Apocalypse Cockroach: One hundred and eighty-eight undercurrents

“In the final analysis, it is still a matter of materials. If you stop the large troops to recuperate, reorganize the armor cluster, and convert the two divisions into material collection troops, you can guarantee your consumption to a great extent, that is, ancient warfare support Battle, so that the rear can reduce more than half of the tasks, deploy the first division and the second division to station in Inner Mongolia, and let the third division and garrison division of Yuan Heping continue to move forward. In this way, we can not only expand more resources, but also The limited clearance of scattered zombie, as for the main force, let the Xu Hao cavalry division and Blood Regiment Evolution come on board. Their logistics is to be responsible for the Bao Lingmin death row. The 30 airships are generally responsible for the delivery of materials…”

After thinking for a long time, Ishihara was not willing to give up reclaiming Beijing. This is the ultimate task of Inner Mongolia explained by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The elimination of Yinshan zombie is only the first step. The route to Beijing is the key. Open the situation first, Zhao jun is very dissatisfied with the proposal of Ishihara. Thousands of cavalry may have good abilities in the field, but they will be awkward when encountering street fighting. Only with multiple arms can the zombie be strangled to the maximum, but Ishihara The other way is the only way. It is not always possible to fight for war in Doomsday. I can’t think of any other way. I can only suffocate my breath and suffocate to smoke.

Zhou Jie is also dissatisfied, but compared to the proposal just now, at least the noose around the neck of the civilian has been loosened a lot, allowing many people to breathe, but the expedition does not end. This predatory exploitation is It will not stop. The damage to the previously developed free economy cannot be recovered for a long time, so Ishihara seems to be a compromise. Both sides are not pleased, but it is the only feasible way. Instead, they both have nothing to say. The three of them were silent together, Ishihara shook his head silently, and put his eyes back on the drawing in front of him, as if to say to himself:

“Destroy the free economy. While developing the economy, there will always be some dirt. If these dirts cannot be controlled, one day will destroy the situation of Inner Mongolia. At least until Elder Brother Cockroach returns, we have to maintain The purity of Inner Mongolia, it will fight inside without foreign enemies, the nature of the Chinese…”

Zhao jun can’t understand it, I don’t know what Ishihara is talking about, but Zhou Jie understands it as soon as I hear it. The Ministry of Internal Affairs is under the responsibility of the Government Affairs Bureau. Minister Zhou Xiong of the Ministry of Internal Affairs was scared by Zhang Xiaoqiang. Clean up the inside, but what really hurts Inner Mongolia is just a small person, and most people will always have other thoughts because of the stable environment and worry-free life, and because the power of Inner Mongolia is the strongest in China, far more than The core control area of ​​Zhang Xiaoqiang Hubei is too strong, so with xenophobia, Zhang Xiaoqiang is not here, let them surging,’actually it is also a good idea to manage Inner Mongolia by yourself’, it happens that the army has been clearing zombie outside, so that they ignore In view of the military’s power, with different thoughts, now that the regime is ruined, many people hope to control their destiny in their hands, so that the workload of the Ministry of Internal Affairs suddenly increases, if not everyone’s attention is attracted In the Yinshan campaign, perhaps even political parties were organized.

After hearing Ishihara say this, Zhou Jie also calmed down. He and Zhao jun followed Zhang Xiaoqiang to fight for the world. He knew that starting a business was difficult, and knew that it would not be easy to achieve today’s achievements. Construction is always the most difficult, but the destruction is The easiest, today’s achievements were created by the painstaking efforts of his and his subordinates, and no one can destroy them, no one can do it.

“Did the army begin to intervene in the Ministry of Internal Affairs?” Suddenly thought of this, Zhou Jie’s face was difficult to look at, and the army was not in politics. This is the iron law of the Chinese Renaissance, especially the number of Inner Mongolia troops reached 100,000, and civilians The ratio is almost 20 to 1. If the army wants to usurp power, there will be nothing to stop. Zhou Jie’s worry is that Ishihara is in his eyes, and he can’t help shaking his head and said: “We didn’t intervene in the Ministry of Internal Affairs. To establish a branch of the Democratic Alliance, this has something to do with us…”

The National League shocked Zhou Jie. Among the survivors, this alliance has a market. The survivors were captured by the army. During the capture process, many criminals were killed and many thugs were implicated. After joining the death row camp, there was no time to go to one by one for investigation and evidence collection. It is inevitable that some injustices were stuffed into the death row camp and became cannon fodder. Survivors felt that they could not be guaranteed. On this basis,’own your own destiny’ Starting to flood the survivors. If the army has not been repressive, Inner Mongolia may have been in conflict for a long time, but did not expect that the Democratic Alliance would spread from the civilians to the army?

Elder Brother Cockroach is not here, these white-eyed wolves start to make waves, but you have to defend them for me. I want to say that one of these things is counted, and it is better to feed zombie…” Zhao jun suddenly heard the Democratic Union. When he made a violent appearance, he just screamed, leaving Zhou Jie speechless, but what he thought was another matter. It was not easy to get the situation now. He didn’t want to stalemate with the civilians below, at least in production and construction. At present, with the great development, it is still mainly guided by the Democratic Alliance, so that they can understand the actual situation and cooperate with the management of Inner Mongolia.

“How many people did you catch? Are they all there now?” Zhou Jie asked involuntarily, but sneered at Zhao jun, Ishihara didn’t look at him at all, he raised his heart involuntarily, trembling and said: “You should not Will you be lynching? The rules left by Elder Brother Cockroach are…” Zhang Xiaoqiang stayed at Spielberg before leaving Inner Mongolia to set up a system of judges to deal with disputes and crimes in the Inner Mongolia area. This system gradually became popular among Westerners. As far as possible, fairness and justice are also allowed, and the survivors have recovered their sense of security under order. Once they are destroyed, the consequences may be unimaginable.

“Where? Our soldiers are there. They are there. These people are recruits. I don’t see them hurry up for training. They engage in small groups every day. Don’t they kill zombie and still feed them?”

The words Zhao jun made Zhou Jie speechless. Once these people wear military uniforms, they are soldiers. There are not so many reasons for them in the army. Letting you go to the front line, even if you break your legs, you have to deal with them. At least, after they were injured, they could not get the Evolution matrix to save lives, but Ishihara said: “Zhou Jie, I know you don’t want to destroy the overall situation, and want to solve internal problems peacefully. I want to tell you that internal problems are often more cruel, if these people Not for democracy and equality, but for personal ambition and selfish desires? Not everyone is like Elder Brother Cockroach. I don’t want to use guns to target civilians, but once they anger Elder Brother Cockroach, even if they carry the infamy, I will kill them. Blood flows into a river…”

The words of Ishihara reminded Zhou Jie of his previous identity~IndoMTL.com~ The former top commander of the Yinchuan army. When he was in crisis, he used tens of thousands of blood to break the siege of the zombie sea, which is equivalent to tens of thousands People went to feed zombie to fight for the time for the big troops to leave. Until they recovered Yinchuan, the road of bones was buried. Others can still be used as intimidation, but Ishihara must be able to say that.

“This is my job. The Democratic League is not necessarily rebellious. Their leader is a female college student, but ideally that’s all. For the time being, I will increase surveillance of them. I don’t need the army to intervene, even if Elder Brother Cockroach is here. I will still say that destruction is always easier than construction, and I don’t want to cause confrontation between us and survivors because of inexplicable guesses…”

Finally, Jie Zhou rejected the proposal of Ishihara, and did not want to take the Democratic League. Ishihara wanted to persuade him again, and saw a captain officer ran to the three to salute the report: “Three Chief, Minister Zhou Xiong has successfully communicated with the bug , He asked you to talk directly with insects in the past to discuss the control of Yinshan mutant plants, and the people from the Institute of Botany have also arrived…”

Hearing this news, the three ended their unfriendly conversation and walked towards the dome together. The smiling face of Jinxing was standing at the gate and humbly flattering the three. Behind him, Zhang Xiaoqiang captured Okinawa. The mother of the island is being served by a pile of ice beetles, engulfing the mutant plants piled up in hills, countless eggs are stacked behind it, one by one‘s white humans are carefully inspected with instruments, and Zhou Xiong is standing in wonder. On the edge of the insect, from time to time dodge the ice beetle that ran to him. In the ground beneath his feet, a full ten tons of explosives were ready to detonate, and farther away, countless flying beetles were neatly arranged on the open ground. Forming a huge square array, on the opposite side of the Yellow River, rapidly expanding mutant plants continue to stretch the Fujisu…

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