Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and fifty-six flip face

“I think maybe we can stop and talk.” Naga Ling stood in the air, his eyes flashing in a magical spirit, and the opening was in Japanese. Although the distance between the two parties was hundreds of meters, they were almost the same as flies in the eyes of each other. Size, but her voice can be clearly heard in the ears of Zhang Xiaoqiang regardless of the distance. Unfortunately, Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t understand Japanese and ignore it. The huge body of the G22 rifle in his hand has been raised on his shoulders, but the barrel is empty. , All the bullets were shot into the air, at this time can only look scary, if Naga turned to leave, Zhang Xiaoqiang really can’t help, but Zhang Xiaoqiang can’t wait for Naga to leave, for this level of God Throne warrior, Zhang Xiaoqiang is also the same Helpless.

Naga didn’t see Zhang Xiaoqiang moving for a long time, and was anxious. While she was thinking about what to do, a huge roar came from the edge of the city, and a cloud of black smoke floated up into the sky. Seeing that place, Naga suddenly changed color. , I left Zhang Xiaoqiang regardless, and rushed to the other side. When I saw Naga leaving, I was relieved, listening to the vague gunshots and explosions in the distance, and I didn’t know what happened. Knowing Zhang Xiaoqiang will not be interested. Epoch‘s strength is beyond expectations. Isn’t the way to hurt Zhao Mingyue previously is a supernova bomb? I just didn’t expect that Epoch actually created a miniaturized supernova. The single power may be only as large as a large-caliber naval gun, but when the number is superimposed, it will be terrifying.

Driving the water snake to Zhao Mingyue, Zhao Mingyue has sat up from the floor, the wound on his body has begun to heal, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped off the water snake and squatted down to prepare to hold Zhao Mingyue, the extended finger hesitated when he touched Zhao Mingyue, and counted He has never touched the body of Zhao Mingyue, even the touch of his fingertips. If Zhao Mingyue is just ordinary people, that’s all, but Zhao Mingyue is the female tyrannosaurus in his heart. Even if he is injured, it is still the female tyrannosaurus.

Zhao Mingyue glanced at the embarrassed Zhang Xiaoqiang, and frowned and raised his arm, which surprised Zhang Xiaoqiang. What is Zhao Mingyue doing? “Look what, don’t you help me up yet?” Zhao Mingyue whispered, let Zhang Xiaoqiang tremble, quickly grabbed the slender hand of Zhao Mingyue, let Zhao Mingyue‘s eyebrows deepen, dreamy eyes glanced in thousands of ways. Zhang Xiaoqiang, said softly: “Tap, you are grabbing dumbbells…”

The Zhao Mingyue‘s weak and long feeling Zhang Xiaoqiang is strange in my heart. The concrete floor under the Zhao Mingyue has cracked, but the Zhao Mingyue still looks intact. Does his strength still hurt Zhao Mingyue? After lifting Zhao Mingyue, he was depressed. He and Zhao Mingyue and Wan Qiang landed in Hokkaido. The purpose was to apply eye drops to Epoch. Now the main army of Epoch has been killed in a mess. Wan Qiang is also alive and dead, Zhao Mingyue is seriously injured, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought for a while, I don’t think it’s necessary to work here anymore, do business quickly?

The main thing is the red algae problem. He and Huang Tingweibing divided into two ways, all the way to the Vladivostok preparations for the departure preparation, and the other way was the three of them, procrastinating Epoch‘s peeping of the red algae, and the explosion of black smoke in the distance From the beginning, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked away for a long time and finally gave up the idea of ​​pondering, greeted the water snake, jumped up holding the weak Zhao Mingyue, and was about to turn around and head towards Vladivostok. At this time, the highest building in the distance had a movement, hundreds of A black armored puppet warrior wearing a single-handed aircraft jumped out and flew into the air. In the hands of these puppet warriors, one by one‘s huge metal box and big living people were held. These big living people have men and women, but women are all wearing The kimono without underwear, even when viewed from a distance, is a piece of spring light, and suddenly let Zhang Xiaoqiang be dazzled by the thighs in the air, and he could not help feeling that the nasal cavity was hot. He also did not do that with a woman for a while, and did not want to be okay. When he saw these things, he suddenly had some ups and downs.

Hundreds of black armored warriors all-in-one flying aircraft made the sky black as if a group of bats were coming out of the hole, and above the tall building, Wan Qiang shouted loudly, throwing a carved wooden chair at the puppet warrior, which weighed more than a hundred pounds The wooden chairs were like heavy cannonballs, flying out some bad luck among the puppet soldiers and falling with the boxes in their hands. One of the boxes opened its mouth when it rolled, spilling countless black The blood species make Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart tremble, not for those blood species, but for the corpses behind the blood species.

The Wan Qiang at this time has not transformed, but has a height of more than three meters, as if a giant standing on the tall building roared, he also saw those blood species, but he can’t fly, and his body is in a hurry. It grew larger and swelled to more than ten meters. While still transformed, it slid down from the top of the building, grasping the thin outer wall material of the building’s surface with one hand, pulling a huge trench that was constantly falling down and falling down, layer by layer. The large steel beam of the building body broke and deformed in the Wan Qiang‘s strange force arm, twisted into a twist and generally revealed in the cracked groove. Before Zhao Mingyue only slightly damaged the floor surface, Wan Qiang was completely destroyed, and countless broken materials followed The Wan Qiang fell and flew. The huge trenches, after falling into countless surface materials, emitted dust after the fragmentation of masonry, slowly covering up this ugly gully.

In less than ten seconds, Wan Qiang fell to the ground. Huge feet trampled two huge holes in the ground, and then the two holes were pulled into two pits with Wan Qiang. Wan Qiang was on a hard concrete pavement Stepped on the one by one cracked shallow footprints and rushed towards the places where the boxes fell. Behind him, the twisted steel beams, cracked glass, and the broken prefabricated plates fell one after another and piled up on the ground. ruins.

Wan Qiang rushed towards those boxes, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also rushed over there, Zhao Mingyue’s physique is special, she also needs a lot of blood crystals to restore her strength, the giant snake was driven crazy by Zhang Xiaoqiang, no longer detours, one end Crashed the building in front. Numerous buildings shattered under the sharp corner of the water snake. The sound of the water snake was more violent than Wan Qiang. The buildings were razed to the ground by the water snake. After the water snake’s 100-meter body rushed over, one The avenue constructed purely of dust connects to the snake’s tail and extends forward.

The heavy dust covered the body of the water snake. At this time, the water snake looked like a divine dragon, but the Zhang Xiaoqiang staying on the water snake kept cursing the water snake, using the killing intent barrier to slam the crushed stones. And the building materials, if they are large, he still has to split them apart, afraid that the dust will accidentally get on the body of Zhao Mingyue, which is strange to say, even if Zhao Mingyue is overturned on the ground, it still looks so clean and holy, even if it is blood Qin wet the clothes, does not appear to be embarrassed, as if the coat is dotted with blooming roses.

The Zhao Mingyue seems to be extremely weak, and it needs to lean on Zhang Xiaoqiang to stand. Looking at that pitiful appearance, I would never think that just now, Zhao Mingyue killed hundreds of the most difficult puppet warriors, Zhang Xiaoqiang took Zhao Mingyue lightly. ‘S waist and limbs did not notice her red-eared expression at this time. Although she had been seen by Zhang Xiaoqiang before, she did not have a real affection for Zhang Xiaoqiang at that time~IndoMTL.com~For her, fiance It’s just a name on paper. Maybe I met a stronger man than Zhang Xiaoqiang and said that I might not change it. But when she began to experience various indescribable emotions on Zhang Xiaoqiang, because of the various anger and joy produced by Zhang Xiaoqiang , Let her become shy instead, just like this.

After all, Wan Qiang is very close. I have found two boxes and are devouring crazy. Each box of three thousand blood pours into his funnel-like mouth, and even swallows it without chewing. When the water snake arrived, Wan Qiang saw Zhao Mingyue lying softly in Zhang Xiongqiang’s arms, and the scarlet eyes could not help shooting a bit cold.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t grab the boxes of Wan Qiang, but just looked for other scattered boxes. I didn’t expect Wan Qiang to remove the top floor and threw it to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Although it was only broken floor fragments, it was enough to put the whole snake head under Zhang Xiaoqiang. Covered, when this black crushed building debris hit Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s heart burst into unprecedented anger, let go of Zhao Mingyue and jumped with a scimitar, and crossed the distance of more than ten meters and fell to a radius of more than ten meters. The debris, his feet stomped fiercely on it and pulled up again, and with a loud scream, he threw a Firebird scimitar to Wan Qiang.

Wan Qiang killed hundreds of Evolution people, not only recovered the injury, but also further, already confident to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang. Although Zhao Mingyue is still nearby, he does not believe that Zhao Mingyue can still cause harm to himself and throw a punch Smashing the Firebird Scimitar, rushed towards Zhang Xiaoqiang, another punch, and hit it directly at Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who held the serrated sword in both hands, was not afraid in the air. When that was not much smaller than his whole person, he waved his fist. When it came to the front, the sawtooth knife severely chopped over, a loud noise of gold stone handover, Zhang Xiaoqiang flew back like a thrown skin, but Wan Qiang seemed to be okay, rushed to kill Zhang Xiaoqiang.

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