Apocalypse Cockroach: Four hundred and thirty-two mandala

“Wow · · · ·” “Wow · · · · · · · · · · ·

Big piles of reed poles piled up to form a huge bonfire. The blazing fire light illuminated the lake’s heart island at night. Around the bonfire, including Zhang Xiaoqiang, all squatted on the ground and vomited, The vomiting of dozens of people is so spectacular, just listening to the sound of “Wow Wah”, the smell of sourness is continuous.

Huang Quan communicated with the camp by radio and found the doctor and Ding Luo at the other end of the radio. Finally, the two reached a judgment together. The poison in Zhang Xiaoqiang and the team members was mandala poison.

Mandala is also called mandala, intoxicating flower, trumpet flower, mountain eggplant, etc. It is wild in the fields, ditch, roadside, river bank, hillside and other places, it is a very common herbal medicine, native to India , Now basically all over the world.

Because the mandala flowers are delicate in color and large in size, they are generally selected as ornamental flowers in the botanical garden. As long as Ordinary people knows it, it is easy to get this solanaceous plant known as the devil’s flower in Europe.

As China with a history of 5,000 years of Chinese medicine culture, as long as medicine can save people, the flower of the demon, which was feared by everyone in medieval Europe, has also become a good medicine for saving people in China.

Under normal circumstances, it is treated with traditional Chinese medicine, diminishing asthma, removing wind, treating asthma, epilepsy, rheumatic arthralgia, beriberi, sore pain, and its biggest role is to make an anesthetic. Legend has it that Li Shizhen used mandala to restore Hua Tuo’s Ma Fei San.

Of course, the effect of mandala is far more than the above. In the Water Margin, the Menghan medicine and the necessary seasonings for Sun Erniang used to turn Yang Zhijiao’s flower and stone are made of mandala flowers. Later, Wei Xiaobao in Jin Yong’s works even famously counted the efficacy of Menghan medicine.

In addition, the mandala has a very mysterious effect, aphrodisiac. In most ancient aphrodisiacs, there is a shadow of mandala.

The above are all the functions of mandala, but if you try it all, then you are likely to be tragic, because the real identity of mandala is poisonous grass.

Datura poisoning is caused by ingestion of Datura seeds, fruits, leaves, and flowers. It is manifested by dry mouth and throat, difficulty swallowing, hoarse voice, fast pulse, dilated pupils, delirium hallucinations, convulsions, etc., In severe cases, coma, breathing, and failure further occur and die.

The previous series of reactions between Zhang Xiaoqiang and the team members is nothing like this. The worse thing is that the initial performance is dry mouth, and the population will naturally drink more water, so they will drink more mandala. When he arrived in the stomach, the poisoning became more and more serious. After the Zhang Xiaoqiang issued an alarm, except for Huang Quan, including Zhang Xiaoqiang, they all lost their fighting power.

Once the Chinese mandala is determined, the first method, whether it is Chinese or Western medicine, is to induce vomiting, that is, to irrigate continuously, irrigate, and irrigate until the next drop of water is no longer in the stomach. After using your finger to buckle your tongue, a series of tiny waterfalls formed in the players’ mouths.

As for the latter method, it is not the Zhang Xiaoqiang that is in short supply. They can use the Ding Luo method to detoxify with a large amount of mung bean soup, because in traditional Chinese medicine, the best antidote for mandala is mung bean, followed by licorice, licorice long In the west, there is no inland, mung bean? There are many in the camp. You have to wait until the players in the camp send them over.

While the doctor is a Western medicine major, his methods are fluid replenishment, gastric lavage, and intestinal lavage. Obviously, on the island where there is nothing, it is undoubtedly that heaven and earth are talking.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang sprayed out all the undigested springs in the stomach, it felt a little better. Although he was the most poisoned, he was also the most resistant. Compared to other players, his Faster recovery.

The spit feet are soft and Zhang Xiaoqiang barely stands up to a low-lying place, and a girl in a straw suit cringes at him, Zhang Xiaoqiang looks at the girl and untie her body The clothes buckle the belt, and in a few moments he was smooth and smooth.

A scoop of cold water from the cold spring of the cave is poured down, and the cold water flows down the top of the head of Zhang Xiaoqiang all the way down to the ground. A cold water flows out of the ground. Although it is midsummer, the cold spring is indeed freezing, and a little cold water drops The child showered on the bare skin of Zhang Xiaoqiang was like being stabbed on the body with a needle tip, an agitator, Zhang Xiaoqiang was completely awake.

The fresh Zhang Xiaoqiang watched the large patches of erythema gradually recede. The cold bath method was very good for detoxification of mandala. At least, he had not been drinking raw mung beans and soaking in hot water.

Beside him, all the survivors on the original island are busy with the players. They tremble and startled water into the mouths of some unstaffed players under the gun of Huang Quan. Some players are sinking. In the illusion of illusion, they opened their mouths to bite, and many survivors’ fingers were bitten and bleeding, even so they did not dare to slack ~ IndoMTL.com ~ because Huang Quan was watching him.

“Hey! I said you stepped on it, don’t you know that the island is waiting for mung beans? If there is a delay, I see how Elder Brother Cockroach will clean up you.”

On a small boat heading towards the heart of the lake, a team member is complaining to Li Zhi beside him. Behind them, Ding Luo and Guo Fei are also stepping on the foot pedal. They are the first batch of support of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Li Zhi will not be afraid of this player, he is also complaining in his heart, on this dark lake, there is no clear daytime, they are easy to get lost, Li Zhi is afraid of death, he is more willing to be careful, if not behind him Sitting on Guo Fei, Li Zhi will surely give the players around him a big slap, let him know his temper.

“I said, can you hurry up? The island is waiting for this thing to save · · · · · ·” When the player urged N times, Li Zhi was annoyed, he simply stopped and shouted from the player:

“The black lights are blind, how can you make us fast? If you are lost, I see if you have a face to meet Elder Brother Cockroach? Brother Fei, do you say yes?”

After yelling, Li Zhi nodded and bowed to please Guo Fei. Everyone knows that Guo Fei is a madman, and only mad people like Guo Fei are the killers of people like Li Zhi.

Guo Fei ignored him, and besides stepping on the pedals, he was looking at the dark lake heart as if he was listening to something.

Li Zhi’s words were unsupported and unopposed. The boat was still sailing slowly towards the Zhang Xiaoqiang lake island where they were, as before.

For a while, the boat calmed down, and no one spoke. Gradually, a red light appeared over the direction of their bow on the curtain of night, and the huge campfire on the heart of the lake lit up the night sky. They provide the coordinates for advancement.

At this time, both the team members and the Li Zhi have invariably accelerated the speed, and the boat is also faster · · · · ·

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