Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred and nineteen, dare you?

Suddenly, a black helicopter appeared in the sky, the sound of the helicopter was not very loud, and it floated in the air, revealing a trace of noble temperament, just like the emperor who is king in the world, the open weapon launch port is the emperor’s scepter, the two below A 25-millimetre a meter in height gun had just turned its muzzle, and two rockets hit the anti-aircraft gun like a meteor, and exploded the anti-aircraft gun and the anti-aircraft unit together into pieces…

The troops suddenly changed. The three troops turned around and retreated together. It seemed that they wanted to retreat to the nearest building. The plane crashed down, crossed an arc across the army’s head, and followed by a rocket. Missiles flew into a building, and the soldiers who just rushed into the building were blasted by the explosion, like a doll…

Helicopters are suspended in mid-air like a demonic god. Below, a team of soldiers with their hands up piles up firearms and equipment. airborne assault vehicle and airborne combat vehicle are parked together neatly, pilots and heavy weapons operate The crew members raised their hands and stood away.

Li Zhi stood in front of thousands of unarmed infantry phalanxes, and looked at the soldiers who landed and entered the phalanx coldly. On the side of the phalanx, the white-haired officer was holding a white flag, and he looked sadly on the side, behind the officer, More than a dozen school captain officers, like him, were either downcast or uneasy.

Many officers’ pistol holsters on their waists have been opened. The black guns disappeared. Only the white-haired officer’s pistols are still on his body. A small pistol is not afraid of Li Zhi. He has a proud look Walked in front of the officer group, staring at the eyes of the white-haired officer, he asked coldly:

“Name, rank, and your position…”

The officer took a deep look at the changed Li Zhi, threw the white flag in his hand to the ground, and arranged the collar and collar, said aloud:

Ye Gushan, the rank of colonel, deputy head of the XX Army XX division three regiments, is now the head of the Hubei Military Region Field Regiment, you can’t see that you are also a general of the soldiers, and you are out of sight. One person, the officers behind me are acting according to orders, and I promise that they will not give you eye drops…”

Li Zhi did not laugh at the officer. This man brought him nearly half of the casualties, making him wish to eat his flesh and blood, and his eyes were like anger, staring at the colonel in front of his teeth, and when the colonel finished talking, he continued to do it. After taking seven or eight deep breaths, I pressed the boundless killing intent.

“From now on, you will be detained, your soldiers and officers, I promise not to be persecuted, on top of this, you must obey our command and transfer, and all the bases and population behind you have to join In exchange, we will guarantee the food and material supply of your staff…”

The colonel and the officer behind him had already made the worst plan. Then they knew that Li Zhi had given them a light head. They knew that they almost pushed Li Zhi to a desperate situation. The colonel did not respond for a while, hesitantly asked Road:

“Why not kill me?”

“Because you don’t deserve my hands…”

Li Zhi said disdainfully, turned around and walked to the parked airborne combat vehicle. On the side of airborne combat vehicle, various types of ammunition and weapons were being packed into cars.

Behind him, the officers were driven to their ranks, and the colonel was handcuffed and escorted to the side. The descending soldiers in the dark tide saw the officers return to them, and the restless and restless hearts were mostly stable. Down, at least people will not move their officers, nor will they move them.

Looking at the eight male airborne combat vehicles, Li Zhi closed his eyes and took a deep breath. After a while, he suffocated, turned his head to look at the armored soldiers who were standing on the side and surrendered.

“From now on, you are the tactical guidance of the armored company, to assist our people to operate these vehicles, until you are approved by us, the armored company commander is still yours, are you willing to join us?”

The seemingly unwise order of Li Zhi made the entire armored company’s descendants silly. The young company commander nodded unconsciously, and then a man stepped forward to take out all the ammunition in Armored vehicles To load the vehicle alone, several military ensign officers from the Hubei base came out and organized the armored soldiers to board the vehicle and led them to the riverside in Armored vehicles.

Looking at the far away team, the irritability in Li Zhi’s heart is a little better. The killing in his heart makes him want to order the execution of all officers, especially the colonel, but he controls his emotions, will These people let go, not that this little man became tolerant, but that he would use these people to atone for his sins, or to restore the bad impression in Huang Quan’s mind.

Before the air strike by helicopters, one of the military’s three offensive units suffered heavy casualties. The team of 800 lost 400. The power of the cloud storm bomb also scared most soldiers. Two cloud bombs Wiped out the entire military’s will to resist,

The army of two thousand soldiers surrendered to Li Zhi with all their weapons. Li Zhi only has more than 700 intact soldiers and helicopters in the sky. It takes a little effort to take care of it. I think I have to take care of these people. Without the support of his troops, he suddenly had a headache. If it were only so, he could still insist on clenching his teeth, but Huang Quan was still waiting for him to deliver ammunition. Without ammunition, even if he caught no more captives, Huang Quan would definitely find him after the autumn.

In this way, there is only one way to send the two thousand soldiers here to the front line to Huang Quan, so that the two thousand captives can become two thousand troops, and there are a large number of weapons and equipment. I believe that Huang Quan’s anger can be calmed, and at the same time his Soldiers are also free and can go to accept military bases. Whether they are recruited or controlled, they can always come up with a transportation team, so that the original ammunition resources of the army can be continuously brought to the Hubei base to support the frontline battlefield. At that time, he really did not get much credit.

For the future development of the future, what is the temporary grievances and anger? It was with these abacuses that Li Zhi decided not to kill anyone, using the leader of this army as a bargaining chip, letting them go to the front line to play zombie, and using the team on the front line as a bargaining chip, so that the colonel took them to accept the army. Ammunition depots, so as to prevent possible damage, turmoil, etc. to the greatest extent, in general, the benefits outweigh the disadvantages.

After the new order was issued, the captives waiting for placement recovered their guns in surprise. Although there were no bullets, the rifle started to make them all feel at ease and received no news of going to war. They panicked, and the personnel who issued the rifle vigorously preached to them the strength of the hot spring base and annihilated the record of millions of zombie, which also made these people sway their identity.

The officers who returned to the army did not jump out and sing the opposite tone. These officers were all organized to learn, or watch the video taken by the helicopter. The video is a real-time shooting of the helicopter supporting various battlefields. In the picture, the endless zombie , The fortifications and trenches to be waited for, as well as the mountainous zombie corpses in the center of the three large mountains, and the swamp swallowing zombie.

Tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands, millions of zombie were wiped out in the picture, and countless zombie bodies were burned in the flames. Seeing these pictures, these officers were ashamed except for the shock, including the one called Ye Gushan The colonel officer, at the same time, was shocked by the force displayed by the hot spring base. They couldn’t figure out why they could only survive after the arrival of Doomsday, but the hot spring base could develop to the present level?

The Li Zhi approach has paid off. When the night helicopter flew back to the Cockroach base, the hostile parties in the WH city began to get along. No one was fooling around in private. Under the threat of millions of zombie, the Chinese put down the dispute. In preparation for cooperating with these zombies, more than ten projectors projected the zombie war picture onto the snow-white wall. Thousands of captives and more than two thousand logistic personnel sat quietly on the ground watching this aerial photography, which is bloodier and more exciting than any big movie. At this moment, the image of the hot spring base is infinitely enlarged.

Li Zhi walked coldly to the center of thousands of people sitting around. Under the flashing lights, Li Zhi was a little unaccustomed and pulled the neckline unnaturally. The gaze of thousands of people was not the first time. Li Zhi was not a stage fright. He just had a headache for the following speech. You know, he didn’t have the experience of ignoring thousands of people. The speech in his hand was written by his staff temporarily. For these things, he did not believe that he could impress the captives below and let them No return to the zombie sniper battle.

When Li Zhi stood at the center of the square, all the anxiety and anxiety suddenly disappeared. The attention of thousands of people not only did not make him panic, but aroused him excitedly, and threw away the speech in his hand. , Standing at the center with ease, actively patrolling thousands of black crushed heads.

“My name is Li Zhi…”

Li Zhi shouted his name with a treble loudspeaker. All of a sudden stopped everyone’s private little movements and looked at Li Zhi in the field together. At this moment, the surroundings were silent, and the sound generated by the whispering below was covered by The roar of the generator is also clearly audible.

“I’m the one you beat…”

The previously created silence was suddenly broken, and thousands of captives commotioned. Everyone knew this, and they didn’t have to say it aloud. Isn’t this just hitting everyone’s face? It made them unable to raise their heads for life. Fortunately, although the officers in the captives were angry, they knew their responsibilities now, and whispered in the ranks to make the rioting captives quiet again.

Li Zhi looked at the re-quiet crowd and smiled slightly, but it was mocking. Under the light, his words and deeds were magnified infinitely. The mocking in the corner of his mouth was naturally seen by hundreds of people in the front row, and he was guessing. At that time, Li Zhi spoke again:

“I defeated you, but I have no sense of accomplishment, no joy of victory, or even a little excitement, because you are nothing in my eyes…”

“Fart…, you are relying on the plane, have the ability to fight again…”

“Fuck, what do you think you are, it’s reversed, we rebel…”

“Give me a shot~IndoMTL.com~Give me a happy, I wish you guys killed me with a shot, than to endure your stepping on our personality…”

“Everyone is quiet, everyone is quiet, continue to listen, let me remember it first, if they don’t give a statement, we count the ledger…”

The commotion of the soldiers turned into a clamor, and almost no one could bear the provocation of Li Zhi. They all stood up and yelled at Li Zhi, all angry and very angry.

“Because, you don’t deserve to be called an enemy. In my eyes, there is only one kind of enemy, that is… zombie!!! It is you who are hiding from Tibet to the east, and there are millions of living dead people in the city, that is, millions of people in the city. Cannibal ghouls…, dare you say that you can face zombie in the whole city?”

Li Zhi high sang yin spread through the entire field through the tweeter, causing the excited crowd to change color, the waving arms were quietly lowered, the round eyes began to converge, and the biting creaky teeth also loosened slightly in the officer Under the order, he sat back unsatisfied and continued to stare at Li Zhi with hateful eyes. If his eyes could kill, thousands of people present would have Li Zhi fly ashes.

“I dare, our soldiers dare, not what we blow out with our mouths, but we have fought down a battle, you saw it, you saw how our soldiers fought, even if those zombie rushed to them With their eyelids in front, they can shoot calmly. Even if the bullets are exhausted, they dare to rush up with bayonets, butts, or even fists. Are you… dare?”

Li Zhi’s rhetorical question makes most people feel weird. If there are hundreds or thousands of zombies, they are naturally afraid, but after zombie goes to one hundred thousand, one million, after a few million, let alone fight, even if they let them stand They didn’t dare on the road where zombie was going forward, like the zombie sea running into the wall, the strong momentum could destroy anything.

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