Apocalypse Cockroach: 417, former provocateur three/four more

“Kakaka · · · ·

Huang Quan’s eyes searched carefully on the surrounding lake, and he still held empty bullets with bullets in his hands. Although he indirectly saved the two players, he was not proud of it. He thought it was just his luck. Those who chat or do nothing and enjoy leisurely can take half of the sense of responsibility, I believe they will also find out.

When the magazine in his hand was full, he inserted the magazine into the magazine case on his body and picked up the rifle to continue vigilance. Huang Quan put the bullet on the magazine and fell into the eyes of Lu Xiaobu. He slapped him on the face The heads of the players beside him shouted in a low voice: “Look at the others, what are you doing, there are a total of six magazines, all of them emptied, you stabbed with a knife?”

Lu Xiaobu is more and more satisfied with Huang Quan. He is an active-duty soldier. Look at how conscious others are. Huang Quan is his person. Huang Quan has a face, which means he also has a face. As long as Huang Quan performs well, Zhang Xiaoqiang may reduce his The punishment, otherwise why so many people, including him did not find anything close, but Huang Quan found it, this is the battlefield alertness.

The fleet around the siege slowly approached the small island not far away, but also the largest island they saw. The whole island was surrounded by countless reeds, if not the small one. There is a small hill on the island, and I really don’t know until I approach it. There is such a large island hidden in the lush reeds.

Looking at the land in front of them, some team members were relieved. They adjusted the direction of the boats under them and made preparations for landing at any time. In the process, some boats on the outermost side inevitably fell. single.

“Wow, · · · · · · ·” bursts of water, and on the side of a small boat, a large water tank is thick and thin, and a three-meter-long cylindrical fish tail comes out of the water. under.

The huge fish tail looks cylindrical at first glance, and the cylinder is flat at first glance. The dark skin of the fish is covered with white scales like snake skin. On the midline of the ridge, the dorsal fin is half a meter long. Where it is not in the water, it extends all the way to the caudal fin, and the thorns of the prop fins that support the diaphragm are raised close to the scale of the membrane and stand like barbs.

At the very end of the giant fish tail, the tail fin shaped like a big fan fan spread freely in the air, forming a huge screen, which was hitting the boat with a strong force.

There is no vortex formed in the water, no waterline at the speed comparable to that of the torpedo, or even no signs. After a burst of water, the dark fish tail appeared out of thin air.

Just as the giant tail hit the four team members sitting on the boat like mountains, countless bullets flashed a little bit of light, and the giant tail that was hit randomly, the giant fish tail trembled in the air, Numerous bullet holes appeared on the wide and thick tail body. At the moment when the 7.62 mm heavy machine gun bullet hit, countless fleshy flesh and flowers scattered around and fell around.

The big fish that didn’t stay in the water could not bear the pain, and the momentum of the thousand troops also slightly deflected after a meal. From smashing to sweeping, the glass fiber reinforced plastic ceiling fixed by four stainless steel columns was swept away and brought a burst of water. Disappeared in the lake water.

After the fish tail that suddenly and suddenly disappeared, the four motionless players sitting on the boat looked at the blue sky above them, yelled, and stepped on the pedal to rush to the shore.

In the center of the boat, Zhang Xiaoqiang carried a CF06 7.62mm general-purpose machine gun, watching the waves that gradually spread out on the water and sighed heavily.

Zhang Xiaoqiang has been waiting for the thing to reappear. The more he reached the shore, the less he dared to care. He knew that the danger often occurred at the most lax time. Sure enough, the thing was always under the boat. The attack was the thing that wanted to surprise the fleet, but did not expect that stealing the chicken would not kill the rice, and Zhang Xiaoqiang came with a heavy machine gun.

After suffering, the thing became cautious and careful. The players did not appear on the water and landed on the land. The players who landed on the land were relieved. In their knowledge, except Turtle, it seems that there is nothing else that can run to shore to survive?

The team members went ashore, and Zhang Xiaoqiang was relieved. As long as they could stand on land, their fighting power rose by turning their heads, even if something really came to the shore, they would not be afraid.

Zhang Xiaoqiang and the team members were a little relieved. In this world, in addition to turtles, there are really fish that can run to the shore to eat.

Most people went ashore, some team members were carrying materials and ammunition unloaded from the ship and were heading deep into the island. The group of Huang Quan and Lu Xiaobu also went ashore, and they were secretly lucky to escape. During the robbery, Huang Quan did not relax. He looked back and forth from time to time in the shallow waters near the shore. In the water covered with reeds and duckweed, everything seemed to be normal. Even Lu Xiaobu thought that Huang Quan was not careful. head.

Huang Quan, who turned his head again, was hit by a force from his side in vain. He stumbled a few steps, fell to the side and knelt to the ground, turning his head to see a big five and three thick player walking away from him. After that, when the team walked in front of him, there was a cold grunt from his nose.

Huang Quan recognized at a glance that this player was the one who took away his rank. This person’s face will never forget his life. Huang Quan just struggled to get up. The “Big · · · · · · · ·” player was pushed by the big five. Arriving on the ground, the man looked up and stared fiercely at the man who pushed him, and the dirty word in his mouth stuck in his throat before exiting.

The person who pushed him is Lu Xiaobu. Lu Xiaobu has a bad look, staring fiercely at the guy sitting on the floor stunnedly: “Huang Quan is my soldier. In the future, I will recruit bright spots, and the person I Lu Xiaobu is you Active?”

The man nodded in a hurry, not afraid of Lu Xiaobu, but respecting him~IndoMTL.com~Lu Xiaobu twice to save people alone, who is not respected in the team, who is not willing to be rescued by the same robe in desperation?

Huang Quan didn’t thank Lu Xiaobu. He had to earn his own face to earn back. People who expected others would always bow their heads, and they would climb up with their right hand on the ground. When they climbed up, they habitually turned back.

This time he saw a chain of water spreading rapidly. A line of water he had seen was rushing over quickly. He saw here that he was looking straight ahead of the water line. Directly in front of the line was the player who pushed him. This player scolded Huang Quan in his mouth while climbing up. Seeing that the waterline had reached the shore, it was too late even to warn him.

Huang Quan’s right hand slammed on the ground to send his body up. His right foot hit the player with a strong wind force. The player just got up and was not standing straight. Huang Quan collided, and the two people who collided fell to the ground together. While falling, Huang Quan hugged the player, twisted his waist, and rolled to the side.

Huang Quan’s actions Many people saw that when they saw Huang Quan bumping into that player, they immediately thought that Huang Quan was looking for that player to fight, and didn’t think about anything else. The idea just came to mind. “Wow · · · · · · ·” A huge figure broke through the water on the shore and hit the shore fiercely. Then the big big tail shook violently, and the huge body comparable to the big tank rushed towards it Where the team members had previously stood.

Then a huge bite of teeth sounded like a thunder rang in the ears of everyone. On the huge fish head, a giant mouth with a two-thirds width of the whole fish head was like a hook, Hundreds of sharp teeth like a razor bit into the empty space. After the first bite, the big fish did not give up, but twisted the huge and smooth body and continued to chase the two people who were rolling on the ground. more than.

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