Apocalypse Cockroach: 503, get together

“Captain…, are you talking about the truth?”

“Captain, are our wives and children gone?”

“Impossible, impossible, we were born and died on the front line, how can they give up our family…”

Several soldiers rushed in, holding Xiaoshan and asking questions, Xiaoshan sat down on the wooden bench decadently, threw the pistol in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, and said in a hoarse voice:

“Let’s go…, this gun is my gratitude, we will not care about you in the future, we will not care about those things between you and Hao Sicheng…”

The heavy pistol was placed in front of the Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang wiped his nose, but he was thinking about the meaning in his words. Could these days, Xiaoshan see that he can move freely?

Immediately Zhang Xiaoqiang denied his guess. Xiaoshan said that they no longer supervised his actions, that is to say, Xiaoshan gave up their tasks, and let Zhang Xiaoqiang do whatever they wanted, even if Zhang Xiaoqiang would pay in front of them. It doesn’t matter if the library burns.

The action of Xiaoshan frightened several other soldiers and was in a daze, but Xiaoshan pulled out the military thorn and stabs it in his own heart. The speed is very fast, and it makes people unresponsive. That military thorn comes to his heart.


After the crisp sound, Xiaoshan’s hands were empty, but everyone looked at the wall where the dust fell. I saw a chopstick nailing the black army thorns to the wall. It seemed to be more contradictory and contradictory. Zhang Xiaoqiang put down his left hand Touched the P8 pistol and pushed it in front of Xiaoshan:

“I want to kill you, you don’t need a pistol, a chopstick is enough, you don’t need to die, things haven’t reached the worst point, as long as you don’t see their bodies, they may be alive… …”

The words of Zhang Xiaoqiang brightened Xiaoshan’s eyes, and then he gritted his teeth and squeezed his teeth out of his teeth when his teeth creaked:

“It’s all those kings and **** who didn’t treat the Chinese as human beings. If the adjutant in the communication room owed me a life, I’m afraid we will be in the dark until we die. The airship can’t be built, and Australia can’t go back Now, what do you say?”

Xiaoshan said to the soldiers that his soldiers had a general understanding of what was happening and could not accept this fact for a while. They could hold the explosive bag and Zhang Xiaoqiang together in the same car, that is, they could hold them together and let them know Not afraid of life and death, it is their loved ones in Australia that have exceeded their lives. Now their loved ones who are more important than their lives have been ruthlessly abandoned, and they are all ignorant.

“Do it with me…”

Hao Sicheng came in from outside and stood beside him an unfamiliar officer. As soon as the officer appeared, Xiaoshan rushed over and punched him in the face. The officer did not dodge and let his fist hit himself. Then fell to the ground.

Hao Sicheng jumped violently, hugged Xiaoshan’s chest with a waist, and pushed him all the way down to the wall. Life and death prevented Xiaoshan from shooting again, and the officer lying on the ground with a smile on his face shook his head, slowly crawling up, turning his head. Spit out the blood in his mouth.

Elder Brother Xiao, don’t blame me…, I got a password after I got the news, I don’t dare to tell you, I’m afraid you’re in trouble, today you are forced to say these things with a gun. It’s been a week. There is no news from Australia. I want to have a lot of trouble. If you feel sad and change, if you don’t feel happy, then fight…”

“Wei Feng, don’t say a few words, don’t you know that Xiaoshan is not happy, aren’t you talking about these words? The past is over, we still have to look forward, no matter what happened to the sister-in-law, this account Always be clear, and the family of the brothers are abandoned by others. You are born and die, they treat your loved ones as improper people, why should they sell their lives…”

Hao Sicheng scolded Wei Feng with bloodshot eyes. Obviously, this Wei Feng was the adjutant of communications, but he didn’t expect that he was pulled here by Hao Sicheng, which is enough to show the well-informed Hao Sicheng here.

“It’s okay, Elder Brother Xiao saved my life, it should be taken away, just don’t want Elder Brother Xiao to be so depressed, people can’t be resurrected, they are angry, they can’t toss themselves…”

Speaking and talking, Wei Feng sat in front of Zhang Xiaoqiang, picked up the cigarette on the table and picked up a Zhang Xiaoqiang, and gave a respect to Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at this kind of twenties in nature. The young military officer, Wei Feng, let this guy let go. It doesn’t matter what it looks like, making him feel good.

“This… what is going on?”

Hao Sicheng suddenly let go of Xiaoshan, pointed at the thorn of the army thorn stabbed on the wall by chopsticks, and then turned his head, then saw Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s calm gaze, and suddenly understood what was going on. , He just performed too forgetful, and forgot the great **** Zhang Xiaoqiang.

“Wei Feng, let me introduce you to Elder Brother Mingyue, Elder Brother Mingyue is an Evolution. Before I came here, I killed more than forty excellent Silver Flower priests. I can know some things, which are reminded by Elder Brother Mingyue, if not Elder Brother Mingyue taught us Selling lives for Epoch is the same as the puppet army, I can’t awaken suddenly, so Elder Brother Mingyue is my mentor…”

Hao Sicheng Ke Jiner patted Zhang Xiaoqiang’s flat ass, Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the Xiaoshan panting against the wall, Xiaoshan stared at the ground without anyone looking, his eyes were bloody, the chest bellows were ups and downs, the frequency of ups and downs It is still gradually accelerating.

“No matter what kind of plans you had before, now the Epoch ship is about to sink, internal and external troubles, foreign aid cut off, as far as I know, Epoch’s Asian Legion has lost four, one in Hubei Everyone wiped out, one disappeared in Vladivostok and two were destroyed in Australia.

The tenth and eleventh legions have changed from offensive to stalemate. One day they cannot solve the crisis of Evolution variants in Australia, and one day they cannot build a transport airship, and your supplies and ammunition cannot be replenished. At this moment, Epoch is the weakest At that time, if you still admit that you are Chinese. “

Zhang Xiaoqiang hasn’t said one word yet. It’s not uncommon for Epoch to develop well in Australia, but in China, he and Epoch never die.

Elder Brother Mingyue said that Epoch has kept us in the dark, no news will be disclosed to us, and the Chinese are third- and fourth-class citizens in Australia, which is enough to show that there is no future to follow Epoch. Yes, we are all descendants of Yanhuang, how can the things left by our ancestors be cheap to outsiders? Or should we take insurance in the hands of the Chinese…”

Hao Sicheng has not missed the opportunity to attach to Zhang Xiaoqiang. The starting point of the two is different, but the benefits are the same. Wei Feng smoked a cigarette and did not say that, secretly paying attention to Xiaoshan. Several other soldiers also looked at their captain. Xiaoshan looked down. Touching the ground, angry and depressed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang knows that here, Wei Feng and the soldiers are waiting for Xiaoshan to speak. Although Hao Sicheng is busy up and down, they can’t enter the core of this circle, and Hao Sicheng doesn’t care about it. He does not hesitate to ask Xiaoshan to join his Under his hands, he only needs Xiaoshan to cooperate with his future actions.

“Have you heard anything?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang suddenly opened his mouth, letting several others look at him, and then everyone in the house heard the sound of a faint explosion. Several people who were present suddenly wanted to run outside.

Zhang Xiaoqiang After the people went out, they shook their heads helplessly, instead of pretending that their right arm was not perfect, they pushed out the wheelchair and went out. As soon as they went out, they saw the night sky at the other end of the mountain flashing red, and the explosion sound also changed. To be more clear.

“Is an oil storage center…”

Looking at the flashing red night sky, Wei Feng said like a sleepwalk, Hao Sicheng has completed the role change, shaking his head and sighing:

“Fortunately, I got two 10-ton tank trucks and hid them outside, otherwise, the oil will be more difficult to get in the future… The frontline troops are in trouble, and I have to rotate back to fix them and get legs. Come back…”

“It is the Night Wolf Brigade of the Sichuan Garrison…”

Xiaoshan, who has been silent for a while, spoke up, and as the night wolf’s name came out, the faces of the twenty soldiers gathered around them all changed color.

“Night Wolf Brigade? Is it amazing?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the fire and asked curiously, Xiaoshan didn’t look back, just waiting for the dark red night sky, and explained to everyone on his mouth:

“The Night Wolf Brigade is the garrison Evolution Brigade. Their equipment and weapons are the best among the garrison. They are good at night raids. They are the main rivals of Silver Flower. Many brothers died in the Night Wolf Brigade on the front line~ IndoMTL.com~ From time to time, some people are taken off their heads when they are on duty…, or if the number of superior Silver Flower teams is dominant, I am afraid that they are attacking, we are defending…”

Hao Sicheng has never understood the frontline. Hearing this, his face suddenly changed. It seems that the strength of the garrison is too strong. If he will stand on his own in the future, would he want to be with the tiger?

“It must have been tracked by them when we supported the supply base. There is no excellent Silver Flower here. If the night wolf brigade is all dispatched, maybe the Nengshan Pass will not be able to stop them. Should we hide…”

Wei Feng knew that there was such an army. He knew how many Epoch soldiers this army killed, and he was not confident that the garrison army could resist this army.

“No, we are attacked here, the front line will get news, if there are not enough night wolves to stay behind, I am afraid that you will be broken by Silver Flower, because it is a small stock night wolf attack…”

In the end, Xiaoshan was beaten on the front line, and immediately guessed the attack strength of the Night Wolf Brigade, but Hao Sicheng called out:

“No, there are excellent Silver Flower priests here. In the morning, the Eleventh Legion came to take a vacation in the church. They will not go until the day after tomorrow. Now they should go to the front to support. Duojie…”

As his voice fell, the explosion became sparse, and the messy gunshot became the main melody. Although the distance was relatively far away, he could still hear clearly on this quiet night.

“It’s already in front, the church is at the top of the mountain, there is a fast path from the top to the bottom of the mountain, don’t go down for five minutes, if the number of night wolves is small, maybe…”

Wei Feng said here that the gunshots were suddenly extinguished, and everyone saw each other face to face, just when they were standing on the side and talking gossip, the night wolf’s raid army seems to have been resolved?

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