Apocalypse Cockroach: Nine hundred and twenty-two heartache two/three

“Two options, one is that you eat one more ability, but this ability may not be suitable for you, and the other is a medicine that gives you purification ability. As long as you take the medicine, your own ability will continue to increase. Maybe at the extreme, even I am not an opponent…”

This colloid is the second-class mutant animal colloid that caused a war over the Evolution, and the sword-cut eats the first-class mutant animal colloid. This one happens to be what he needs, and Zhang Xiaoqiang said The pharmacy is Heavenly Saint Essence discovered by Tie Zhongyuan. This Heavenly Saint Essence will allow Evolution people to advance and improve their original ability again. For those Evolution who have special powers that are not very powerful, it is a peerless treasure. Zhang Xiaoqiang is taken out as a sword. He accepted the rewards of thousands of Evolution, but he will never give him all. Zhang Xiaoqiang has eaten three colloids by himself. This thing can really improve the ability of Evolution. One extra ability may not be converted into combat power. On the contrary His flying knife remote control continues to advance in battle, but it is his biggest killer. If Zhang Xiaoqiang blindly pursues colloids and ignores the improvement of his own ability, I am afraid that today his rat king blade can’t help D3 zombie. Can not help but the keen enemy of the force, at least now his rat king blade will not be easily blocked.

Jian Jianben wanted to ask for the colloid directly, and then he swallowed it by his mouth. Somehow, he suddenly thought of other things. If he eats the colloid himself, he gets whitening ability. He didn’t cry, there was no place to cry, and this was not the case. At least among the Evolution in Shanghai, there were Evolution who had no fart, they can control the growth of hair, or they can eat mud without starvation. And the most ugly father is actually able to control the amount of his fart, even if he fart is louder than the thunder, what bird use?

“I want a potion, you wait, the scimitar will come back to me sooner or later…”

After the sword was cut, the Zhang Xiaoqiang rightfully withdrew the Firebird Scimitar, glanced at Xi’er, and walked towards the two. At this time, the two had begun to quarrel. When they saw that Zhang Xiaoqiang stopped arguing, Zhang Xiaoqiang had stood at Xi’er In front of him, Xi’er saw Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s face turned red, and some dodge. Chen Yu glared at Zhang Xiaoqiang when he saw Xi’er. Even if he said nothing more, he could not let go of the emotions in his heart. Zhang Xiaoqiang did not know He was inadvertently regarded as a love rival, but in his eyes there was only the big water snake. The big water snake just stood up in front of him and was no less than the height of the seven or eight-story building, and the snake also exudes the same aura as his killing intent. , I don’t know what the role of this gas field is. Anyway, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t feel the pressure and turned his head and said to Xi’er:

“You take the next boat and you are no longer needed here. Those children are waiting for you at Shazhou Island…”

Xi’er has been haggard after these days of fighting. Now standing in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang is dirty and muddy monkey. Seeing this picture of Xi’er, Zhang Xiaoqiang does not want her to continue fighting here. Xi’er’s potential is not small, if provided Give her enough resources, maybe one day it will grow to an incredible level. Zhang Xiaoqiang only talked to Xi’er and ignored Chen Yu. How could he not see Chen Yu being hostile to him?

“No…I want to stay…”

Xi’er continued to object, Zhang Xiaoqiang did not persuade me carefully, and no longer spoke after glaring his eyes. Xi’er didn’t know why. After seeing the stern look of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he lost all his energy. He gritted his teeth and bowed his head to stop talking. Zhang Xiaoqiang nodded. A push away Chen Yu followed the snake’s shaking tail and climbed to the top of the snake’s head, looking at the dock area in the distance and shouted.

The big snake slowly spreads out like a giant train and swims towards the riverside, leaving only Xi’er standing on the spot, staring at the huge body of the big snake and the back of Zhang Xiaoqiang, Chen Yu said sourly on the side:

“Do you like him?”

Chen Yu’s doubts caused Xi’er to shake his head subconsciously, looking silently at the back of Zhang Xiaoqiang as he walked away for a while before saying:

“No… maybe because he is like my father…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know that he was treated as a dad by the little beauty, if he knew that he wouldn’t have the momentum to prepare for a big fight like now, at the moment of heavy rain, many problems made him overwhelmed, only the ocean mutated The beast approaching the dock area is the most critical point. Guarding the dock, they still have a line of life. At least his descendants can withdraw. If he can’t stand it, I am afraid that no one but a few high-level people will be spared. If Shanghai has spent all this time in vain, it will lose a lot of money.

The big water snake is invincible. The panicked crowd in the scene saw the water snake moving involuntarily and stopped his hands. Numerous people looked silently at the big water snake and Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang stood on the head of the water snake and remained immobile. Unresponsive, gloomy eyes looked at the sky like dusk, the black clouds were gathering and surging, as if the demon opened his teeth and dancing claws, from time to time saw a white light flash in the clouds, and then came the faint thunder.

Sometimes everyone is in a panic because others are in a panic. They follow the panic too. If there is no strong people squeezing, it will become more and more chaotic and eventually lead to a collapse, but now, the water snake and Zhang Xiaoqiang have become the Dinghai **** needle in everyone’s mind, Zhang Xiaoqiang appeared here In addition to reassuring them, the water snake has a larger body than the horror monster. Look at the dark scale armor, all the reinforced concrete pier that is blocked in front of the water snake is easily erased by the water snake’s body, making people deep inside. There is a strong sense of security. In their hearts, the horror water snake is on their side. Since the water snake is so powerful, even if the number of mutant beasts that threaten the dock is not enough, the water snake will not chew…

The increasingly clear sound of guns resounded in the ears of Zhang Xiaoqiang. At this moment, most of the elite of the first regiment were arming in the dock area. They may not be able to hold the surface of the river, but after being unwilling to fight on the ground, Armored vehicles can be prepared. The artillery positions and machine gun positions are strictly constructed in accordance with the deep fortifications. In order to prevent the heavy rain from invading, these positions are all covered with military green tarpaulins. Even in the storm, they can continue to fight.

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced at the infantry position, and even had no thought of meeting Zhao Deyi, driving the water snake to swim down the embankment into the river. In the distance, more than a dozen armed speedboats were leaning towards the intensive firepower of the river. The downstream stage of the river It almost became the hot water in the pot, and the tumbling water splashed around the ship like surging magma. From time to time, I saw a grenade or explosives thrown into the water from the ship, blowing up a fluffy dark red splash, although All armed ships are iron ships, and it is also dangerous to fight in the middle of the river. I saw the fierce battle between the red and the smoke. IndoMTL.com~ A 10-meter-long speedboat was smashed by the whole, and countless scattered parts are still Rolling in the air, the broken ship quickly capsized in the turbulent river, until the last moment, the soldiers who tied themselves to the machine gun still shot into the river.

The vessel was capsized, and the one by one crew was lifted into Yangtze River, waiting for them to fall into the water. The mouth of the blood basin full of teeth broke through the river water and bite. In the Zhang Xiaoqiang rounded pupil, one by one excellent sailor was mutating the beast The big watermelon in his big mouth splashed countless bright red, and his heart suddenly seemed to be burning, stomping on the head of the water snake with a fierce cry.

In the short period of time after the Zhang Xiaoqiang issued the order and waited for the snake after taking a bath, the Yangtze River fleet had fought so hard. From the dents on the ships, it was obvious how fierce the battle was, although the river was turbulent, But on the surface of the water, large pieces of ship wrecks were seen by Zhang Xiaoqiang. The verdant vegetation on both sides of the river was gloomy under the gloomy sky. The waves of the mutated beast, Jiang Tao, waved higher than the waves and threw them on the river embankment. Only the hole-shaped fish-shaped mutant beast rushed up the river embankment and looked around. The huge dead fish that turned up on the river surface was unknown, and the river water around the boat showed an alternative red even in this dark light. I don’t know if it was the blood from the sailors fighting desperately, or if the mutant beast was shot and drained the blood to make the river red.

The water snake enters the water faster than it is on the shore, just like a black high-speed rail breaks through the white marks and the water waves and arrows generally rush downstream. Even if the water snake is fast, it can’t save some of the armed speedboats that have reached the limit, Zhang Xiaoqiang Looking at the speedboats, the big head fish with a silver helmet with a head of a warhead and a silver scale of more than ten meters in length are distorted into piles of twisted and deformed broken copper and iron. He has no regrets about these armed ships with dense firepower It is these sailors who are trying their best to shoot at the last minute.

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