Apocalypse Cockroach: 507th Yan Qing

“Don’t ambush nearby, go to another road to set the ambush, draw their attention, and cooperate with all actions…”

Xiang Mi’er looked at the soldiers who packed up the firearms. Beside her, the driver and his companion were bitter and tried hard to race the cartridges on themselves. In this operation, Xiang Mi’er actually wanted to prove himself to the soldiers, this time The soldiers did not refuse, a person and a group of people are definitely different concepts.

If Xiang Mi’er is going by himself, the driver is too happy to be too late, but they are going to be killed. The driver doesn’t know that if they tried hard to resist yesterday, Xiang Mi’er would feel tricky, and Xiang Mi’er might not even look down on them.

“Don’t drag your feet when the time comes…”

The soldier pulled the gun bolt coolly and said without looking back. He made Xiang Mi’er feel more angry. He wanted to speak a few words, thinking of the soldier’s consistent performance, he suddenly lost his temper.

“What is your name…”

Xiang Mi’er really can’t find his name. Can’t he call a comrade with the driver? This time the soldiers didn’t ignore it, glanced at Xiang Mi’er and smiled slightly, but it made Xiang Mi’er‘s heart slam, even a little flattered.

“Call me Yan Qing, prodigal son Yan Qing…”

After he finished speaking, he stopped talking and turned his head to check his equipment, making Xiang Mi’er stomping again, whispering in his heart:

“Whatever name is broken, you know it is fake…”

Although thinking this way, he was not angry and shouted to him:

“My name is Xiang Mi’er…”

“Lump like elm, no longer talking…”

Yan Qing’s response was only a flash in the pan, causing her to hit the iron plate again. Xiang Mi’er had a stinky face and turned back to the driver and shouted:

“Come on, hurry up…”

Xiang Mi’er accidentally vented the gas she received on Yan Qing to the driver. It seems that she forgot. The relationship between her and the driver is actually the same as Yan Qing. There is no one who is stronger because Yan Qing is also affected. The only difference between her chances of killing is that Yan Qing is hardened from the beginning to the end, while the driver is sent to surrender.

Four people were ambushing on a hillside, the driver and his companion trembling with a rifle, looking at the clouded sky, praying, unable to hear what they were saying, looking at their concentration, and obviously trusting their destiny Blessing among the gods in the sky.

When Yan Qing arrived here, it looked like another. He didn’t speak, look, or even move. It was like a dead body. Even two eyes were frozen, and he watched quietly at the bottom of the hillside. Multimeter highway.

Xiang Mi’er was lying next to Yan Qing. At first, she also learned the dull lurking like Yan Qing. After a short time, she couldn’t bear it. She looked around, stretched her arms, and made various dissatisfied voices in her mouth.

Yan Qing no matter how fragrant Mi’er is, it is still immobile like a corpse. After a while, fragrant Mi’er can’t bear it, and can’t help pulling the arm of Yan Qing. He won’t move in two clicks, and the third one can’t help it. Increased strength, knowing that Yan Qing suddenly turned back and glared at her fiercely.

In Yan Qing‘s fierce eyes, Xiang Mi’er‘s face could not help becoming pale, he no longer looked down at him, and Yan Qing turned his head to look at the road below. It seemed that there was a rare treasure waiting for him to appreciate.

Yan Qing doesn’t look at her anymore, she is like a curious cat, she actively looks at Yan Qing, her eyes are focused, Yan Qing only has roads in her eyes, and only Yan Qing is used in her eyes. Xiang Mi’er doesn’t know, precisely because Yan Qing treats her He’s not paying attention, but let him have a strange psychology to Yan Qing, men are not bad, women do not love, she changed from a Evolution to a woman with a decreased IQ.

Xiang Mi’er’s attention, Yan Qing didn’t pay attention at all, he was full of the screams and blazing fire of his comrades last night, and the scene where his captain tore into pieces in more than ten light chains.

“Come here…”

The driver is very sensitive to the sound of the car’s engine turning. No one else noticed it, so he shouted first, not long, and everyone heard it.

At this moment, there was a thunderstorm in the sky. The long-lost heavy rain was like a faucet with a valve open, and it was poured down. It suddenly made four more chickens on the hillside. In the rain curtain, the sight was not clear, and the engine in the distance The sound was getting closer and faster, the speed was getting faster and faster, and the driver yelled again.

“They are accelerating. Rainwater can corrode metals, causing serious damage to weapons and vehicles. We can’t stop…”

The driver’s cry made Xiang Mi’er anxious and wanted to say something to Yan Qing, but he saw a stern Yan Qing squint suddenly, the whole person bounced up, changed from kneeling to kneeling, and the rifle was firmly on In his hand, rain dripping down his hair and his eyes did not make him blink, and suddenly, the muzzle sprayed flames in the endless rain curtain.

After the gunshots, a loud noise came from next, and then the screaming sounded, half-kneeling Yan Qing fired at full strength, and at this time, Xiang Mi’er and the two behind them only saw the roll over in the rain curtain. Car shadow.


There was another loud noise, and the vehicle in the back bumped into the vehicle in front of the rollover. At this time, the driver and his companion also started to do it, but they didn’t know where the bullet was flying.

Compared with the shots from behind, Yan Qing has maintained the frequency of single shots. The counterattacks below are quick. The shuttle bullet glides beside him. He is not afraid of it. He still shoots calmly and changes his bombs. At the time of the pinch, the rain curtain below suddenly broke open, and the broken rain curtain formed a vacuum, and scattered countless water arrows shot toward the hillside.

At this moment, almost the entire sky was filled with water arrows. The driver and his companions saw this scene and issued a desperate cry. They met the worst enemy, who happened to be the Evolution of the water control ability. Among them, the power of Evolution who has water control ability will be the greatest.

Yan Qing no longer kneels halfway, stands up and shoots against the arrow rain. He also knows that he cannot escape this dense arrow rain, and uses his most stable shooting method to kill a few more enemies before being shot.

Yan Qing is not afraid to die, but Xiang Mi’er has a pain in her heart. At this time, the only one who can survive is her. Without mentioning the armor on her, her ability to control the wind alone can make her safe and sound.

It’s just that she can only guarantee her health. If you want to take care of Yan Qing, I am afraid to use the big move, the giant wind blade. Once two ways are used, she will lose all her abilities and will not be able to use it again after half an hour. .


The huge wind blade shows its shape in the rain. The huge semi-arc splits countless water droplets. It cuts off the water arrow that came over it, splits more water droplets, and dives down from the hillside. A panicked panic…

The driver and his companion knelt down on the hillside where the rain was flowing, staring dumbly at the pavement re-covered by the rain below. In front of them, Yan Qing held a gun with one hand, the muzzle pointed directly at the sky, letting it be extremely corrosive The rainwater poured into the muzzle, and the incense Mi’er beside him crouched weakly, his hands supporting his knees, gasping loudly, and the rainwater flowed down his cheek to his chin, forming a line of water dripping.

“All are dead…”

The driver screamed first, because his mouth was too open, filled with rainwater, and after spitting out the rainwater, he looked at the incredibly tired Xiang Mi’er with surprise.

“You take a break, let me go and see…”

Yan Qing explained loudly to Xiang Mi’er. With both guns in hand, he walked down the mountain with an aiming posture. The driver and his companions ran over and over, crawling down beside Xiang Mi’er, but forgot the precious rifle. Soaking in muddy water.

“Let’s go, let’s go down~IndoMTL.com~Fragrant Mi’er finally gasped for breath and stood up straight to the driver. The driver and his companion looked up at the incense Mi’er with countless small water splashes on their body. , And quickly got up, because it was too anxious, the muddy ground was too slippery, and even let them fall together and roll into a clay figure.

The driver and companions who recovered the rifle slowly moved down the slippery hillside slowly. When they slid below, they were stunned by the scene before them, and two military vehicles were parked on the road. There were seven corpses lying beside the car, and a corpse stuck in the overturned cab.

Most of the corpses were shot. Only two corpses were cut off by the waist. The rain diluted the blood on the ground into a pale red water. The two corpses cut off by the waist were You Silver Flower. Evolution, Yan Qing stared blankly at the dead body, Xiang Mi’er was not impatient, just stood aside and stared at his back…

The dark and dark cave is warmed by the fire, the bonfire clearly shows the four people, and the driver and companions are bare on their backs, holding their arms and wishing to melt themselves into the fire, incense Mi’er She took off her armor and wiped it with cloth found in the supplies. She wore a tights. Fortunately, her tights were made of waterproof material, which was not as embarrassing to the driver.

The Mi’er, who wiped the armor, said this to the driver, but his eyes swept Yan Qing secretly, Yan Qing was also wearing wet clothes, but he was not as cold as the driver and bowed his head to maintain various weapons at his feet.

A variety of weapons piled up at his feet, including rifles, pistols, machine guns, rockets and grenades. This pile of weapons is their booty. Two military vehicles are completely scrapped and the other is also scrapped. It can be launched. When the heavy rain comes, the other patrols rush back, and naturally will not encounter new patrols, but also give them the opportunity to drive the car down the mountain and transport the loot back.

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