Apocalypse Cockroach: eight hundred and ninety-three showdown two/three

“Two options, the first is to cooperate with me to organize the survivors to flee, how many can escape, and then give you a boat, as long as you are not ashore in Jiangxi, Hubei, where do you want to go, where Twenty places for you, let’s go tonight…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang seems to have made up its mind. In any case, there is no need to make a branch during the difficult time. They are asking for a way to live, or a ferry ticket. If two people know that’s all, if they don’t know ……, Zhang Xiaoqiang may not be necessary. I would be afraid of them. The words of Zhang Xiaoqiang make the two’s faces gloomy. They have countless subordinates, countless wives and concubines, and countless wealth and materials. Zhang Xiaoqiang gives too little, although I am prepared to give up the big In part, I did not expect that Zhang Xiaoqiang actually let them leave alone.

“I would like to send 120 top scientific researchers from Elder Brother Cockroach. They are formal researchers in advanced foreign laboratories. Everyone has independent project experience. They are all in Shanghai before Doomsday. The saved ones are all in my hands…, please give Elder Brother Cockroach more places…”

Dan Qingchao first disclosed what it left in its hands to Zhang Xiaoqiang, and then Dao Ming also said what it held.

“Dust-free workshops and supporting facilities, a set of industrial mother machines, including CNC machine tools, flexible manufacturing units, flexible manufacturing systems, computer integrated manufacturing systems, industrial robots, large-scale integrated circuits and electronic manufacturing equipment, etc., were previously confidential One of the key units with the highest system, with this set of things, most of the things Elder Brother Cockroach needs can be made, including missiles…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that there are things in the hands of two people, but did not expect that the things they left in their hands are so rich. If you hold these things in your hands and combine his new materials, all the yoke that restricts the drone will be broken. It was difficult for him to decide for a while, especially the industrial mother machine or something. These things may not be light in tonnage. If it is transported by ship, maybe all the population must be left, including his army.

“Sorry everyone, the stuff is very tempting, but I really can’t do anything, but I have a Shazhou Island in Zhenjiang, where it can accommodate tens of thousands of people, and it can temporarily be used as a transit center. These things can expand your quota and let you You can take away some more people and go to Shazhou Island to wait for transshipment. As for the ship, I am afraid that I still can’t…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang greedy these things, make concessions, but his concessions are limited, just like the scientists provided by Dan Qingchao, at most one person can exchange for a quota, as for Dao Ming, the quota will never exceed Dan Qingchao, after all, those equipment first Not to mention that there is no time for transhipment, even if it can be transhipped, he cannot take them all, and can only choose the most difficult equipment to find behind him.

“This…, is there really no way out?”

Dan Qingchao heard that this was a bit disturbing, and he understood the suffering of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Even if he sent these people, the number of people he could take away would probably not exceed one hundred and twenty. Ten people, without the Evolution, he is equivalent to the dog of the bereavement, and there are countless materials that cannot be taken away. Without these materials, the people he brought out may not be obedient, and his wife and children, as a powerful Chief, there are thirty-eight of his women, at least one-third of them are pregnant, and there are three or four infant children. This is the root seedling of his single family. Family members also have their own women and children. How can they take them away? Not to mention the lack of force and population outside, how can you guarantee your life?

“What do we need to do to get that ship…”

Dan Qingchao just wants to leave Shanghai early and wants to get more places, but the earlier you leave, the greater the loss. Dao Ming understands the gains and losses and directly targets the Zhang Xiaoqiang promised ship. If the ship is slightly larger One thing is, it can hit at least a few hundred people and the corresponding materials. In this way, no matter where you go, you have a foundation.

“Cooperate with me to block zombie and mutant beasts irrespective of casualties. We want to do everything we can to evacuate. We can stay through the day and surrender all your supplies. Send all Evolution to cover the survivors to evacuate from me. , It is best to transfer 180,000 survivors in a day…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly had a vague idea in his mind, a shocking plan, if this plan can be realized, maybe they can really escape the disaster.

“Survivor? Elder Brother Cockroach, do you want to trick us? Survivors can leave, why can’t we leave?”

Dan Qingchao suddenly stood up with a bad tone, and Dao Ming also stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang with Dan Qingchao.

“I will not fool you, Shanghai is a deadly situation close to despair. If you are willing to cooperate 100%, I have not tried a living path. Remember that all people have a living path…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t finish, Dan Qingchao and Dao Ming both eyes brightened, Zhang Xiaoqiang saw all the changes on their faces in their eyes, and immediately increased the tone and said:

“But this way of life is very difficult to go, you must cooperate with me 100%, there can be no selfishness, even if I let you rush into the zombie sea, you have to rush, even if all Evolution are dead Absolutely, you cannot be distressed, if you can guarantee, I think… we can withdraw most of the materials and survivors no matter how bad we are. You can develop wherever you have the materials, and I only need survivors… …”

Zhang Xiaoqiang’s decisive tone is unquestionable. When they heard Dan Qingchao they were confused by their ears. If Zhang Xiaoqiang had a way to let 180,000 survivors leave, their first unbelief, the transfer of personnel was not so simple. They have to eat and drink Lhasa, but also coordinate management. Ten thousand people stand together endlessly. Eighteen thousand people stand together from start to finish. The distance can run a few laps of marathon. But Zhang Xiaoqiang can say so, there must be some To grasp, it depends only on how reasonable the price they paid.

“What should we do…”

Dan Qingchao is impatient, their family is big and big, they have to pack some things well when they go back, they can’t take away all the supplies, they can still bring some gold diamonds, they can also bring some antique gems or famous paintings, Bring some necessary daily necessities, everything must be prepared, and there are countless messes that need to be arranged.

“Time, I only need time, no matter how big the casualties are, no matter how many Evolution people die, they have to fight for time. The only way is…”

Speaking of which, Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly shut up, let Dan Qingchao and Dao Ming open their eyes to stare at him, and for a while Zhang Xiaoqiang shook his head and said:

“And Blood phoenix and his master are variables, I can’t tell you, who knows if they will affect this plan, this is not a trivial matter, it is a matter of life and death for more than 100,000 people in Shanghai…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s words made the two of them anxious. The red face was angry. If the eyes can kill, Zhang Xiaoqiang has already worn hundreds of holes.

“If you believe me, do as I say, reorganize all Evolution and armed personnel, mobilize all ammunition and weapons, and prepare as much gasoline and explosives as possible. With these things, there is still a front line Hope…”

“But how do I know if you want us to be cannon fodder?”

Dan Qingchao‘s face is not good, and his speech is also violent. Zhang Xiaoqiang glared at him and shouted loudly:

“When your mother is so fond of it, when do you still want this? My people are now at the forefront~IndoMTL.com~ are all my most elite horses, and the ammunition hit every minute is tens of thousands of rounds Calculated, there are more than ten machine guns scrapped every hour. Who am I for? I can’t run away, it’s not good to say, even if I use bamboo rafts, all the troops can be evacuated this night, you go out Look, what population does Laozi have besides the army?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang got angry, Dan Qingchao was suddenly shocked, Dao Ming made a wink to Dan Qingchao to stop him from stirring up the anger of Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“You also know that I am not a little bit stronger than you. According to me, there is no need to talk to you at all. You may not be able to break through my air defense line. The boat is on the riverside. I can evacuate at any time if I want to evacuate. Believe it or not, don’t believe it. Other people in Shanghai will not let me lose anything. What about you? Your family life is all in your own hands, just listen to me if you want to live. Please don’t mind if you have other thoughts. I don’t want the machine tool and the scientists in your hands. I don’t believe that Zhang Tuhu can’t kill the pigs….”

The roar of Zhang Xiaoqiang is reduced, and the voice is getting lower and lower. At the end, there is a taste of bleakness. Dao Ming quickly said:

Elder Brother Cockroach, it’s our fault, we all like to count too much, and it’s the habit of being a boss before. From now on, what you say is what I say. I have nothing to say, you can think of saving those survivors, Absolutely a big hero, we are all villains…”


Zhang Xiaoqiang raised his hand to stop the compliment of Dao Ming and said with a wry smile:

“The Chinese heroes are all dead. I don’t want to die early. Besides, I don’t mean anything for them. Whether these populations are eaten by mutant beasts or zombie, it’s a big trouble for us. , zombie eats people and Evolution, mutant beasts eat people and may also be Evolution, then…”

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