Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred strong

“Remember? You want to realize that you have nothing to look at, no one cares, no one cares, Yang Ke’er they are your bodyguards, once there are any special characters, let them solve, you want greed, you want everything, They don’t look at anything, and don’t agree to anything, no matter how good the conditions are, of course they don’t welcome you when they send beautiful women over · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang kept talking about Zhang Huai’an, Zhang Huai’an bent over to listen, and nodded from time to time. When Zhang Xiaoqiang said beauty, he wiped cold sweat involuntarily and said bitterly:

Elder Brother Cockroach, the last time I ate a turtle, I still feel bad? Is it right? Forgive me, really let me go, I can’t help · · · · · · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang is silent. He looked at Zhang Huai’an with sympathetic eyes and whispered:

“It doesn’t matter, I met an old man who is perverted, he likes to abuse, you just learn to learn him, just give those women a few whips, it looks like they are about the same age.”

Zhang Huai’an: “@@##¥#&&¥%…………”

Zhang Xiaoqiang saw that Zhang Huai’an no longer speaks with a blue face, nodded with satisfaction, extended his right index finger in a circle in the air, and slammed down.

During the roar of anti-aircraft guns, the vehicles stuck on the bridge exploded one after another. Huang Tingwei was right. The ultimatum to the convoy was ignored by them. They would not compromise until the last minute.

Blazing flames, billowing smoke, flying parts falling under the bridge of more than ten a meter in heights, splashing countless water splashes in the torrent, the burning debris blocked the team’s sight from the bridge, they could not see Whether there is a response from the opposite side, if you don’t see it, it means that there is no effect. If you don’t, you will continue to fire, and the incendiary bomb will continue to extend to the other side.

In the interval between changing the ammunition of the anti-aircraft gun, three crisp gunshots came out of the bunker. The roaring bullets flew over the ears of the anti-aircraft group. The fire group had not responded yet, and the Zhang Xiaoqiang face immediately changed. Up the color.

“Second group, give me a shot, then shoot me wherever they are. They hide in the bunker, just give me the bunker shovel · · · · · · · · ·

The reckless counterattack on the shore caused revenge like the storm of the quadruple anti-aircraft machine gun. The large-caliber bullets in the scorching light chain were like a meteor. The roaring screams hit the three-story bunker. . The flames exploded, and the scattered cement debris in the red light flew and separated, and the smoke was filled, blocking everyone’s sight. Large-caliber bullets were continuously fired, and a burst of crying came from the opposite bank, which was louder than the sound of gunshots.

Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his right hand, anti-aircraft guns and anti-aircraft guns stopped firing, a mess on the bridge, burning steel parts, billowing rubber tires, and countless broken glass and trash debris.

The fuel tanks of abandoned cars have been drained of dry oil. Except for the explosion caused by the incendiary shells, there is no more blasting sound. The thick construction of the bridge did not cause more damage. The obstacles on the bridge It has been cleared, and through the messy bridge surface, the thick smoke billows, and you can see the big steel door opposite.

The big steel door is similar to the big steel door of the hot spring base. It is welded with countless steel rivets. The surface is not modified too much, and there is not much maintenance on weekdays. Some are rusted. On the steel plate with shallow rust, countless large rivets are embedded on it. , Welding lines twisted like earthworms welded the irregular steel plates together.

The big piece of steel door that was pieced together made Zhang Xiaoqiang conclude that the materials inside were not sufficient for the hot spring base. Most of the steel plates were made of disassembled car bodies. The people who made them had already worked hard, but the results were not eye-catching. , The material is really not good.

A burst of wailing broke Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s evaluation of the large steel door. The 14,5 caliber armor-piercing incendiary bomb can destroy Armored vehicles at a distance of 800 meters, not to mention the flame storm that was launched within a distance of less than 200 meters. The bunker looks terrible, with one by one basin-sized pits all over it, and at the bottom of the pit, the holes in the one by one black hole slowly smoked.

The shooting time of the anti-aircraft machine gun is not long, just one minute. The one-minute time made this seemingly strong bunker into a horse honeycomb. No bullets flew again. There was only one counterattack from the beginning to the end. Three bullets, I don’t know whether it is a counterattack or a fire, but even if the fire is related to Zhang Xiaoqiang?

The flames were burning on the bridge, and the thick smoke was wafting in the air, and the screams passed from the broken bunker to the other side of the bridge. Everyone heard heard that the wounded guy was no big deal. For a long while, he was still so confident, Zhang Xiaoqiang waited with the team members, and the muzzle of the anti-aircraft gun pointed straight at the big steel door.

Don’t let them wait too long, a dirty gray T-shirt was tied to a bayonet and swung left and right. Seeing the message from the other party, Zhang Xiaoqiang was comfortable. He turned his head to look at Zhang Huai’an, Zhang Huai’an nodded, and gently used The right hand wiped the big back with half a bottle of gel water, and sorted out the high-end suit.

Zhang Huai’an wants to show the appearance of a big man as much as possible, but the suit on his body is not very fit, obviously one size larger, the real suit should be customized to wear taste and style, the original owner of the suit is burly When I got to Zhang Huai’an, I was a little bit nondescript. There was a cigar on my mouth and I didn’t smoke. Some pants were wrinkled. A pair of dazzling leather shoes were pedaling on my feet. The ankle bones were barely exposed. The shoes were a little small and I wore socks I won’t get in.

The Zhang Huai’an in a suit stands in a military uniform and looks special. He stands beside him with an unwilling look like Yang Ke’er and Yang Ke’er, a little daughter-like figure, with a bone shield in his hand, which is a bit old. , Instead of flashing as bright as it was at the time, time made this bone shield that was originally flashing slightly streamlined thick and introverted, with a kind of simplicity and a vicissitude.

Thirty centimeters wide oblique-edged steel knife is like another shield that she carried in her hand, reflecting each other with a bone shield. The sharp blade, the dull blade, and its weight in Yang Ke’er are all light. It is shown that the knife is not simple, and the little girl holding the knife is not simple.

When the Yang Ke’er was around Shangguan Qiaoyun, she did not show any resistance to the arrangement of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The big wavy curly hair was re-coiled up, a little less charming, and a little more calmness and atmosphere. She still didn’t wear a military uniform. The compact Leather Armor undoubtedly complements her beautiful and seductive curves.

The gardenia-like white face is quiet and solemn, a faint smile spreads over Yin Hong’s lips, the slightly raised red lips, can’t see whether the smile is a simple smile, or stands with her After Zhang Huai’an‘s sarcasm, those bright gemstone-like eyes did not go to the back of the observer Zhang Huai’an, and more eyes were on Zhang Xiaoqiang in the wheelchair.

Zhang Huai’an is nervous, he has always been a low-key element, and suddenly one day made him high-profile, making him unnatural, in this hot day, he was sweating in a suit and did not know it was hot He was still in a hurry. The brand-name mechanical watch on his wrist always made him feel numb. When he raised his hand, the seven or eight large gold rings dazzled him. Others were waiting calmly. Only he was anxious. Yes, I don’t know if I’m in a hurry to get a reply from the opposite, or if I’m in a hurry to reply too quickly, so I can give him more time.

The opposite side did not make Zhang Huai’an anxious for too long, a man’s high voice came from a loudspeaker:

“Don’t fire · · ·, don’t fire any more · · ·. Despite mentioning ~IndoMTL.com~ we will make you satisfied, don’t fire again · · · · ·

No one paid attention to it, and asked for notification beforehand. It was just that they were pretending to be deaf and dumb. I don’t know if this was a delay.

Zhang Xiaoqiang glanced a few times and saw that there was no one on the other side of the bank so far. Except for the shirt that was shaking in the air, he turned his head to look at Huang Tingwei, and Huang Tingwei nodded · · · · · ·

The roar sounded again when the anti-aircraft machine gun was fired. The T-shirt picked on the bayonet was torn into pieces, and the force of the tearing made the Bayi rifle out of control and flew away. The machine gun stopped when it rang. A few more pits were added to the top floor of the bunker, the tweeter stopped speaking, and the two sides were silent again.

“The people inside listen, don’t play tricks on Lao Tzu, Lao Tzu knows your careful thoughts, and you know the conditions of Lao Tzu, I will give you five minutes, when the time comes, I will pick up · · · · · · · · ·” >

Zhang Huai’an also took out a big horn and roared, then he was considered to be out of the way, taking out his experience of dealing with thieves when he was a policeman, and yelling and scolding with his stomach on his back and his head on his back.

It may be fierce artillery, it may be the strength of Zhang Huai’an, there is no white flag hanging opposite, a man in blue overalls stands up from the roof of the bunker and waves his hands, and two people stand out to tie him a rope, The man was hung from the ground by the rope. He untied the rope and waved a white handkerchief slowly to the side.

Flaming on the bridge, the man was walking on the unfired ground, and the thick smoke billowed his face black, and the large pieces of soot and black spots dyed his clothes motley, he walked Fifty meters in front of the car, he dared not advance, and dozens of black hole rifles were aiming at him.

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