Apocalypse Cockroach: Five-hundred-and-eighty heartless willows

The scene was a bit chaotic. Hundreds of people shouted loudly to remove countless bricks and stones. The dust that had fallen before was startled again. Zhang Xiaoqiang narrowed his eyes with a cigarette **** and allowed the dust to cover himself. Suddenly, his pants legs Was ripped off by something.

When I looked down, I saw two small soybeans with big eyes and looked at me, and the mink of the flower skin mutated saw Zhang Xiaoqiang, looked at it, let go of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s trousers and squeaked twice, turned and ran, the destination was obviously Collapsed grain depot.

Looking at the mink’s big furry tail, Zhang Xiaoqiang hesitated for a moment, stomping his feet fiercely, and chased him, he knew that the mutant mink took him to meow, but he didn’t want to see meow’s body so quickly… ….

The mutant mink squatted on a few broken walls, and the big fluffy tail was about to turn into a circle. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the huge rubble brick, and his heart was cold. The stones here are too big and too heavy, and he can’t live anymore.

“Come all here and vacate me…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, raised three pieces of broken bricks together and threw them aside, hula a piece, ran over forty or fifty people came to carry together, a lot of people, plus Luo Shaoshan For the powerful Evolution, the cleaning work is very fast, countless broken bricks and cement residues are cleaned up, and the broken wall of more than one person is also removed.

When a smashed rifle jumped into the eye, the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang twitched violently. At this moment, he could not control the rigidity of his body, but stared blankly at the rifle with several broken barrels.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has no strength to hook his fingers at this moment. The soldiers around him did not find his anomaly, and still shouted his horn to slowly remove a huge broken wall.

When this broken wall was still sliding, a girl standing beside Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly shouted:

“Stop, stop, everyone stop…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang turned sharply to stare at this girl. The girl is a member of the Evolution squad. She looks ordinary and can be said to have no characteristics, but her name is very nice, called Lan Ting, Evolution ability is hearing.

When the girl saw Zhang Xiaoqiang staring at her, she narrowed her neck involuntarily, looking a little scared. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at her and suddenly remembered that her ability to hear the sound of blood flowing in the blood vessels turned to other people. Shouted:

“Stop, all stop…”

The scene came to a halt. The sweaty gray man of one by one looked silently at Zhang Xiaoqiang and the Lan Ting beside him. Lan Ting took a deep breath and closed his eyes. For a time, all movement stopped completely, and no one dared to breathe loudly again, as if heartbeats would be heard. disturb.

Lan Ting suddenly opened his eyes, twisted his fingers and pointed in the opposite direction to everyone’s excavation:

“There is heartbeat and breathing underground…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the center of the grain depot in amazement, where there were mountains of grain bags, and the scattered rice was mixed with sand to fill every gap in the ground.


Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t hesitate, he shouted loudly, Luo Kaishan rushed over, grabbed four grain bags and threw them out, the rotating grain bags sprinkled with countless crystal rice, and before they landed, more grain bags were thrown out, The force was greater than once, and the grain bag in the back even hit the front, tumbling in the air and falling to the distance.

Many people have great strength, and the piles of grain on the ground are quickly cleared, but the exposed space is empty, except for the marks that were pressed out before, even the sand and rice are not much.

Everyone looked at Lan Ting, Lan Ting was a little puzzled, standing on the ground for a while, nodded and said:

“It’s just below, there are still sounds of water…”

“Is it really possible?”

Ai Ai was helplessly standing on the ground removed by the rat king’s blade and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang. He asked timidly. This tall girl thought the life of Evolution was too good. For the zombie of Chengshanchenghai, I almost scared my courage. Then I met D3zombie and turned around in the sky for a few times. I was already unsure of my Evolution identity.

When Lan Ting proposed to let her use her abilities, Ai Ai only felt soft and could no longer feel a little more spirited. At that time, under the pressure of Zhang Xiaoqiang, she had to stand up against her scalp again.

“Come on, don’t bother…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is extremely impatient, naturally there is no good language, and the news that Miao Miao may be alive makes him wish to cut his head down to the ground, and the Ai Ai that rubs him up makes him very uncomfortable.

“Ah! Yes…”

Ai Ai replied, Ai Ai disappeared in everyone’s eyes in the next second, then a scream came from the place where Ai Ai disappeared, a huge pit appeared on the ground, everything was unpredictable, and there was no sky rising The dust, there is no earth-shaking shock, just like the originally there is this pit, but everyone has not noticed before.

Looking down the big pit, under the layers of moist soil of various colors, there is the black sewage, and then the sewage floating in the sand is suddenly broken, and a stinky figure sprang out. , Straight jumped more than two meters high earth pit fell to the ground, at first glance is not the girl meow.


Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted with emotion, throwing her up to hug her, but this time she hugged an empty space, meowed to the side, and screamed in her mouth:

“It smells so bad, so dirty…”

Miao Miao ran aside to find a place to bathe and change her clothes. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at her back and became stupid. The same was true of the soldiers around her. Only Lan Ting exclaimed: “Ai Ai is still underneath, will it drown?”

Miao Miao was not crushed, and it was also based on the danger prediction of the Evolution people. When fighting with D3, her energy was highly concentrated. The sudden fright made her almost scared. The sky was full of dust, meow. Meow simply couldn’t see everything around her. In anxiety, she ran to the corner of the wall, and then the whole wall collapsed. For a while, Meow also panicked her hands and feet, and touched the iron fence at the entrance of the drainage canal at the foot.

Relying on the sharpness of the rat king blade, Miao Miao rushed into the sewer, and then the upper wall broke, compacting the place where she had previously lived, and Miao Miao was also trapped in the stinky sewer, if it was okay before, Without sewage, it is not a big deal, but after the rain, Miao Miao suffered a lot. A person was swimming in the black sewer, and from time to time, there were drowned mutant rats floating past her.

Just when Miao Miao was disgusting, Ai Ai came, Ai Ai just screamed, was stepped on by Miao Miao as a stepping stone, and jumped up…

Looking at the same wet, stinky Ai Ai, Zhang Xiaoqiang in a good mood, I found my backpack and threw a spare military uniform to her, applauding: “No useless skills, only useless people, your skill Very good, you can consider developing into a miner in the future…”

After taking a shower, changing to clean clothes, and still sniffing the meow of his own taste, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked to the construction site where D3 was hung, where there were only dozens of people left, and Tie Zhongyuan was not there, blazing flames Still grilling D3, D3 no longer has the strength to roar out ~ IndoMTL.com ~ does not struggle to hang on the tower crane, just a slight tremor, like a fresh prawn twitched on an iron plate.

The soldiers around pointed at D3. Zhang Xiaoqiang was standing by the burning campfire, looking at D3, which had shrunk by a third, and a strong sense of accomplishment surged in his heart, reaching for Meow’s shoulder and holding her around Pointing at D3 in her arms, she said to her:

“Look, I have avenged you…”

Obviously, Meow is not empathetic, so he threw the Zhang Xiaoqiang’s arm fiercely, patting his clothes and scorning:


Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t care. Seeing Meow’s big smiley eyes, he was as comfortable as he was drinking ice water in three days, looking at D3 hanging upside down, listening to the scattered gunshots in the distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang Strangely asked the soldiers left behind.

“Aren’t there hundreds of people here? Where have all the people gone?”

The soldiers here have both the golden flag and his cavalry. A platoon leader salutes Zhang Xiaoqiang, and the report says:

Wolf Banner‘s rule led them to clear the remaining zombie. Just before we found the reservoir, the zombie along the way was almost cleared, and not much was left. I wanted to take the opportunity to empty the entire zombie in Qixian… …”

The soldier just finished talking, and Zhang Xiaoqiang remembered that he just took D3 to kill the zombie here cleanly. Several times of annihilation also made the Evolution zombie almost destroyed. Has Z-Type Zombie appeared here? Obviously, they Inadvertently extinguished zombie in more than half of Qi County.

“You also go, pay attention to safety, keep in touch with the surrounding troops at any time, focus on searching all kinds of warehouses, and reinforced building materials. Once found, report it immediately…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang sent the remaining soldiers, and at the same time, people sent a letter to Sumu Town and sent someone to transport supplies. Those soldiers had just disappeared, and a loud tweet came from the sky…

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