Apocalypse Cockroach: Five hundred and eleven, just die

Xiang Mi’er stared blankly at the skeleton. The owner of the skeleton is the Silver Flower who just opened her neckline. The person at the time wished to let her slap her knife, but after she was really done, She was also at a loss.

“Don’t be stupid…, run quickly, they still have five people…”

Yan Qing rushed up from behind and reminded Xiang Mi’er loudly while pulling out the saber to cut off the throat of the blind Silver Flower priest. He was about to go to the bombed soldier to search for the magazine. He suddenly looked up at the sky and saw only a few The black dot fell into the eyes instantly, the eyes suddenly swelled, the mouth opened to the maximum, and screamed out of the throat: “Mortar…”

Throw away the rifle, Yan Qing jumped violently, slid like a tackle in the mud, kicked **** the ankle of Xiang Mi’er, the stupid fragrance Mi’er rotated and fell to the ground, then Yan Qing hugged her So he rolled into countless slices of flesh and blood, knocked down the still skeleton, and turned into the lowland in the mud.


Three loud noises exploded around the two of them, and the smoke of the smoke filled the rolling heat waves, and countless mud and blood were poured on the two people with their faces covered, and the deep, low-lying place was suddenly scorched. Fill up with sliced ​​meat and mud.

The huge roar sound woke up the incense Mi’er of Shenyou, and suddenly moved, wanting to get rid of the powerful arm of Yan Qing, Yan Qing hugged incense Mi’er hard and shouted loudly:

“Don’t move…”

The voice just fell, and there were three roars again, five excellent Silver Flowers, ten infantry were resolved in a very short time, the outsiders dared not come in for a while, and vigorously bombarded the wet side of the water with mortar shells In the muddy ground, layers of muddy water spread like ink splashing around, and the dead bodies and guns lying in the muddy ground were also shattered and exploded.

The two are like babies, curly and endure torment in a small mud pit, countless mud and flesh and blood limbs cover them up, and the cloud of smoke is also covering them, and the flashing fire light is undulating beside them. The vibration caused them to gradually drift out of the concave and move to the outer surface.

The explosion point is getting closer and closer. Compared with the incense Mi’er that covers her ears more in the arms of Yan Qing, Yan Qing knows that it is very dangerous. Perhaps the next second, the shells will hit their hiding place.

Xiang Mi’er in a confused state feels the arms around her waist violently. She was suddenly twisted by her strong arms, and the whole person was suspended in the air, and was led by Yan Qing to the water pool.

Yan Qing twirled incense Mi’er and ran to the edge of the water pool. Continuous shells chased behind them and exploded. Yan Qing only saw the pool that was stained with blood. If they jumped into the water, they could change their arbitrarily. The embarrassment of the bombing was at this moment when dozens of bullets scattered over and stirred up countless mud splashes in front of him.

Yan Qing was unmoved in the rain of bullets, desperately sent to the water pool, the speed is very fast, it seems that the bullets and shells can not catch up with him, just at the moment he is about to rush past, hit three or five bullets in a row The incense Mi’er and incense Mi’er in his arms shook all over him, making him look at incense Mi’er uncontrollably. The subsequent bullet tore several blood holes in his thigh. He could no longer balance and fell into the mud with incense Mi’er. .

The two tumbling in the mud, the sound of the shells exploding disappeared, but the bullets were more dense. Twenty rifles formed a dense fire net to cover the two, and the incense Mi’er on the body of Yan Qing trembled tremendously, Yan Qing Suddenly, my heart tightened, roared, picked up the incense Mi’er and continued to roll, and pulled out a 92-type pistol to shoot indiscriminately. When he rolled to the edge of the rock, a sudden roar broke out, got up and knelt down, and threw the incense Mi’er into the water pool. , A few blood flowers burst in sequence on his back…

The five excellent Silver Flower and twenty soldiers carefully entered the wasteland-like wet muddy ground. The muddy ground was full of craters from the shells and the mud of blood and flesh. The grass on the ground had already been shattered. It turned into a bitter green powder, mixed with black and red mud, just like the vomit of drunks, exuding a smell.

Parts of guns scattered on the wetland, pieces of clothing, broken limbs and broken bones, and brass bullet shells scattered around, walking in these debris, not to mention these garrisons who have not experienced such a battle, they have even stood the battlefield. Youyou Silver Flower is not normal, and several people endure vomiting, and slowly approached Yan Qing lying on the rock.

“Someone is buried in the ground…”

A soldier screamed, pointing at the man who had been blocked by the earth. The man’s eyes had begun to whiten, and his head and face were all covered with thick mud. All kinds of mud blocked his nostril. The man was about to suffocate, and when he saw the Epoch soldier, his eyes flashed with a strong pleading.

“That is the enemy, leave him alone…”

The captain of the soldiers stopped the people who wanted to go up. Ten soldiers and five excellent Silver Flower have been destroyed here. Who knows if it is a trap? So they are willing not to take risks, nor to capture the captives. .

The soldiers don’t move, and Silver Flower, who loves life more than soldiers, naturally won’t move. The reason why they didn’t do it just now is that they don’t know what they’re doing. Counting it, seven companions are dead. Kill seven, not necessarily kill five more?

Several infantry began to converge the guns and ammunition on the ground. Some people counted the identity of the dead. The soldiers and the bodies of the soldiers were put together. The bodies of You Silver Flower and You Silver Flower were put together. They couldn’t see who was whose body. Put them together separately.

Yan Qing was also lifted to the side, the whole body was stained with blood, the face and clothes were all covered with mud, and the military uniform was covered with mud. Everyone present figured out the identity of Yan Qing, but threw it aside as an ordinary enemy Yan Qing remained silent, and was shot into a honeycomb behind him. No one believed that he could survive with so many shots.

Six soldiers jumped into the half-waisted water pool, searching for everything in the water pool. From time to time, corpses and pieces of limbs were picked up and thrown on the rocks, waiting for the corpses to be removed at the entrance of the cave. The secret of the unmanned shooting of the machine gun in the cave was also discovered. A heavy machine gun that hit the empty bullet chain, a tripping horse rope with a trigger, the tripping horse rope was divided into two shares, one in the front and one in the back, once someone touched the tripping horse rope, The machine gun will fire, no matter whether the body falls forward or backward, it will press the tripod and let the machine gun continue to shoot, and the small machine has killed five people.

Xiang Mi’er has not been found. You Silver Flower is not sitting and watching, actively searching for the up and down of the stream. At this time, a group of fully armed soldiers came in. When these soldiers came in, they alerted other people. All the muzzles were together. Aim at them…

The Xiaoshan, armed with teeth all over his body, walked into the place where there were twelve men with craters. He didn’t care about the muzzle and the hostile eyes aimed at them. He held the G36 tightly and led the team. Go to the priest of Silver Flower.

After seeing these people, Yo-Silver Flower relaxed, raising his hand to stop the soldiers who were preparing to warn against the shooting, let Xiaoshan walk to the front, Xiaoshan stood up to salute:

“Report Your Excellency, I am Xiaoshan, the leader of the Eleventh Army Corps. I am stationed in the base to supervise the criminal. At the request of the base Chief, come over and support you. Is there anything we need to do?”

Looking at the Xiaoshan and the twelve elite soldiers behind him, the excellent Silver Flower priests headed by them are very satisfied. They are the regular soldiers of the main station legion who cooperate most with the front line. Whether they are tactics or equipment, Xiaoshan is not ordinary. The troops can match, the combat effectiveness of a small team may not be worse than the five Evolution, naturally willing to believe them.

“We have controlled this place, and there is an unknown woman missing. You help us to search this place thoroughly, look for that woman, pay attention to safety, if the woman starts, you can shoot first, and we have to… .”

Xiaoshan‘s stern cheeks are not moving, a heart sinks into the abyss, everything on the scene has shown that Xiang Mi’er they played, he does not care about the life and death of Xiang Mi’er, he cares about ~IndoMTL.com~ Finding people in the military is easy to connect with Zhao Mingyue, but it is not easy to connect with the military.

Twelve soldiers spread out together and joined the ranks of the search. Xiaoshan looked down at the body of the forest on the ground, and was secretly surprised. According to the introduction of the exhibition, Xiang Mi’er had only three people, and three people could kill it. Many people also used heavy weapons, showing how fierce the fighting was just now.

The priests of Silver Flower join the search like ordinary soldiers, run on the slippery muddy ground, look for them in a half-deep waterhole, look around on the greasy rocks, and every excellent Silver Flower soldier is followed by an elite Soldiers, soldiers all wear fully enclosed helmets, electronic eyes flashing red and green light, seemingly trying to find.

Xiaoshan pulled down the electronic eye on the helmet, pulled up the gun bolt and stood next to the leading priest. The priest turned his head and glanced at the Xiaoshan without expression. Seeing that he was raising his gun, he followed the green vegetation on the hillside opposite the pool. Aim, let go of the uneasiness in your heart, and look for it with her.

I don’t know why. The Silver Flower present was surrounded by a light danger. I don’t know where the danger came from. Instead, they let them wishfully believe that the danger came from the disappeared Xiang Mi’er. A sharp gesture to a dense vegetation on the hillside.

The soldier’s gesture immediately attracted everyone’s attention, and the crisis and anxiety in the priest’s heart were more intense. Xiaoshan around the leading priest suddenly said with a deformed electronic sound:

“Sir, there is something over there, do you need to shoot?”

“Shoot, as long as you die, don’t live…”

The priest said without hesitation:


The thick murderous aura revealed from the electronic sound. Somehow, the priest shuddered slightly, but did not think too much. He ordered the mortar team and the guard soldiers to prepare to shoot.

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