Apocalypse Cockroach: 45053 Pseudo-Silver Flower Priest

Yuri drove the helicopter over the SY-5838 supply base. The soldiers and logistics personnel below rushed out of the house and stood pointing at the door to the plane. The soldiers scattered outside patrolled the huge apron in the center of the village. Closer, the two strong men pushed the oil drums, preparing to come to refuel the plane, and several trolleys stacked with maintenance tools were also pushed out of the tent.

The busy scene below was naturally seen by Yuri and Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the busy crowd below curiously. He did not expect that the supply base was so large, and the short-range defense missiles on the hill were recognized by him. After coming out, one by one bears in mind, and at the same time greatly appreciates the location of the supply base selection. In this mountainous area, there is really no zombie that can rush in.

When the plane was stable, the propeller stopped spinning, Zhang Xiaoqiang jumped off the ground first, and just landed, I saw more than a dozen officers who welcomed them staring at him dullly. The military uniforms of these officers were not the costumes of the Epoch main force, uniform The styles and ranks are all Doomsday before, the style of the People’s Liberation Army, and Zhang Xiaoqiang body worry Silver Flower military uniform world.

Zhang Xiaoqiang walked over with backpacks and guns, stood ten meters away from the officers, and swept across the faces of the people in sequence, just about to talk, but saw the fat officer standing at the front take a step, full of faces With a smile, he bowed to Zhang Xiaoqiang and said in his mouth:

“Welcome priests to come to the SY-5838 supply base. Under Jiang Xiancheng, the chief of the SY-5838 supply base, standing behind me is the person in charge of each division of the supply base. I welcome you with a welcome of 120,000. …”

The words of Jiang Xiancheng made Zhang Xiaoqiang swallow the declaration at his lips. He just wanted to say that this base was occupied by him, everyone must disarm, and he was not expected to be regarded as a high-level Epoch.

With the pseudo-anxiety Silver Flower priest Zhang Xiaoqiang, Yuri, a fake Kogan, became insignificant, and Yuri didn’t say anything, just standing behind Zhang Xiaoqiang and these people welcomed him to the best house here.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang and others walked into the house, Luo Dazuo and others also returned to the apron. Compared with the excitement of the other two, he stared coldly at the shell of the black and cruel helicopter, his eyes flickering, I don’t know Thinking about something.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and Yuri first enjoyed a wonderful hot bath. Zhang Xiaoqiang sitting in the bathtub was surrounded by hot water, lethargic. Since the grassland came out, he has not taken a hot bath for a long time I usually take care of it with cold water, and I can only feel the benefits of hot water if I revisit it again.

A pair of delicate little hands rubbed his back gently and effortlessly with a bath towel. Zhang Xiaoqiang lying on the bathtub groaned comfortably. The woman rubbing his back behind him heard the moan and leaned down. He opened his mouth to cover the ears of Zhang Xiaoqiang and drilled his ears with his tongue. This time, he suddenly let Zhang Xiaoqiang raise his flag.

Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know the rules of bathing, thought it was the original project, and accepted the woman’s service indifferently, and the woman got up and left again, so that he who was comfortable was a little perplexed. After a while, the woman came back and kissed his back , With hot water in the woman’s mouth, slowly sliding on his back, then Zhang Xiaoqiang feels wrong, it seems that the woman’s movements have exceeded the scope of the bath.

“Okay, go out. I want to lie down for a while and add some hot water.”

Zhang Xiaoqiang sent the pure-looking woman behind him and turned over to lie in the bathtub. Such a woman is still insignificant. Besides, he should retain his physical strength and energy to prepare for the next moment to turn his face.

The woman in her early twenties didn’t panic or pray, nodded, turned around, and walked out quietly, not long after, she came in with a hot water bottle.

After Zhang Xiaoqiang soaked three or five pots of hot water, rubbed all the dirt off the body, and the skin on his body became red and tender, he walked out of the room refreshingly, but saw Yuri’s eyebrows in a bathrobe He stood in front of him and saw Zhang Xiaoqiang coming out, suddenly showing a smile that only men can understand, making a hip movement. Obviously, this old Maozi will not be as honest as Zhang Xiaoqiang, he should do all that he should not do.

After the shower, the banquet was almost ready. In the large restaurant, Jiang Xiancheng took seven officers to accompany Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang was still wearing his worried Silver Flower uniform, while Yuri put on a Epoch air force. In normal clothes, the two sit in a group of grass-green military uniforms.

When Yuri saw the dishes on the table, two eyes almost glared out. The dishes on the table were extremely rich, cold and hot, with fish and meat, and a pot of milky white hot soup.

“The priests are welcome, they are all worthless local products. The fish are fished out of the mountain pool. The meat is rare and delicate, and the entrance is melted. The pheasant is actually a sparrow. I don’t know how. Such a big man…”

Jiang Xiancheng enthusiastically introduces the dishes on the table to Zhang Xiaoqiang. His face is very proud. The meat dishes on the table account for 80%. Even the vegetarian dishes are carefully prepared, not to mention Doomsday. Even in the previous life, the dishes here are also displayed. Not ashamed.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at these dishes with cold eyes, and sighed in her heart. The pregnant women of Vladivostok are still eating moldy bread. An ordinary supply base of Epoch can come up with such rich ingredients. This proves the strength of Epoch from another angle. Yuri, who was beside him, could not wait to move the fork, put a piece of braised meat into his mouth, and gave a thumbs up to say yes in Russian.

Jiang Xiancheng secretly observed their looks after the two of them went to the table. Yuri’s starving appearance made him proud, but Zhang Xiaoqiang’s indifferent performance of these dishes made him guilty and knew at a glance. This is not the first time Zhang Xiaoqiang has seen this kind of dish. Obviously, it can’t arouse interest. It makes Jiang Xiancheng feel a little guilty for the words behind.

“Simple, please ask the priest not to care, I don’t know what to call the priest?”

Only Yuri was eating and drinking alone among the ten people present. The others did not move their chopsticks. Eight pairs of eyes stared at Zhang Xiaoqiang, waiting for him to answer. Zhang Xiaoqiang raised the wine glass in front of him and took a glance at everyone. Drink it and say three words:


The sign of Zhang Xiaoqiang’s heart is seen by several people sitting, Zhang Xiaoqiang stumbled and said that the uniform owner is worried about the title of Silver Flower, but this is not Jiang Xiancheng what they want, they want to catch up with Zhang Xiaoqiang Relationship, transfer away from this **** supply base.

“This…, haha, everyone eats, eats…”

Jiang Xiancheng hit a haha ​​and took the lead to move the chopsticks. Other officers also picked up the chopsticks to eat and drink. They just looked at Zhang Xiaoqiang and Zhang Xiaoqiang from time to time. Neither shows his satisfaction with the dishes nor his dissatisfaction, so that Jiang Xiancheng and others who are painstakingly preparing a big table are struggling.

Actually, Zhang Xiaoqiang has been turning his brain at a high speed. Since getting off the plane, he has always been ready to turn his face. Even when taking a bath, the rat king blade is hidden in the water. Once it is wrong, he will open a killing ring and kill all the officers. Controlling the soldiers and logistics personnel below, the location chosen by Epoch is really good, the danger outside cannot come in, and the danger inside cannot run out.

As long as you remove this stronghold, Zhang Xiaoqiang can lay a nail here~IndoMTL.com~ There is a helicopter as a means of transportation, you can firmly control this place, but this group of officers who seem to be Epoch to the Seventh Army Without the knowledge of the destruction, he dedicated himself to them and seemed to beg for him.

Zhang Xiaoqiang looked at the group of officers in front of him with cold eyes and repeatedly calculated and decided to do the final test. If his identity was not revealed, it would be equivalent to laying a nail inside Epoch.

“I came from Vladivostok, China is not very familiar with inland, you tell me something, what is the news recently?”

Zhang Xiaoqiang put down the chopsticks, easily leaned on the back of the chair, and gazed at the eyes of Jiang Xiancheng. When he put down the chopsticks, the few people present at the same time put down the chopsticks and sat upright, allowing Zhang Xiaoqiang to have a more intuitive understanding of his military uniform.

“Well, I don’t know what direction the priest is asking. We have limited signals here. The satellite phone didn’t have a high-level office last week. I contacted. Now we can be regarded as an island, and it’s not very clear to the outside.”

Jiang Xiancheng said indifferently, not because he didn’t want to say, but he really didn’t know that their supply point was just a second-line supply point. Usually no one paid attention to simply, sometimes ten days and a half months, the senior management would call to ask For a moment, more often, they are forgotten here and nobody cares, otherwise, whether officers or soldiers want to fall out here, the days of guarding here are really difficult.

“I need any information you know. The situation on the Vladivostok side is not very good. I came to seek help. If your information is useful, I will remember you and you will get the return you deserve…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang said proudly in the tone of the superior, as if to prove his words, Yuri beside him cleaned the plate in front of him, got up and moved several dishes in front of Jiang Xiancheng to himself, and then buried his head to eat madly. It doesn’t look much better than refugees.

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