Apocalypse Cockroach: Fifty daisies again

Five minutes · · · ten minutes · · · · twenty minutes · · · · one hour · · ·

Zhang Xiaoqiang yawned boringly, D2 stopped again, Zhang Xiaoqiang stabs the horns with his hands, the gun head drilled into D2’s chrysanthemum, and D2 began to turn around to catch the moon again.

With the vibration from the gun body, Zhang Xiaoqiang continued to run along the force from the gun body. Anyway, as long as you stand behind the chrysanthemum of D2, everything is OK!

In the beginning, it was painful for Zhang Xiaoqiang. It is numb, it is tormenting. Youdao is a long-time doctor, and Zhang Xiaoqiang finds out the doorway with D2.

You don’t need to hold the horn gun with both hands, just use one hand, and don’t use too much force. As long as you feel the force from the gun body trotting along the direction, Zhang Xiaoqiang feels like walking a dog, and the horned gun is the rope that holds the dog.

As time goes on, D2 is getting slower and slower, and Zhang Xiaoqiang even has time to look at Yang Ke’er, who is lying on the ground without knowing his life and death.

In the end, zombie has become a human being. It is not like a machine that can run uninterrupted as long as it has power or fuel. Although its physique is strong, it can begin to decline with its large-scale uninterrupted movement. . In the end, it even ignored the Zhang Xiaoqiang behind it and the horned horn gun inserted above the chrysanthemum. He stopped and wanted to take a rest.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is afraid that it will take a rest and he will be tragic. Every time D2 stops, Zhang Xiaoqiang will poke its chrysanthemum, and every time D2 receives the stimulus from the chrysanthemum, it will reactivate and continue the eagle to catch the small Chicken game.

“Ah!!!” The Zhang Xiaoqiang yawned again. He didn’t sleep well yesterday. The vigorous exercise an hour ago also consumed a lot of his physical strength. Although he has recovered now, he has never lost the urgency. A sense of crisis, began to feel particularly tired, this is no, yawn one after another.

D2 didn’t move again, Zhang Xiaoqiang poked again, “No movement?” There was no movement from the gun body, it seems that D2 didn’t care about Zhang Xiaoqiang poking its chrysanthemum.

The corkscrew started to work again, and the horns drilled in again a few centimeters.

“Ao~~~~~” D2 screamed and began to turn around to catch the moon.

“Small sample, don’t you die?” Zhang Xiaoqiang rolled his lips and continued to run.

It was another fifteen minutes, and now D2 was completely immobile, and even the Dulong Diamond didn’t work anymore. It was a bit dumb to watch D2 stay alive Zhang Xiaoqiang, and finally bit his teeth and stomped. In his heart, he shook the gun body with both hands, shaking like a wheel on the old water well in the countryside, and saw that the dark chrysanthemum in D2 was exploded more purely and more thoroughly.

D2 The muscles on the chrysanthemum side are all messed up by the spiral texture of the horns, and it looks like a black hole.

“Ao~~~~~~~~” D2 made the most tragic scream ever, the ear of the shocking Zhang Xiaoqiang buzzed, and he started running laps tightly.

This time D2 didn’t stop, always holding Zhang Xiaoqiang with perseverance. Zhang Xiaoqiang also lacked the freehand impression of just now, running frequently and violently.

One person and one zombie are so weirdly holding each other. Yang Ke’er is still lying on the ground without knowing his life and death. Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t know if he is a little fancy. The posture of Yang Ke’er seems to be different from the original one?

D2’s pace began to stagger, and his legs were not as strong as before. Zhang Xiaoqiang also became breathless and his calves became bloated.

Strength came from the gun in his hand again. Zhang Xiaoqiang ran to the left along the force path. How come D2 suddenly opened his head, first twisted to the left, twisted halfway and twisted to the right. Two diametrically opposed forces prevented Zhang Xiaoqiang from shaking his gun and let go of his hand.

Finally face-to-face contact with D2, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the horned gun inserted behind D2butt, and looked at D2 who wanted to pounce himself.

“Mom Kya!!!” Zhang Xiaoqiang yelled and turned and ran.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and D2 are running and chasing on this spring field. D2butt has a horn gun inserted in the dirt surface, like an antenna inserted horizontally on D2, swinging as D2 twists.

Zhang Xiaoqiang used touch, climb, roll, and flip in the field, making it possible to escape from D2’s big claws.

D2 also hated Zhang Xiaoqiang. One person and one zombie passed by Yang Ke’er more than once. D2 was not interested in Yang Ke’er, but just let Zhang Xiaoqiang follow behind his butt.

“Once there was a chrysanthemum in front of me, I didn’t have a good grasp. After I lost it, I didn’t know how to regret it. If God could give me a chance, I wouldn’t let go. This opportunity plus the number of times, I hope it is ten thousand times!!!”

Zhang Xiaoqiang deeply regrets while running desperately, seeing that D2 is about to become a dead fish, but because of his paralysis, he was pushed into a rabbit again.

Zhang Xiaoqiang runs across the field horizontally, D2 is chasing behind, and from time to time, it lifts its big paw fan to remove it from Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t think of blocking it with obstacles, but now it’s empty. On the field, except for the ridges in the field, there are no obstacles, D2 is tall and long legs, even if he is tripped by the ridges, it is only a staggering step, and then straight up to chase.

Running and running to the Yang Ke’er, not far away. When I heard the wind behind me, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t want to take a jump, a standard forward somersault, fell to the ground, rolled around, stood up and ran again, holding in my hand The horned gun of the rebar steel body just picked up smoothly.

I just wanted to throw away the Zhang Xiaoqiang, which is too heavy. For more than ten kilograms, he didn’t have the power of Yang Ke’er. It was okay to hold it on weekdays, and it was a bit terrible to hold on to escape.

In the end, Zhang Xiaoqiang was still not lost. His beast horn gun was still hanging on the chrysanthemum of D2. The pistol didn’t work. There was some confidence in holding the beast horn gun.

Suddenly at the corner of Zhang Xiaoqiang, there was an irrigation ditch not far in front, the ditch was about two meters wide, and the depth was a little far away, the depth is not clear. Now only dead horses are used as living horse doctors, D2 should not cross two meters away. distance.

Zhang Xiaoqiang led D2 to the irrigation ditch~IndoMTL.com~ just got up and jumped in front of the ditch.

Zhang Xiaoqiang Jumping to the other side of the ditch, he jumped too anxiously and fell a little unsteadily. He dropped the beast horn gun and rolled it on the spot. Zhang Xiaoqiang Before he stood up, he heard a “Tom” sound behind him.

Looking around, D2 just fell into the pit.

“Ao~~~~~” looked at the prey at his mouth to escape D2 and roared again.

Zhang Xiaoqiang is already immune to D2’s roar. I didn’t know how many times I walked the dog just now when I walked the dog. It’s hard for him to shout so loudly every time.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked forward carefully to see the difference. The ditch was laid with cement and was about 1.8 meters deep. There was no water but a thick layer of silt. D2 only exposed a small half of the body outside, below the calf Entrapped in the mud.

D2 is very irritable to be trapped in a small space. It dances with its arms to protect the concrete wall in front of the claw destroyer. It sees cement blocks of various sizes, broken bricks and dust bumps flying around, it looks like Like violent demolition.

In a blink of an eye, the cement retaining wall in front of D2 was dug out of a large hole by him, and the opening of the hole was gradually increased as it grabbed.

Seeing that the heart of Zhang Xiaoqiang is raised again, it won’t take long for D2 to crawl out. Thinking of here, Zhang Xiaoqiang pulled out a five or four pistol and walked to a meter in front of it. Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his pistol and pointed it at his head to pull the trigger again.

The bullet “pèng pèng · · · ·” can’t hit D2’s skull, but it can make it hurt, and it raises its arm and slams back in front of its head.


The greater howling came, but at first glance, the Zhang Xiaoqiang saw the beast horn gun that was originally inserted in its chrysanthemum was pushed against the concrete wall behind it, the beetle gun was held against the cement wall and added itself With the force of retreating backwards, the chrysanthemum was pierced completely.

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