Apocalypse Cockroach: 409, go abroad

The white smoke dissipated, and the shadow was still covered on Zhang Xiaoqiang. Zhang Xiaoqiang, who was not afraid of fear, felt extremely frightened for the first time, and allowed the shadow to cover him. The shadow seemed to be not very interested in Zhang Xiaoqiang and bowed his head to bite The roasted meat that Zhang Xiaoqiang dropped, just at the moment when the monster bowed its head, the rat king blade in the hand of Zhang Xiaoqiang creaked by his phalanx, but he never threw it out, because when the monster bowed its head, the huge king on his forehead word.

Zhang Xiaoqiang faced this mutated Siberian tiger with a height of four meters and a length of at least seven meters. It really can’t afford any resistance to struggle. The words and teachings he received from childhood to large made him afraid of the tiger, not the tiger itself, but Fear of the fierce name that tigers have accumulated for thousands of years.

The mutated tiger has black stripes on its white body, like the legendary beast white tiger. Its eyes are like candles, with a gleaming luster. The huge tiger teeth show a dark yellow, sharp shape like a dagger, a huge head, and fluffy hair. Even more dignified.

When I saw the mutant tiger staring at him, Zhang Xiaoqiang didn’t know where to show some courage. A carp jumped up and looked deeply at the mutant tiger whose hair exploded, and suddenly turned and ran… .

Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s violent panting, he felt that his heart and liver had to jump out of his mouth, his legs were in pain like cramps, and the strength of his body was also evacuated. This time the longest run, from the afternoon to the evening.

This is Zhang Xiaoqiang‘s most concentrated run. simply didn’t take a look backwards, only one thought, run, run, keep running forward, he did exactly that, and he has forgotten afterwards Why should I run, just run forward.


He couldn’t run. He crossed the trees and vegetation in front of him, rushed into the open space, and looked at the endless sea in front. Zhang Xiaoqiang froze, and then his last strength was pulled away, let him Sit weakly on the rough gravel…

In the sky, Zhang Xiaoqiang had vaguely seen the sea. At that time, because he was entangled with the big bird, he did not look closely, but when he really saw the sea, he was shocked. He didn’t know what to do.

The mutant tiger is just a false alarm. The tiger’s interest in Zhang Xiaoqiang is not great. Maybe it’s just a full meal. He smelled the fragrance and came to find some snacks. Inadvertently let Zhang Xiaoqiang run out. The forest that came out does not blame Zhang Xiaoqiang for fear of mutant tigers. Know that his previous opponents were either mutant mice, mutant birds, or mutant fish. He had never encountered a real beast, and simply had no confidence.

After a long break, Zhang Xiaoqiang took out the rest of the dragon fruit and ate it all in one breath. After eating, he had the strength to look at where he is now, and now he is standing between the forest and the sea , A deserted gravel ground, the ground is full of different sizes of gravel and plastic garbage buried in the sand.

Along the coastline, Zhang Xiaoqiang is heading south. This is the only direction he can go. In his geographical knowledge, close to the sea, north is foreign, and south is domestic.

It didn’t take long for Zhang Xiaoqiang to see a zombie. zombie stood alone on the seashore, as if looking out into the distance. Zhang Xiaoqiang knew that zombie had no eyes, and he didn’t take it seriously. Go, want to bypass zombie, not far away, Zhang Xiaoqiang was attracted by the things behind zombie.

It was a small boat with a two-person paddling style. It was upside down on the beach, most of it was buried by the sand, and most of the milky paint was worn away by the sand. What caught his attention were the letters on the boat. Seeing those letters, Zhang Xiaoqiang was puzzled. He knew some letters, he didn’t know more letters, and he didn’t know what the ship did.

Thinking about it, Zhang Xiaoqiang walked over and kicked the neck bone of zombie with one foot. zombie fell heavily on the beach. In front of zombie, Zhang Xiaoqiang clasped the bottom of the boat with both hands, shouted and turned the boat over Over here.

Everything in the boat was buried in the sand, all the iron tools were corroded, but a few fishing rods and fishing nets had not rotted. Zhang Xiaoqiang found a portable thermos, a lunch box, and several magazines that were already rotted, The above is long gone, and then Zhang Xiaoqiang found a leather handbag.

The paper cigarettes in the package are all rotten. Only the picture in one wallet is still intact. When I saw the picture, Zhang Xiaoqiang was stunned. The picture shows a foreign man sitting on his fishing boat. The fishing boat is The fishing boat in front of him, in other words, is this man zombie kicked off his neck?

“Mom Kya, won’t you go abroad…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang whispered, his scalp suddenly felt numb, learned Mandarin, and was not afraid to travel all over China. This sentence Zhang Xiaoqiang is well understood. At least on the grassland, what he said is still understood by most people, but he went abroad. , He was blind, he didn’t even know how to ask even if he asked a way, even if he was given a map, he didn’t know those foreign languages?

“Calm, calm, not necessarily so bad, maybe a stowaway from abroad…”

Zhang Xiaoqiang persuaded himself secretly and lifted his legs to walk into the distance. After walking for half an hour this time, he saw a building in the distance, a small farm by the sea.

Seeing the red tile roof in the distance, Zhang Xiaoqiang is slightly at ease. At least it is not a house with a spire or vault. As you move forward, Zhang Xiaoqiang also feels something is wrong. Domestic buildings all have a habit. It was built together, so it seemed lively, but the house in the distance was one in the east and the other in the west. A large fence surrounded the house.

At this time, Zhang Xiaoqiang already had a general mental preparation, slowly leaned over, bypassed a few swaying zombie, stood on the edge of the edge of the house, and looked at the incomprehensible text on the doorplate…


Zhang Xiaoqiang finally lost his normal heart, jumped and scolded, the village was not big, there were not many zombie, there were more than a dozen, heard the scream of Zhang Xiaoqiang, opened their mouths full of fangs, and swarmed to Zhang Xiaoqiang Then, when I saw these zombie and Zhang Xiaoqiang, I didn’t even have the mind of the Rat King Blade, and I kicked my feet on a semi-arc-shaped glass on the ground.

The broken glass bounced up and flew towards zombie at high speed. This was just a kick that Zhang Xiaoqiang kicked out indignantly. Unexpectedly, the fragile broken glass was cut through the neck of zombie and embedded in the end. The head of a zombie.

zombie fell down like a domino domino, so that Zhang Xiaoqiang was stupid with his mouth open. It was just a piece of broken glass. It was just a kick he kicked out at random. It was just his habitual control that how could he reach Rat King. The blades may not be able to achieve the effect. You know, the furthest zombie is still forty meters away, and the brain is inlaid with glass.

Surprised for a few seconds, Zhang Xiaoqiang was once again occupied by the depressed mood, and when he went abroad, this was for sure, not out of Asia, and for sure, but where is he?

I can’t figure it out~IndoMTL.com~Zhang Xiaoqiang will not think about it anymore. Once it comes, it will be safe. Both bases have their own strategic arrangements, and Zhang Xiaoqiang will no longer change much, as long as the two bases Mutual ventilation and common development will eventually become a front line one day. At that time, the situation in the whole of China will be different. Maybe the remaining survivors will follow the trend or reach an alliance with them to clear zombie together. , And finally recover all lost ground.

There is a strong confidence in Zhang Xiaoqiang, but he doesn’t know that on the side of his couch, there is also an Epoch who does not know the details of the alluring who coveted his forces.

For Zhang Xiaoqiang, every accident was when everything started again. The loss of contact between the two bases did not make him anxious. With the mood of going out for the first time, he cleaned up his own thoughts and changed various everything in disorder’s. The distractions were removed, and he concentrated on searching for the first small foreign farm he recovered.

The farm is close to the sea. The moisture brought by the sea breeze contains salt molecules. Salt and alkali have a great impact on plants. It is not like the villages in the interior. It is covered by vegetation. Here, the house is still in good condition.

Afterwards, Zhang Xiaoqiang found some moldy potatoes, coal-like bread, and flour bags eaten by borers. As for meat and dried fruits, they became unknown carbohydrates.

In addition to the lack of food, the quilts here are all moldy, not to mention putting on your body, even if you smell it, it’s enough to choke, and most of the tools that Zhang Xiaoqiang can use have become iron slag. Finally, Zhang Xiaoqiang groaned. The foreign people really live in aquatic fire.

Turning around and walking outside, I don’t know why, he remembered the previous news hookup. In the first ten minutes, the national leaders were busy, in the middle ten minutes, the people in the whole country were very happy, and in the last ten minutes, people all over the world lived. In aquatic fiery.

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