Apocalypse Cockroach: Forty-eight destinations

Walking through a low wood, I saw a large pine cone on the ground, with a golden color. When I approached it, it looked like a blooming lotus flower. If a Chinese medicine merchant knew it, it was Cistanche deserticola. It has the famous name of ginseng stuffed, but its true role is to nourish the kidneys and is a good medicine for middle-aged and old men.

Seeing this Cistanche, Miao Miao dug up curiously, this thing went up and down, and Miao Miao dug for half a meter without seeing the roots. He was struggling and suddenly heard the hillside not far away coming Moving, Miao Miao picked up the rifle and pulled the bolt, and touched it carefully. I saw a small shadow and brushed a few times, and went to a hidden place to look down.

Hundreds of giant camels appeared in Meow’s eyes. These camels already looked like monsters. Two humps were huge. Six a meter in heights were like a house. The smallest camel was more than three meters tall. Taller than the most robust horses in the team.

The meow was startled by these prehistoric monster-like camels. Upon closer inspection, they came to know that these camels are vegetarian. The hillside is a concave about one kilometer, which is covered with green bushes. These camels Looking down at the leaves of the bush, there was a big pit in the center of the depression, and the tallest camel was digging dirt in the big pit.

A puffy wet. The soft mud was dug out by the huge soles. In a few moments, the camels retreated to the side and yelled. A few camels sang joy and ran to the big pit to drink water. Followed by a camel lined up to drink water, looking orderly.

Seeing this, Miao Miao shrank back, found Zhang Xiaoqiang, Zhang Xiaoqiang was pulled by Miao Miao, and Zhao jun went with them. The three people approached carefully, and saw this group of huge camels like prehistoric creatures. Zhao jun couldn’t help but exclaimed. He was heard by the camel with a little exclamation. I saw hundreds of camels turning around at the same time, and spread their feet and ran out.

“Quick…, let the scouts chase…”

The camels are extremely timid and fall into the eyes of Zhang Xiaoqiang. These camels are not dangerous. This is a huge pile of meat. Anyway, Zhang Xiaoqiang breaks the reason that it has not been let go.

Unfortunately, the speed of the camels is not slow. There are only ten soldiers in the reconnaissance class. Only five camels tremble in the middle of them, three of them are camels, and two female camels are reluctant to bear them.

The camels are very docile. There are soldiers in the team who are familiar with the temperament of the big animals. From the village, they found several reins to tie the camels. They tied the camels and held them. The female camel followed the soldiers irresistibly. The little camel is a little unaccustomed and always wants to throw off the reins.

“This is a camel that was fed before, and there should be many escaped animals…”

The excited soldier ran over and shouted to Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhao jun. The two looked at each other, and they saw the luster from each other’s eyes. They were going to go to the two hemu along the road, one of which has been merged by the other. There are only buildings and no government functions. In the front is the little hematoxylin, and along the north of the little hematoxylin is the border. In this area, there should be many scattered herds and wild mutant beasts. With them, maybe A large number of domesticated animals can be obtained.

The speed of the five camels is not slow, and it seems very easy to follow the team. The team has not stopped to rest. Although they have not reached their destination, they have already achieved some gains. Anyway, it is a good start. .

When the first Su Mu appeared in front of me, Zhang Xiaoqiang was depressed. The bungalows with less than 100 households and a small five-story building were not as good as an ordinary village in the mainland. They became Su here. Wood, and there is no zombie here, all the rooms are open, obviously, it has been looted.

It’s just that the looting here is not as thorough as before. Maybe the capacity of the looters can’t keep up. Many large and small bags are thrown on the ground at the street. Some living tools are also thrown on the side of the road for investigation. The soldiers of Ban searched it and found some wheat and salt and other things, which was a harvest.

These packages Zhang Xiaoqiang simply with various clothes or leather look down. At that construction company, the brand-new wear-resistant workwear and cotton clothes have a whole warehouse, so they only took food and salt, and the team continued to move forward when they When they finally reached their destination, it was already 4 o’clock in the afternoon. They departed from 6 o’clock in the morning, that is, they ran for a total of ten hours and traveled 700 kilometers.

At this point, all the people have raised their hearts. They have little fuel left. If they can’t find the oil depot, I am afraid that when they go back, all the vehicles will become furnishings, and they will no longer be able to come out. Search for supplies.

The 700-kilometer journey, which can’t be replaced by ordinary horses, but even if it is mutated, these horses are all tired and spitting foam. For this, Zhang Xiaoqiang can only take the wheat that it finds. Come out to make these beasts happy.

After all the animals were full, Zhang Xiaoqiang almost vomited blood, and no more than three hundred pounds of wheat were left. All of them entered the stomachs of horses and camels. Seeing how many camels were unexhausted, Zhang Xiaoqiang could not wait to kill. They eat meat, and what makes Zhang Xiaoqiang desperate is that after eating hundreds of pounds of wheat, the camel ate various weeds at the side of the road. How can he feed him with such a large amount of food?

Zhang Xiaoqiang simply ignored, leaving a class of soldiers to guard the vehicle. He took ten elite soldiers to explore the town. The scale of this town is different. There are various buildings, and the building complex is dense. Among them, you can see the long-lost trees, of course, not many of these trees survived.

This town is larger than the town in the inland economically underdeveloped area. Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s gaze is undoubtedly attracted by a windbreak forest a few kilometers away from Sumu~IndoMTL.com~Dense Populus euphratica Lined up, it was like the dry and barren land of the one by one guards.

Through the windbreak, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw rows of yellow brick buildings again. A tall flagpole was tied with a trace of red cloth. At first, Zhang Xiaoqiang thought it was only a school, but he found that such a square was closed. There are a lot of buildings around Sumu, but it feels a bit strange, and the Zhao jun around him can see the pattern of these buildings at a glance.

Elder Brother Cockroach, there are garrisons in this place, and there are a lot of them. It is close to the border, at least the size of a battalion…”

Hearing a reminder from Zhao jun, Zhang Xiaoqiang moved a little in his heart. So, did they find a lot of guns and ammunition? Zhang Xiaoqiang has long seen that thousands of zombies are hiding in the shade in the streets of the Sumu building complex. Obviously, the zombie here can’t stand the baking of the sun.

Dading’s Zhang Xiaoqiang took the soldier back to the car, bypassed the intersection, and drove from the side to the back of the barracks. At a glance, he saw a tall antenna tower on the center of Sumu It seems that accepting satellite TV can’t use such sharp equipment.

“That’s a radar antenna. At least there is a battalion of a radar battalion. There are many such radar borders. There are various types of radar. They are woven into a large net, covering the sky of China. They were shot down before. F22 fighter jets are planted on these radar towers.”

What Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t understand was naturally explained to him by Zhao jun, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang saw another row of roads that intersected with the road when they came. Heavy heavy trucks dragging long carriages, but more vehicles are bumped together to block the road. Along the blocked intersections, more trucks can be seen parked on the roadside.

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