Apocalypse Cockroach: 72 punitive training

Several times, Yueya’er was unbearable and wanted to stop, but Zhang Xiaoqiang riding on a horse behind him would not hesitate to use a whip on her back, letting her use her final energy to run forward.

When she was standing in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang almost prostrate and shaking, the numb brain flashed in disbelief, originally thought that she could run out of 500 meters and it was already scary. If it can last ten kilometers, it still takes a lot of equipment.

For the surprise of Yueya’er, Zhang Xiaoqiang takes it for granted. The biggest difference between Evolution and Ordinary people is not personal ability, but a greatly improved physique. Even the worst Guo Fei Chen Ye can easily kill a squad of infantry. This is the gap between them, the strength and agility beyond the limits of ordinary people, and the bitter veterans also have strong endurance. If it is not afraid that Yueya’er is not used to it, Zhang Xiaoqiang will let her run 15 kilometers directly.

Ten kilometers is just a warm-up exercise for Yueya’er for Zhang Xiaoqiang. What really tests her is still behind. In order to train Yueya’er, Zhang Xiaoqiang prepared a class of equipment for her to scrap.

The ability of Yueya’er is weaker during the day than at night, the closer the light is, the closer the distance can be seen, but it is only relatively night, even if it is closer, it is farther than four times binoculars, plus the sight of the sniper rifle , Yueya’er can definitely see the flies legs 800 meters away, all afternoon, Yueya’er lie on the ground to target.

Five hundred rounds of 5.78mm machine-gun rounds were shot out by Yueya’er. With the accuracy of the 88-type sniper rifle, the distance of 50 meters can guarantee the goal of hitting a dollar coin. The skilled shooter can even interrupt the toothpick, 100 meters. In the distance, the diameter of the scatter circle does not exceed 30 mm, which can ensure that the enemy’s eye is shot at a distance of 200 meters. The slightly trained shooter can break the target rod section by section, although it is scattered at a long distance. Increased, but within 600 meters, a well-trained shooter can still ensure that the starter hits the enemy’s head, and its accuracy is much higher than that of “Hundred Steps to Wear Yang”.

With the help of vision, Yueya’er, which can withstand the reaction force, can maintain a gun-gun ring at a distance of 700 meters after 100 rounds of bullets. It can be said to be a talented sniper.

After a long period of training, he can definitely guarantee to become an ace sniper elite, but Zhang Xiaoqiang is not satisfied, his requirements are particularly demanding, so harsh that even Zhao jun admits his position, he requires Yueya’er at a distance of 700 meters Each bullet must be air-pierced. On the limit theoretical range of the 800-meter sniper rifle, each bullet must hit the red heart above the tenth ring.

The harshness of Zhang Xiaoqiang made Yueya’er almost fainted, and she was aroused by the unprecedented rage. For the first time, she backed up with Zhang Xiaoqiang, thinking that no one could meet the requirements of Zhang Xiaoqiang. As a result, Zhang Xiaoqiang used an old-fashioned five or six rifle to Yueya’er prove.

There are no sights, no gun holders, and nothing to assist. Zhang Xiaoqiang fired three bullets of ten rounds continuously at a distance of 1,200 meters, and all thirty bullets were empty. All the bullets accumulate at the top of a falling point, which makes all the people watching watch dumbfounded.

Except for a very disapproving expression, everyone else was frightened by the accuracy of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and Zhang Xiaoqiang finally found his own firearm, a five or six type semi-automatic rifle, Zhang Xiaoqiang found that the effective range of this rifle was at One thousand five hundred meters, and one thousand two hundred meters can penetrate the 03 infantry helmet. Obviously, with this rifle, he can shoot the range of Barrett. Know that there are only five ways to load that thing, and Still swaying, lagging behind in speed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang shut everyone’s mouth with actual action. Yueya’er honestly consumed the bullets piled around her. Zhang Xiaoqiang prepared 30,000 rounds of various bullets for her alone in order to train her.

On the first day, Yueya’er shot a thousand bullets, the next day shot 1,500 shots, and on the third day, shot 800 shots, because her shoulders were already swollen, and each shot She was so painful that Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of the progress appropriately. When Yueya’er, who was stinky all over the body, returned to the bedroom, she couldn’t even move her fingers and fell to the carpet to fall asleep.

Half-sleeping, Yueya’er felt difficult to breathe, a pair of big hands pinched on her neck, Yueya’er suddenly opened her eyes, her twitchy face with Zhang Xiaoqiang printed with green eyes, seeing that familiar face, Yueya’er felt so Unfamiliar, she only knew that she was going to die, if the fresh air could no longer reach her lungs.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t let go of his big hands, but slowly increased his strength. Yueya’er’s face became purple and blue, his eyes turned white, and his eyesight became blurred. The greasy face of Zhang Xiaoqiang seemed to be farther and farther away from her. Confused, her small tongue protruded and her whole body began to cramp. The sphincter was loosened and she was incontinent immediately.

Suddenly, Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of his hands, but Yueya’er still turned his eyes white, his chest did not breathe, Zhang Xiaoqiang was a little scared, he quickly pinched the nose of Yueya’er to give her artificial respiration, Zhang Xiaoqiang simply did not do this, mess With a sigh of breath, fortunately, his lung capacity was much larger than before, and one breath was enough for him to use for more than ten seconds.

cough cough cough…”

The white eyes of Yueya’er finally turned back to the green pupils. She touched her neck and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in horror. Zhang Xiaoqiang picked her up and put it on the chair on the side, lit the candle and made the bed edge Watch her up.

“Do you still remember the feeling you just made? Feeling dying?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang took out a cigarette, lit it up, and spewed out a blue smoke. He looked at Yueya’er and said, Yueya’er nodded in horror. She was really going to die just now, everything is empty, even she herself is empty There is no emotion, as if I have become a spectator, watching Zhang Xiaoqiang killing myself on the side.

“Very well, remember this feeling, if you want to sleep in the wild, you will recall this feeling, don’t forget it for a lifetime, because the enemy will not let go at the last moment…”

After Zhang Xiaoqiang finished speaking, Yueya’er finally understood the meaning of Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang used the cruelest punishment to teach her how to sleep. Although the time was short, it was firmly imprinted in her heart. I believe that this feeling will become her In the shadow of my heart, don’t want to sleep peacefully in this life.

Zhang Xiaoqiang stood up suddenly, pulled up the neckline of Yueya’er, stared at her eyes, Shen Sheng said: “You are different from your classmates, you have the potential to become a wolf, they have been sheep all their lives. , Good luck will be brought up by others, if one day, they are old, lost their looks, either killed to save food, or be driven out to die on their own, because they are sheep, unable to protect themselves, nor have the ability to prey .

Everything I teach you now, you have to remember, you have to forget that you are a woman, and you are a student, you are a warrior, you are a wolf, your weapon is not your appearance, no Your body, but your teeth, your claws, use your teeth and claws to shred everything to spy on your enemies, and now, your teeth are still deciduous teeth, and your claws have no edge, can you do it? you know. “

Zhang Xiaoqiang educated his first student. Obviously, Zhang Xiaoqiang has no talent for education. He meant to let Yueya’er take the initiative to enjoy the training and treat the training as a training, but Yueya’er misunderstood his meaning, thinking that now If her minions are not completed, she has to pay the woman’s capital.

Zhang Xiaoqiang let go of Yueya’er and still feels a bit happy~ IndoMTL.com~ It looks like a powerful warrior is about to be born in his own hands, and then his eyes almost fell off, Yueya’er cleanly and neatly pulled apart the military uniform, in front of He undressed his face, because of these days of exercise, Yueya’er took off neatly, without any mud or water, and in a blink of an eye, she stood naked in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang.


Zhang Xiaoqiang slapped it on the small face of Yueya’er. Pretty and cute Yueya’er covered her face and looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang in surprise.

“I am not a woman. I want a woman. Whatever you don’t have, your classmates are much prettier than you. Don’t use your body as a weapon in the future. It’s just your cowardly performance. Wolves are not. Will use fur to seduce the enemy…”

Yueya’er nodded, but the teardrops rolled down, and then felt his legs were wet, remembering the incontinence just now, his face flushed for a short time, wanted to squat down, but was pulled by Zhang Xiaoqiang.

Zhang Xiaoqiang makes the confused Yueya’er on the chair, finds a bottle of life-saving Dan and takes one, let Yueya’er swallow, clumsily knead her swollen shoulder, Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s vision can let him see Yueya’er Every trace of skin texture, but Zhang Xiaoqiang resisted the desire, gave her vitality, pushed away the bruises on her body.

Yueya’er gritted his teeth and endured the pain in his shoulder. This was an extremely painful torment. Every second was extremely long in her heart. Eventually, Yueya’er was fainted by the pain.

When Yueya’er woke up, she felt that someone wiped herself with a hot towel. Yueya’er thought it was Zhang Xiaoqiang, she didn’t move, but she began to hate Zhang Xiaoqiang to say a set, make a set, and then she felt a tender Palm moved his body, opened his eyes and looked at the girl who took care of meow.

It’s not Zhang Xiaoqiang, let Yueya’er breathe a sigh of relief, but a slight loss of heart rises in my heart…

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