Apocalypse Cockroach: hope Author: kdpig

The dim sky reminds people of the dusk where the family walked in front of Doomsday. The scorching sun, which was supposed to make people collapse, became exceptionally gentle under the erosion of sandstorms. There was howl of **** coming from his ears, and it was just that gusty wind roared around this **** battlefield that’s all.

“How many times is this?” Zhang Xiaoqiang put the unlit cigarette to his mouth and took a deep breath, his lips trembling slightly, and the smoke was about to fall every time.

Huang Quan next to him wanted to take a lighter out of his shirt pocket to help Cockroach light cigarettes, only to find that his right shoulder could no longer be lifted by the numerous butts of the buttstock.

“Don’t your dynamic vision find that you haven’t even lit the smoke?” Huang Quan laughed

Zhang Xiaoqiang slightly listed the mouth, did not answer. Holding the rifle that had been changed for the third time, he stood up and looked at the rear of the line of defense. . . .

Have they already gone? There is only so much for you, good luck. . .

A group of soldiers dressed in olive green on the defense line are arranging countless corpses of various clothes neatly. With the order of the officer, all the soldiers salute neatly, although the movements are a bit messy, but they can’t hide that Inner respect and sorrow.

“They are also true warriors, they are just like us…and humans.”

Half an hour ago, the coalition’s defense line was in jeopardy. Various Evolution zombie fought with the soldiers on the defense line. At the most critical moment, a Mongolian man sang the grassland eagle with almost howling sound, Almost at the same time, all ethnic groups who came to this grassland responded to him with a hoarse voice regardless of nationality or position. The loud and **** singing, on the grassland

The people who lived, launched a counterattack, like their ancestors, using their best assault, meaningless and raging reaper zombie.

They ran at full strength, brandishing various cold weapons, changing into one by one arrows, and rushing towards the corpse tide.

D2 did not hit the three Mongolian men who charged in front with one punch. When he retracted his fist, he found an anti-tank missile roaring.

Battar did not watch the falling D2, dropped the launcher, and joined the torrent of charge.

(Hahaha, I’m going to write myself in… I’ll write, I’ll write, I’ll be on stage)

(Think about it…I just want to write something human, don’t write me for now)

Huang Quan looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and thought of Zhang Xiaoqiang when he saw the defensive charge of the aliens he had prepared on weekdays, his eyes were roaring and he ordered, the whole army attacked, they must be rescued, even if we are dead Leave a trace of blood.

Z2 was also shocked by the charge, and hurriedly ordered Evolution zombie to protect S-Type Zombie.

The movement of the corpse group was immediately discovered by the visual Evolution zombie of the various groups, and the subsequent artillery fire covered it, completely tearing the hidden commander.

The corpse that lost the grassroots leader soon became chaotic, and the unconscious corpse was soon torn apart by the reinforced armored forces and the cold weapon infantry charge.

The corpse tide temporarily retreated, but the seeds of the grassland have only a few left.

“Report, it is estimated that one hour later, the 17th contact with the corpse,” the service soldier said while rushing into the trench.

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned around and arranged his clothes and said seriously, “Command: Prepare before the war!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Huang Quan both walked to the front, looking at each one with tired but firm eyes. Countless soldiers are sorting out their weapons and strengthening their defenses.

Suddenly, the soldiers on the defense line began to gather in twos and threes, and then more and more people gathered, but the crowd was heavy, but there was no heavy voice.

“What’s the matter?” Huang Quan asked the serviceman beside him

“Report, the Yinchuan Corps issued a full-frequency announcement.” A staff member who had just ran from inside the crowd rushed to answer.

3rd floor

“All the comrades of the coalition, I am the commander of the Yinchuan Corps Ishihara. I asked the personnel of the ministries to evacuate immediately. After the Yinchuan Corps cut off the ministries, we are all hot-blooded men, remembering what we did in the past, we are speechless about the charge Heroes of the Prairie, I ask the ministries to retreat immediately, to keep a glimmer of hope for humanity, and to ensure the safety of the non-combatants who have already evacuated. The Yinchuan legion will fight in the end to accompany the grassland eagles that have been injured before.”

All the soldiers listened silently, squeezed their fists tightly, and the corners of their mouths overflowed with blood bitten by their teeth.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stared blankly at the class walkie-talkie and shook his head gently.

“Maybe, humans still have hope.”

All the soldiers stood up and looked at the man who brought them to death.

Arranged military uniforms, Zhang Xiaoqiang ordered “Stand up and salute the Yinchuan Corps!”

The sound of fingertips piercing the air, resounding through the line of defense.

“Call back each department, our department will fight to the end!”

“Report, the grassland coalition issued a notice that the battle is dead”

“Reported that a group of volunteers who had evacuated the troops had just arrived at the defense line, and they asked to participate in the blockade and fight in the end”

“Report, XX Department Full Frequency Announcement, Fight to the End”

Fight to death

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