch of the fish head is also weakened. It crawled around his head, and he couldn’t feel it.

Xiaodong had seen the transparent film on the fisheye. Xiaodong didn’t think about it. He knelt up and stabs his hands with his hands upside down.

The thorns are sharp and sharp, and they penetrate deeply into the transparent eye mask on the eyelid of the big fish. A smelly liquid is sprayed out. The pouring Xiaodong is full of his face, and Xiaodong does not care, but adds the liquid in the corner of the mouth. Into his mouth, the strange smell in his mouth made his eyes nausea, Xiao Dong snorted, deepened the horn in his hand again, suppressed nausea, and bitter saliva, spitting the liquid from the big fish eyeball. Swallow.

The big fish is not an elm pimple. For the first time, the sight of the right eye suddenly broke off, and the brain’s pain was fed back to its brain. The big fish roared with a wailing cry and raised its head to hit it. Going to the half-pyramid on its side, I want to reduce the pain in his eyes by bumping.

Xiaodong felt the fish head beneath his feet shake again, and squeezed one meter five or six corners deep into the bottom, leaving only 30 cm of stubble, and then loosened, allowing the big fish to throw himself away, small East fell from the big fish head and rolled on the ground until it hit another pyramid.

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