Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred and twenty multiple choice questions

“I dare…”

Thousands of people did not remain silent for a long time. A young soldier stood up among the crowd in the dark, suddenly became another focus besides Li Zhi. He separated the comrades in front of him and grabbed the rifle and rushed to In front of Li Zhi, the soldiers around the guard rushed up to take this guy down and was stopped by Li Zhi.

Li Zhi looked at this lower lip seriously, and looked very flattering soldier, suddenly shouted:

“What is your name?”

“My name is Liu Mang!!!”

“Okay! Rogues are rogues. You are the only one. Go to the back and change your clothes. Go to the frontline tomorrow to fight zombie. Would you like to go…”

Waiting for Li Zhi to finish talking, the soldiers shouted again:

“Go and go, if you are willing to go with me, stand up and let this bunch of grandchildren see, we are also the kind of buddies…”

The soldier’s roar caused the crowd to stand up to more than one hundred people one after another, and these more than one hundred people rushed to the center together, standing behind the soldiers and proudly looking up at Li Zhi.

“Okay, it’s all lords, true lords… When you go behind, someone will arrange to catch up with Minger and let you go to the front line as quickly as possible…”

In addition to the more than one hundred men on the stage, thousands of people below are also eager to move, but their education and life habits make them low-key and do not want to go up in the limelight, but their hearts are also hot and the atmosphere on the scene is warmed up.

Li Zhi put down the tweeter in his hand, pointed his right hand straight, slowly swept across the eyes of thousands of people, shook his right hand violently, shouted his heart and lungs with the big tweeter:

“You guys, what are you waiting for, to prove that you are a man…”

The last sentence finally burst the scene. These soldiers are not without courage. What they don’t have is just self-confidence. No one believes that a certain army will block millions of zombie. They have no hope, no hope of defeating zombie, but now It’s different. The front-line blockade let them see hope. Someone has done it. Why can’t they be the same as humans? Are they really not men?

Tianming Shifen, a team of soldiers didn’t even tear off their armbands, wore the military uniform they wore yesterday, took yesterday’s weapons, received their rations for three days, filled the waist with a kettle, and lined up in silence. Departing, they must first go to the river, waiting for the transport fleet to transport them to the Cockroach base to fight.

The accumulation of materials has decreased with the transfer of various vehicles. The growing role of the Yangtze River fleet is indescribable. They used to support the construction of the Cockroach base to the maximum, and now support zombie as much as possible. war.

The army left in turn. Li Zhi and Colonel Baifa stood together and watched the army start. The army that was fighting with Li Zhi yesterday became a reinforcement. Today, it entered the unknown Cockroach base. Li Zhi turned and looked at the officer curious Asked:

“You are not in a hurry? They are your main force?”

The white-haired officer’s face was grim, and his bright eyes were watching the army leaving the queue. He slowly shook his head and said:

“Why am I in a hurry? The soldiers’ destination is to die on the battlefield. Although most of them were civilians in the past, when they took the rifle, they were soldiers, either killed or honored.”

The officer said frankly, but the worries in his eyes could not hide Li Zhi. He smiled contemptuously, looking at the vehicle full of materials without saying a word. He was thinking about it. The 2 million bullets sent to the front line should be calmed down this time. Huang Quan’s anger, but it’s not safe. Yesterday, his enemy Ding Luo ventilated him, and he had to face at least 2.5 million zombie at the front, and their ammunition inventory did not even have 250,000 rounds. Worked overtime in a refitting factory.

Two million rounds of bullets is impossible to eliminate one zombie per round. If you do not rely on various methods of consuming zombie and only rely on bullets, each zombie must consume at least ten bullets, 2.5 million Only zombie is 25 million rounds of bullets, which is not something that the Hubei base can play.

Yesterday the plane was more than three hours late. It was precisely the plane that needed the aircraft to replenish the ammunition of Sanshan. It took three hours to get out of the shells piled up on the top of the mountain. Pointing a gun at Yuri’s head and let Chanel supervise Yuri, I am afraid the support will only wait until today.

“How much ammunition is there in your base?”

Li Zhi held the willingness to kill these officers and asked them about their ammunition reserves. The officer glanced at Li Zhi, lowered his head and counted, and saw the officer, Li Zhi could not help but increase the price tag.

“As long as we can guarantee that the ammunition is handed over to us, I can guarantee your life. At least no one can move you until we see our highest Chief.”

The promise of Li Zhi is very large. There is only one person with the highest Chief. That is to say, he can keep the officer to see Zhang Xiaoqiang alive. As long as Zhang Xiaoqiang does not appear in a day, he can live an extra day, which will offend Huang Quan risk.

“We still have a thousand people stationed at the base. If you dare to let me go back, I will bring a thousand people to the front to block the front of the zombie. All of our weapons, equipment and ammunition are yours. As long as you can guarantee to clean up the millions of zombie…”

The officer’s proposition is very big. The big Li Zhi can’t accept it. The officer can get a thousand troops, a lot of weapons and ammunition, and his allegiance. This Li Zhi can’t be the master, in case this officer is ruthless. At one point, the two thousand officers and soldiers who abandoned the front line and stubbornly resisted against the base. I am afraid that he will have to eat Li Zhi.

“I’m afraid, you want to fight against the air defense weapons of your base, right? You gave me a multiple choice question, choose to let you go back, you may be stubborn, you may take people up, you won’t let you go back, they may choose a new one The leader, continue to resist, or surrender, really embarrasses me…”

“Very good, it’s so **** good, it’s really good, can anyone tell me what the pig of Li Zhi is thinking? I don’t blame him for the loss of 500 soldiers, but why did he want two thousand? Multiple enemies have come to me? Let me invite the Z2zombie who is hiding in the corner to spy on PARTY? Tell Li Zhi, is it too much trouble for us…”

Huang Quan’s heavy voice rushed out of the command car, and Lu Xiaobu, who was walking towards the command car, stopped, and then a curse came from the command car, and he shook his head involuntarily. Li Zhi‘s courage was too great. Without even saying hello in advance, the two thousand captives were sent to the front of the battle in a hurry, he thought it was the time of the war of liberation? By complaining, can the relationship between Lala and Lao mobilize the national army into a total of army?

When Huang Quan’s scoldings gradually converged, Lu Xiaobu went to the command car and pulled the car door in. As soon as he entered, he saw Huang Quan’s face was very ugly, his cheeks were red, and his blue muscles jumped straight. The Ding Luo beside him looked helpless, Huang Tingwei Sitting side by side, looking at the combat summary thoughts hanging in the carriage.


Huang Quan hit a steel-made table with a fist, screaming again and scolding again:

“Well, we are all retreating, the first-line position is lost, and the second-line position is also lost. Only the Sanshan position is still there, but we actually left thousands of comrades in the Sanshan position there. Huang Quan is sorry for them…”

Huang Quan scolded, Ding Luo gave Lu Xiaobu a wink, Lu Xiaobu nodded slightly, stepped forward to meet Huang Quan, and whispered to Huang Quan:

“Huang Quan, there is news over Elder Brother Cockroach…”


The three of Huang Quan unanimously looked at Lu Xiaobu together, and Lu Xiaobu took out the contact briefing they just received and sent it to Huang Quan, saying:

“Last night, two small wooden boats floated to the Three Gorges Dam. They were discovered by our squadron stationed in the center of the dam in the morning. There were twenty armed men in the boat. After they saw our people, they asked if they were Elder Brother Cockroach‘s base, after being affirmed, they took the initiative to hand over their weapons…”

As Lu Xiaobu replied, Huang Quan stood up sharply, leaned over and pulled the Lu Xiaobu‘s lapel, and pulled it under his eyelids, a mouth was about to roar, Ding Luo around him swooped over, covering Huang Quan’s mouth , Suddenly pushed him onto the car and made a knocking sound…

“No movement…, no movement…”

“Release Huang Quan, let him go, or shoot…”

Lu Xiaobu and Huang Tingwei took out a pistol and aimed at Ding Luo, then Ding Luo’s chin was held up by Huang Quan’s pistol, Ding Luo let go of his hands and lifted up, said his face unchanged:

“Huang Quan, you almost made everyone outside know…”

Hanging three pistols together, Huang Quan and Huang Tingwei glanced face to face, Huang Tingwei nodded heavily, Huang Quan grinned embarrassingly, scratched his scalp that had not been washed for more than ten days with his muzzle, threw the pistol on the table with a clatter Go down.

“The Queen of Storms means that she threw Elder Brother Cockroach into the hands of Epoch?”

Huang Quan quelled his anger for a long time. The opening was pointing at Zhao Mingyue. Lu Xiaobu said with a wry smile:

“The newsletter is unclear. I opened a single line to contact the dam defense center stationed at Gezhouba. Only then did I know that these armed men are all brain-deficient characters. They are like a group of robots, and they will only recite the storm queen. Confessed by others, basically nothing else, I think these people have been brainwashed……”

Huang Quan didn’t pay much attention to whether these people were brainwashed~IndoMTL.com~ looked over and over with the newsletter, there is only one thing above, Zhang Xiaoqiang was captured by Epoch, how to capture it, just roughly After a while, no one is clear, anyway, weird, Zhao Mingyue asked them to transfer the helicopter back to cooperate with Zhao Mingyue to rescue Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Helicopter Huang Quan doesn’t care, don’t say one, three are okay, but Yuri can’t go back, he has to stay here to cooperate, it’s at the critical moment, the helicopter is a big killer, not to mention the Nightingale helicopter There is also a huge bomb of 500 kilograms. No one except Yuri can throw it out within the stipulated time. This is the trump card they paid for Z2.

“Yeah, I am afraid you don’t know yet. The Storm Queen is hard to get rid of. I heard that my skills are still above Elder Brother Cockroach. Elder Brother Cockroach got lost and killed them, killing the Storm Queen’s man. As a result, Storm Queen let Elder Brother Cockroach be her. The man, Elder Brother Cockroach was reluctant, escaped many times, and was caught by the queen, you said…”

Huang Tingwei couldn’t stop talking for a while, he was the captain of the newly formed flying squadron, Yuri and Chanel were both divided into the flying squadron, Chanel is a lively girl, and she has more connotation, Wen Wen Erya’s Former teacher Huang Tingwei’s swann appearance is very eye-catching to Chanel. Chanel talked to Huang Tingwei more than once. During the conversation, Zhang Xiaoqiang was naturally the topic.

Huang Tingwei and Shen Xue had an unclear love affair. They are trying to forget Shen Xue. Chanel’s little girl will not be seen by him for the time being, but he took this opportunity to transfer Zhang Xiaoqiang’s relatives in Sichuan from Chanel. Mouth slipped out.

After he knew this, he didn’t want to tell anyone. After Zhang Xiaoqiang came back, the whole base knew about Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang might be angry and angry. In case of trouble for him, I’m afraid it’s more than killing him. To be uncomfortable.

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