Apocalypse Cockroach: 612, Angry Night Wolf Captain Four/Four

“Brother Qin, what do we do in the future? Previously, it was the cronies of Maribo who were responsible for the operation of the base. They have been controlled and need to let them…”


Zhang Xiaoqiang categorically rejected the proposal of Lu Junyi, and immediately thought that both of them are fighters. They may be proficient in performing tasks, but they are not familiar with all the operations of the base. Maribo’s cronies may be okay or possible. There is a problem. In any case, Zhang Xiaoqiang doesn’t want to get out of the way. As for management and arrangement, it seems that he himself has a force that is a thousand times larger than this.

“Count the remaining number of people, classify them according to the professional skills they have mastered, and the logistics are uniformly assigned to Song Kunhai, who is responsible for base maintenance, find out which one has the highest military rank, and divide the women into the service department to let them be middle-aged. The largest woman is responsible. The service department is responsible for the health and service work of the entire base. At the same time, let them set up a school to let all children under the age of 14 learn cultural knowledge. As for those over the age of 14, they will be handed over to Song Kunhai for him to arrange.

In addition, control Maruibo’s laboratory and set up a research department. You need to find an absolutely loyal person as the person in charge. Regardless of the specific scientific research, you only need to collect the achievement reserves, select the achievements that can be achieved, and convert them into benefits.

The Ministry of Internal Security was established. All the soldiers from the former underground bases were responsible for internal defense. Lu Junyi served as the Minister of the Ministry of Internal Security. Furthermore, Hua Rong established the Special Warfare Department to select elite soldiers and will later be responsible for ground operations… “

Zhang Xiaoqiang told the two people one command at a time, and suddenly gave them a clear sense of divine initiation. The base management work they had struggled with before was actually not difficult. Zhang Xiaoqiang gave them bothersome troubles in three or two sentences. solved.

“Then…, how is Epoch arranged?”

At this time, the slightly sensitive Lu Junyi heard that all the arrangements for Zhang Xiaoqiang were personnel inside the base, and all the management did not have the Epoch. Lu Junyi words also made the elite of Epoch around Zhang Xiaoqiang concerned.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at Lu Junyi, and he hated which pot he didn’t mention. He had only a few words of contact with Epoch. The most familiar person was Bai Fuzhang around him. Yue Yang just talked and said To put it bluntly, his friendship with the twenty elites around him is deeper than that of Yue Yang. At least they were born and died together. These soldiers have always followed him and are considered comrades to a certain extent.

“This…, they just need to take a breath here temporarily. After dealing with millions of zombie, we can harvest a whole city. Maybe the city’s supplies are not comparable to the storage of the underground base, but for the survivors outside Say, it is a godsend, not to mention…, as far as I know, there are thousands of survivors hiding in another city. The zombie leader has been killed by me, and it is easy to recover that city.

In this way, there are two cities in Sichuan. An underground base relies on each other to clear out a blank area and slowly develop and accumulate. Eventually, the entire Sichuan will be recovered. Once Sichuan, the country of heaven, has no zombie, maybe… It’s a vast land… “

The description of Zhang Xiaoqiang is very beautiful, so that the surrounding soldiers are infected, and the elite of Epoch is also relieved. Zhang Xiaoqiang means to let them continue to fight and constantly clean up the zombie toll city. They are more willing to sell their lives to Epoch. As a Chinese, I am dedicated to my own nation.

“Moved, he moved…, alert…”

Bai Fuzhang suddenly pointed to the Giant that was **** on the ground and shouted. Then ten G36 rifles aimed at Giant together. Lu Junyi saw his face and moved, but did not stop it, let the people around him spread, Zhang Xiaoqiang was also incense Mi’er Hold her arms and walk to the side, crooked in the arms of Xiang Mi’er, and feel the warmth and humidity on her face. An old face of Zhang Xiaoqiang becomes a font.

The metal face bones on Han’s horrible cheeks are condensed with light under the light. His eyes are as deep as black holes. If a piece of paper covers his other half of his face, the remaining half The face is the thin cheeks of a normal person, the tall cheekbones, the handsome appearance, and his thick eyebrows, all of which show that if this man is not disfigured, he must be a handsome man.

The man’s closed eyelids twitched slightly, and then opened violently, then the sound of the bolt hit into a piece. The man seemed not to hear it, but stared at the blue sky and white clouds simulated above his head. His eyes were initially scattered, without any focus. It wasn’t until three minutes later that his pupils had converged and he had some brilliance. Then he coughed loudly. The whole person was tied up. He shook in a fierce cough like a prawn about to be cooked.

The severe cough made Giant not like a cold robot, but like a living human, but no one dared to step forward and slapped his back, giving him a chance to gasp, including his two former subordinates .

The crowd watched him silently. When he calmed down, he began to twist his neck. First, he saw Bai Fuzhang and his men, the dress of Epoch elite soldiers, and the G36 rifle with a style different from the Type 95 rifle in their hands. He struggled violently, looking at the soldiers with his teeth gritted, his mouth growling like a beast.

The Giant is tied with a thin steel wire rope that can be used as a sling. This rope can lift up to ten tons of heavy objects. The entire body of the Han is bound by the rope to make dumplings. Even so, the steel rope cannot be unfolded by the Han. A trembling sound after the bowstring was fired on his limbs, showing how much strength he had.

“Kill…, kill…kill!!!”

Giant only has Epoch in front of him, but ignores more guards and night wolves who are not far away from him. The hoarse roar has a strong determination and strongness. Although his electronic eye is burned, he only has His one-eyed flashed a mad fighting will, even if he was firmly tied, he did not give up.

“Captain, are you?”

Hua Rong finally couldn’t help but roared out. He had to lean forward in the previous step, but was pulled by the more rational Lu Junyi. Giant heard the cry of Hua Rong, turned his head, his one-eyed eyes tightened suddenly, and his eyes stared resentfully. Hua Rong and Lu Junyi, gritted their teeth and shouted:


The traitor Giant was filled with strong anger. The roar echoed in this small garden. The surrounding guards shook back. They seemed to be afraid of being ashed by the anger of Giant.

Hua Rong wants to take a step forward to justify. How can I know that Giant‘s one-eyed instantaneous anger became poisonous, and he opened his mouth and shouted: “Stop me…”

Before the big man opened his mouth, the Zhang Xiaoqiang who saw the change in the expression of Giant first warned the night wolf:

“Retreat… Danger~IndoMTL.com~ The warning of Zhang Xiaoqiang let the always cautious Lu Junyi react, pulling Hua Rong back backwards, just behind them, on the ground where the ground was trampled, layers of grass leaves Silently wiped out, a deep gully appeared on the ground, this gully that engulfed the grass blades and the soil quickly chased to the two, and finally stopped at a distance of fifteen meters, so that the surrounding soldiers were scared to the heart. Jumped out of my throat.

Bai Fuzhang shouted loudly and ran to the surroundings within fifteen meters from the center of the big man. No one dared to get close. Some timid people even ran twenty meters away, as if at this distance. They cannot be given absolute security, and their steps are slowly moving backwards.

“Captain, it’s me, I’m Hua Rong…”

Hua Rong still wanted to come forward to explain to Giant, and even forgot to be close before, Giant killed him, but Lu Junyi did not explain, and pulled a Hua Rong who was rushing forward, he knew the captain’s temper. , The six relatives didn’t recognize it, and they had to wait for the captain to exhaust the fire in his heart,

Giant screamed vigorously, even if it was bundled into dumplings, he slammed vigorously, letting Bai Fuzhang kill them from time to time. .

Zhang Xiaoqiang was incredibly uncomfortable in the arms held by Xiang Mi’er. Besides, it is not the time for Giant to vent. The soldiers above are in full swing. God knows what dangerous position the position has reached. How many people will die.

“Enough is enough… Can you remember what happened before waking up…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang shouted, and Giant‘s deafening roar was suppressed. He immediately looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang. When he was hugged by a woman, he showed a mocking sneer.

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