Apocalypse Cockroach: 903, reward three/three

Zhang Xiaoqiang is not a stingy person, Jian Jian is also a good subordinate, but Jian Ci is not as loyal to him as other men. The reason why he followed him was that he was beaten and had to follow, in Shanghai Fortunately, if you leave Shanghai, who knows if Jian Jian will run away without permission? In case of escape, Zhang Xiaoqiang will not only lose a top Evolution, but also a claw machete from a fourth-level mutant beast, not to mention a lot of people lost for fighting with the sword and wiping the **** with Blood phoenix. He wouldn’t do the stupid things he did.

Elder Brother Cockroach, this…, I exchange things, you see from…”

Sword chopped off the pocket tied to the belt. Before he lifted it, he was snatched away by Zhang Xiaoqiang, staring at his eyes and saying:

“This is also mine, these are all you dug up after the helicopter killed the sea beasts? I haven’t found the trouble of embezzling your loot without permission. Do you still want to exchange my own things with me?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang was anxious as soon as the sword was cut, shouting loudly:

“Those monsters died on the battlefield at that time, and there were mutants all around. Even if I dug them, I took a big risk. You can’t do this. You have to be reasonable and speak with conscience…”

Jiancang is very wronged, and Jiaohua’s pretty face is pitiful, so that the people around her can see that they are drooling together. This beautiful face sublimates this peerless tenderness to an indescribable state with a pitiful expression, and makes them all So far, they felt a heartbreaking nausea at the same time. If this expression appeared on the woman, each of them would become a knight, and use their swords and shields to win the beauty of the beauty, but in A man appeared…, all the men shivered and stepped back carefully.

“Even if I die on the battlefield, my stuff is not something anyone can make an idea…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang is exceptionally strong at the moment, making Jian Jian somewhat unsure how to be good. At this moment, he is still surrounded by killing intent of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Without this layer of killing intent, he would not be so soft. killing intent is constantly impacting his body and mind, Affecting his thinking, said a bunch of things he would never say. It fell in the eyes of Chen Yu but burned his brain almost exploded. Sword chopping was the idol and surpassing goal in his heart, how could this be?

“Enough is enough, sword slashing brother, you can’t do this…”

A sudden roar broke Jianjian’s increasingly weak begging, and at the same time made Zhang Xiaoqiang turn his head to look at angry Chen Yu…….

“I can’t help it. Evolution and those armed people can’t stop the seaside mutant beasts. Even if I ignite the whole city, it’s useless. Without enough fuel, these steel and cement can’t burn at all. There is a shortage of materials and materials, and the steel is seriously corroded. It is impossible to use it as a material for building fortifications. Even if it can be used, it may not be able to block those mutant beasts. You have not watched the video. Once the monster, which is hundreds of a meter in height in the sea, comes ashore , Even if a hundred helicopters are not always possible, if you just find someone to direct you, I will kill the mutant beast below…”

The sword cut is finally honest, and the Firebird scimitar is still in his hands. In addition, all the high-quality materials, colloids and crystal nuclei he collected have been confiscated by Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang is officially confirmed with the sword cut. In terms of debt, Firebird Scimitar is the best weapon in the hands of Zhang Xiaoqiang. The fourth-level mutant beast is the most high-end mutant so far. The price is naturally very expensive. According to Zhang Xiaoqiang, the material of the fourth-level mutant beast is only the one in the sea. Hundreds of a meter in height sea beasts can barely compare, if the sword can kill the sea beasts, he will give him the Firebird machete, if not. In exchange for the colloids of the same grade, in order not to let the sword cut lose, he also told Jianjian to buy the price of the mutant beast colloid, because not every fourth-grade mutant beast will have a firebird machete like this High-quality natural weapons, so the price of ten colloids, of course, does not necessarily have to be level four, if it is lower than level four, each time it is lowered, it will increase by a hundred times, which is also fair, according to Zhang Xiaoqiang , A fourth-level mutant beast can easily kill a hundred third-level mutant beasts.

As a result, Jian Jian will bear huge debts. He has to hand over ten fourth-level mutant animal colloids. These colloids must be obtained by him alone, and can not rely on weapons such as aircraft cannons, otherwise they will be killed. It’s also public. The public is naturally Zhang Xiaoqiang. It’s impossible to grab Zhang Xiaoqiang. Ten tenth-grade colloids are equivalent to one thousand third-grade colloids. According to Zhang Xiaoqiang, ten four-level mutant beasts can absolutely Kill thousands of third-level mutant beasts. As for the length of time, it is not Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s ability to judge. The ability of sword slicing cannot solve the third-level mutant beasts. Zhang Xiaoqiang is not difficult for him. He intimately gave him another idea. The basic variation of animal colloids can be exchanged. One thousand colloids can be exchanged with one hundred thousand secondary colloids……

When the 100,000 colloids came out of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s mouth, the sword suddenly exploded. Even if he was suppressed in the killing intent gas field of Zhang Xiaoqiang, he couldn’t stop his anger, just when he was ready to give generously. Before the words, Zhang Xiaoqiang added lightly that if he felt that it was difficult to put together so many colloids to buy the scimitar, he would not be difficult to cut the sword, and he would sell it to rent, renting it to the sword at the price of a certain amount of colloid every day, and The bewitches said that if the sword cuts a second-class colloid, it can be rented for one month. As for why a second-class colloid can only be rented for 30 days, according to Zhang Xiaoqiang, there is only one firebird scimitar, but There are more than one Evolution. If it is announced, it will definitely cause robbery. Maybe five colloids will be rented every day. This is still the price of friendship for Jianzhan.

The sword can’t figure out which way to go. Although he kills the mutant beast simply, it is just a common mutant beast. If the mutant beast with a higher level may not be able to be killed, he inadvertently carried a heavy debt burden. Speaking in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang is not as loud as before, and some little daughter-in-law means to her in-laws.

Zhang Xiaoqiang had some headaches after listening to Jian Chuang’s pains. These azure agencies almost gave up their obligation to stop the mutant beasts. It was all about Jian Chong’s nerves that took the initiative to take the blocking task to prevent the situation from deteriorating. The life and death of 180,000 people do not pay much attention to the defense on both sides, and only need to temporarily stabilize the situation.

If Jianchuang can block these mutant beasts, he won’t pick him up. The key is that if he can’t stop it, he will break the Zhang Xiaoqiang event. God knows how Zhang Xiaoqiang will clean up him.

“Who of you has a solution to the fuel problem?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang couldn’t think of a way. He turned his head and looked at the other people around him. The staff members around them bowed their heads together. If they had a way to suggest it long ago, they wouldn’t have to wait until now, Jianjian threw the problem out and hugged Firebird. The scimitar hides aside, and it’s irrelevant to where to go to get some colloidal material to solve this month’s rent. He is proud that if he can’t carry a debt, he can still be safe. When he grows up, he never owes others. penny.

“Who can think of a way, I let him become a Evolution person, the rank is upgraded by one level, the supply is increased by 50%, and the senior officials are dedicated to non-staple food…”

The rewards of Zhang Xiaoqiang are not high. The Evolution matrix of those who have been promoted to Evolution is no longer a secret. A rank upgrade means that they have more advantages than others, and there is a 50% supply. ‘S wives are all provided by themselves. With enough support, their families can live more comfortably, and they have a special supplement for non-staple food, even if they are not available to general officers. In addition to the staple food, the non-staple food in Doomsday Rarely, but any non-staple food is better than the best health products before Doomsday. Evolution people take the ability to improve, Ordinary people eat physical enhancement, it is simply a panacea.

Everyone was still speechless, Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned, staring at the sword cut stroking the scimitar.

“Sword cut, don’t stare at the machete drooling, you also think of a way, if you think of a way, I will waive your three months of rent…”

The price tag of Zhang Xiaoqiang is not light. According to his assumption, an Evolution matrix will cost millions of renaissance coins. Until later, ten Evolution matrices can be changed to a first-class colloid. Three months is three hundred colloids. In fact, if three thousand Evolution substrates are replaced with Fuxing coins, I am afraid that the supplies of a city may not be exchanged, and this reward can only be afforded by Zhang Xiaoqiang. To put it bluntly, it is a business without cost, whether it is Evolution substrate The Firebird Scimitar is his, and he will do whatever he wants.

Jianchuang’s eyes lighted up when he heard it, and he jumped over and said to Zhang Xiaoqiang:

“We add wood, plastics, and even clothing fabrics without oil. As long as it burns, we add it…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang frowned, pointing to the raging flames in the distance and asked:

“Let’s not talk about how long these things can burn, who will you send to add? People will be roasted to death before they reach them…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t think much about it, but said in a muffled voice:

“I only provide ideas, how to do it is your business…, or how many trebuchets will you throw these things over, or how many big slingshots?”


Zhang Xiaoqiang only said one word to Jianci, turned his head and looked at Chen Yu who was standing on the side and didn’t know what he was thinking. Chen Yu felt that he was watching him at Zhang Xiaoqiang~IndoMTL.com~ looked up and said:

“When our school organized a spring tour before, we saw a lot of oil storage tanks in one place. I don’t know if those oil tanks have been corroded by rain. If they are still there, maybe…”

As soon as Chen Yu said, auras flashed in the hearts of other silent officers around him, and they stepped forward together and suggested:

“It should be the oil storage center of PetroChina…”

“Maybe crude oil, is there an oil refinery nearby…”

“It must be crude oil. No one said that China National Petroleum monopolized oil distribution… Maybe they were hoarding prices…”

After Chen Yu finished speaking, he didn’t expect Zhang Xiaoqiang to give him any rewards. For him, Zhang Xiaoqiang gave him snake scale armor and it was already very good, not even the sword.

Zhang Xiaoqiang waved his hands to make the officers shut up, stared at Chen Yu with a flash of hesitation, and then said:

“You take people to see, if it is really oil, even if it is leaked, it will not affect the use. As long as one thousand tons of oil can be collected, the effect can be worth three times the gasoline…”

Chen Yu did not object to the Zhang Xiaoqiang command, and nodded and turned around. Zhang Xiaoqiang asked behind him:

“The last time you went to be caught by Qinghongdao, was it to grab something that the mutant beast can make people Evolution?”

Chen Yu turned around and stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang with a flash of anger in his eyes, and said with hate:

“That news is fake…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang smiled suddenly on his face. He understood the anger of Chen Yu. He wanted to come to the beach and did not divide the mutated beasts, but he didn’t know that not every mutated beast had a colloid, nor every kind. Colloids are useful for those with Evolution, not to mention that there are many Evolution who eat the crystal nucleus as a treasure and wear it through the stomach wall.

“It’s true, if you make a contribution this time, I can let you improve again…”

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